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Fish Army in Perth, Western Australia | Community organisation

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Fish Army

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Address: Cockburn Sound 6000 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Great news Amazing what can be done with a no lose attitude

25.01.2022 Here is a good visual representation of the area required for the Outer Harbour, in fact we underestimated the planned dredging area back then

25.01.2022 Great story reporting the facts Calling Dravnieks out for what she is

24.01.2022 How has McGowan allowed her to stay Is it because she is getting the outcome he asked for even though it’s wrong

24.01.2022 Stand up and fight

23.01.2022 This is an old piece that I wrote 2 years ago but it is still valid The Outer Harbour and Special Economic Zone G’day folks...Continue reading

22.01.2022 The Mayor of Fremantle has responded to this farce and is fighting along side us Even called out the hypocrisy of saving a corner of wetlands to stop Roe 8 but destroying the seagrass and breeding areas within Cockburn Sound We will not stop fighting and need you to be prepared to help Save the Sound now

22.01.2022 Save Cockburn Sound from the Outer Harbour Put Labor last

21.01.2022 Watch WAMN live at 1300 to see a announcement about the outer Harbour Save our Sound

21.01.2022 If the Outer Harbour goes ahead, say goodbye to beautiful views like this. Save Freo Port Credit to photographer: Simon Oates.

20.01.2022 We have a interview with ABC drive at 4:45 pm today Get our chance to talk about the damage the Outer Harbour will do to our pink snapper and seagrass If you get a chance tune in

20.01.2022 You have to read this What a farce this Labor Government and this WestPort taskforce is This is WA Inc 2.0

20.01.2022 We have been saying it is all bullshit for Years. #itsnotneeded

20.01.2022 Give em hell Tim Barlow

20.01.2022 Get onto this if you are free

20.01.2022 We will stop you McClown like the Allies did in 1945

20.01.2022 Pretty reasonable questions??

20.01.2022 This is how we need to crash one of his announcements on the Outer Harbour

19.01.2022 We will keep fighting Now we finallyhave the ears of politicians Let’s make this a election issue to expose McGowan and his dodgy harbour

18.01.2022 If we want to save Cockburn Sound we have to keep Fremantle as a working Port Jump on and like the page to support keep Fremantle running

17.01.2022 Beautiful morning at the car park

17.01.2022 I guess that means that CCWA won't be joining our fight, hmmm $$$ much..... RSM

17.01.2022 Have a look at this picture and tell us this area doesn’t need saving?

16.01.2022 If this is how the McGowan Government let WAWater act imagine what they will cover up to build a outer harbour Hang on isn’t the chair of WestPort on the WA water board?

16.01.2022 Rumour has it that the WestPort taskforce has been wining and dining a certain One Nation member who has been elected to spruke about how good the Outer Harbour will be No talk of the destruction to the Sound it will do or the fact Fremantle has many years left in it without doing a thing This just stinks of WA inc 2.0... We will get to the bottom of this Independent taskforce our arse!!!

15.01.2022 COVID and the Outer Harbour part 2 G’day folks, A few weeks ago I wrote a piece about how the proposal for the new Outer Harbour at Kwinana was coming soon, well on Monday the shortlist of options were announced. As expected and predicted, they basically intend to shut Fremantle as a working Port, losing all those jobs and associated businesses’ that support the Port and creating an automated Port that will be part of One Belt One Road. Robots also pay no taxes either....Continue reading

14.01.2022 Save Fremantle Port = Save Cockburn Sound Outer Harbour? #ItsNotNeeded

13.01.2022 Share this one far and wide folks because it just doesn't add up, and the more people, that see this the better.

