Fitbod Fitness in Port Kennedy, Western Australia | Sport & recreation
Fitbod Fitness
Locality: Port Kennedy, Western Australia
Phone: +61 420 671 797
Address: Unit 6/40 Bakewell Drive 6172 Port Kennedy, WA, Australia
Likes: 2499
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25.01.2022 REMEDIAL MASSAGE I’m sure at some time in your life you’ve heard someone talking about getting a Remedial Massage but what does it actually mean? Remedial Massage is a hands on treatment that targets the soft tissues of the body. Massage therapy is also known as soft tissue therapy, as it works on the muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia throughout the body ... So when should you get a Remedial Massage? If are experiencing aches in your muscles If you are experiencing sciatica pain If you are experiencing chronic pain If you are experiencing lower back pain If you have had whiplash If you are experiencing muscle cramps If you have knots, tense or immobile muscles If you are experiencing any discomfort emanating from your muscles or soft tissues And many more! What are the benefits of a regular Remedial Massage? Directly relieves muscle pain Reduces muscle tension and knotting Stimulates blood circulation and the lymphatic system Improves mood/mental health Increases joint mobility Reduce stress, anxiety and depression Minimisation/reduced chronic pain symptoms Improves the recovery of soft tissue injuries Elevate mental alertness If you are ever unsure if Remedial Massage is right for you, please contact our Allied Health Professionals down the road at or book in with @emmasartori_remedial
23.01.2022 Something that I love doing is reading It’s a ritual of mine that when we travel via plane that I get a book to read for the trip at the airport One of my favourite pass times on holidays is to read my book by the pool sun baking with a cocktail Of course at the moment we can’t travel so now every time I go to Kmart I buy a book I’m also now making the time to read as we aren’t travelling and I’m very grateful for our beautiful oasis at home to be able to go and... read outside when it’s a sunny day here in Perth I’d love to know what is something that you love to do??
23.01.2022 MEET COACH KIM I'm super excited to announce that we have a NEW COACH joining the Fitbod Fitness Team! Everyone meet KIM! Kim has experience in Group Fitness and Personal Training. She specialises in all things Women's Health!... Kim will be taking 2 classes to kick off her time here at Fitbod Fitness > Saturday 7am Metafit and Saturday 8am Fierce Fit from this coming weekend 16th January 2021
23.01.2022 POST-NATAL EXERCISE TIPS PSA: I’ve clearly not had a child recently IMPORTANT: Ensure you have the doctor's clearance to exercise ... Did you know that regular exercise post-pregnancy is an effective strategy to help treat and prevent post-natal depression? As well as increasing energy levels to help cope with the high demands of motherhood NATURAL BIRTH For women who delivered naturally, they can generally resume exercise within 2-6 weeks only with the clearance from your midwife or doctor. C-SECTION BIRTH For women who delivered via a c-section there should be very minimal exercise prior to the 6 week check up. Avoid sit ups and oblique abdominal exercises until 12 weeks post-birth. POST-NATAL TIPS 1. The new mother should listen to her body and not expect too much too soon. Take your time and rest when you need too. 2. Avoid exercise if you are still bleeding or if you are experiencing pain or discomfort. 3. Begin with low impact exercise such as swimming, walking or light weight training up to 3 times a week to get moving. 4. Core stability exercises are important. Gentle abdominal exercises will help restore abdominal strength. HOWEVER, if abdominal diastasis is present core stability exercises such as pelvis tilting and pelvic floor exercises can be performed. Avoid crunches and oblique exercises. 