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25.01.2022 Book with me now on Monday nights! I have 5:30pm and 6pm times slots open for 30min or 1 hour sessions. PM me to discuss your goals, needs and training preferences @in2greatfitness my new home of PT. Offerings: #powerplate #vibrationtraining for fat loss and muscle building and truely accelerated results ... #polarheartratemonitor training for real time Hr feedback in line with your goals #trx #trxrip #sandbell #kettlebell #vipr Traditions cables, Olympic bar Swiss ball Semi private space, clean and free from obnoxious gym rats. See more
25.01.2022 Supersetting- what is it and how can it benefit you? It is one of the easiest ways to boost your workout- regardless of what style of training you do. Supersetting is eliminating the rest between your exercises, then performing consecutive exercises- perhaps 2-4 in a row, before taking a rest. The consecutive sets together are typically referred to as 'rounds'. The rest between rounds needs to be long enough to allow your heart rate to drop somewhere within Zone 2- 114-133bp...m. Rounds are designed to skyrocket your heart rate- true "interval" style and this is why the rest between rounds is so vital otherwise you won't be able to complete a high enough volume of work to get that all important "afterburn" we desire where we burn fat post- workout. Here I did 3 moves of all the varying degrees of difficulty and intensity. You can combine moves however you desire but keep in mind that you want to get through the entire round without giving up!! Beginners- try joining together a couple of your moves and see how your body responds. Do only 2-3 rounds. Try some supersets and let me know how you go! Post in the comments below! See more
25.01.2022 Team Deadlifting Sesh at In2great Fitness & Wellness This was heavy for me-50kgs!8kgs shy of my own body weight. HR was hitting 160bpm plus! I'm a bit sore today in all the appropriate areas like hamstrings, glutes, lumbar fascia but also surprisingly in the rotator cuffs and triceps; this is pleasing as I did notice my grip was strong, in other words the bar was not slipping from my hands. I completed 4 sets of 8-10, with active breaks in between of body weight lunges.
24.01.2022 Sandbell swings on a Powerplate I know I've been banging on a lot lately about the benefits of #powerplate medical grade vibration but seriously I'd never used one before joining the team at In2great Fitness & Wellness and have been blow away with how this device has accelerated my results- that is increasing strength, muscle tone and body-wide circulation in just 3 months. I am able to train moves like clean and press with an Olympic bar- believe it or not- without even pr...actising them! I make sure i always include at least one Powerplate move all 3 aspects of a session- the warm up, workout and recovery. In this particular case I am doing the good old #kettlebellswings but with a #Sandbell to enhance my grip and shoulder strength. I did 20-25 reps in 45 seconds (my heart rate hit the 80-90% zone) and I did 3 rounds as part of a regular #hiitworkout. See more
23.01.2022 A snippet from my massive 1hr #hiit workout today (full sesh post to come with sets and reps ). I put 2 huge #fatburner Moves together to maximise my results but also keep it simple so I could focus on form. I was really feeling good today- my hydration was high and I'd had a good breakfast so I felt like I could take my session to a higher intensity. I also spent 10 min performing #powerplate warm ups as part of my #movementprep Which helped immensely. I combined a Sandbe...ll swing (Like #kettlebellswings ) with a good 'Ol jump squat. My goal was to use my #glutes and #hamstrings To explosively thrust the Sandbell then jump squat to wherever it landed and perform the next rep from there. I did 5 sets total and I was literally toasted by the end, yet, after an hour and a good lunch I was still able to go about my home duties without an issue. Optimal Performance is all about knowing when to smash it & when to take it easy and my #polarheartratemonitor Gives me the feedback to know exactly how and when. See more
22.01.2022 Here is my FULL movement prep/warm up routine for you guys! Here I am giving away all my trade secrets haha. And I'm even showing you it can be done at home This is the first clip of 2 (Insta only gives me 1min of footage). This routine can be used alone to help you prep for your day and get all your joints mobilised and muscles lengthened or as prep for a more intense workout. ... I do about 6-8 reps on each of each move (3-4 per side) or more or less as needed, and if I feel I am not moving well I am area I get my roller out. This routine covers everything from the ankles to the neck. You'll notice I have to spend a fair bit of time on my left shoulder and both hip flexors, hips/pelvis in general and my right adductor/groin (inner thigh). It's vital that the pelvic region gets prepped and adequately pumped with fluid and oxygen in order to properly work those all important glutes and core! If you'd like more info on this please post in the comments below!!
