FIT by Ellie | Sport & recreation
FIT by Ellie
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25.01.2022 A COMPLETE DIFFERENT WOMAN IN 8 WEEKS - I can’t even begin to describe how proud I am of my girl @whitturnerr - Read below for her journey so far. IT MADE ME CRY. FULL BALLIN’ MY EYES OUT RN ... - Q: HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE RESULTS YOU ACHIEVED IN 8 WEEKS? - A: I am legit in shock I was so scared to take these photos because I was worried I hadn’t done enough and terrified between 4-8 weeks there wasn’t much difference but now I see these pictures and I’m like FUCKKK YEAH - Q: HOW HAVE YOU CHANGED MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY DURING THIS JOURNEY - A: I’ve really struggled with my mental health with a lot of drastic changes going on in my life and as cliche as it sounds putting all my focus and willpower into myself and my physical and mental well-being has honestly changed me so much as a person and I haven’t felt this happy internally in a very long time. - Q: HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT CONTINUING YOUR JOURNEY LONG TERM? - THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING MY FRIENDS I AM SO KEEN FOR WHATS TO COME AND THE RESULTS I AM GOING TO ACHIEVE - Q: DESCRIBE YOUR COACHING EXPERIENCE WITH FIT BY ELLIE SO FAR. - A: Ah thinking about this question literally makes me tear up. You find that so many personal trainers are only there for the money and couldn’t give a shit about you as a person, but Ellie you are such an amazing person and trainer I truly believe you have found your calling in life! You have literally changed my life, I owe so much of this to you, you have always been so patient with me and how lazy and inconsistent I used to be lmaoooo I truly am so fucking thankful for everything you have done for me. I don’t just consider you as my personal trainer, I consider you a real friend and messaging you to have a consultation was by far THE BEST decision I have ever made! YOU’RE OUT HERE CHANGING LIVES - I FUCKING LOVE YOU WHIT AND I’M SO PROUD OF WHO YOU’VE BECOME. @ Anytime Fitness See more
25.01.2022 9 WEEKS WITH @nmantellox - Read below for natalie’s experience below with my 1x1 coaching. ITLL MAKE YOU CRY BC THIS IS A WHOLE NEW WOMAN! - Wow, where to even begin!... The weight literally fell off me during the first week and here we are at 10 weeks and I’ve never felt more better in my own skin! (And this is just the beginning my friend) I’ve always been told ‘what weight would you have to loose?’ ‘your crazy you don’t need to loose weight’ - I’ve always had an image of my past self that I couldn’t quite get too, a version of myself that I wanted to get back too because hey, relationship weight is an actual thing, when your happy you get into this comfort zone.. then you go to try on your jeans and well, it’s not a good time is it - I can’t believe I’ve come this far, but without you by my side every step of the way! I don’t know where I’d be through my weightloss journey. - Physically I’ve dropped 9.5kgs, I feel a lot more confident within myself and they way I can fit back into my clothes from 5 years ago! - Mentally, it’s like I’ve broken through this wall that I had between myself and my vision of my new self, I’m there but WE have a lot more work to do! - My relationship with food has transformed completely and without you guiding me I would be staying away from a lot of foods that I enjoy to eat! - Long term, I’m glad I do NOT have to eat mince and eggs, or dry unseasoned chicken to loose weight! I can enjoy foods I love and have a sustainable eating plan without feeling guilty! Because we all love chocolate brownies and icecream! - You are actually such a blessing, I’ve never met a coach who is so attentive, supportive and has the absolute best interest of her clients to succeed in every way shape and form. - From the beginning you didn’t make me feel as if this was a client coach process. You made me feel so comfortable that, no question was a stupid question, no matter what time I needed something you were there! I’ve grown as a person through the way you’ve taught me the many wonders of ‘fitbyellie’ I just adore you and your entire being, I cannot thank you enough! You’re bound to me now, we’re never parting! See more
19.01.2022 ANOTHER AMAZING 8 WEEK CHALLENGE RESULT - @isabella_jovanovski has absolutely slayed the game. She also had her birthday celebrations during the challenge - Read below for her experience in the Fit By Ellie challenge! ... - I am super proud of myself I managed to lose just over 8kg in 8 weeks which was my goal from the start, I also lost 14cm around my waist which is also a really big change I didn’t expect to make. My confidence has gone through the roof I feel like my mental health has done a complete 360, I feel a lot happier and more content with my body and I’ve learnt to love all its bumps and marks because our bodies are changing everyday and they grow in different ways so loving yourself IS SO IMPORTANT. - SO PROUD OF YOU WOW AHHHH - @teagan_fit
19.01.2022 Gram deleted it so here we go again! 4 WEEKS DOWN OF OUR 8 WEEK CHALLENGE - Scroll across to see some of our gorgeous girls and what they’ve brought to the table in one 4 weeks. HONESTLY, all of our girls are smashing it. I wish I could include more progress pics in this post (more to come ). BUT FUCK, look at these girls. It’s been hard work. With Melbourne opening up, they’ve said no to temptations of going out after being locked down for so long because they know ...what they want and go for it. Sorry for killing you girls but HEY LOOK, it’s worth it We couldn’t be more proud of EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. - THIS IS ONLY HALFWAY. Wait till you see their 8 weeks thoooooo - Email us to register for the waiting list for our 8 week challenges! @teagan_fit See more