5. Pelvic floor exercises are mandatory to help build the strength back up in these muscles. If you have any concerns regarding your pelvic floor, please see guidance from a physiotherapist immediately. 6. Ensure a good warm up and cool down are always performed. 7. Relaxin is still present in the body up to approx 12 weeks post-birth which means the muscles, joints and ligaments are still susceptible to injury. Avoid overloading, over-stretching, and excessive exercise as well as activities that involve jarring or jumping movements. 8. Always maintain adequate hydration. 9. Make sure you're wearing a highly supportive bra. 10. Good nutrition is paramount whether you're breastfeeding or not. A diet of diary foods, high calcium foods, complex carbohydrates (such as oats, brown rice, potato, sweet potato and whole
22.01.2022 FITBOD FITNESS CLIENT RESULTS Who doesn't love a challenge! Especially one where the coaches keep you on track and provide motivation just when you thinking you might be falling off track! I loved that we had a support group to check in with and we encouraged each other. The 6 Week Challenge was the perfect amount of time to change bad habits and from positive new ones in a safe environment free from judgement ... We had to be vulnerable by taking body measurements, we did a weight in and we were sharing food diaries but thats all part of the process of accountability and change. In 6 short weeks my body measurements reduced by 11cm, improved my 1 rep max over the 3 lifts by 63kg and although weightloss was not the aim, still managed to lose nearly 3kg! I feel fabulous and more importantly I feel empowered to continue with my fitness journey
22.01.2022 This client review says it all What are you waiting for? Come kick start 2021 goals with Fitbod Fitness! We've got our 7 bucks for 7 days promo from now until the end of January So, if you’re ready to get started, follow the link in our bio to come trial our Women’s Only Fitness Studio
19.01.2022 Oh heeeeeey I thought it was time for a comp prep update on here because I know you love it I’ve been more private on here to allow myself a work/personal life balance This weekend I’m 8 weeks out from APL States and everything is progressing really well Which means I still have approx 7 weeks of building before a deload week before comp. Boss man is helping me tweak a couple of things but he’s otherwise happy annnnnd I may have locked myself into another comp year because why not I’ve been working hard for the past 18 weeks to better the girl I left on the platform and hot damn she’s coming in hot if I do say so myself Video: Deadlifts 1x2 reps at 87.5kg Coach: @briancookpl So, let’s chat! What is your current goal that you’re working towards??
19.01.2022 Something that we value here at Fitbod Fitness is your Health Yes we are in Perth, but we won’t be taking any risks when it comes to you and your families health After each class and at the end of the day we ... We clean the Kid’s Area We clean the bathroom We vacuum and mop the studio floor Wipe down all equipment that has been used during the classes And we also have hand sanitiser and hand soap available for you to wash your hands at any moment you’re in the studio Regarding COVID-19 Tracing We are an Appointment Only Studio which means everyone who comes to the studio for a Class, PT Session or Consultation has a booking and we have their details on our booking platform for contact tracing if it’s ever required. And we have also registered the studio for the SafeWA Online Contact Register where anyone who comes to the studio without an appointment will have to scan in for contact tracing. If anyone who is meant to be attending the studio is sick or is showing any signs of a sore throat, fever or is coughing we immediately cancel their appointment and ask them to seek advice from a medical professional immediately. We have clients and client's families who have Auto-Immune Diseases, Diabetes, Asthma and who are Pregnant just to name a few so for us following these protocols are a paramount.
