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25.01.2022 Tomorrow only! Get started for free when you join Snap Fitness Rockingham

23.01.2022 Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right #motivation

23.01.2022 Kettlebell Swing Muscles worked: Mainly glutes, hamstrings, lats and core. Equipment: Kettlebell Points to remember: Hinge your hips: dont squat. Meaning move through your hips, push them back to lower your body. The knees only bend slightly during this movement, to keep them in a healthy position. ... Drive with your hips: Be explosive in your hips, no swinging with your arms. Your arms are along for the ride, your hips and glutes are the force behind the swing. Protect your back: keep your upper back engaged and dont let your shoulders roll forward. This is important for protecting your lower back and keeping your core engaged. Squeeze your glutes for the force to move the weight, and not your lower back. Have any questions about the Kettlebell swing? Send me a DM and I can help

20.01.2022 A Monday reminder! For the ladies and gents #motivationmonday

20.01.2022 If it doesnt challenge you, it wont change you Step outside of your comfort zone, do something that scares you. This is where true change happens, challenge yourself to create a better life for yourself. Challenge yourself to reach your goals, within life or fitness. What is something that scares you, but you would like to achieve?... Let me know below See more

19.01.2022 The best time to get started, there will never be another special like this

19.01.2022 Push yourself, Make the most of your workout. Walk away from every workout feeling proud, accomplished, and strong as hell. Throwback to a year a go, cannot wait to see where my back is at now

18.01.2022 FnFs 8 week challenge is back! Beginning the 14th of September. I am looking for men and women who want to lose weight or gain muscle over 8 weeks. If you want to feel confident in your body and strong physically and mentally. There are only limited spots for this challenge, with the last one selling out! If you want the following:... Personalised goal setting Personalised programs Guide book with hacks + tips Nutrition guidance with personalised macros and Recipe packs Facebook support group Group outdoor events One on one support Get in to contact with me today via text 0421578401, to secure your spot! Find out what previous challenge goers said about this challenge at!

18.01.2022 Top 3 tips to achieve your health and fitness goals 1. Find a routine. Start with an achievable amount of exercising per week. The trick is not to aim to high, 3 days per week is a great number. If you aim for 5 and you dont achieve this your mindset will shift negative. So pick a number between 1-3 days per week to exercise. Once that routine is set add another day or extended the amount of time on a day.... 2. Write your goals down. Writing your goals down is cementing them into the ground (your mind). Find your big goal and break them down into mini achieve goals which will help you get to the gold (major goal). Set some mini goals for yourself, Example: Change my portion sizes every day this week. Next week: Go for 2 walks this week Week 3: Invest in a gym membership Every day look at these goals, manifest them and form habits around them. 3. Invest in someone to educate you. Learn correct form, how to efficiently train for your body, what muscles youre supposed to be working, what other elements are going to help you reach your goals and someone to help you maintain the hard work you have done. Take the stress off yourself and give it to a coach whos job is to make it easy and simple for you. I hope these tips help, DM if you have any questions about any of them!

17.01.2022 Alright, Ill give it a try. This weeks Star Wars classic quote is from Master Yoda. #ESB40

17.01.2022 THE BEST PANCAKE RECIPE! Okay Im slightly bias but nothing makes me love breakfast more than having these pancakes everyday! A small amount of calories, heaps of flavour, lots of protein and a large serving. Here it is, for one serving: 1x Banana... 100grams of pure egg whites 1x scoop of @emanate_brand chocolate hazelnut protein! That is it, add it all in a blender, mix it together and start frying them. To save time Ill pre cook 2 days worth of pancakes and reheat them in the morning. I have them served with 150 grams of mixed berries and one tablespoon of smooth peanut butter. The protein powder tastes really good (like Nutella), blends well and is completely vegan. @emanate_brand are completely transparent with their ingredients and thats what I love about the product. Let me know if your try this recipe in the comment section

17.01.2022 From home workout during isolation to pumping the iron in the gym, Daniel has killed his programs week to week and hit nutrition targets, still enjoying life and having balanced lifestyle. The goal was get lean and grow some muscle where we can, we have achieved this, a total of 8kgs lost with huge physical changes in his physique. Well done Dan

16.01.2022 Simple steps to feeling good! Eating whole foods, vegetables, fruits, a range of different meats. Things which make your body feel good, not everyone is the same! Keep your body moving, head to the gym, take your dog for a walk or park a little further away from work. ... Stay hydrated, a huge things to keep your body feeling good and helping with digestion. Sleep well and sleep lots. Have quality sleep, so your body can recover from everyday tasks and exercise. Give yourself love and be kind to your body. This is your forever home, look after it and listen to it. Feel overwhelmed? Pick one today and another one to begin next week, give yourself mini goals and before you know they will be in your routine everyday.