18.01.2022 Cheers to the next 6 weeks of building phat bums. Watch my girls come out of this ISO looking like a SNACK.
16.01.2022 8 WEEK CHECK IN FOR @nattfraraccio - Read below for @nattfraraccio experience so far - -... Q: HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOUR RESULTS YOU ACHIEVED IN 8 WEEKS? - A: I honestly didn’t realise how far I could push myself and stay as disciplined as I did! My results exceeded my expectations especially being in lockdown and doing this all online! Seeing the difference in comparison, I’m just proud I still loved my body then but even more now!! I have so much more confidence and feel even better within myself - Q: YOUR PHYSICAL AND MENTAL TRANSFORMATION IN THIS JOURNEY. - A: Physically, I didn’t realise how much I had actually changed until I saw the photos! MY BUTT IS SO LIFTED OH MY GOD!! I’ve never looked so lean and healthy! The workouts always kept my mind distracted from things happening in my life and felt like an outlet and I used that as strength - then I actually started increasing my weight and getting stronger! Mentally, I didn’t realise how much growth I had! I didn’t know I had it in me to stay to disciplined and focused on results but ended up changing my life for the better! I’m in a solid routine everyday and I feel like my dopamine levels have absolutely skyrocketed! - Q: HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOUR FITNESS JOURNEY LONG TERM? - A: If these are the results in 8 weeks, bring it on! I can’t wait to keep pushing myself physically and mentally to achieve more! Can’t wait for the booty to get bigger and the abs to pop more! I can’t wait to see how far I can really push my body to look better and better! - Q: HOW DO YOU FEEL THE COACHING EXPERIENCE SO FAR? - A: 100/10! I cannot believe the level of support, encouragement, time and EFFORT this woman puts into her clients!! I never felt once I was alone, I always knew I could message her about anything whenever I needed to. I feel people enter your life for a reason and I thank god everyday for you girl! Thank you for being the absolute most amazing hype girl, trainer and friend! Couldn’t imagine this experience without you thank you for changing my life and giving me the confidence I always wanted! LOVE YOU SO MUCH - YOU DESERVE THIS NAT. You are insane. OBSESSED. @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more
16.01.2022 LOOK AT THOSE GLUTES WE BUILT WITH TRAINING AND A FK TONNE OF CALORIES - @taylor__allwell has been an actual dream to coach. So proud to call her one of my girls. Except her meal plans. This girl eats more calories than 4 people do combined. - READ BELOW FOR HER JOURNEY SO FAR ... - Q: HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE RESULTS YOU ACHIEVED IN 8 WEEKS? - A: I feel fkn amazing! I never thought I could achieve so much in only 8 weeks like wtf look at my gains - Q: HOW HAVE YOU CHANGED MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY DURING THIS JOURNEY - A: One of the main reasons why I started training with Ellie was because I was at a really low point mentally, I had a lot going on in my life and my confidence was at an all time low. After only 8 weeks I feel like a completely different person, her training and guidance has allowed my booty to grow along with my confidence with the constant support and encouragement from her, I am in such a better place mentally. I feel stronger both physically and mentally and can’t thank her enough! - Q: HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT CONTINUING YOUR JOURNEY LONG TERM? - For so long I was so lost with fitness and nutrition but after seeing my results in only 8 weeks I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHAT I CAN ACHIEVE!!!! this is only the start and I am SO motivated for what’s ahead!! - Q: DESCRIBE YOUR COACHING EXPERIENCE WITH FIT BY ELLIE SO FAR. - A: I don’t even know where to start with this question, deciding to start up with you as my coach was by far the best decision I have ever made!! You have educated me in so many different ways both training and nutrition , you have allowed me to have a positive relationship with food for I can eat all the pasta in the world!! Your constant support and hype has given me so much confidence to even start achieving my other goals in life!! You’re such an amazing person and coach and deserve so much credit for everything I have achieved. I can’t thank you enough for EVERYTHING ELLIE! THANKYOU!!! - YOU ARE MY WORLD TAY. I’m a proud mami See more