18.01.2022 What are our 2021 goals? It’s our goal to help women from Kwinana to Rockingham to Port Kennedy to Mandurah build their strength, boost their health from the inside out and to reclaim their self-love back for themselves We have created a supportive, fun and judgement free Women’s ONLY Studio where you can come train united together whilst working on your own individual goals and maybe even gain some amazing friendships along the way ... If you’re wanting to work on a healthier you for 2021, follow the link in our bio to get started on a 7 Day Trial with us
16.01.2022 PRE-NATAL EXERCISE TIPS PSA: I’m NOT PREGNANT I’m competing this month so calm down But I bet this got your heart rate up IMPORTANT: Ensure you have a doctor's clearance to exercise ... Did you know that regular exercise during pregnancy has a positive effect on the growth and function of the placenta which helps protect the baby from oxygen deprivation? PRE-NATAL TIPS 1. Acarbohydrate rich foodshould be eaten about 1 hour prior to exercising (e.g a banana). 2. You should be able to talk during exercise and should not be short of breath. 3. Posture is paramount.Brace the abdominals, slightly bend the knees, keep shoulders back and the bottom tucked in. 4. All muscle groups should be strengthened. 5. Exercise 3-4 times a week. 6. Core stability and abdominal exercises can be done butavoid sit ups and curl ups. 7. Avoid bouncing and jarring(e.g star jumps) as they can potentially overstretch or damage the pelvic floor and pelvic joints and avoid movements that require lots of twisting and sudden changes in direction. 8. Ensure during ALL exercises breathing is controlled and consistent throughout the movement. 9. Squat no lower than 90 degrees. 10. Avoid supine (laying on your back) position after 16 weeks of pregnancy. 11. Stretch slowly and gradually with long holds and don't bounce stretches as joints are compromised due to relaxin. Heart Rates Not active prior to pregnancy: 65-75% of max HR Moderately active prior to pregnancy: 65-75% of max HR MAX HR = 220 - your age
15.01.2022 WHAT A DAY!! Today I competed in my 2nd Novice Powerlifting Competition No words can express how empowering it is doing these competitions Whilst I only got 1 PB and a 2 reds on the final bench (I got that 50kg up in the end though ) I’m so fucking proud even though I was a little bummed I couldn’t get all PB’s but I got 6/6, a Squat 85kg PB and another competition under my belt Also a shoutout to my #fitbodfitness babes for all your support love you girls!! ... SQUATS 77.5kg | 85kg PB | (video) 90kg | BENCH 42.5kg | 47.5kg | 50kg | (video) DEADLIFTS 90kg | 97.5kg | (video) 105kg | Where to from here?? We make plan and begin to prep for 2021 so stay tuned PSA the sparkle belt is from @pioneer_fit
14.01.2022 TOP TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL FITNESS JOURNEY 1 Aim for 6.5+ hours sleep a night 2 Keep your steps up with a minimum of 10,000 a day walking 3 Drink enough water for YOUR BODY (30 x your body weight = your recommended ml of water) ... 4 Eat Carbohydrates girlfriend because they aren't bad for you as they give you ENERGY (unless you have a medical condition) 5 If you're eating 1200 calories a day because an influencer is then please stop and message me so I can help you! 6 Make exercise fun! If you love cardio do cardio and if you love weights do weights but don't pressure yourself to do a fitness class or go for a run if it's something you don't enjoy 7 Just because you drank and ate pizza on the weekend it doesn't mean you've fallen off the bandwagon. It means you're embracing balance. It's OKAY to eat the pizza! 8 You got your period and you don't feel well. Go home and rest! You aren't failing by taking a day off training. Rest days are PARAMOUNT! 9 If you are unsure if you're doing the right thing for your fitness journey or you aren't enjoying what you're doing get in touch with us via the link in our bio so we can get you started on your fitness journey, feeling fabulous and enjoying your new fitness regime! See more
14.01.2022 Happy Sunday Gang What is your 1 non-negotiable for the week ahead? Mine is (I have a few ) to have a minimum of 1.5L of water a day, hit my calories everyday especially my protein targets and get 7+hrs sleep every night so I’m ready for comp day
13.01.2022 What is the Cat to Cow Stretch? I’m sure you’ve seen someone doing this stretch in the gym and thought what the heck does that do because I know what you mean by how it looks haha! Alright .... mind out of the gutter you lot! The Cat to Cow is an amazing stretch for your upperback, neck and shoulder tension; the abdominals, lowerbackand hips, and mid-thoracic tension ... What are the Benefits of the Cat to Cow Stretch? This stretch helps to strengthen your spine:Cat to Cow poseis great for strengthening your spine. Duringthe Cowstretch activates the tailbone, the spin's root, while theCatstretch releases the tension of neck and upper back. Theposewill also improve the blood flow in your spine So, why is it called Cat to Cow Stretch? Cat Cow, also referred to as 'Bitilasana' comes from 'bitil' meaning 'cow' and 'asana' meaning 'posture. ' Both thecatandcow poses stretchthe lower spine, hips and core muscles while opening the chest and lungs. This allows for easier breathing.
