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Fishing Sydney Tours
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 481 120 600
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25.01.2022 Too easy to forget these guys while living in the big city ...
25.01.2022 Well , I usually dont get involved in politics , its not really my cup of tea , the ins and outs of personalities , policies , promises etc ... usually because history has so painfully proven that whatever "promises" are put forward end up being conveniently forgotten not long after the election .... also that the major two parties have demonstrated with more and more evidence in recent times that neither of them are fit to govern anyway ... the disgraceful treatment of o...ur farmers , the Murray Darling fiasco , the hospital shams , the backhanded deals with wealthy financial donors at the expense of our environment etc , etc , etc ..... not even to mention the sinister lies and deceptions of the dodgy "marine parks" .... you could go on forever ... so with that in mind , tomorrow I will be voting for an independent for the first time ever , for a group that are at least focussed on one key aspect of our lives ... our ability to go fishing .. regardless of the fact that the extremist Green element insist that it is not our right .. but our privilege ... and even that should be taken away from us. If you would love to keep fishing and also send a message to the two majors that enough is enough , please cast yours for someone who is genuinely concerned with our issue , The SFFP ... the only way our fishing way of life will continue ... its easy , just put a 1 in the box next to their name above the thick green line ... done. See more
24.01.2022 So a bit of an overdue update , the winter just gone had the Harbour on it's game across the board , schools of surface fish consistent throughout the lower and upper Harbour , Salmon , Kings and recently Mack Tuna , the majority of our fish taken on Sugapen style surface walkers. The Bream and Blackfish season was the best I can recall for at least a decade , the Bream fishing was all in shallow water , a metre or less , with quality fish throughout the lower harbour. At on...e point we did 9 trips in a row for fish over 40cm on every trip with young Max's fish below here the best at 46 cm. One thing to note was that all the 40+ fish spat out bits of black rock crab , we were fishing the tops of the high around rock ledges and I susupect those bigger fish were up there looking for any stray crabs knocked off the ledges by ferry wakes or whatever ... the lure and fly guys to do worse that look at these areas with crab patterns on the tops of the high tides. The Wash fishing was consistent as usual throughout the winter with the average Black Drummer around the 2 kg mark , these fish are quite doable for the new guys provided your fishing a stiff drag and don't don't pull any punches on the hookup :) ... Annelies first try resulted in a nice fish below here. The Kings have been consistent throughout the winter and now a fresh batch of fish have moved in , numbers throughout the lower harbour now on almost every spot .. the better fish are picky though so you want your fresh squid. The King fishing should only get better thoughout the lower reaches from here on in.
24.01.2022 Bucket loads of Kings in the Harbour at the moment , everywhere you go on just about any bait. Justin from California into them on the light gear today.
23.01.2022 This is the link to our main website with all fishing trip options available (8 in total) and all relevant pricing and details (top left hand corner under "pricing and booking" or the blue "view our rates" tab ...
23.01.2022 Harbour still fishing well for Kings , young Alex , Andre and Nick came out looking for their first legal fish. The kids are just so keen !! , everyone got dragged around a bit and everyone went home with their PBs ... so fun fishing with the kids ..
23.01.2022 Apologies for no posting for a while folks .... as everyone is pretty much aware , their are just truckloads of rat Kings about at the moment ... I think the only way you could not catch one just now would be to stay at home .... but unfortunately the ratio of above legal fish to rats is about a 1:30 ... or more .. so take plenty of baits .. We went today in some really ordinary conditions with Tom , Pete , Lea and Olivia from the UK , with Tom being the only with fishing... experience. The original plan was to fish offshore , but once we got a good look at the conditions , no one was really keen so that was shelved and we just did the rounds in the harbour. The Kings were just nuts on the run out tide and we emptied the bait tank once and went back to refill .. we just fished 2 rods because I actually couldnt bait 4 fast enough , the fish were literally under the boat .... Liv and Lea had to tag team rods at the end So after running out of bait a second time and a morning of constant action , we called it a day ... again , way more rats than legals but the guys took home a feed at least. See more
23.01.2022 Young Tajs birthday today , so his Dad booked a Reef/Deep sea trip for him and his mate Ryan. Ordinary conditions with a bit of swell and a stiff breeze usually wouldve knocked the drift fishing on the head , but the awesome Minn Kota 112 Terrova held us on a bearing and slowed our drift to a fishable pace despite the conditions. The Blue spot Flatties have been around in great numbers lately with some quality fish amongst them with the plastics being prominent producers , the boys landed around 20 odd between them and kept a few for dinner.