14.01.2022 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH - You’ve all heard me talk about the benefits of calories in building your glutes, however you haven’t heard that increasing your calories can improve your reproductive health. - - Secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for more than 3 months in a female who previously had regular cycles. -... - It is NOT okay for an athlete to stop menstruating. Amenorrhea should never be considered an acceptable consequence of any level of fitness training. - Amenorrhea can be caused by overtraining, under-fueling, under-eating or a combination of these factors. - Most woman actually don’t mind it so much when their periods stop coming as menstruation can be a big fkn drainer. But it can cause some serious long term health consequences. Due to the altered reproductive hormones, women with exercise-induced amenorrhea are estrogen-deficient (one of the most important female hormones). - - If you have any issues or a diagnosis of amenorrhea, take a look at your exercise routine. Are you starving yourself? Are you consuming enough carbs? Are you getting enough sleep and recovery? Are you overtraining? Addressing these issues can aid to restore estrogen to normal levels. See more
13.01.2022 CLIENT TRANSFORMATION IN HER FIRST 8 WEEKS OF TRAINING - 6cm DOWN on her waist - 7.5cm UP on her glutes. - Trained 4 times a week - NO cardio was done... - She ate in a surplus (2000+) for most of the 8 week period. All her training/nutritional programming was tracked and logged, volumes were adjusted based on how her body responded. She follows a structured macronutrient and caloric targets only. No meal plan was issued. Giving the client the power of flexible dieting and education provides the tools for a successful fitness journey. Educating her has been the main reason of her success. Watching her mindset completely transform from a restrictive way of life, stemming from eating disorders, to a mindset in which she is eating more than what she can ever imagine while getting bigger and leaner has been the most rewarding experience for her. No approach is better or more effective than another; however there are more suitable approaches for an individual and their ability to adhere to the plan for an extended period of time. She is a hard working, committed and consistent client. She deserve these amazing results in which she’s achieved in a short period of time. Bring on the next phase. My clients name has been kept anonymous for her privacy. But chu know who you are. Humble AF. You’re a boss. I’m so fkn proud @ Anytime Fitness See more
12.01.2022 THIS IS ONLY 5 WEEKS. I got too excited to wait for her 8 week shots but will post her at 8 weeks. - @chararmstrongg HAS GIVEN ME 110% FROM THE DAY SHE STARTED WITH ME AND WOW. Can’t even describe how proud I am of her. And she doubted herself. Look where she is now. Read below for her experience in only 5 weeks. - Q: HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE RESULTS YOU ACHIEVED IN 5 WEEKS?... - A: I feel AMAZING, I’ve only been training with Ellie for 5 weeks and I’m already seeing a massive difference in not only my body but my mental state, I feel so strong and determined and I’m beyond excited to continue my journey. I have seen a massive change in myself in the past week and I’m so shook as I never thought I was capable of this in such a short time frame. - Q: HOW HAVE YOU CHANGED MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY DURING THIS JOURNEY - A: Before starting with Ellie I was so unmotivated and not disciplined AT ALL. I was so unhappy within myself, I would take daily naps and felt so sluggish every day. Now I feel so strong and determined, my mental health has 100% changed and I’m feeling so fkn good. Mentally I feel like I have come so far in only 5 weeks, I didn’t realise how much my eating and physical health impacted my mental health and all I have to say is WOW! - Q: DESCRIBE YOUR COACHING EXPERIENCE WITH FIT BY ELLIE SO FAR. - A: Ellie is AMAZING!! Wow she pushes me everyday, she has taught me that discipline is everything if you want results! Ellie has given me ongoing support, she is my motivation everyday and I literally can not fault her. I’ve never felt like I was alone in this, she has always made me feel like I have so much support behind me. I appreciate everything she’s done for me and I’m so excited to smash this journey to growing a phat bum with her!! - YOU ARE MY QUEEN AND IM SO BLESSED TO BE ABLE TO COACH YOU THROUGH THIS JOURNEY. See more
