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Fisica Dance | Dance studio

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Fisica Dance

Phone: +61 403 893 414


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24.01.2022 From next week we should be allowed to have 20 people back in class! Bookings through @thespacedancecentre ! Beginners 6:30pm and inter/open 7:30 every Monday night vem sambar ! @elzasoaresoficial #sambanopé #sambaclass #sambamelbourne #melbournesamba #auladesamba #sambadancer #passistaimperiodatijuca #passista #sambafit #sambistas #studiosamba #dancers #dancefitness #womensfitness #elzasoares

23.01.2022 FINALLY face to face Brazilian Samba classes starting in Kensington from June 27th ! Beginners 9:30 am Saturday Open level 10:30 am Saturday... class numbers strictly limited to 10, bookings essential! Please contact me to reserve your place!

23.01.2022 The Fisica Dance crew and many of our friends from around Australia enjoyed a workshop with some of the best teachers in Brazil on the weekend. Next workshop will be scheduled soon! You will love these guys!! Método MP!

22.01.2022 Join us back in the studio, At La Encantada Collective in Kensington from June 27th for samba! - Beginners 9:30am - Open 10:30am ... Bookings essential! Please get in touch with any queries you may have :)

22.01.2022 Outdoor dancing with a friend is the highlight of the lockdown week for sure. Fingers crossed Melbourne soon we can gather in small groups to samba together! ,Caçamba @grupocemporcento #samba #sambanopé #sambanoparque #sambaclass #sambando #sambamelbourne #onlinesamba #fisicadance #fisicasamba #passistaimperiodatijuca #passista #sambista #sambafit #dancefitness #womensfitness #fitwomen #auladesamba #southyarra #stonnington

21.01.2022 Loving Samba in the park! Studio classes coming back next week .... Stay tuned. Thanks @efearon2 for the video! #samba #sambanopé #sambaclass #sambabunda #sambanoparque #fisicadance #fitwomen #fitness #thespacedancecentre #passistaimperiodatijuca #passista #sambamelbourne #melbournesamba

19.01.2022 Fisica Dance students taking part in our online challenge! Social distancing won't stop us dancing!

19.01.2022 Happy new year!! Ready to samba? Classes start back next Monday January 11th! Drop in classes every Monday night @thespacedancecentre and Saturdays from Jan 16 @laencantada_co . See you soon Melbourne!! Se eu largar o freio- @pericles #sambaclass #sambamelbourne #sambanopé #braziliansamba #sambadancers #sambateacher #melbournesamba #melbournelife #danceclasses #dancers #dancefitness #passistas #sambistas

19.01.2022 Join us starting Saturday April 4th @La Encantada Collective for SAMBA! Two different 8 week courses are on offer, Samba Fundamentals and Open Level Samba. Samba Fundamentals will focus srongly on samba no pé technique and drilling the importanta basics, suitable for beginners or those wishing to dedictae more time to their samba technique. The open class will also drill technique, train speed as well as other moves and short sequences. For more information or to book please send me a private message, email [email protected] or visit :)

19.01.2022 Impromptu choreo to beautiful music and Park dancing with a friend has become one of my favourite things to do, 2020 has certainly taught us what truly makes us happy @elzasoaresoficial #sambanopé #sambaclass #sambanopé #sambamelbourne #passistaimperiodatijuca #passista #melbourne #southyarra #sambanoparque #outdoorsamba #privatelessons #sambafit #sambasisters #dancefamily #sambadancer #womensfitness #samba #sambista

19.01.2022 Carefree moments ....feel like a life time ago.... but lets keep dancing in our lounge rooms and dreaming of those times for now, nothing can take that away! #passista #sambista #sambanopé #riodejaneiro #rio #passistasimperiodatijuca #fitness #fitwomen #sambaclass #sambaonline #auladesamba #auladesambaonline #dancefitness #sambafit #sambateacher #fisicadanceinrio @silviobarrosofotografia

18.01.2022 So Melbourne.... being back in lockdown sux, but we vow to keep you dancing and fit over the next 6 weeks, lots coming up! - HISTORY OF SAMBA lecture live from Rio on zoom Sunday July 12th 11am - MÉTODO MP samba workshop, live from São Paulo Sunday, August 9th 10:30am - Live samba classes on zoom every Saturday morning at 10:30 am with Sophie... - Live fitness classes twice a week on Zoom with Sophie - choreography courses, live and pre-recorded, stay tuned... keep pushing on, we are all in this together!