22.01.2022 the video from the post below ..... p.s. .... language warning , Ive dropped the volume on this one ... the boys were a tad "ebullient" when the later run of fish came through ..
22.01.2022 Something a bit different ... I had a lot of enquiries at the end of last season for "Deep sea fishing" or "Reef fishing" .. I wasnt sure exactly what they were after at first .. further questioning showed there was a number of folks , mostly new anglers that werent particularly interested in complex technique or all day trips , they just wanted a straight forward , easy trip that guaranteed a bag of tasty fillets to take home. So I put together a shorter trip aimed at , Mowies , Flathead etc along with the usual reefies centred around drifting with a simple straight up and down set up in depths from about 30 to 60 metres using a combination of bait and plastics. The result was more than I had envisaged and the majority of trips throughout the winter have been these trips along with the Wash fishing ... Moe And Gohar had never been fishing before but were keen to take home some fresh fish if possible , so we went yesterday to the 40 - 60 metre grounds in a smooth but reasonable swell and did the drift thing. There have been some excellent catches of nice sized Blue Spot Flathead on all the grounds lately , so along with the usual bag of reefies , they were very happy to take home several kilos of fillets on their first ever fishing trip ..... and with Flatty fillets being around $50 + dollars a kilo at the moment , why wouldnt they ! See more
22.01.2022 So this week we did one of our short Harbour Light tackle trips (4hrs) , this time it was about lure fishing .. stacks of salmon round the Middle Harbour area on surface walkers and plastics. Then regular Keith wanted to try his first Wash session concentrating on Black Drummer .. I was thinking it was a little past the best bit of the season but with the water temps still down , we had a shot. Keiths first Drummer at 53cm was a great effort and he got towelled up by a horse at 4kg+ that straightened a 4/0 3x hook boatside ... still not too late apparently ..
20.01.2022 Right on the edge of the summer/winter crossover water temp wise is seeing some contradictions catch wise at the moment. We did another Reef Bash during the week with Julie and family. Julie had never been fishing before , and so the offshore Flatties were the perfect starter , with the cold water down deep still present , there are still big numbers of Blue Spots around with some good size specimens amongst them.... With the Harbour holding its temperature early on better than offshore as usual , a few of the summer time weirdities are starting to showing up , with Brandon from the US picking up this Eastern Maori Rock Cod on a squid head ... never having caught one before , I wasnt sure if it was on the threatened species list like , for example , the Black Cod , so we released it ... a couple of hours later , my mate Craig McGill tells me its not so and its the best eating fish youll find in the Harbour ...
20.01.2022 With the water temps starting to fall , we had a welcome and tasty interloper to the Harbour Kingfish fest yesterday .. Ill take this one panfried in butter over a Kingy any day ..
19.01.2022 A nice run of Jewies in the lower Harbour at the moment and Kings consistent as usual on squid baits and plastics.
19.01.2022 We went with young Arman and his dad from Boston MA today , hed never fished for Kings before , but after a few rats and one solid butt kicking , he decked his first decent King ... apparently they go better than Striped Bass ..
19.01.2022 Some nice squid around at the moment ..... I can usually dodge them ok , but one of the buggers scored a bullseye today , and of course they dont stain white fibreglass much at all ! ...