22.01.2022 6 Week Fat Loss Challenge for Women! kick-start the fat burning process and gain strength and tone in my 6 Week women’s only outdoor challenge which includes a nutrition program and home workout session to do on your own. The winner of the challenge who loses the most fat gets rewarded; measures taken at the beginning and end. Here are some sample moves and as you can see there will be variations for all fitness levels. Sessions start Saturday Feb 3rd in Malvern East. To book... or reserve you place click on link in bio or visit . . . . #hiitworkout #hiitworkout #womenwholift #workoutsforwomen #fitmum #exercisesforwomen #fatloss #malverneast #outdoorfitness See more
21.01.2022 When increasing exercise volume it is common to experience greater hunger. And if weight loss is your goal, it is easy to fall into the trap of eating more food than you need and cancelling out any potential benefits of increasing your energy expenditure. * After a workout we are prone to scavenge for extra food (often unhealthy food) that we can consume quickly because we are so ravenous, or, justify the excess consumption of this food as a reward for training, potentially l...eading to poor or slow weight loss results. * So what can we do to combat this? * Fibre! * Increasing the fibre content of your meals can allow you to control your portion size, keeping your calorie intake sufficient and consistent, while increasing the satiety of your meals. * we have been loving these vegan burgers as an alternative to ground beef. They contain black beans, barley, pumpkin seeds and more. They are very filling due to the extra fibre, but low in calories. A ‘burger’ like this can allow us to get in those legumes, seeds and pulses we all tend to avoid, while feeling like we are having something we usually love. * Added bonus: will help you to poop! Thank me later See more
21.01.2022 If you do just one movement today make it this! It lengthens, stretches and corrects basically everything while working your core. It's a do-all as a running warm up. Start and finish in a plank. Keep spine neutral (no saggy backs).... Keep rear toes tucked and contacting the ground. Pass your leg under you and you will get a big stretch in that side all the way from the ankle to the side and (obliques) to your shoulder. It Will do wonders for your ability to rotate and drive when sprinting and doing hill, or speed work. It will awaken your core without tiring it out totally. Have a go before your next run and let me know what you think! See more
21.01.2022 This photos make me so sad. I thought I needed to lose more body fat, despite being at 14% and clearly quite slim, at around 52.5 kilos and a size 6. I cant believe the time and energy I wasted on trying to achieve a ridiculous level of slimness. What a shame! This was taken just before my 31st birthday in New York City. I was walking about 15,000-23,000 steps a day, working as a PT, training weights every second day, and I would ride a kick scooter or run 2-3 times per w...eek from the Upper East Side to the Upper West and back for work. I walked everywhere to avoid expensive Uber’s and the dirty trains and no walk was out of the question. It’s taken a lot of work mentally to accept my body and weight as I am today, and stop trying to achieve the look in this photo. I finally moved on my size 6 clothes. Some days it is still hard to accept that I am getting older and my lifestyle has changed. I’m no longer a single childless woman who can spend (or needs to/should spend) several hours per day exercising and walking. I know this figure I had would not be achievable or sustainable today, and it is perfectly fine for me to not look like this anymore. To think this was 5 years ago and I thought I was big- I am ashamed and saddened. It can be really hard to admit to ourselves that what we were doing wasn’t good for our mental and physical health and to redefine our beliefs around what is a healthy and sustainable ‘body’ shape and level of fitness should be, for the life stage we are currently in. And what is even harder is to stay consistent with it. All we all talked about back then all the time was losing fat, flattening the stomach, eating less. Hating our arms. Hating our thighs. And more often than not the entire training goal was to not get fat and to counteract the alcohol intake (heavy drinking culture in NYC), while striving to eat less and less. Even though for many years now I have been very realistic with my diet love eating, I won’t lie, disordered eating and exercising behaviours have a sneaky little way of creeping their way back in. My body was fine then. It’s also fine now. And will be fine in another 5 years- whatever size!
21.01.2022 How many of you experience bladder leakage when doing impact exercise? Or even when you cough or sneeze? I’m sure there are a lot more of you out there who are answering Yes in your minds right now than will ever speak up about this taboo, but highly common women’s health issue. Have you ever gone for a run, done a HIIT session, box jumps or burpees and after a bit of time realised that it was not sweat in your tights, but actually pee? You may not have even felt it come o...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Hey guys I would be so happy if as many of you as possible would be happy to take my survey: ~... The insight gained from it will help me to identify the typical needs and preferences of those who are currently participating in regular exercise, or who are thinking about starting. ~ It will help me to zero in on how to structure my offerings, such as prices, ways to pay, type of exercise programs I create and times of day for classes, etc. ~ There are 9 compulsory questions which are very generalised, and a 10th which is optional; this optional one is where you can- ONLY if you desire- provide info like age, gender, suburb, etc., otherwise you can remain totally anonymous. ~ As incentive, if you provide me with your email address and name I will put you into a draw to win a $50 gift voucher (I.e. Coles/Myer or Westfield). Australian residents only. ~ This does mean I will collect and keep your email and add you to my mailing list (which you can opt out of later if you like), but it will not be used for spam- don't worry. I may from time to time send you info on health and fitness hot topics and the occasional promo. You may expect to receive 2-4 emails per month on average. ~ Thank you in advance! Your participation will be much appreciated! See more
19.01.2022 In2great Fitness & Wellness Team workout today! We had a bit of everything in there- #TRX for core, lateral lunges with the #landmine bar, cleans and presses, and a funky #ViPR rotation move. We did 4 #hiit rounds 45sec on 45sec off. Sorry Dylan only your wonderful pelvis made an appearance in my vid sorry!
