First Aid 4 U Gold Coast. Issuing RTO The First Aid Group RTO 32268 in Gold Coast, Queensland | Safety & first aid service
First Aid 4 U Gold Coast. Issuing RTO The First Aid Group RTO 32268
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 419 746 481
Address: 47 Leviathan Drive 4213 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Likes: 425
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22.01.2022 7NEWS at 5.30pm: Meet the brave Burleigh boy who called Triple 0 when his Nanna suffered a stroke. Now, he wants to track down the off-duty paramedic who also helped save his grandmother's life. #7NEWS
22.01.2022 30 and 2, centre of the chest, lower half of the sternum, 1/3 depth of the chest #cprtraining #cpr #firstaid #firstaid4ugoldcoast #firstaidtraining
22.01.2022 Follow the below steps to help you safely flush out your eye
21.01.2022 Although small, anyone who has had a blister can attest that they're awfully painful! The following steps can help to treat a blister. If you notice changes and are concerned, always seek medical advice.
21.01.2022 Anyone who has been stung by a bee, knows just how painful they can bee. But for those who are also allergic, just one sting alone could be life-threatening. ...In the event of someone being stung, follow these steps. If someone is showing the signs of anaphylaxis, call 000 for an ambulance.
21.01.2022 Infant CPR - 30 compressions with 2 fingers or thumbs and 2 puffs of air and repeat #cprtraining #cpr #cprsaveslives #goodlifehealthclubnerang #firstaid4ugoldcoast #firstaid #firstaidtraining #trainingatyourplace
20.01.2022 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..... when did you last refresh your CPR? #cprtraining #cpr #firstaid #firstaidtraining #firstaid4ugoldcoast #goldcoast #trainingatyourplace
20.01.2022 C'mon Manne start breathing mate, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 ... #cprtraining #cpr #cprsaveslives #firstaid #firstaid4ugoldcoast #firstaidtraining #goodlifehealthclubnerang
19.01.2022 Time for CPR Manikins to do a workout
19.01.2022 Friday morning workout #firstaidtraining #cprtraining #cpr #firstaid #firstaid4ugoldcoast First Aid 4 U Gold Coast. Issuing RTO The First Aid Group RTO 32268 #goodlifehealthclubs #goodlifehealthclubsrobina
19.01.2022 Refreshing your CPR skills is done every year, when did you last refresh yours #cprtraining #cpr #firstaid4ugoldcoast #firstaid #firstaidtraining #goldcoastfirstaidtrainer #goldcoast #mudgeerabafirstaidtrainer #mudgeeraba #supportlocal
19.01.2022 10% discount of all courses provided by First Aid 4 U Gold Coast in the month of January 2021. Provide First Aid, Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting, Provide Advanced First Aid. 20% off for Groups of 4 or more.
18.01.2022 First Aid 4 U Gold Coast are pleased to deliver Nationally Recognised Training on behalf of The First Aid Group RTO 32268. For further information please email [email protected]
18.01.2022 New link setup for Online Payment for First Aid (Inc CPR) Course
17.01.2022 If you think someone might be experiencing a heart attack, call triple zero (000) immediately and follow these steps
16.01.2022 #HygieneTip: wash hands when leaving and arriving at a location. By keeping your hands clean, you're helping to stop the spread of germs.
16.01.2022 How do you visualise 1.5m? Today we’re using 3 small French Bulldogs as our guide. It doesn’t matter what you visualise, what matters most is that you keep a safe 1.5m distance from others.
16.01.2022 at and school holiday camp #asc #sportstrainer
16.01.2022 It's International Plasma Awareness Week, which means that if you're eligible to donate plasma, you should find the time to make an appointment! The reason is so important, is because it can be made into 18 different life-giving treatments. Learn more from our friends at Australian Red Cross Lifeblood. See more
16.01.2022 First Aid Training for some staff.... #firstaid4ugoldcoast #cprtraining #firstaidcourses #firstaidtraining #firstaid #cpr Training and Assessment delivered on behalf of The First Aid Group RTO 32268.
15.01.2022 When did you last wash your hands? If this made you stop and think, it might be time to wash them again. Hand washing helps to keep you safe, but it also stops the spread of germs to those around you, including members of the community who may be vulnerable to infection or disease.
15.01.2022 Spring has sprung and the winds are up in many areas of Australia. For those who live with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma that is triggered by pollen there are... websites and apps that monitor pollen levels in various parts of the country. Knowing this information may be helpful in understanding what is triggering your symptoms. It can also allow you to take preventative measures such as staying indoors with windows closed, drying clothes and bedding indoors, and having reliever medication close at hand. It is important to maintain use of preventive medications for allergic rhinitis and asthma. See your doctor if you have any questions or want to discuss the long term benefits of allergen immunotherapy. Auspollen - NSW, ACT VIC, TAS Adelaide pollen count
14.01.2022 Exciting news..... new courses coming soon - Analphylaxis and Asthma Courses and Advanced First Aid Courses. Training anf Assessment delivered on behalf of The First Aid Group RTO 32268 #firstaid4ugoldcoast #advancedfirstaid #asthmaandanalphylaxis #asthma #analphylaxis #goldcoast #firstaid #cpr
14.01.2022 Training at the brand new gym #firstaid4ugoldcoast #stafftraining #firstaid #cpr #goodlifehealthclubrichlands #goodlife
14.01.2022 Stop. Pause and take a few deep breaths. Deep breathing is a great way to slow your heart rate, calm your mind and relax your muscles. Give it a try and let us... know how you feel. To get you started, we've linked off to some wonderful exercises from our friends Beyond Blue in the comments below.