18.01.2022 Now that we are into October and the Snapper season is "officially" rolling , I am pleased to say that I have been invited by the folks at Sneakyfisho (formerly Fishouttawater) at Pittwater rd. Brookvale to do a presentation on Snapper on Tuesday the 15th , 7.00pm .... (theyre even laying on pizza and beer ) We will be discussing all things Snapper encompassing deep water and shallow water techniques , gear , baits , lures and set ups. In an attempt to cover all angling ex...perience levels , I will discuss the techniques , gear , setups I use on charter and also my own preferred techniques and approaches when fishing off charter. There will be a Q&A session at the end for those who want to clarify anything or maybe the more experienced who are wanting to pick the brain for a new angle ... my clients will testify that I am not one to hold back anything , I believe that anyone willing to put in the effort should have access to what some may call "the good oil" .. .... so dont be afraid to ask ! .. See more
18.01.2022 It was with great joy today I arrived at Hyde Park to be greeted with the sight of almost 5000 passionate dedicated fisher people who refused to be lied to , deceived and cheated any longer !! Ive been in this game for a long time .. I won my first Club competition in 1973 , I was 7 years old .. and Id been fishing long before that. In all of that time , apathy was always our biggest nemesis .. we had the old "shell be right mate" thing going on ... and paid the price acco...rdingly .. For decades , we sat by and watched as bit by bit the radical Green extremists and mindless inner city latte sippers chipped away at our freedoms without the slightest concern for others and even less grasp of reality. And this time they were prepared to deal the final blow .. For decades now they have prodded , kicked and derided the sleeping giant .. but now he has woken .. and hes realised that he is strong .. they fear him now !! , and well they should ... But this war is only just starting !! ... He must remember that he can never again be caught napping ! , that his only way to survive is to be constantly vigilant and fight wherever and whenever necessary !! .... the sword can never again be sheathed. Congratulations to ALL soldiers who made the effort !!
17.01.2022 We did a Harbour King trip amongst the Reef bashes this week , a lot of rats at first , then a big seal taking up residence and putting the fish to flight ... but some reasonable fish coming towards the end ... Its shaping up for a good summer .. Video to follow ...
17.01.2022 Congratulations to all who did their bit yesterday , the people of NSW have spoken and our voice is getting louder ! We will be lied to and pushed around no longer !
17.01.2022 The massive effort by the Stop the Lockout crew and the tens of thousands of anglers that stood up to be counted , has now been put before parliament with SFFP Member Phillip Donato taking it right to them !! .... interesting to note that the clueless Minister Gabrielle Upton , a substantial force behind this draconian attempt to stop us all from enjoying our pastime , got up and walked out in a hissy fit ! .... make sure you remember when voting time comes in March
16.01.2022 Well done to all involved in the march to save our fishing last week !! ... absolutely awesome to see the passion and the resolve displayed to fight the vocal minority that would have the world stop doing anything they dont agree with ...... Anyhoo , back to the fishing !! I did a wash fishing trip with James and Sam from the UK that wanted to try something different .. wash fishing is about as different as youll get from the standard kingfish thing , and they were up f...or it ! Some great fishing to be had in the washes at the moment , numbers of quality , arm bending Black Drummer to be found ! See more
15.01.2022 Wow ...... just wow ....... just when you thought the full extent of the NSW DPIs lies and deceptions in regards to your fishing had been uncovered , check this ... Here is an article (link at bottom) from one of the south coasts news lines in regards to Simon James Horvaths investigations into the shady goings on at the DPI in regards to the dodgy "Marine parks" .. Remember all the "consultations" , "submissions" and "listening to your concerns" that were undertaken in r...egards to surveys , writing to MPs etc ?? .. because your thoughts and opinions are so "valued" ?? Well, as suspected , your opinions and concerns mean nothing to them .... it was all for nothing !!! THE ENTIRE GAME WAS RIGGED AND THEIR OUTCOME REACHED BEFORE A SINGLE SUBMISSION WAS EVER RECEIVED !!! Also enclosed here is an excerpt from the main article that cuts to the chase regarding the "Marxan tool" or the computer program that was used to determine the extent of the Lockouts .... turns out that that this particular little gem can be "doctored" to produce any particular outcome that the DPI desire !! ... and thats exactly what happened ! Your opinions and concerns are irrelevant ... they will go ahead with their own particular agenda to stop you fishing , and you the people who pay their salaries , can just cop it ... Angry yet ?? ... and so you should be ... The DPI and its management must have the torch put to them for this travesty ... they have no right to be in their positions and must be exposed for what they have done ... And the current government must also pay for their blind support of this farce come election time in March. Stay in contact with Stop the Lockouts page for more as it comes to light ... On a slightly more positive note .... there has been some stonking Bream cruising the harbour foreshores just now ..... got this one the other day on a 6lb handline fishing for baitfish ...