13.01.2022 We will continue to fight this Outer Harbour We will fight for the Sound and if we win we will be saving jobs too

13.01.2022 I went down tonight to show our support for our allies and to add our voice to the growing opposition to the proposed Outer Harbour. Unlike the majority of recreational anglers, at least this lot will stand and fight, and fight to win I might add! They have been with us since day one and will be there until we finish the job! This is beyond party politics and affects all water users or those that connect with the Sound.... We also support Australian jobs for Aussie workers in our traditional and highly efficient Freo Port. Robots don't pay taxes either. This is a fight that we cannot afford to lose, and I for one am giving it my all. What are you doing to help win this fight? RSM #nonewouterharbour #itsnotneeded #saveourjobs #saveoursound #muawa

13.01.2022 Jump on board and support keeping the port in Fremantle

12.01.2022 The Motorplex is still under threat they have just gone quiet about it.......COVID quiet!

12.01.2022 A project I've been working on for the last few years has finally been launched.. Project Spyvalve, which uses bivalves (mussels) as spies to monitor the health... of Cockburn Sound, but of course this can be applied in any aquatic ecosystem. It's like the canary in the coal mine only the mussels don't need to die, they just need to close their shell, which they don't do under normal conditions or at least not synchronised and for long durations. Hope you enjoy the video and please share as we need a dozen of these out in Cockburn Sound alone. Filmed awesomely by @mark_jackman edits See more

12.01.2022 WestPort are just a fraud Predetermined outcome for Labor was always going to happen

12.01.2022 Let’s hear some more political noise

12.01.2022 The Libs are on our side It’s going to cost well over the 5 billion that Labor reckons with blow outs Plus the damage from dredging will be a disaster Jump on over to Liza’s page and let her know your feelings on the outer harbour

12.01.2022 Too good not to share. This is from the picture on page 6 of the Westport report? (Full report that is). One of our operatives spotted the Death Star in the top of the pic as shown by the arrow

11.01.2022 We all need to get behind this and show this McGowan Government we care

11.01.2022 EVENING NEWS & WPEXCLUSIVE:Public backs Fremantle Port as MUA WA gets support from the ACTU, plus other top stories...

11.01.2022 The Outer Harbour and the New Fremantle’! G’day folks, I have written much over the past 3 Years about the proposed new Outer Harbour at Kwinana but we have barely touched on the edges of what is planned for Fremantle once that pesky wharf and all of its workers have been packed off to Kwinana (the same workers that support all the small business in the area too I might add!).... So what is planned by the big end of town if the port is closed and moved apart from being a token port for Cruise Ships, and hasn’t that worked well lately Cough, COVID!..... Well they want to build condos, penthouses and now this week a Micro-Brewery and Movie Studios, but the plum in the pie is a Dubai style island built out of reclaimed land, right in front of North Fremantle called North Port Quay. I did once call it Darling Harbour on the West Coast, but it is bigger than that, and here is the link below. A few things to note about this; This development will change coastal erosion patterns for a large stretch of the Metro area; The area has extensive Seagrass beds and is a valuable habitat and biosequestration reserve (Carbon store); The area is used extensively by other water users including surfers, windsurfers, kite surfers, paddlers of all types and swimmers; The loss of Fremantle’s sunset from the beaches. As the sun will go behind the high-rises earlier, and the changing of the sunset from Cranes replaced with high-rises; The loss of fishing structure and access. The plans have no mention of public access for fishing or other purposes and the North Mole will never be a storm fishing spot again as there will be no swell as it will be sheltered by the artificial island. So if you are still supporting the proposed new Outer Harbour and live in the area then perhaps you might like to dig a little deeper into what is going on behind the scenes and why some billionaires are buying up big in Fremantle? Do you want Fremantle’s iconic Crane Sunsets to be taken away and replaced by the sun setting behind High-rises and condos? Do you want to save Cockburn Sound from unnecessary development and dredging, or do you just want to cover it in concrete and be done with it? I know where I stand, and I hope that you do too? Fights on! RSM

11.01.2022 The things they don't want you to see.......

10.01.2022 Finally We must stop this Outer Harbour McGowan cannot be allowed to push this tnrough

10.01.2022 McGowan is the reason to put Labor last The Outer Harbour is his baby with big business

10.01.2022 This is the type of actions from a corrupt government Please take the time to send a email Cockburn sound will thank you