14.01.2022 "We’d like to introduce our newest CPR instructor, Smokey Bear." - Humble Fire Rescue
13.01.2022 Thank you Mel B from Paradise First Aid. I nominated my business for the Triple M Gold Coast Businessess that Rock Promotion - my business name got called out on the radio and Mel called The First Aid Group (who i train and assess on behalf of) to let me know to call.... and I won. Woohoo - $4k worth of advertising on Triple M Gold Coast. Local businesses looking after local businesses Training and Assessment delivered on behalf of The First Aid Group RTO 32268 #fi...rstaid4ugoldcoast #advancedfirstaid #asthmaandanalphylaxis #asthma #analphylaxis #goldcoast #firstaid #cpr #triplemgoldcoast #firstaid4ugoldcoast #mercedesbenzgoldcoast #thefirstaidgroup #paradisefirstaid #firstaidtraining #cprtraining See more
12.01.2022 Online link setup to pay for CPR Course
12.01.2022 Infant CPR - 30 compressions 2 breathes #cprtraining #cpr #firstaid4ugoldcoast #firstaid #childcarefirstaid #goldcoast #goldcoastfirstaidtrainer #mudgeerabafirstaidtrainer #mudgeeraba
11.01.2022 Known for camouflaging perfectly among coral and aquatic plants, the stonefish is the most venomous of all fish. To prevent stings, wear sturdy footwear on reef flats or while wading along rocky or weedy areas. In the event of a stonefish sting, call triple zero (000) immediately.
10.01.2022 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Adrenaline injector CHOICE to become a reality in Australia. It is important that people at risk of anaphylaxis and their treating doctor... can discuss options of adrenaline injector devices and choose a device that best suits their needs. Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) is pleased to announce the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is currently reviewing two applications for registration of alternate adrenaline injectors in the Australian market. SYMJEPI , an adrenaline injector and ANAPEN, a revised adrenaline autoinjector are currently with the TGA awaiting registration and THEN hopefully PBS listing. A&AA is in communication with both the Australian sponsors of the devices. Visit our website for more information: A&AA will continue to advocate for Auvi-Q, a Kaleo product, to be an option for Australians living with the risk of anaphylaxis.
09.01.2022 When doing CPR in an area where people have to wear masks - when checking Breathing, Just LOOK, not LISTEN and FEEL as per below guidelines. #firstaid4ugoldcoast #CPR #cprtraining #COVID19 #staysafe #firstaidtraining
09.01.2022 Baby manikin doing his 2 min plank.... gotta have strong abs #CPRSavesLives #cprtraining #firstaid4ugoldcoast #firstaid
09.01.2022 Do you know where your EpiPen/s are at all times? We have received several calls from people wanting to talk about a recent anaphylaxis. While we welcome these... calls we are concerned that some people have struggled to find their EpiPen during the emergency. Please keep your EpiPen/s in the same place whenever the person at risk of anaphylaxis is at home. Choose a place that is easily accessible and appropriate. The EpiPen/s should remain in the same place so everyone in the household knows where to find it in an emergency in the home. You may consider hanging it on a hook near the front door or leaving it on a bench or shelf in the kitchen/lounge room, making sure that it is not in direct sunlight. The EpiPen/s should be collected when leaving the house and returned to that place when the person at risk returns home. Remember to store your ASCIA Action Plan with your EpiPen/s.
09.01.2022 Our health educators are often asked about the process of buying adrenaline (epinephrine) injectors i.e. the EpiPen. They have also noted confusion in discussi...ons on social media. Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia has now created a short FAQ (frequently asked questions) information piece answering common questions around buying an EpiPen. Read here: For further information about adrenaline injectors and ASCIA Action Plans, visit the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy's website.
08.01.2022 Some training for the wonderful hard working staff at School Plus before and after school care.
08.01.2022 CPR to the beat of stayin alive #beegees #cprtraining #cpr #firstaid4ugoldcoast
08.01.2022 CPR Training in the sun on the verandah #cprtraining #cpr #firstaid #firstaid4ugoldcoast #firstaidtraining #goldcoast #trainingatyourplace
07.01.2022 If you were in a situation where you or someone you know was suffering from an asthma attack, would you know what to do? This important information could save a life. Save it to your phone
07.01.2022 Bit of a pre-christmas workout...
07.01.2022 From heating appliances to hot foods and drinks, there is a greater chance of burns occurring in the home during the winter months. In the event of a minor burn..., follow the steps below. #NationalBurnsAwarenessMonth If you have any concerns about a burn, always seek advice from a medical professional or call triple zero (000) in an emergency situation.
