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Fit it In

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25.01.2022 Not all oils and fats are created equal! Check out which ones are good and which ones to avoid.

25.01.2022 Hi Freshy friends, I wanted to share this awesome fruit and veg business that delivers to your door and is pesticide free. It's affordable and picked the day before from local farmers. They have a box option or you can customise an order too. Don't want an order? EASY just cancel it. You get a confirmation email open and check dates you selected are correct. Harvest Hub are a collective group of 95 Food Hubs across Sydney support a large group of local farmers and as a group ...this year a record breaking 5,200 bags were given to families in distress - easing a short period of problems they might face. The community now have a direct effect on how we purchase our food. See below for more info

25.01.2022 Interesting thing we discovered this week about snacky foods: As a snack we decided to give our 2 year old rice crackers. Thinking it is a better choice than crisps/chips. Whilst perhaps in theory it is he broke out in a terrible rash. This happened twice but as he hasn't had any allergies since he was 1 we didn't think it was the crackers. When we finally connected the dots and checked the packaging there were all the little numbers with preservatives listed a mile long. Just a gentle reminder that fresh is always best and it will be fruit in the future for the little guy.

25.01.2022 Very good explanation on why calorie counting doesn't always result in weight loss

24.01.2022 I miss my mums Christmas cake each year but will be trying on a new tradition with this one for sure.

23.01.2022 Workout of the week One of my clients favourites Squat & shoulder press x 10... Alternating lunges x 10 Russian twist x 10 Step ups x 10 Kettlebell Swing x 10 Opposing Arm & Leg x 10 Star Jumps x 20 High Knees x 20 Reach through x 10 (like a sit up but just pulsing) Tricep Dips x 10 Perform 10 reps of each exercise (except star jumps & high knees) dropping an exercise from the top in each round. i.e. drop squat & press first, then lunges and so on. Takes from 20 - 30 mins - Enjoy!

22.01.2022 I haven’t posted in ages but I do love the royals.

21.01.2022 Yummo - I'll be making this tomorrow

21.01.2022 Just start it, you'll be finished before you know it.

21.01.2022 Thanks Sharon Selby from Beat The Treats- Good to know!

20.01.2022 Easy Peasy Granola

18.01.2022 How to buy organic fruit and vege

17.01.2022 Weekly Shopping Tip Buy as much of your produce from your local market, the kids will love it. Frenchs Forest on a Sunday is amazing. Talk to the vendors about their produce and what they would recommend. They love people taking an interest in their products. Fresh is always best and choose organic where ever possible.

16.01.2022 Some good ideas here for those short on time.

15.01.2022 Another treat to try that's super easy

14.01.2022 Managing cravings - just a few ideas for you ~ Feed hunger with nutrients - Your body is asking for healthy food full of nutrients not sugars and fat. ~ If you still crave a treat - Have a glass of water and some fruit. Then ask yourself do I really feel like the treat now?... ~ If your answer is yes - Eat your treat MINDFULLY, don't just neck it and go back for more and more and more. Enjoy it, savour it and leave it alone. Remind yourself that you have a choice - Nourish and strengthen or malnourish and weaken.

14.01.2022 Give this the time to read... well worth it

13.01.2022 Fun bootcamp - Thursday evening at 7.30pm in Curl Curl. You'll get fitter, stronger and laugh a lot! I love sharing everything I know about leading a healthy lifestyle and making positive changes so that comes for free :-)... Please feel free to share away the more the merrier. Send me a PM or text me on 0448 211 808 to join in.

13.01.2022 If you haven't seen this movie yet it is a must see these holidays even for the kids

12.01.2022 Weekly Shopping Tip - Be aware of toxic products When we talk about detoxing it is not just about the food or drink we consume. Toxic chemicals are all around us and a real threat to our health. Don't get overwhelmed and think you have to replace everything at once. Start in the kitchen, get rid of your all purpose spray and use this instead: 1 cup white vinegar... 2 cups water 5 drops of your choice in essential oils - I use tea tree oil See more

12.01.2022 Weekly Health Tip - Probiotics are a must for everyone including your kids! Some of their benefits are: ~ Improving your digestion;... ~ Detoxifying chemicals; ~ Producing nutrients to repair the gut lining; ~ Increasing resistance to infections and regulating the immune function This is the best one on the market by far.