19.01.2022 Dinner diaries! Here’s some recent dinners we have had at home thanks to @georgtphoto. Dinner has always been my biggest meal of the day (obviously I haven’t fished myself up a whole chicken ) and probably the most nutritious with most veggies. Lunches tend to be leftovers or sandwiches. What do you think? Key points: fibrous veggies with skins on. Mixed coloured veggies.... Roasting in olive oil. All 3 macros in every meal- fat/protein/carbs. Potion size not controlled- stop eating when comfortably full. Mix of red meat, fish, pork and chicken. Carbs are king!! See more
18.01.2022 Monday's full body workout- i went heavy on this occasion and every move incorporated my glutes, so my butt was sore up until yesterday! I am a traditional style girl ah heart, so I added in some bent over rows and overhead presses. My average heart rate for this sesh was 135bpm and I hit the 160s serval times. Very happy with that!
18.01.2022 Another new one for me thanks to Nathan of In2great Fitness & Wellness what do you think of this move? It incorporates a lateral lunge with the good old bicep curl. This variation absolutely smashes the glutes- it can be a good one for those who have trouble feeling the butt in lunges can improve the brain-muscle connection. But best of all it does the arms and legs at the same time, giving you a higher work volume per session and burns extra calories during and after the workout.
18.01.2022 #gains mumma is getting stronger . That's all Oh and will be sliding some plates on to that bar soon watch this space!! #postpartumbody #postnatalfitness #postnatal #womensstrength #fitmum #fitnessmotivation #hiitworkout
17.01.2022 What is the difference between qualified nutritionists and dietitians? (Note: not health coaches or ‘nutrition advisors’ who did short courses and not PTs who have no actual certification or degree which qualifies them to give specific nutrition advice; PTs are only allows to transmit very general food information IF it was included in their qualification). I am referring to Associate and Registered Nutritionists.... Nutritionists qualify at Bachelor Degree level which is typically 3 years of full time study or part time equivalent. This allows them to work at a public health level. To become a dietitian usually this would require continuation on to Honours or Masters which would include many hours of practical placement in a clinical setting such as a hospital. A dietitian can work clinically in medical environment where there’s a need to diagnose and treat disease/disorder/illness. For example, if you are working with a nutritionist on your dietary intake to improve your health and bring down your body fat % and explain you often get very severe cramps and loose bowels after a particular meal. A nutritionist would then need to refer you to a clinical dietitian or medical doctor to investigate this further and rule out any conditions such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) or coeliac disease. A nutritionist would not be able to simply assume you have a condition just by consultation and would not be able to proceed with your meal plans until a diagnosis is made a clinical treatment plan is in place. This the the major defining difference between the two professions. Does this mean you should only ever see clinical dietitians for your health and diet needs? No. If you are generally healthy and want to improve your dietary pattern and overall lifestyle a nutritionist will be of great help to you, and can help you completely turn your health around. And there would be no reason why that professional could not work closely with the referring Dietitian or doctor to collaborate on a plan for you, as long as your case is within their expertise and capabilities. A qualified nutritionist can be your best mate in all things health and food, and provide assistance with all your general dietary needs. Any further questions? Please post below!
17.01.2022 Cycling the #anniversarytrail with this guy- it’s been a long time! Happy Easter Everyone #outdoorfitness #happyeaster
16.01.2022 LULULEMON GEAR 25% off! All this week Lulu are giving research and development program members the opportunity to bring 2 Friends with them into a store to get 25% off whatever full priced items they buy, as long as you come in with me. If you are keen let me know and we can arrange a time
15.01.2022 Recovery- the vital but frequently overlooked aspect of EACH individual training session. So many people do their #hiitworkout then just pack up and walk out of the gym without any adequate warm down, then wonder why they are stiff and unreasonably sore the next day. As I did a lot of squats I utilised the #powerplate to flush out the metabolic waste products accumulated in the muscle as it's fast and effective, but there's many ways to recover that can be personalised to suit the individual. Powerplate though- so #relaxing #postworkout you just lie there and let it do it's s magic!! If you have used this for recovery post your opinions down below!
