Fit Faster Performance in Woodlands | Yoga studio
Fit Faster Performance
Locality: Woodlands
Phone: +61 477 281 802
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24.01.2022 Happy Sunday everyone! Get some rest in today as we are going to have a smashing week at bootcamp Only 1.5 weeks to go, so make sure you don’t miss a session! #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife
24.01.2022 *****REMINDER****** With Easter coming up this weekend, there will be NO (virtual) bootcamp this Friday or next Monday! So make sure you do join in tonight's session at 6pm via Zoom.... Happy Easter everyone
23.01.2022 When your evening session starts with this, you know its going to be an awesome one!
23.01.2022 Great workout tonight team !
23.01.2022 Hey Team! Just a reminder that Monday is a public there will be NO bootcamp! If you want to come along tonight or tomorrow morning to make up for it, please let me know.... Enjoy that extra sleep in on Monday
21.01.2022 Grab a friend and start your Post Iso training with us for only $99 each! Join our friendly team for unlimited outdoor bootcamp training in Scarborough and Woodlands. Our 4 week Post Iso Transformation Challenge starts 2nd June, 2020... Only *$99 for unlimited sessions, plus so much more! Bookings are essential as there are limited spots. Click on the link to sign up. *new members only
20.01.2022 As you can see, everyone was jumping with joy for bootcamp tonight! Great work everyone , I hope you enjoyed it
20.01.2022 Morning! I have 2 spots left for the 9.30am session today if you haven't booked in already. The 5.30pm session is fully booked. ... The 6.15pm session has 1 spot left. If you haven't booked, do so asap! It's great to be back at bootcamp!
18.01.2022 Newsletter is up - get reading!
18.01.2022 What a stunning morning to wake up to! A crisp but sunny start to the day. Well done team Hope your Friday starts as amazing as ours did! #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife
17.01.2022 Mixing it up, making it fun! Day 4 25 squats! ... Show me your squats #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife
17.01.2022 9.30am boomerang! Lets get everyone training tonight at 6pm for an epic boomerang! Get yourself and your gear ready for a 6pm Wacky Wednesday Workout , remember to log onto Zoom 5 mins before so we kick off on time! ... See you then
17.01.2022 Super stoked that we had 18 bootcampers join us last night for the 6pm session. Well done team, keep up the great work
17.01.2022 Outdoor training is back! We are so pumped to be back working out, keeping fit and healthy in the fresh air Want to join our team? ... Contact us and book your spot as places are filling up fast! #outdoor #outdoortraining #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, Ralphie and I are all ready to go for the face to face bootcamps starting tomorrow at 6am! Please remember to bring back the equipment & mat (that I lent you) to your booked session. ... ********* New rules at bootcamp*********** Wash your hands before coming to bootcamp Wait outside the door if a session is on - social distancing a MUST! Sanitise your hands upon entering Take your equipment to a marked on the ground. Set up your station with a mat, towel, water & equipment DO NOT move between stations Keep distancing as per regulations All roller doors will remain open at all times Keep the germs low Keep the banter HIGH **************************************** I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for all the support that you've given me during this trying and changing time and I am super proud of your continuing commitment to your training in the last month. We've got this team, stay strong, fit and healthy!
16.01.2022 Team goals! Battle ropes, skipping pyramid, 100 push ups, 100 squats, 100 sit ups and sooooo much more well done team ... #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife
16.01.2022 Hey team, If you are not in our FFP Community Group, request to join us. It will have everything you need and more to help with your training during this trying time....
15.01.2022 We're back and I'm super excited! As of 6am tomorrow, FFP face to face OUTDOOR bootcamp is back on! There will be strict hygiene and social distancing rules in place as per the regulations, plus only a limit of 9 people per session. All equipment will be sanitised before and after each session & no sharing of equipment during sessions.... If you are READY to get back into training and want to join our team, please send a msg or email [email protected] for details. There will be an extra 4 sessions per week in order to fit everyone in, but there's a strict booking policy for all sessions. Our new evening times are 5.30pm & 6.15pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The Friday morning sessions are now 6am and 6.30am. All other session times remain the same. I only have a handful of spots left this week, so get in quick! See you at bootcamp soon!
15.01.2022 Thanks to all the team for celebrating another fabulous year at FFP! Lots of laughs, great bantering, good food and drinks were had at our Christmas gathering last night. Congratulations to Ryan and Bron for the highest attendance at bootcamp for 2020 ... We still have one week to go, so make sure you turn up to any session that suits you.