14.01.2022 The Deep sea/Reef thing which started as a bit of an experiment has proven to be extremely popular this whole winter , its been ultra consistent and productive lately with nice bags of quality table fish every trip. Today was with John , son Joo , Danette and Mira , a reasonably stiff s/west wind at first , combined with an uphill current would have made the drift a major pain if it wasnt for the autopilot on the Terrova 112 ... the things a godsend ... It glassed off beautifully mid morning , and the bite picked up ... Snapper , Morwong and abundant schools of Blue Spot rounded out the morning with a nice bag of Christmas fillets ! Xmas wishes to all !!
13.01.2022 Last go before corona stops us fishing for a bit () .. quick harbour shot with regular Keith still shows some summer time interlopers amongst the Kings.
11.01.2022 So love this time of year ... light westerlies and glass offs ... if you can deal with the chilly starts , youll soon be seeing Red ..
09.01.2022 Always had a soft spot for Snapper , most of our stuff is done on the offshore reefs , but a small crew of folks are aware that there is also a population of nice Reds in the Harbour. Most arent the big lumpys from the offshore areas , but there are some nice fish in there ... my mate Craig McGill took a 70cm fish about a month or so ago and 40 -50cm fish are not uncommon. Today I had a private charter (onboard the clients boat) and the target was the Harbour Reds , we used a combination of bait and plastics , 4 - 5 inch curly tail grubs. We got no large fish today but as usual there were numbers in that 40 - 45 range , we kept a half dozen for the plate and released the rest.
09.01.2022 Recently I had the opportunity to do a podcast with Greg Vinall of the Australian Lure Fishing Podcast at on Snapper with lures ... privileged to be alongside the likes of Craig McGill , Michael Guest , Starlo and a host of others , and Greg did a very tidy edit to make sense of my ramblings .. I hope its of some help to those looking for their first good Red ! ..
08.01.2022 Some solid Kings in the harbour at the moment !! I had Kev and Lexi from the States out , we were originally slated to do a Wash trip but the swell/wind conditions knocked that on the head and we switched to a harbour King trip. Some very ordinary conditions early on made things a bit difficult , squid were annoyingly tough but after some persistence we managed to get enough bait. Again there were a fair few fish in that 60 - 75 bracket , but they were moving around a lot , a...nd I went and checked out a few old spots I hadnt been to for a while ... due to the average size of the fish , we went down to 30lb gear to improve our presentation and get a bit more value out of them .. and , as usual when you do that ... the horses show up .. the guys did very well on the light gear , Kevs fish in particular was a great effort on a 30lb leader !! All fish were released. See more
07.01.2022 So here it is folks !!!!! ... the truth finally uncovered in regards to the sham "Marine Parks" lie ... In a concerted effort by Simon James Horvath through a Freedom of Information request .... kudos mate ! Remember the highly touted "consultation" with anglers and other aligned groups to ensure the best outcome ?? .. the information was then supposed to be combined with other considerations like current recorded fishing efforts , threats and stresses from pollution , other... recreational and commercial activities etc by a "expert panel" and an outcome reached .... well , in reality , guess who the "expert panel" was ?? ..... a computer .... your fishing future and the well being of our Fishery was decided by a computer ... pay particular attention to the 3rd paragraph here. At first the angling community was angry that the DPI had just failed in its mandate to do its job correctly , now it is apparent that it was nothing more than an underhanded , sly and complete betrayal of the angling community by a department that is wilfully and directly targeting you and it is time to expose the rats and enact reform or better still , a complete overhaul of the DPI is warranted. Minister Niall Blair is directly at fault with this and the Libs/Nats must pay for their sins at the upcoming March election ... make them pay people !! Please share this far and wide , as the community needs to know the truth !! .. and keep in touch with the Stopthelockouts page as more is revealed.