15.01.2022 The beach always makes me feel happy and content, even if it's just simply listening to the ocean sounds. I think it's important to always have a stress free and relaxing situation to turn to when our nerves need it then most. What a wonderful couple of days we had on the #goldcoast haven't been there since 1993! Was very short and packed with obligations and work but was well worth it! . . . .... #activemum #activeliving #relaxing #antianxiety #destress #balance #beach #walking #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #outdoorfitness See more
15.01.2022 Tired of your #TRX routine? Single Leg is an easy way to upgrade each of your current exercises. Here are 3 of my faves. If you want to really feel the burn in the leg and build your #endurance- do all 3 moves on the same side before changing legs. I did 12 each move/leg but I suggest doing 6 and building up to 12. I did 3 rounds totalling 18 leg sets and my legs were totally toasted after!! Begin with 1 round, 1 set each leg totalling 6 sets and build from there.
15.01.2022 Running speed is all about your ability to generate force through rotation and drive using the opposite side glute (butt muscle) and shoulder. Next time you do your lunges try adding in a little torso rotation as you load the lunging (front leg) while allowing the opposite side hip to drop inward, then practice driving out of it with the butt on the front leg. This will benefit your running form much more than your traditional lunge where you keep your hips fixed facing forward. Have a go and let me know in the comments box how it went for you. . . #runningtechnique #melbournemarathon #personaltrainer #running #runtraining #tritraining #triathlon #duathlon #speedtraining
15.01.2022 #torsonator / #landmine circuit. This combo makes the heart rate EXPLODE! I will be doing a full breakdown of ONE of these so post in the comments below the one you want to see!! If you've never used it before, start with the #squats and #cleans and work your way up to the 'press' aspects.
15.01.2022 The body often does not correct its own posture after our baby’s are born and corrective exercise is necessary. I have worked with many women over the years who’s children are well into their primary school years, but they are experiencing pain syndromes resulting from postural imbalances that could have been corrected years earlier. During pregnancy, a women’s joints shift position to make room for the baby. The hips tip forward and the abdominal wall stretches out. The hip ...joints roll back into the sockets and her stance widens. The knees and feet can then point outward and arches may flatten. The muscles near the tailbone can be very tight and painful, with the very outer hip muscles weak and small. The lower back can tighten and the front of the hips short and painful with little strength. The most common complaint is that she always looks boated, and squats and lunges just hurt. All of these changes are common and expected, but do not provide a solid and safe foundation for us to work off when exercising the body and need to be addressed. This posture needs to be corrected at the same time as you work on the core and pelvic floor, but the good news is you can often ‘multitask’ and many of the exercises can be designed to cross over and achieve results for both. Do you look like this? Simply stand in your natural upright posture and ask someone (or set up your phone on a chair) to take some photos for you as I have done. Post below if this is you! *NOTE: Some women may have a pelvis that’s tilted back and a flat low back curve. If you aren’t sure just show me your photos :) I will have posts to follow in coming weeks which build on this and how you can work on your posture at home.
15.01.2022 Public holiday day off workout! Who am I kidding I've been self employed for 10 years no Public holidays for me LOl. This was one of several moves I did as part of my 40min #hiit #fatloss sesh and I decided to film it for you guys as it felt relaxing and rhythmic. It was a basic forward step lunge combined with a transverse lunge and an over head press. I didn't go heavy so I could concentrate on the transverse aspect, and put it with the regular lunge that I also know well- again so I could master the transverse. The complex nature of this combo allows me to still get my heart rate up without having to go hard or heavy. #hiittraining is not just about going as hard as you can and smashing it- any combo of moves that allow you to get good quality high intensity peaks and proper recoveries is all that matters.