15.01.2022 Good news! The State Government is easing some restrictions on group fitness training We will be permitted to have up to 20 people per session beginning Monday 18th May. This means we will have some extra space for new clients to join our group.... Our sessions are outdoor in the open air with plenty of space. Click on the link below from todays 9news.. scroll down the article and check us out in action ! Want to be part of our team? Click on the link below to sign up and reserve your spot asap as sessions are filling up FAST!
15.01.2022 YES!!! Got to love those Friday feels YES!!! I have the best job ever YES!!! I have the best crew to work with ... YES!!! Blue skies for days Love where I live and work #lucky #outdoortraining #bootcamp
14.01.2022 Good morning all you lovely people! We ALL have had to make adjustments in our daily lives with work, family, friends and even training. Each day is a new day and we do get better at this change. ... Its been a crazy week for FFP going online, but sometimes being outside of your comfort zone leads to a rainbow . This is my 6am crew along with their kids, all training together online with me, some in a park and some in their homes! Well done team, super proud of you #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife #onlinebootcamp
14.01.2022 When your evening session starts with this , you know its going to be an awesome on! #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife
14.01.2022 Well done Sally @sallye_b !! Sally smashed out the last transformation challenge of the year with fantastic results & is our WINNER! . In fact Sally has won this challenge twice this year All that hard work has paid off. Keep it for 2021, it’s going to be a great year! #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife
13.01.2022 Amongst all that is happening at the moment... we still have this. This puts a smile on my face # where I live
13.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all my awesome FFP dads and to all the other dads out there! Have a wonderful day with your family
13.01.2022 This is what my week of training looked like. Well done everyone on taking on this new way of training. My clients support through all of this has been overwhelming.... so thank you ! Stay home, stay healthy and keep on training #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife
12.01.2022 TONIGHTS SESSION IS CANCELLED! Due to so many changes Im canceling the session. Those of you that have emailed me regarding equipment, dont come to bootcamp... Ill get it to you ASAP! ... Stay safe, be smart about what you really need to do . Youll get emails in the coming days of when virtual sessions will be up and running. Sending and to all of you.
12.01.2022 Don't forget your masks team! Please bring a towel too if you can for your mats.. just makes things a little easier. Also a reminder that the 6pm bootcamp sessions this week are :-... Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday so.... no excuses! If you missed any sessions recently, please come along and make up for them. See you there!
12.01.2022 As you can see, everyone was jumping with joy for bootcamp tonight! Well done team , I hope you enjoyed it
11.01.2022 Hey hey team, I have some good news! As of next MONDAY 4th MAY, FFP WILL BE back open The 6am, 9.30am and *evening sessions will be running as per 'normal' EXCEPT for a few changes:-... Only 9 people allowed per session Strict social distancing will be in place There will be NO sharing of **equipment. Use good hygiene at all times - sanitise before entering plse! BYO mat, water and towel. DO NOT TRAIN if you are feeling unwell. *there will be 2 evening sessions Mon, Weds and Thurs. The session times are 5.30pm sharp and 6.15pm sharp. You MUST BOOK your spot if you want to train. I will be taking bookings (for ALL am & pm sessions) on a 1st come, 1st serve basis via FB message, text or email 24 hrs before each session. SO MAKE SURE YOU RESERVE YOUR SPOT. This is the only way it is going to be fair for everyone. There will be a shorter warm up and cool down at each session and there is to be no 'mingling' around after.....sorry but in order for us to continue face to face bootcamp, we must comply with the rules. If you are able to come the 5.30pm session, please do, as it will leave a spot for some people that can only make the 6pm session due to work commitments etc. If needed I may have to run 3 sessions ... let's just wait and see what the numbers are like. **equipment will be sanitised before and after each session. Equipment will be placed in 4/5 meter distances from the next person and each spot will have a range of equipment needed for that session. There will be NO moving from station to station and no sharing. You will stay in one spot and use that equipment only. We are all in this together and together we will get through this. I can't wait to see all your lovely faces next week
09.01.2022 That’s a wrap for 2020! Thanks to all my FFP team for another fantastic year! Here’s to 2021 being even better! ... May you all have a wonderful Christmas and see you all in mid January. Ralphie and I will be chilling out by the pool after some much needed rest and we’re looking forward to a great 2021 with life full of love, good health, fun and most of all happiness for everyone Over and out
09.01.2022 Mandatory contact tracing will be effective from Saturday 5th December, 2020. To ensure that FFP complies with the new regulations ALL clients will be required to sign into each venue (Woodlands, Butlers and Scarborough Scout Hall) at EVERY session attended. I highly recommend you all download the SafeWA App so you can quickly scan in our QR code displayed at each and every session. ... You will need to bring along your smart phone or you can complete the necessary form (which I will have for you). Let's all do our bit and keep WA safe! Thanks
09.01.2022 Do you ever wonder what its like to be part of the FFP team?? Well come along and try us out! Your 1st session is FREE You get to hang out with awesome people, you get to belong to a fabulous community and you also get to do a smashing workout ... all this together will have you feeling amazing !!... Come alone or bring a friend & kick start your health & fitness journey with us. Its for all ages and fitness levels. Locations are Scarborough and Woodlands.