09.01.2022 TRANSFORMATION 2015 > 2018 I don’t even know where to begin with these before photos! Its been a whirlwind of a fitness journey. The photo on the left was taken in 2015 and the right is a recent photo. ... The photo on the left was just when I moved to Melbourne and had quite recently come out of Anorexia. I always strived for the tiniest body and was over obsessive with that how small and thin I could make my body look. I HATED my hips SO bad and always thought they looked so disgustingly out of proportion. On my journey of recovery, I turned into a little cardio bunny to compensate for the actual normal amount of food I was eating. It was only when I moved to Melbourne, that everything changed. I fell in love with weight training. Lifting weights has not only transformed my body but altered my whole perspective on mental health, my behaviours and society in general. I absolutely LOVE and live for food and I love the look of a curvy body. I can honestly say that you can build the body you want. It takes time but I can assure you that it’s a journey that you want to be experiencing. Enjoy food. Don’t be scared of weights. EAT AND LIFT.
09.01.2022 IT’S BEEN ONLY 8 WEEKS. AND WE’VE BEEN IN ISO - - @aprilfinlayson has absolutely smashed her first 8 weeks and I can’t even explain how proud I am to have her apart of my fam. What an insane start. - -... THIS IS HER JOURNEY SO FAR - - My goal at the start was to fit into my favourite dress. Before I started with Ellie, I couldn’t fit into this dress. I was so upset and knew I need to change things. I tried on that dress at week 7 of training with Ellie. I was so happy that I could do up the dress and fit comfortably in it. - - As I continue to achieve my goals with Ellie, we create more and more goals to achieve. She inspires me to reach my goals everyday, even if they are small or large. She is such an encouraging coach, always pushing me to achieve my full potential. - - Before starting with Ellie, I used to go to the gym and train, but my legs, abs and butt have never hurt as much after finishing each workout session. The booty burn is real. - - I have been eating pasta and ice cream nearly every night in moderation and been losing weight. She has taught me that you don’t need to cut out all your favourite food items when trying to lose weight. As long as you have balance and sticking to your macros you will succeed. - - I can’t believe how much my body has transformed in the last 8 weeks. I love the daily check ins and weekly feedback she gives, keeping you accountable for your actions. - - I knew by starting with Ellie I would achieve all my goals and so much more. I have loved everything about training with Ellie. Not only has she transformed my body, but my whole mindset on how I view my body and food. I have learnt to properly love my body. - - Ellie has supported me everyday and I can’t wait to achieve even more goals with her. - - What an amazing journey this has been so far for miss @aprilfinlayson - BRING ON THE NEXT PHASE. See more
09.01.2022 This was our beautiful @denise__dimartino progress in our latest 8 week challenge! - HOW INSANE!!! - Read below for her experience ... - Honestly I am beyond shocked and proud of the progress I’ve made during the 8 weeks, it is incredible and I still can’t believe how my body has changed. My goal was to lose at least 10kg and give the best of me, I started this challange at 73kg and little did I know I’d be weighting myself at the end of this journey and weighting 66kg. Yes scale doesn’t matter, it isn’t the most important thing because our bodies changes everyday being a woman but I lost 6cm off my waist and I’m feeling leaner than ever. I haven’t felt very confident in a while due to a lot of weight I’ve gained and was always comparing myself to others and never appreciating or enjoying my body the way it was. During this challange I’ve definitely learnt to love my body as it’s the only one I’ll have for the rest of my life, I’ve seen it transforming and slowly changing shape and it has made me accept, embrace and be confident with what I have got. The food was so good for the whole 8 weeks i still can’t believe that eating good normal food I was still able to lose weight and see changes which I never thought possible because everyone learns that to lose weight you need to eat boring food which will make you have a bad relationship with food and would make it hard to be compliant. I have learnt a lot from this challange that I will forever take with me, one of them is to work hard for the things you want and to stop making excuses because you will never always be motivated all you need is discipline which I now have. - Could not be more proud to show off this beautiful girl and how hard she worked! So blessed to have such an amazing soul in our challenge! - @denise__dimartino @teagan_fit