12.01.2022 Success is not built on success. Success is built in failure and determination!! Don’t be apart if to fail. Everyone fails at some point and it’s totally normal and it’s okay to fail! Because when you fail, it gives you the opportunity to refocus and try again 50kg Bench Equal PB ... Thank you so much @chipsfitness13 and @kerrin_murray for your support this morning!! See more
11.01.2022 Are you a Monica or a Rachel kind of morning person?? I’m definitely a Monica morning person haha
09.01.2022 WOMEN SUPPORTING WOMEN Fitbod Fitness is supporting Women and Policing We got the amazing opportunity to be the only Fitness Business to be published in the Women’s Police Journal for Spring 2021 ... The Australasian Council of Women and Policing was established in 1997 and helps Women within the police services and law enforcement agencies. To find out more on what this incredible Council does you can visit
09.01.2022 Who needs cardio when you can chase your dog instead
07.01.2022 We help Women live their best life through exercise Come join us for a 21 Day Trial to see if we are the right place for your fitness journey Head to the link in our bio to get started ... We can't wait to meet you!! See more
07.01.2022 One of my favourite things to do for some down time is to read a book sunbaking whilst drinking strawberry daiquiri’s What do you love to do during your down time??
06.01.2022 Why is coach to client communication important?? Let’s put this into perspective! Imagine you went to the hairdressers and you told them what you wanted but then changed your mind or weren’t happy with the final product but said they didn’t do a good job but really it’s because you didn’t tell them what you wanted It’s kind of the same for a fitness journey!! Let’s say you wanted to try something new or spice things up a bit, or you wanted a longer training session ...or you weren’t getting pushed hard enough BUT you didn’t tell your trainer so you decided to leave your trainer because they weren’t giving you what you wanted BUT you didn’t tell them so they could adjust your training to help you?! Personal Trainers are like Hairdressers - we are serviced based and we are here to help you but unfortunately we can’t help you unless you speak up so as you can see this is where client to coach communication is soo important!! There’s nothing worse than coming across a client who can’t communicate with you but will go tell others they weren’t getting worked hard enough but it’s because they couldn’t communicate. Give your trainer the opportunity to help you - it’s what they are there for!! Here at Fitbod Fitness we value coach to client communication as we are always here to help our clients progress and try new things I mean what trainer doesn’t love to spice things up a little
06.01.2022 Whilst everyone else is casually running into a new week, I’m sprinting hoping we don’t go into Lockdown 4.0 and gyms close again Pretty sure my face speaks for allll small business owners in Perth right now HOWEVER! We are open at this stage to full capacity with the 2sqm rule and mandatory masks so girls make sure you book into your classes via PT Minder we can’t wait to see you
05.01.2022 Annnd just like that we are weighed in, squat and bench heights done, had chats with the boss man himself @briancookpl and we have a full belly of Nando’s 1 more sleep to go until our November Novice Powerlifting Competition
05.01.2022 Happy first day of 2021 It had been a while in-between drinks as I don’t drink much anymore but last night we were lucky enough to go out and celebrate NYE in Perth City Shoutout to all @wa_police who were working to keep us safe all night Whilst yes I’m a Personal Trainer I’m also human and like to enjoy a night out with friends Girls! It’s okay to go enjoy a night out life without having to restrict yourself or feeling guilty ... I hope you also had a fabulous night celebrating And now you’re ready to make this year yours Even if you have to already pivot a little with the pandemic - babe you got this I believe in you and we are in this together
02.01.2022 FULL BODY 25 MIN AMRAP AMRAP = As many rounds as possible in 25 mins You'll want to SAVE this one! ... WORKOUT: A1. DB Squat Press x 10 A2. Kettlebell Swings x 10 A3. Assault Bike x 5 calories A4. Barbell Bent Over Row (Supine Grip) x 10 A5. Push Ups x 10 A6. Medicine Ball Slams x 10 A7. Burpees x 10 Enjoy Whatever your goal - We've got you Come train with us! Follow the link in our bio
01.01.2022 Fitbod Babes: What’s so funny? Coach Jess and Coach Tara giggling away: We’ve got a new workout and finishers for youuuu Fitbod Babes: This is bullshit
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