11.01.2022 I come across this issue all the time with clients. Some great tips here #trainsafe #fitness #squats #fititin #strengthtraining

11.01.2022 Buying organic food doesn't have to cost a fortune. Read todays BLOG on how we cheat if we are tight on cash. #eatingcleanonabudget #organiconabudget #supportlocalfarmers #dirtydozencleanfifteen

11.01.2022 Excellent article on the importance of including rest and restore into your health goals

11.01.2022 Delicious business lunch...Fuelling up for all the ideas and having so much fun working together.

09.01.2022 Sugar addiction is real... losing the habit will not only drop kilos but increase your energy, reduce anxiety and your chances of getting serious illnesses. It is a form of poison for your body, no exaggeration. If your hooked it's time to reset your palate, but be warned it isn't easy. Try this 6 phase plan, moving on to each step a week at a time rather than going cold turkey: 1. Take a good probiotic - Sugar addiction usually indicates there is an issue with your gut healt...h that needs to be corrected. I can point you in the right direction of the best one going around. 2. Eliminate sugary drinks - all we need is water 3. Cut out junk food - cakes, biscuits, chocolate bars, muesli bars. Check all labels. 4. Reduce carbs - pasta, crackers, bread 5. I emphasise check all labels 6. Listen to your body - obviously we have to live and indulge every now and again but take note of how you feel after having sugar. If you have the desire to go back time and time again you are particularly vulnerable and should avoid it where possible. See more

09.01.2022 A healthy liver is key to feeling your best. It's not just alcohol that can slow results. Great read....

09.01.2022 The best way to stay active, find something you love. Doesn't matter what age you are. Surfing sure is tricky but just as addictive. #getactive #lovesurfing

09.01.2022 Fab brekkie ideas guys. Ditch the cereal 99% of them except oats are full of sugar.

08.01.2022 Sneak Peak | We're busy... New online program in progress!

08.01.2022 My beautiful friend Sharon suggests this smoothie to keep cool over the next few days in the coming heat wave. Great way to start the day! She has just started her business in Nutrition and has an amazing story to tell about how food is medicine. Like her page Beat The Treats and you'll get more great tips and recipes like this.

08.01.2022 How much water do you drink? If you only drink when you are thirsty, the likelihood is you are already dehydrated! Making sure your body has enough water will m...ean that it can flush the toxins from your muscles more effectively, and therefore the 'burn' you get from dancing hard will take longer to set in. It will also help with concentration and energy win win! At least 2 litres a day, with topping up throughout exercise sessions will do the trick :)

07.01.2022 Pub2pub prep with my girl crush Adrienne. Check out this pre and post 20 min Yoga practice. Add a few mins quiet time on the mat afterwards and picture you crossing that finish line.

07.01.2022 Hi Ladies, I have collaborated with Jenni Davies, womens health physio and we'll be doing a night all things pelvic floor. ~ What is the Pelvic Floor and it's function? ~ Why is it important? ~ Pelvic Pain... ~ Prolapse ~ Incontinence ~ Risk factors ~ Pelvic floor training - How to do it properly Please let me know if you are keen in joining us. It will be Wednesday 14th June at 7.30pm in Dee Why.

07.01.2022 One for my runners... Very good read

07.01.2022 Helens Health Tip of the week Soak your nuts! Nuts contain phytic acid which is an enzyme inhibitor, soaking them helps alleviate this. At the very least wash them as they often carry germs & mould you can't see. Below is a table to give you a guideline for the soaking time of different nuts....

07.01.2022 Good reminder on why sugar needs to be avoided.

06.01.2022 Always looking for new things to put in Charlie's lunch box. This looks great, but free and sooo easy

06.01.2022 In party season our tummies can cop quite a beating. Some great easy tips to keep things healthy in there.

06.01.2022 Helping mummy soothe sore legs after the pub to pub.

05.01.2022 Recipe of the week Haven't tried this one yet but looks delicious!

05.01.2022 Sessions now available on Tuesday at: 10.30am 11am 3.30pm... 4.30pm Send me a message or call me on 0448 211 808 to book in.

04.01.2022 Just made these for school lunch boxes. #delicious #nutfree #lunchbox #paleo

04.01.2022 So why exactly is alcohol so bad for us?

03.01.2022 Great dessert idea for the kiddies

03.01.2022 Want to Fit More In? Practice N.E.A.T Non-exercise activity thermogenesis put simply is engaging in activity that burns calories outside of exercise, eating and sleeping. There are many N.E.A.T. activities that we already do, but may not realise. Simple tasks such as going for a walk around the office, climbing stairs and even fidgeting help us expend additional calories. Essentially, N.E.A.T. increases metabolic rate resulting in more calories burnt. So get up off your butt every 20 mins and move. Chat to a colleague, wave your arms in the air, do whatever you want but just move!

02.01.2022 Fitness | The bear crawl James style... #gettingitdone

01.01.2022 Some great moves here to work the back. Important to include 2 of these in each workout to correct posture

01.01.2022 In party season our gut can cop quite a beating. Some great easy tips to do every day to keep things healthy in there.

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