16.01.2022 Small progress creates habits, they set you up long term. With the ultimate goal being to maintain your progress and have a healthy lifestyle. Small changes and progress are the most important part of your fitness journey, they are going to be the building blocks to have you achieving your goal. What healthy habits have you maintained on your fitness journey?

16.01.2022 PROTEIN POWDERS + SUPPLEMENTS I am often asked should I take supplements? what protein should I buy. These types of supplements should not be used to change you body composition. They should be used as a tool to help your fitness goals, they are not 100% necessary. A protein powder is a great tool to use when you struggle to reach protein targets, or when you do not have a lot of foods which contain high amounts of protein. This is the first supplement type I recommend. ...What you should look for when looking to purchase one: -High amounts of protein: I aim for 20-30grams of protein per serve. -Macros: a high quality protein does not usually have a lot of carbs or fats. -Tests and studies: a protein which has been researched and proven to be all quality ingredients. And using supplements which have been proven to help your fitness and recovery. @emanate_brand have been kind enough to teach me more about the supplement industry and share there take on it. I absolutely love their protein powder! Have any questions about supplements, protein or this protein powder, send me a DM and I can help.

15.01.2022 GOAL SETTING! Get smart about your goals and set SMART goals to keep you accountable and on track to reaching them. A SMART goal is a goal which is: Specific (significant, narrow for more specific planning) Measurable (Ability to track progress and identify when you have reached the goal) ... Achievable (Ability to accomplish within time frame) Relevant (Should align with your values and long term objectives) Time bound (A realistic time frame, for motivation and prioritisation) Using smart goals defines the steps and planning you need to achieve your goal, this may be small steps which create the stair way to the big goal. Having everything written down can provide motivation and accountability to follow through and smash your goals! Let me know have you ever set a SMART goal before?

13.01.2022 Have you ever tried a group class before? There a heaps of group classes on offer, here are some benefits of doing a group class: Great start: if youre a beginner and are not sure what to do, a group class is a great way to learn exercises and methods of training. Theyre fun: a group environment with like minded people will keep you motivated as well as gaining some friends in the gym. Guidance: a qualified trainer is always present and will pick up on any form techni...ques which are unsafe. This means youll get an effective workout too! Never get bored: there is so much variety in types of classes as well as within the classes. For example: during my A.B.T class we use both body weight and weighted exercises to get a workout as well as different exercises week to week. I am currently offering 2 types of classes at @snapfitnessrockingham, Saturdays you can join me to work your Abs, booty and thighs at 8:15am! Monday and Wednesdays at 6:00pm I have bootcamp which is a full body workout. What is your favourite class? Let me know below

13.01.2022 slowly but surely :> -lemon p.s sorry for not being able to post this past few weeks, well be back asap :>

13.01.2022 It doesnt fit my macros

12.01.2022 8 Week Challenge Wrap Up! Last night we celebrated the end of FnF’s 8 week challenge, by enjoying some burgers, chips and drinks at Grilld! This 8 week challenge was amazing, the transformation in everyone has been awesome to watch. Sad not everyone could make it to the dinner but we had a great time. A big Thankyou to everyone who participated

11.01.2022 Do you use a booty band for any of your workouts?? If you do this is for you! The band is a great tool to use while youre training, for creating some extra resistance. Although using it during every exercise is not necessary, this will not provide you any extra booty gains. Here I am using it for a crab walk, as there is no other way to add resistance. While doing a hip thrust or a glute bridge, Ill use a dumbbell or barbell to add weight and resistance. This is what h...elps me build by glutes. When using a booty band, the higher you place the band on your legs the less resistance youll have and the easier the movement will be. So I picked just above my knees for the crab walk to have a medium resistance provided by the band. Do you use booty bands at all? If so what is your favourite movement with them? Let me know below

10.01.2022 Be proud of every step you take towards reaching that goal, every small change and step closer. Every change big or small is setting you up for a better, happier and healthier future #babysteps

09.01.2022 Are you okay? #ruokday sparks the conversation we should be having everyday of the year. Today is the day which helps you to add this into your daily life, speak to your friends, family and work buddies. Start a conversation by using these 4 steps: 1. Ask how some is or if they are okay? 2. Listen (the most important part) 3. Encourage action... 4. Check in You never know who I may need it, always speak up and always ask. #areyouokay

08.01.2022 Hello, this me, Nicola. I am the owner of Fit N Fearless, my mission is to help people to be strong both physically and mentally, mainly using exercise. During high school and beyond I struggled with my mental health, depression and anxiety to be specific. Low self esteem and low self care during this time. Injury is what lead me to become more conscious of myself and my body. Understanding it and listening to it, all the pains, aches, the good and the bad. Leading to me ...joining a gym with a good friend who taught me a lot. Learning to love my body, and truly appreciate what it is capable of. After all this is our forever home. This is when I realised I could make a difference, helping people to feel good. Not just close friend but many many other people. So I took the leap of faith and signed up to complete my Master Trainer certificate. And the rest is history. Many people are aware of my journey but I thought it was time to share it. What made you begin training?