10.01.2022 We have always said the math doesn’t add up to destroy Cockburn Sound Bloody rediculous to push on with it

09.01.2022 Tinley, we call Bullshit!

08.01.2022 This is how important it is They close it to protect the stocks Anglers support this whole heartedly Don’t let McGowan destroy Cockburn Sound with his Outer Harbour Join us in this fight

08.01.2022 Cracks starting to appear already

08.01.2022 Even the Libs see through all this Bullshit The whole process has been a farce

08.01.2022 If you are so confident Mayor Adams, run that poll you mentioned............

08.01.2022 We totally agree

07.01.2022 So Roe 8 was stopped by this Labor Government because it was going to damage a part of the Beeliar wetlands. Well guess what??? The Plan for the Outer Harbour destroys the Southern portion of the Beeliar wetlands Talk about double standards McGowan We don’t need the outer harbour Stand up and fight to save Cockburn Sound and the Beeliar wetlands

07.01.2022 Sunday Times today. Save the Sound. It’s Not Needed !

06.01.2022 One of the creatures who will suffer once the dredges turn Cockburn Sound into a silty swamp. Current depth 10-12m. Planned depth of Outer Harbour channel 18m.... The silt plume will smother the sea grasses throughout Cockburn Sound. And they can’t live in 18m of water, so they can’t regrow.

06.01.2022 Gaining traction RSM

06.01.2022 The science still doesn't stack up and they have falsified figures to make it all work.......

06.01.2022 Looks like Labor is running Fremantle port down to justify destroying Cockburn Sound

06.01.2022 Not if we can help it!!!

05.01.2022 It's a beautiful day in the Port of Fremantle, as we head toward Spring. The North Quay cranes are working on the Singapore-registered Kotah Lembah, a Roll-on ...Roll-off vessel unloading steadily over the water, the general cargo ship AEC Diligence is preparing to load at Berth 2 northside, and various improvement works happening around the Inner Harbour, if you look closely. Container trade figures not too bad for the commencement of the financial year, but it's early days yet and we remain on high alert re COVID-19. Have a great morning, Freo! #thisisfremantle #portlife #flotsamandjetsam See more

05.01.2022 If you are a diver please give a hand

04.01.2022 EXCLUSIVE LIVE: A major union meeting is underway to decide the next move to save Fremantle Port. A close door debate will be held later this afternoon in Perth. We will have the latest as the matter unfolds.

04.01.2022 Send Mark McGowan a Christmas card telling him to keep his hands off of Cockburn Sound and what he can do with his Outer Harbour

04.01.2022 A port too far! Since January 2018 I have been involved in the fight against the proposed Outer Harbour in Cockburn Sound for many reasons, including social, Indigenous and Colonial Heritage sites, and employment, environmental and marine life related issues, amongst many others. The more I got involved, the more suspicious I became about its potential effects on the environment....Continue reading

03.01.2022 The naming and shaming begins.....

03.01.2022 Now they want a fertiliser plant right in the Sound Enough is enough Send some feed back to City of Rockingham McGowan has no morals at all

03.01.2022 Our allies are gearing up

02.01.2022 Money over the environment

02.01.2022 Far better than Labor

01.01.2022 So why are we spending billions on a new port we don’t need?

01.01.2022 Pretty honoured to make the front page of the MUA magazine. Fish Army recognises the MUA as our longest ally and staunchest comrades in arms in this fight. They support us and we support them in this fight.... RSM #savefreoport #saveoursound #nonewouterharbour #itsnotneeded Oh and PS a little birdie has tipped us off to some possibly interesting announcements during tomorrow.... Just sayin.....

01.01.2022 Great win with common sense being used by the Feds Shows people power can stop McGowans WA inc 2.0 interests Are you prepared to stand up and be heard? Let us know if you are up for the fight

01.01.2022 Voting time Put Labor last Tell McGowan we don’t want a outer harbour

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