14.01.2022 Wondering what I specialise in? Strength training for runners is one of my main areas of expertise. I am skilled in delivering PT sessions and programs to ensure runners stay injury free, increase speed and endurance as well as correct issues in gait and stride that may be hampering progress. If you run regularly you need to balance your time spent training with regular strength training to maintain integrity in your joints and run form. Many runners become so heavily invol...ved in the process that they forget things they should be doing to maintain longevity in the sport and prevent injury. I too am guilty of this and know how easy it it's to let the important stuff slip when I'm I'm loving my runs and have ended up with problems such as IT Band and ankle. #running #strengthforunners #injuryprevention #melbournemarathon #runtraining #runmelbourne2017 See more
14.01.2022 Soaking up the last of the sun and warmth
13.01.2022 A different perspective on what is necessary for a client to reach their goal. Often we harp on about what is necessary in terms of programming, exercise selection, commitment, motivation, mindset, etc., but I rarely hear anyone talk about the training space- be it indoors or outdoors, about how the member or client interacts with that space and with the other people there, or how much control the client has over how their training experience plays out. You could be the m...ost experienced and science based trainer in existence and still lose clients, all because something was not right with how the client was experiencing their training. These 4 points are my top ways to enhance a client's experience and why I choose semi private training for my clients rather than the huge commercial gym. We all want to belong and feel welcome. We all want to feel individual. We all want to be heard- and understood. We all want to feel relaxed. No matter what the goal. See more
12.01.2022 Outdoor training will continue! New sessions start Saturday March 17th 7:30am at Ivanhoe Grove Reserve, corner Abbotsford Ave Malvern East. Sessions start @ $35, reduced by $5 per session for each friend you bring along- the more of you there are cheaper it is for everyone! There will be: Body weight moves #Sandbell moves #vipr moves ... Elastic moves Stretching and self-massage #smr NO BURPEES Benefits you can expect: Improved cardio and aerobic fitness. Improved strength. Firmed muscles. Body fat loss. Better general blood flow- less tension/aches/pains. Improved posture and wellness. Send me a direct message for further details and to discuss your personal needs See more
12.01.2022 Forward bend with rotation- a movement we all perform 100's of times per day, often without realising. When performed under load this move often leads to injury (even when it's something light like a children's toy or a basket of laundry), especially when the body is tired and stressed (most of us!). This is why training the forward bend in the gym is so important and why ALL my clients train some variation of this move. Here I demo a simple way to train this movement using ...a kettle bell, and I'm my case I used 12kgs. It's important that you train using a load that's at least a couple of KGs heavier than the heaviest object you are likely to repeatedly lift in your daily life, so your strength becomes adequate for common tasks and therefore you become less likely to injure your back. . . . #activeliving #activemum #functionaltraining #womenwholift #personaltrainer #healthyliving #injuryprevention #kettlebell #posture #runtraining #wellness See more
12.01.2022 I am finally getting my original strength and function back, some 11 months after giving birth to my son. Despite going back to the gym after about 5 weeks postpartum I have really only become highly motivated and driven enough to see real results now. It's OK to take your time- do not worry how long it takes you to get back into shape or even if you never feel the desire to and are happy with where you are that's perfectly OK too. Post-natal fitness is YOUR journey not someone else's. #fitmum #personaltrainer #postnatalfitness #pregnancyfitness #postpartumbody #postpartum
12.01.2022 A perfect mobiliser and active stretch for those who run, targeting the ankle, hips and thoracic spine (upper/mid back) all in one. Will help you to improve speed and power by way of enhancing torso rotation and hip drive. My form is not perfect as I find this one a real brain challenge as well as a physical one, but I am practicing!
12.01.2022 Love this explosive landmine lunge. A good one to consider if you want to burn a shit load of calories in one move and put your heart rate through the roof! Slooowly making strength gains, especially in my shoulders which are so often stiff from breast feeding and working on my nutrition degree on the laptop. My ankles are a little stuck during this too. But this one feel so GOOD and is more about the shoulder stability than what you might think.
11.01.2022 After 10+ years as a trainer the number one request from clients continues to be to flatten the stomach. Clients stand across from me grabbing handfuls of stomach while grossly pulling at it, asking me how to get rid of this. And I must say, with the occasional exception- it’s women that do this, not men.... The men may smile and pat the belly, but the women screw up their faces and frown in disgust at their own bodies. While we are on the topic of training the core, I want to make sure that the underlying motivation or focus for core and pelvic floor conditioning is to restore function rather than to change aesthetic appearance. Sure, of course it’s ok to want to lose some belly fat, that’s totally fine and many of us do have this goal, and, a flattening effect is a common by-product of the training. However, it’s not a good idea to only have image related goals as your sole motivation to train. I can assure you, considering that fat reduction is mostly a long- game that’s centred around nutrition, this motivation can die off well before you actually see results if it is the only metric for measuring progress. And honestly, from all the people I have come across in my career who lost fat off their stomach- it did not miraculously change their life. But the improvements in confidence and strength and reduction of pain certainly did
11.01.2022 What is the most important factor to consider when exercising your core? Blood flow. Yeah, sorry if that was an anti-climax ha ha!... Think of it like watering a plant; a plant cannot grow or thrive without water, and adequate blood flow to the muscles is vital to give them the necessary hydration and nutrition they need to actually grow, develop and gain strength. Exercising muscles that have poor blood flow (‘circulation’) will make achieving results much more difficult and hider recovery. Increasing blood flow to the entire hip and abdominal region has many benefits, such as improved digestion and reduction in the pain caused by sitting, standing (inactivity in general) and the actual appearance of body. Here my Son and I are mucking around with some hip circles. Hip circles are a great way to increase blood flow and stimulate the abs and hips. And, if done in a mindful manner you may notice particular parts of the body not moving so well. This will be vital information you can use to structure your core workouts. For example, some people find that when they try to make a circle the hips don’t actually move and instead the movement comes mostly from the knees, or torso. Some notice one side of the hips will be able to hike up but the other wont. Some find the movement induces pain. Some notice the hips move ok to the right but not to the left, or vise-versa. Some will lean/bend side to side from the waist. The hip circle is a great way to give the brain feedback about what’s happening down there while delivering hydration. In order to effectively train the core the hips will need to be able to tuck and hike. Stand with feet hip width apart, weight evenly distributed across both feet. Make sure the balls of the feet and heels are both contacting the ground. Stand up straight and all. Place hands on the boniest parts of the front hip. Pick a direction and by leading with that bony part under your hand attempt to draw a circle. See if you can feel your hips tucking under as you circle around. Try some out and post in the comments how it went!