17.01.2022 WE ARE GOING ONLINE FROM TOMORROW! all times are Melbourne times ZOOM LIVE CLASSES -SUNDAY 6pm open level samba (ankle weights/pool noodle or rolled towel ideal but not essential)... -MONDAY samba, time and level tbc, start date tbc, BOOK THROUGH THE SPACE -TUESDAY 6:00pm pilates/strength class (theraband essential, mini band ideal and mat comfortable) -THURSDAY 6pm improver level samba -FRIDAY 6pm pilates/strength class (theraband essential, mini band ideal and mat comfortable) get in touch if you would like to book :)

17.01.2022 #blackouttuesday

17.01.2022 Nothing more fun with samba with Marcus and Victor of Método MP, their energy is amazing, even on zoom! Good news! On July 5th you get the chance to take class with them too! Get in touch to book

16.01.2022 I was having a conversation today about when I used to be fit and tanned, stage make up every weekend...., so hard to know when we will get there again ... Let's dig deep, nothing lasts for ever. Thanks to all the people who keep me going, you know who you are. #dontgiveup #samba #sambista #passista #fitwomen #fitness #sambafit #fisicadanceinrio #riodejaneiro #music#sambanopé #sambaonline #auladesambaonline @silviobarrosofotografia

15.01.2022 Join us for online samba and pilates/strength classes :) More info at

14.01.2022 A message from Sasha Sasha about the upcoming mastering samba freestyle workshop :)

13.01.2022 One positive from the last few months of this new world has been access to class with my amazing friend, mentor and samba idol @samba_de_rainha , even though we live on the other side of the planet from each other. Muito obrigada pelas aulas minha Amiga! Choreography @samba_de_rainha , music @sambadochicao #samba #sambaclass #sambanopé #auladesamba #aulaonline #onlinesamba #onlinesambaclass #sambando #amosamba #sambista #passistas #passistaimperiodatijuca #sambasisters

12.01.2022 One positive out of lock down life... Finally being able to take class with my beautiful friend, mentor, and samba idol @samba_de_rainha , even though we live on the other side of the planet from each other muito obrigada minha Amiga linda pelas aulas! Choreography @samba_de_rainha music @sambadochicao #sambaclass #sambista #sambanopé #samba #auladesamba #passita #sambaclassonline #onlinesamba #onlinesambaclass #sambatraining #keepdancing #vamossambar #sambasisters #passistaimperiodatijuca #passistas #riodejaneiro #sãopaulo #brazil

12.01.2022 We probably very sadly won't get to go to Brazil for a while.... but we can bring Brazil to us! If you have never done a class with this dynamic duo Marcus Prado and Victor Allonzo, now is your chance! And no.. you don't need to get up at 4am to do a class on Brazil time nor do you have to understand Portuguese! Join us online on Sunday, July 5th at 11am MELBOURNE time. You are guaranteed to have fun and sweat up a storm as The Método MP team puts you through your paces! Class is delivered in Engish :)

11.01.2022 Well... We loved every second of our face to face class last night but sadly we need to go back online Melbourne.... Let's be grateful for the government we have that cares for our health and safety and we can definitely do another 6 weeks of lockdown together.... It sux but we will avoid the devastating consequences we see around the world of lock downs not being enforced. Stay healthy and I will see you back online, classes start this Saturday 10:30am xx #sambaclass #sambanopé #sambonline #auladesamba #melbournesamba #sambamelbourne #onlinesamba #onlinedance #onlinesambaclass #passista #sambistas #sambasisters #fisicadance #letsdothis #stayhome #sambaemcasa

10.01.2022 HI!! for anyone who wants to join the beginners class at 2pm the link is here: sophie contreras is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: FISICA DANCE free beginners samba class Sat May 30 ... Time: May 30, 2020 02:00 PM Australia/Melbourne Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 869 7029 5318 Password: 707663 One tap mobile +13126266799,,86970295318#,,1#,707663# US (Chicago) +13462487799,,86970295318#,,1#,707663# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) Meeting ID: 869 7029 5318 Password: 707663 Find your local number:

