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19.01.2022 **RANT WARNING** , !! , " !! You see, she's the easy one. ( now that I have removed her phone until... she is 21 ) She's the happy one. The kind one. The "good" one. Same days I wish all of my kids were just like this one. But, that's not fair. That's all about ME. It's all about making MY life easier. Because ALL kids have their super powers. Some are just harder to uncover. It's our job to help our kids find their super power. Let's face it, that's not easy when you have a child that requires you to use every ounce of your patience, understanding, love, and grace. But what if you did it ? What if you were the ONLY one who never gave up on your child ? What if you saw them through until they found it ? What if you watched them soar ? I'll never forget a couple years ago when a teacher came to me and said that my 8 year old son "had trouble following multiple instructions and maintaining attention" and she "RECOMMENDED he see a behavioural professional " WTF ?? I laughed and blatantly said to her "no thanks, there is nothing wrong with my son, he is a normal 8 year old little boy. Of course he has a small attention span. What is the teacher doing that is so boring ??" "You are not going to diagnose my son with some bullshit disorder " and I walked off. She couldn't believe it. She obviously hadn't been told no before. I protect my children from dickheads like that, sorry, not sorry. You see, the schooling system are always looking for kids "issues" . They aren't looking for their super powers. Please understand that when you send your child off to get "tested" or therapy or all of that shit, the child automatically thinks there is something wrong with them. Then they carry that label around with them for the rest of their life. They believe it. There's something wrong with me. How can they fulfil their true potential thinking that ? Words stick. It's the old self full filling prophecy right ? So, if your kids aren't great at school ?? So what ?? School is NOT the be all and end all. What do they love ? What are they good at? Feed that thing. Water THAT grass. Oh, and one more thing. All of these "professionals" are not gods. They do not have your child's best interest at heart like you do. They prescribe with the flick of a pen and with not another thought....... "next" You know what your child needs. Usually its healthier food, more exercise and a whole lot of fun. Prayer, gratitude, journalling, meditation, belonging, passion.... There are so many options to try before diagnosing them with some bullshit disorder for life. They are little They are working it all out You know what they need Now get off your arse and give it to them. Its your f-ing job. Rant over .xx

16.01.2022 Happy Australia Day my friends ! Today we celebrate the luckycountry , the natural beauty, the wide open spaces, the freedom, the people , the opportunities ... and so much more ! We are truly blessed to live in this amazing country

13.01.2022 Who Do You Need To Become? When it comes to writing the script of your life, and getting super dialled in on your big vision, how do you see yourself in the fut...ure? - Do you stand a bit taller now? - Are you feeling accomplished? - Are you happier? - Are you more vibrant & engaged in your life and purpose? - Are you more confident? - How do you show up for yourself now in this future? This is a vital part of the process, because in order to become that person, in order to activate this next level version of you, you need to get clear on who that is and what YOU look like. And once you get a feel for that... how about you start showing up like her right now!? In order to become the next level version of you, it’s time to start showing up like that today! ACTION SUGGESTION: 1 Choose a way in which you might invest in yourself, whether that be in a coach, committing to learning the new skills you need, choosing upon daily rituals you can be consistent with. 2 Start trusting yourself! 3 Find your confidence and start showing up how you want to be seen. 4 Let go of old choices and habits and embody new ones that you align with. 5 Change your mindset about money, life, love, business...all the things! Work on your personal development. Just decide who you are wanting to become and embody them fully.

09.01.2022 Miss 8 has been writing in my gratitude journal The funny thing is she VERY RARELY sleeps in her own bed , she’s always in ours I’m glad she’s grateful f...or hers though Imagine if you could you instill into your kids an unwavering sense of gratitude that they carried into adulthood . That the FIRST thing they thought of when they rise in the morning is I am grateful to be alive , it is a magic day Wouldn’t that be the most amazing gift you could give them ?

04.01.2022 An afternoon swimming in the ocean is a recipe for joy all around Must be all those negative ions

02.01.2022 Whether it's a relationship in turmoil, financial pressure, a lack of health, or problems in a job, negative situations ar...ise because of a lack of gratitude over a long period of time. If we are not grateful for each thing in our lives, we are unintentionally taking these things for granted. Taking things for granted is a major cause of negativity, because when we take things for granted we are not giving thanks in return, and we stop the magic happening in our life. Just as giving thanks to others will always lead to our life magically increasing, so must taking things for grated always lead to our life decreasing. Are you grateful for your health when it's good ? Or do you only notice your health when your body gets sick or hurt ? Are you grateful for your job everyday, or do you only value your job when you hear that there will be cutbacks ? Are you grateful for your loved ones every day or do you only talk to others about your loved ones when there are problems ? Taking things for granted results in complaining, negative thoughts and words. So when you complain, the the law of attraction, you must bring more things into your life to complain about ! The BEST news is that if you have any negative situations in your life currently, it won't take long to transform them with gratitude. Firstly, as difficult as it may be, you have to look for things to be grateful for in the negative situation. No matter how bad things are, you can always find something to be grateful for, especially when you know gratitude will magically transform every negative circumstance. Buddha demonstrated the way to use the same magical power when he said, " , ' , , ' , ' ; ." Gautama Buddha (circa 563 BC- 483 BC ) ACTION STEPS xxx Let Buddha's words be your inspiration , and today take one problem or negative situation in your life that you most want to resolve, and look for ten things to be grateful for. Make a list of them. In making your written list , make sure you list each of the ten things you're grateful for in the following way : __________. The first evidence of gratitudes magical power working is your feelings lifting, so when you do feel better about it, you know the situation will improve and the solutions will appear. The answer to any negative situation you want to resolve is to focus concentrated gratitude on it until you feel better inside; then you will see the magic work its wonder in the outside world. When your finished your list of ten things your grateful for, finish The Magical Way Out Of Negativity practice by writing: , , , . And if any little problem or situation appears in the future, remember to put out the embers with gratitude before it grows into a fire. At the same time you will ignite the magic in you life ! This excerpt was taken from "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne which is filled with life changing gratitude practices. I highly recommend it. xx

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