11.01.2022 #Sandbell work as part of my #hiitworkout today. This one sent my HR though the roof as it has it all- complex moment, hand-eye coordination and speed and therefore I was fatigued after only 2 sets. Remember- the more elements to a move the quicker your brain will fatigue. Try and do these types of moves at the beginning of a session and not the end and you will get more out of them.
10.01.2022 As promised, on monday my survey participants were entered into the draw and the winner was randomly selected. All of you who qualified for entry have been emailed. Shame there could only be one winner! But please know your contribution has been of such great help to me and I am very thankful for your input. I now have more information than before on what my clients need and how I can serve them better.
10.01.2022 First bike ride on the road for about 5 years I recon and I was FANTASTIC! totally forgot home much I enjoy riding. 10km in 35min. #activeliving #outdoorfitness #riding #biking #personaltrainer #melbourne
10.01.2022 Many years ago I was a road cyclist and still wish I was! Anyone got any tips on how to find time to go for long rides as a new Mum? I’ve thought about getting one of those kiddy trailers, what do you guys think of them?
09.01.2022 Have you ever been told you have flat feet and that the only way to fix it is to put orthotic inserts in your shoes, or wear a motion control show? What about aching hips around the front and near the ball and socket joint? Do you ever roll your ankles causing strain? The culprit could be your inner thighs! This area of the body is commonly weak, shortened and under used, chock full of tenderness, pain and toxins, preventing us from walking and running in correct and effici...ent gait. Here I am performing an active stretch and deep tissue release using the #powerplate but you can do it on your own too. If you are keen for further instructions post down below! . . . #activeliving #healthyliving #running #run #runningtechnique See more
09.01.2022 This was SO HARD!! And a new one for me. Love new stuff Anything explosive is always hard and I only lasted a couple of 1min sets. Every time I caught the bar I landed in a squat it was so fatiguing!
08.01.2022 Body weight only for me today and kept the HR under 135bpm. Felt bloated and tired so knew not to push it and instead took the opportunity to work on my balance and of course, glutes lol No workout is ever a waste, and body weight training- even if you are used to lifting heavy- is no exception. Even whipped out my old mate the Swiss ball!
07.01.2022 Thank you to all of you who were kind enough to take my health and fitness survey; I now have a greater insight into the wants and needs of those who exercise. ~ Those of you who provided your contact details are now officially in the draw to win a $50 gift voucher! ~ If you still want to take the survey and enter the draw you can (link below) up until Midday MONDAY.... ~ The winner will be notified by email on TUESDAY. ~ Thank you again, I am very grateful for your input and time
07.01.2022 There's 4 days left to take advantage of spring deal time at Fitactiv! Purchase a 3 pack of 30 minute sessions for only $99 (usually $180) between now and 31st of August only, for utilisation during the month of September. What to expect: Goal setting, training style and unique needs analysis. Ankle, hip and shoulder mobilisers, foam rolling techniques.... #polarheartratemonitor will be provided to you so you can learn how hard you are really working and need to work to reach your goals based on live heart rate feedback #powerplate techniques such as massage, stretching, fat loss, fluid retention elimination and muscle mass building. All the classics such as #vipr #trx #trxrip #sandbell #dumbells #kettlebell #olympiclifting One pack per client only. PM me to book! See more
07.01.2022 My brain wasn’t on the game today, so I stuck to easy, non-technical and repetitive moves that were strength focused. I did 3 rounds of this- 20 reps each move with a 1min rest between rounds. Used the #powerplate to add extra load and accelerate the strength gains. #mondaymotivation #funcionaltraining #strengthforunners #strengthtraining
07.01.2022 Finally I can deadlift my body weight Well maybe not finally- I could probably do it a while ago but I finally decided I’d forget the fear of looking stupid and wet for it. Felt so good! Strength gains are often an overlooked achievement in a training plan as many of us are too fixated on losing body fat, and it’s a matter of what’s important to a person I suppose and I personally prioritise strength... Should the highest importance be put on aesthetics and size?? ... by the way here are the sets: Warm up: Cleans and presses with the bar 2x 8 1 set set of 4 with 10kgs on plus one more set- failed on rep 3. Moved on to the deads: 3 sets of 12 with 40kgs 2 sets of 8 with 50kgs 2 sets of 4 with 60kgs See more
07.01.2022 #activewear #goals just so ya'll know it's my birthday this month #inmyactivewear #activeliving #lornajane
06.01.2022 Obsessed with my Christmas present a proper #espresso machine, none of this capsule crap lol. #coffeadict