10.01.2022 Sun in my eyes, sweltering in the mid day sun, in the sambodromo of Rio, just a few days before parading there in February this year. So much gratitude. @gustavocegalla #samba #sambanopé #riosamba #carnaval2020 #passistas #riodejaneiro #rio #brasil #passistaimperiodatijuca #sambaclass #auladesamba #sambista #sambamelbourne #sambaclassmelbourne #onlinesambaclass #studiosamba #backtothestudio #danceclass #dancefitness #womensfitness #dancer

10.01.2022 Samba technique and drills every Monday and Saturday in Melbourne! #sambanopé #samba #sambaclass #sambamelbourne #melbournesamba #passistas #sambistas #fisica #fisicadance #sambateacher #sambatechnique #sambabreakdown #trança #footwork #floreios #braziliansamba #auladesamba #fitwomen #sambafit #sambafitness

09.01.2022 Finally! In-studio samba classes starting June 27th from La Encantada Collective Every Saturday 9:30am Fundamentals 10:30am Open Bookings essential as class size is limited to max 10 come burn off the COVID kgs while having heaps of fun!

08.01.2022 So excited and honoured to be teaching and judging at the @brisbanesambaencontro and @australasiansambaqueen competition hosted by @sambaliscious and @sashatropicalia. July 24-25!! See you there Australia! #sambanopé #samba #braziliansamba #sambaaustralia #sambadancers #sambainstructor #sambateacher #sambaworkshops #sambaqueen #sambacompetition

06.01.2022 Last online samba class from my kitchen tonight....looking ahead to a gradual return to what we love... in studio classes, shows, people's energy, grateful for all the support and options we have living in Australia despite the challenges we still face, we are so fortunate, let's not take it for granted. #brazil #riodejaneiro #passistaimperiodatijuca #passista#sambista #samba #sambanopé #sambaclass #sambaclassmelbourne #melbournesamba #auladesamba #sambadancer @gustavocegalla

04.01.2022 So excited to host my beautiful and talented friend @samba_de_rainha for an online class Sunday night 7pm Melbourne time, Australia don't miss out on a class with this sensational Passista, and previous queen of Paraiso School of samba in London. Ela é INCRÍVEL! #sambista #passistas #passistaimperiodatijuca #rainha #Paulista #sambasisters #sambanopé #sambaclass #auladesambaonline #auladesamba #lovesamba #sambaclass #riodejaneiro #sambainstructor #professoradesamba

03.01.2022 Who wants to learn how to freestyle to live drums with this Goddess ?!? Come along to Sasha's workshop on March 29th with Melbourne's own Speranza drumming :)

02.01.2022 Enjoying a bit of me time after learning this groovy chore from @eu_gabrielcastro , muito obrigada pela aula Gabriel. Love this song Vrau by @dineyoficial we don't always have to go super fast when we dance samba! #samba #sambaonline #passita #passistaimperiodatijuca #sambamelbourne #melbournesamba #sambanopé #chill#sundaysamba #fisicadance

02.01.2022 Happy memories of sunny beach days in Rio... #riodejaneiro #rio #brazil #riosamba #passistaimperiodatijuca #passita #sambista #sambaclass #sambamelbourne #melbournesamba #onlinesamba #sambanopé #sambaemcasa #sambaclassonline #auladesamba #fisicadance #fisicadanceinrio

02.01.2022 Last day of early bird to join Kellyn's class on Sunday at 11am! Bookings :

01.01.2022 Tired, sweaty and super happy after 2 hours of solo park dancing, so nice to get out of my kitchen!! Looking forward to outdoor classes when we are allowed next month , fingers crossed! In the meantime out 5 week online packages start next week #samba #sambadancer #passista #passistaimperiodatijuca #sambaclass #sambaclasses #sambanopé #sambando #fisicadance #fisicafitness #lockdownsamba #lockdown #lockdowfitness #lockdownsamba #sambaonline #onlinesamba #womensfitness#dancefitness

01.01.2022 Samba with a buddy in your 5km radius in a beautiful park, this pandemic certainly had taught us the simple pleasures in life are the best, let's not take anything for granted! Thanks @marshapoloz for dancing with me after 6 months of no class together! @diogonogueira_oficial #sambanopé #sambaclass #passistaimperiodatijuca #passista #onlinesamba #sambando #sambadancer #sambamelbourne #melbourne #melbournesamba #southyarra #outdoordance #sambatraining #fitness #womensfitness #dancefitness

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