07.01.2022 Why does everyone to recommend to lift weights? .......................................... Lets start with what is weight weight training or resistance training. It is the use of resistance to create a muscle contraction to build strength, and size of skeletal muscle. Resistance training increases muscle strength by making your muscles work against a weight or a force, different forms include free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, and body weight exerc...ises. .......................................... Why: This type of training will increase joint function, bone density, muscle, tendon and ligament strength, prevention of chronic conditions (diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, obesity, depression), reduce or prevent cognitive decline, improve posture, improve sleep, improve self confidence, improve overall wellbeing, decrease injury and enhance performance of everyday tasks! Just to name a couple! .......................................... A well balanced resistance program should be trained 3-5 times a week. Not sure how this may benefit yourself and your goals? Send me a DM and I can any and all your questions. #gains See more

07.01.2022 It makes sense.

06.01.2022 Stress, are you stressed right now? Stress is your bodies way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger the bodies defences kick into high gear in a rapid and automatic process. This is known as fight or flight mode. When working properly it helps you to stay focused, energetic and alert, which you need to be if you are in a high stress situation. Chronic stress effects almost every system in your body, suppressed your immune system, upsets your digestive and reproductive system. This can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke, also leaving you more vulnerable to developing anxiety, depression and other mental health disorders. So here are a few ideas to help you reduce your stress and take care of your body. It is okay to take a break, it is okay to not be okay.

06.01.2022 A few things to consider before beginning your exercise. I know you want to get straight into your exercise, pump some weights and get your workout done. But here are a few things to consider before you start. 1. Have you warmed up the appropriate muscle groups? Dynamic stretches and activation movements? 2. Are you mentally ready? Headphones on, pre workout finished and towel in hand? 3. Is your program loaded and workouts picked for the day?... After your ready, here are things to thing about before lifting on each exercise: 1. Have you set up the equipment to your correct height or other adjustments? 2. Is the weight challenging but not going to ruin your form? 3. Are your feet planted in the ground and your body stable? Set up is very important, especially to target the correct muscles for the exercise you are completing. Unsure of your set up for a certain exercise? Send me a DM I’m happy to help! #gymtime

06.01.2022 Bench Dips Muscles worked: Triceps Equipment: A bench and you! How to: 1. Use a stable and safe bench, or a box. Set on the bench and place your hands slightly under your butt. ... 2. Place your feet flat on the ground in front of you at 90. (Tip: having your legs straight will make this harder) 3. Keep your shoulders down and bend your elbows so they are pointing behind you. Then extended the arms to get to the top of the movement. Tips: Keep your back close to the bench, like youre trying to slide your back down the bench. Look forward and shoulders down. Do not let the elbows go over your shoulders, if they go over youre going too low! Not sure if youre doing this correctly? Send me a DM so we can get those triceps popping

05.01.2022 Tracking your progress There are many ways to track your progress, some more efficient than others. With physical progress normally being the main focus for some people, I highly recommend tracking progress with your weights training or cardio training. Setting mini goals along the way to help you achieve your major goal, Ive spoken about performance goals many times before. How do you track your progress?

05.01.2022 10 things your mental health is more important than: 1. Anyones opinion 2. Important plans 3. Your job... 4. Your relationship 5. Looking tough 6. Qualifications 7. Your families wishes 8. Likes and followers 9. People pleasing 10. Being an inconvenience #ThingsToNeverForget artwork by See more

05.01.2022 No ones journey is perfect. Everyone has steps or mountains to conquer, but once you reach the top it is beautiful. Let yourself reach the top and blossom with happiness. #selflove

05.01.2022 When your PT says great work, now one more set to go #motivational

03.01.2022 Next Saturday is Snap Fitness Rockinghams Open day. Come down to check out the gym and enjoy all the freebies on offer!

03.01.2022 Im proud of how hard youre trying

02.01.2022 Time to start thinking about summer! Looking into the future and getting prepared to take these layers of clothes off. Bringing your bikinis and shorts out to show off your physique! Have you set goals for yourself to reach to be confident in your body and mind? Send me a DM so we can get you prepared for the most confident summer you will ever have ... - Fit N Fearless - Building strong bodies, both physically and mentally -

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