07.01.2022 Are you, or is someone you know at risk of anaphylaxis to insect stings? Allergies to venom from stinging insects (bees, wasps and ants) are one of the most com...mon causes of severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in Australia. The most common causes of severe bite and sting allergy in Australia are: Bee sting (honey bee and native Australian bees) Wasp sting (paper wasp and European wasp) Ant sting (jack jumper, green-head, bulldog ants) Other insects such as ticks, caterpillars, March flies and even bedbugs can trigger anaphylaxis but are less common. Individuals at risk of bite and sting anaphylaxis should wear a medical identification necklace/ bracelet and have an ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis and an adrenaline injector close by. Like food allergy, there are several actions or strategies that can help reduce the risk of a bite or sting but we can never make an environment risk free. If we know someone is at risk of bite or sting anaphylaxis we must always be prepared for an emergency situation. For further information about bites and stings, and strategies to reduce risk visit our website:
07.01.2022 Back at gym doing a workout... doing a CPR course for one of the trainers, delivering training and assessment om behalf of The First Aid Group RTO 32268 #cprtraining #firstaidtraining #firstaid4ugoldcoast #goodlifenerang #cprskills #thefirstaidgroup
06.01.2022 Do you know the difference between a cold and the flu? Although the symptoms of a cold and the flu differ, the best way to keep germs away is by; washing hands thoroughly and often, getting vaccinated, staying home when you're sick and covering coughs and sneezes
06.01.2022 Bit of recovery after some first aid training #rigsrecovery #CPR #firstaidtraining #firstaid4ugoldcoast
06.01.2022 #CPRSavesLives #cpr #cprtraining #firstaid4ugoldcoast
06.01.2022 Just waiting to pickup baby manikin from childcare #montessorireedycreek #stafftraining #cprtraining #cpr #firstaid4ugoldcoast #firstaidtraining #firstaid #goldcoast #mudgeeraba #inmystreet
05.01.2022 Did you know that a Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Course can be done in just over an hour face-to-face with some pre-course work online? Or in just over 2 hours for the people that just prefer face-to-face training? Training and Assessment delivered on behalf of The First Aid Group RTO 32268 #cprtraining #firstaid4ugoldcoast #cpr #30and2
05.01.2022 Today is World Diabetes Day. Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectiv...ely use the insulin it produces. COVID-19 causes fear and suffering for people with diabetes: 1. They have increased risk of severe disease and death when infected with COVID-19 2. Delay in diagnosis may result in more advanced disease and complications 3. Delayed, incomplete, interrupted treatment
05.01.2022 First Aid 4 U Gold Coast are pleased to deliver Nationally Recognised Training on behalf of The First Aid Group RTO 32268. For further infornation please email [email protected]
04.01.2022 If you've ever experienced a blister, you'll know just how much they can hurt When treating a blister, resist the need to burst it and follow the steps listed below
04.01.2022 First Aid 4 U Gold Coast delivers Nationally Recognised Training on behalf of The First Aid Group RTO 32268. #firstaid4ugoldcoast #cprtraining #firstaid #cpr #firstaidtraining #analphylaxis #asthma #childcarefirstaidtraining #advancedfirstaid #goldcoast #cantrainatyourworkplaceorhouse
04.01.2022 For most, getting bitten by a mosquito can be an itchy and annoying experience. But in Queensland mozzies can carry and transmit diseases, so it's important to ...avoid bites by using insect repellent or plug-in mosquito repellent devices inside. In the event of a bite, the following steps can help. If you think you might be experiencing an allergic reaction, call triple zero (000) immediately.
04.01.2022 Look after your mental health and wellbeing by doing a physical activity that you enjoy.
03.01.2022 Happy Easter to all the people i have taught and their friends and families.
03.01.2022 Even the teacher has to brush up on his skills.
02.01.2022 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..... #cprtraining #childcarefirstaid #firstaid #firstaid4ugoldcoast #goldcoastfirstaidtrainer #goldcoast #cpr #cprsaveslives
02.01.2022 Manikin needs a new arm or leg nah.... training for the staff at Custom Prosthetics #firstaid #firstaidtraining #cpr #cprtraining #cprsaveslives #goldcoast
02.01.2022 Defibrillators save lives! We're protecting the heart of our community with various defibrillators easily accessible across our Gold Coast Libraries and community centres. Find your closest here
02.01.2022 Staff Training @ Goodlife Loganholme
02.01.2022 First Aid & CPR Training for some staff
01.01.2022 Treat all snake bites as an emergency, regardless of whether you think the snake was venomous or not. Ensure you and those around you are not in danger, call Triple Zero (000) immediately, ask for an ambulance and follow the steps below
01.01.2022 CPR to the beat of stayin alive #beegees #cprtraining #cpr #firstaid4ugoldcoast #infantcpr
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