06.01.2022 Planks hurting your back? Try these #trx variations. Dany from @stateofhealthfitness is in her second trimester and still can successfully plank pain free using this kneeling variation. Every time you take the arms out straight the loading in the abs and shoulders is increased so make small movements to begin with and see how challenged you feel. You should be able to do it without excessively squeezing your bum and the shoulders shouldn't creep up towards your ears. Don't ...push this one to fatigue-keep reps within the 6-10 range and do one rep per breath to keep your face slow and controlled. . . . #fitmum #personaltrainer #pregnancyfitness #planks See more
06.01.2022 During my 1h workout today I: got interrupted x15 had equipment I was using ‘borrowed’ then ‘returned my somewhere random x8 lost my patience x2 stopped to cuddle x3... yelled x 1 wiped tears x 1 asked nicely x 7 changed Tv show x 2 What’s your secret to ‘getting it done’ with kids at home? Post below! #mumlife #mumworkout #homeworkout #coreexercises #pelvicfloor
06.01.2022 Pregnant or postnatal? Then you need this gentle hip mobiliser to reduce lower back and hip pain. When we are pregnant the resting position of our hips changes dramatically to allow space for the baby. The upper leg bone rolls back into the socket forcing the hips, feet and knees to all turn out. The butt will flatten/tighten and the whole pelvis will tilt back, all while the lower abdominals distend. This will contribute to that pregnancy 'waddle' we are all too familiar as it alters the way we are able to stride during walking. This isn't something that will necessarily correct itself once the baby is born, either, and is a major contributor to postnatal back and pelvic pain. Here we demo how to train the hips using a squat pattern to help keep your hip mobility during pregnancy and after and reduce pain. Dany from @stateofhealthfitness is in her 2nd trimester and I am 10 months post natal. This squat pattern reverses this rotation that occurs as the pregnancy progresses by opposing the turning out with turning in of the hips, knees and feet and stretches the tight butt muscles. Let foot position be your guide; gently turn your foot inwards as you step into a squat and let the knee and hip follow. Alternate this position with your regular squat (any foot position that feels good) You should feel a gentle stretch in the butt from the tailbone to the ball and socket joint as you go down. It might feel a little awkward but that's ok. You don't need to go too deep- Reach forward with the hands and 'sit' into the squat to a spot where you feel comfortable but still challenges. Have a go and post down on the comments how it went for you. . . . #pregnancyfitness #postpartum #pregnancy #prenatalfitness #postnatalfitness #fitmum See more
06.01.2022 Food files! 10 of my latest meals. What do you think of my ‘Diet’? Are there any meals in there that evoke strong feelings or beliefs when you look at them? Are you currently forming an opinion of ME based on this food? On what I eat?... I have been there- judging others based on what they eat. When I was in my early 20s I would look at people at the shop and make a judgement about the type of person they were simply by comparing their body type to what was in their trolley. Lazy, uneducated, sick; doing the ‘wrong’ thing. And also the opposite; healthy, sensible, educated and doing the ‘right’ thing. Just by looking a trolley! Dietary pattern is individual and personal and yes, can absolutely shape our health. However, the food choices we make do not define our personalities or who we are as people. Having a Maccas does not make me weak, undisciplined, pathetic, or mean I don’t have good health. The reality is, we all should be able to eat a Maccas or something similar, relax and enjoy it. It is the overall dietary pattern that is important, And the total intake of foods over the course of several months is more important than one occasional meal. Don’t beat yourself up over your Maccas. Don’t call it a ‘cheat’ meal or ‘treat’, just call it food, because that’s what it is. It’s food, and you didn’t cheat anything or anyone by eating it. Fixating on one meal only upsets us and damages our relationship with food and ourselves.
05.01.2022 Just an easy, slow paced quickie today as I was feeling very under the weather Focus was on mobilising hips and lengthening the spine. I made sure this workout did not put my body into a catabolic state as I knew that would make me feel worse and I'd take days to recover. I learnt this the hard way as Monday when I wasn't well I still pushed out a back hypertrophy workout and the next night ended up with a pulled Lat from carrying my sick son. It was all too much for my body.... On the plus side- another half a kilo lost YAY!! #personaltrainer #fitmum #activeliving #workoutwednesday #fitnessmotivation See more
05.01.2022 Hey guys :) Thank you so much to the 29 people who took my health and fitness survey; I have gained some surprising and very exciting insights from your responses. This will be the final week that the survey will be open and next Monday I will draw the winner of the $50 voucher. Those of you who did leave your details will see an email from me confirming you are in the draw later on this week. Here is the link again for anyone who would still like to help me out and take it, and yes, you can still enter the draw for the $50 gift.