08.01.2022 Join our friendly team for unlimited outdoor bootcamp training in Scarborough and Woodlands. Our 4 week Post Iso Transformation Challenge starts 2nd June, 2020 Only *$99 for unlimited sessions, plus so much more! ... Bookings are essential as there are limited spots. Click on the link to sign up. *new members only
07.01.2022 Bootcamps back baby!
07.01.2022 We can do this team! 2 sessions down today, looking forward to seeing the rest of you at 6pm Turning a negative into a positive has made the last few crazy days so worth it ... Thanks everyone for your support and energy
07.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely mum's out there. Have a wonderful day and remember you are doing a great job !
06.01.2022 YAAAY to us being able to train outdoors again, we are feeling good! Have you missed your regular training regime during ISO lockdown? Is your gym closed ? Do you want to feel amazing again? Yes....... Then join in our 4 week Post Iso Transformation Challenge starting 2nd June, 2020 Only *$99 for unlimited sessions, plus so much more! Bookings are essential as there are limited spots. Click on the link to sign up.
05.01.2022 Hi everyone, If you are after the Entertainment Book this year, why not buy it from FFP! All donations go to supporting Ocean Heroes, a local charity that helps children on the autistic spectrum build confidence through surfing.... Here is the link for the Entertainment Book. It includes the 2 months extra and a voucher. They are only doing digital memberships now. Many thanks for supporting Ocean Heroes!
04.01.2022 Last week team!!! Ralphie and I will be ready and full of Christmas cheer . Please remember that bc is only on Mon, Tues and Weds this week. The following sessions are below. ... Monday 6am, 9.30am & 6pm Tuesday 6am, 9am & 6pm!!! Wednesday 6am, 9.30am & 6pm As you can see there’s still plenty of sessions to come to so don’t be slack!! It’s also going to be a very hot week, so please make sure you are well hydrated BEFORE bc. We will be closed from Thursday 24th Dec and resume on the 11th Jan 2021.
04.01.2022 Hi everyone! Here is the latest announcement from Mark McGowan. Its all pretty positive and we are heading in the right direction. ... This coming week 27th April all sessions will still remain online. Im working out how to reintegrate face to face bootcamp sessions with the current restrictions. Ill keep you posted with any up coming changes. Thanks #bootcamp #perthsbestbootcamp #workout #fitness #health #getfit #getstrong #gethealthy #trainwithmates #pt #transformation #challengeyourself #perthfit #perthfitmums #perthfitfam #scarborough #perth #fitperthlife @ Scarborough, Western Australia
03.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! So good to be back at bootcamp, training outdoors in the fresh air We done team for an epic first week back. ... If youd like to join us, we have a few spots left. Message or email ASAP as bookings are essential! Have a fabulous weekend
01.01.2022 Newsletter is up and it's the last one for the year! Merry Christmas everyone
01.01.2022 There’s 5 weeks left of bootcamp! If you’ve missed any sessions this year, now is the time to make up for them. Come along to any session that suits you, no need to book.. just turn up! ... Bootcamp will have it’s LAST session on Weds 23rd December at 6pm. I will run a Mon, Tues & Weds 6pm sessions that week. Bootcamp will resume Monday 11th January 2021.
01.01.2022 Don't forget your phones tonight so you can scan in at bootcamp!
01.01.2022 Gym's closed? Come and train with us - your 1st session is FREE! We are outdoors in the open air! We can only have 20 people MAX per session as of Monday 18th May, 2020 - so spots are filling up FAST.... Click on the link to sign up and reserve your spot.
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