07.01.2022 BACK DAY (It’s not a leg day for once) Here is how today went down: Chest supported DB rows Kneeling cable pull down Pendlay Rows... Bentover DB rows Seated Cable Row Reverse Cable Fly Rear Delt Fly See more
06.01.2022 THE WAIT IS OVER. THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS. 12TH OF OCTOBER 2020. - Intakes will be picked from the waitlist first. We will be contacting our intakes via email in the next week. The email will include further extensive details of the challenge including pricing! Any questions, please email us at [email protected] - ... WE CAN’T FUCKING WAIT. This is a dream come true for us. - It’s time to hustle @teagan_woodgate See more
05.01.2022 8 WEEK’S FOR @paigee.lainee @paigeelainemua - HOLY SHIIIAAAT LOOK AT PAIGE - Read below for @paigeelainemua experience so far ... - - Q: HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOUR RESULTS YOU ACHIEVED IN 8 WEEKS? - A: I’m honestly so shocked by how much my body has changed in this time, I am so proud of myself I went from having zero motivation, eating anything and everything to being super compliant with my training and food! I feel 100x better with how I look and cannot wait to see the changes another 8 weeks will bring! - Q: YOUR PHYSICAL AND MENTAL TRANSFORMATION IN THIS JOURNEY. - A: I’m honestly so shocked by how much my body has changed in this time, I am so proud of myself I went from having zero motivation, eating anything and everything to being super compliant with my training and food! I feel 100x better with how I look and cannot wait to see the changes another 8 weeks will bring! - Q: HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SUSTAINING THIS LONG TERM? - A: Excited because I know I can still eat all the foods I love - Q: HOW DO YOU FEEL THE COACHING EXPERIENCE SO FAR? - A: One of my fave things about you as a coach is your energy, whenever I’m feelin down or motivated or guilty from snacking on something naughty you are always able to pump me back up again. you’ve helped me in so many ways! ilysm x - LOVE YOU SO MUCH! So proud of everything you are. Absolutely thriving my girl and you completely deserve all the love and the praise in the world! (Btw first piccie is a 10 week progress pic) See more
05.01.2022 LEG DAY Jelly legs for daaaaaiz E1: Sumo deadlifts - 10 x 3 E2: Box Squats - 10 x 3 E3 : Leg Press - 8 x 4... E4: Prone Leg Curls - 12 x 4 E5: Romanian Deadlifts 10 x 4 E6: Weighted Hyperextensions (not shown) 15 x 4 E7: Hip Thrusts - 10 x 4 E8: Hip Abductors (Not shown) - 25 x 3 Top 5 (feat. Playboi Carti) - Kap G
04.01.2022 Been focusing on incorporating a lot of hamstring focused exercises to encourage growth. A few of my favourites are: E1: Romanian Deadlifts - DB OR BB... E2: High Stance Leg press E3: Prone leg curls E4: Weighted Rounded-Back 45-degree hyperextension See more
02.01.2022 8 WEEK TRANSFORMATION - Can’t even BEGIN to explain how proud I am of this sexy thangs progress in only 8 WEEKS. HOLY SHITTTTTT. - READ BELOW FOR @letishakaram JOURNEY SO FAR.... - I am absolutely shocked that my body could change in the space of 8 weeks after feeling so down and unconfident within my body which was a horrible feeling. After having surgery on my hip and loosing motivation and piling on the weight. I would have never thought about picking up weights in my life but here we are. Never thought I could drop weight while still eating pasta and chocolate my mind has been blown. - - I have never been a person who went to the gym or even went for walks before this. Mentally I’m feeling like a new person being able to look after my body has improved my mental health and I finally feel back on track in all aspects. I am feeling stronger mentally and physically. Ellie has shown me if you put in 100% you will get 100% back. - - This is only the start of my journey and I can’t wait to see how else I can transform both my body and mind. Being able to fit fitness into my everyday routine has been super easy and I love it. I look forward to doing my steps and strength training every-time now. - I can not fault Ellie at all, she is super motivating and has supported me every single step of the way. Even on days when I’m feeling down or feel like I haven’t made any improvements she takes time out to lift me back up!!! Such an amazing human taking me along this journey. I can’t wait to see what’s to come. - SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU. @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more
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