07.01.2022 The Harbour hitting its wintertime straps at the moment ! I had Artie from NZ today who took the boat for himself , so he had all the strikes Water temps still holding well and great clarity considering the weather lately. Plenty of bait and all spots we went to produced fish. Consistent action , he landed 14 Kings with some reasonable fish amongst them and also managed a nice late season Jewy to round out the bag (hed never seen a Jewy before ) , so we called it quits ...early. Looking good for the winter ! See more
06.01.2022 Remember the hard fought battle that you all won on the Lockouts ?? ... well it appears that the Extremist element that were behind it all and were hell bent on stopping you from enjoying your sport have not given up on their agenda !! ... the weakness in their original attack on you was that they had no credible or relevant data on on which to base their argument to enforce their hidden agenda ... so now it appears that more underhanded means are being deployed to "get" wha...tever information they can use to their benefit to mount another attack on you ... read carefully this post from the STOP THE LOCKOUT page and , if approached by these types , refuse to give them ANY information , samples , data whatever ... Remember that they are using ANY means possible gather weapons for their next attack , this includes samples , fin clippings , catch locations and any tagging or tagging information ... this is why many of the Sydney Guides (myself included) refuse to participate in tagging ... why give them more weapons with which to attack us again ?? .. they have proven that they cannot be trusted ... the future of your sport is on the line and you are the only ones who can stop it. See more
06.01.2022 A great day in the Harbour with some really solid fish to be had , we saw nothing under 90 with Glenn taking out fish of the day with this cracker .... but be warned , you may have to travel to find em !! ..
05.01.2022 LISTEN UP GUYS !!!
03.01.2022 Fished today with Cal and Brett in the harbour and the run of good Kings continues with numbers of fish 60 and up and some solid fish amongst them , Cal taking the honours today with this cracker .. looking like a good winter so far ..
03.01.2022 For those who werent quite clear on the issue , or who were on the fence in regards to the Green misinformation campaign , here is a video that exposes the double talk and misinformation .... I think my favourite bit was the quote "you just dont know , what you just dont know !!" ... really ?? ... and this mob wants to run the country ?
03.01.2022 Well its bang in the middle of the Wash fishing season just now , and after having been a bit sidetracked with the Harbour Kingy thing lately , I finally got out for our first Wash fishing session for the season with hardcore Drummer clients Jaycee and his mates. As suspected , it was on fire with stacks of fish to be had , Drummer , Black and Silver , Groper etc .... plenty of Drummer in that 50cm range with Jaycee taking best fish at 2.5kg and 55cm ... done and dusted in 3 hours ..
02.01.2022 The revolution that is the Minn Kota - i tracks/spotlock/heading system is a total game changer in fishing now .. it has made my job immeasurably easier and allows accuracy and access into areas and types of angling that were not possible before .. Wash fishing , offshore drift fishing in any wind/current combination and anchoring accuracy in any depth , second to none. Even my mate Craig McGill was initially a bit leery of these ... now he has two :) ... he doesnt want to b...e without one now even for the time one needs to go off for service ! .. Speaking of which , this was the only down side of these things , service used to be difficult at best .. sending them interstate , waiting forever etc ... wasnt fun. Now , thank heavens , Hunts Marine on the south side have an absolute master technician on site , Ange Stama , who had my whole steering box/shaft replacement done and dusted and back on the boat in LESS THAN TWO DAYS ! ... cant recommend these guys highly enough , if you have any issues or even just want some advice , call them .. I wont be going anywhere else.
02.01.2022 the video from the post below ..... p.s. .... language warning , Iv'e dropped the volume on this one ... the boys were a tad "ebullient" when the later run of fish came through ..
01.01.2022 So today we had one of our Kids trips , its a shorter 4 hr trip put together for young ones to kick off with. Young Dalton from the States had fished a bit from the shore round here but still hadnt managed to catch anything so far. So we started him off on a big school of Trevally till he had the "pump and wind" thing sorted out , then dropped a couple of baits on a school of Kings we came across ... a bit of grunting and grinding later he had his first couple of Kings ... fair to say hes hooked ..
01.01.2022 With the school hols on , were doing a few of the Kids fishing trips in the Harbour at the moment. Today young Myles and his mate Sam were out looking for their first Kingfish and theres still stacks of them throughout the Harbour. I must say Im impressed with the attitude of the new generation of kids , even though theyd never caught them before , they released legal Kings today and only kept one and a nice John Dory ... bodes well for the future ! ..
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