04.01.2022 Today is the LAST DAY to take advantage of spring deal time at Fitactiv! Purchase a 3 pack of 30 minute sessions for only $99 (usually $180) between now and 31st of August only, for utilisation during the month of September. What to expect: Goal setting, training style and unique needs analysis. Ankle, hip and shoulder mobilisers, foam rolling techniques.... #polarheartratemonitor will be provided to you so you can learn how hard you are really working and need to work to reach your goals based on live heart rate feedback #powerplate techniques such as massage, stretching, fat loss, fluid retention elimination and muscle mass building. All the classics such as #vipr #trx #trxrip #sandbell #dumbells #kettlebell #olympiclifting One pack per client only. PM me to book! See more
04.01.2022 Last Saturday’s efforts.. am back on the Fun Run bandwagon.. for the running and possibly the beer #harvestrun #harvestrun2019 #runningmotivation
04.01.2022 New Moves! We've all done a squat or a lunge with an overhead press right? If you love the strength gains you get from a whole body move like that you will LIVE For this high-powered variation. Because every great coach needs a coach, I workshopped some new moves with Nathan from In2great Fitness & Wellness and this one came out as a fave of mine; it appealed to my love of traditional weight lifting while giving me the much needed body rotation and extra abdominal work that regular shoulder presses just don't give you. What do you guys think of this?? Would you been keen to try it?
04.01.2022 Part 2 of my total body warm up! This phase is more integrative with big full body movements that still act as mobilisers and stretches, but also as activators for the glutes, hamstrings, shoulders and core; basically to ensure all the lazier bits if my body are switched on and ready to do their jobs. These moves also help to get blood flowing adequately to the lower body ready for the higher heart rate intervals of #hiit training for #weightloss Let me know what you think of this second phase and post your comments below!
03.01.2022 Happy new year friends! I thought I would reach out on here and let you all know about my diet and nutrition consulting service. For January I am offering a 3 session package for those of you wanting to improve the nutritional quality of your diet and move on from restrictive ways of eating to start the new year. For $170 you get a full 1hour consulting/strategy session, a full dietary assessment based on your food intake, a print out of all your nutrient balance (ie,,macros and micros), an action plan based on your goals/needs and 2 x 45 min follow up sessions. The plans are completely personalised and are designed to move you away from ‘dieting’ and restrictive habits towards more sustainable practices and habit formation. I take a counselling approach with clients rather than putting them on a specific diet or forcing a particular way of thinking. Everything is done via zoom (unless you are local to me), evenings or weekends. Alana
02.01.2022 REMINDER: Bootcamp tomorrow at 9am, Sandringham Band Rotunda. $25 for a single workout or $20each in a pack
02.01.2022 As sure as a new year has begun so has the new you, become your best selfand this is your year to get healthy messaging on social media. I predict that this year- more than ever before due to the Pandemic, it will be almost impossible to cut through all the noise made by diet culture and those pushing their biased views of ‘ideal health’ hard at you via their smart phone. More and more supposed health and fitness professionals will launch that diet program they worked ...on last year or coaching model that they will insist is what you need to do in order to achieve ‘optimal Heath’. It may be a form of keto, paleo, high fat, low carb- whatever; regardless, it will likely be a specific diet and it will be shoved upon you as the only way to get healthy and of course to lose fat fast. Just cause it’s a new year doesn’t suddenly mean you have to drop dress sizes. My advice to you is, to take time to think about what GOOD HEALTH actually looks like FOR YOU. When you think of a healthy person what comes to mind? What image do you see? The reality is, for every person there’s a different kind of ‘good health’ and a dramatically different pathway to achieving it. And despite popular opinion- it doesn’t necessarily mean weight loss. Once you have a good idea of what your own health goals are you will be able to cut through the noise a little easier and get a clearer picture of the pathway to achieving it. No idea what health means to you? Try some journalling and write down your values and what is important to you in life in general. What about your health actually is worrying you? What would need to change for you in order to have the quality of life you are looking for? Still need help? Enlist a good non biased coach or trainer to help. And if you have a specific health concerns please don’t Dr Google- see your GP. And know a diet is not always the answer * #nutrition #nutritionist #personaltrainer #healthylife
02.01.2022 Nath from In2great Fitness & Wellness coaching me through lat release on the #powerplate. If you sit a lot, work on a computer, lean over kids or run and cycle for exercise this one is for you. It's also great for those who get tension headache. We used the Powerplate for quick results rather than the foam roller so I could get the heck on with my #hiit workout
01.01.2022 Who loves Lululemon gear?? Tomorrow Lululemon Athletica Brighton on Church as part of a special event with In2great Fitness & Wellness are having a special 25% off deal where I can bring 2 people with me who will receive 25% off their clothing purchase. I'll be heading there at 1pm, you just have to meet me there So if you love their gear tomorrow is your day!! PM me for more details
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