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25.01.2022 How do you reach a breakthrough? How do you suddenly feel better? How do you ever feel okay again? It doesn’t happen overnight. There’s no one day fix or cure. Many of us are caught in the cycle of thinking that if we have more or better in life, that will make us happy. The reality is that this is NOT true. ... It’s not our lifestyles that make us happier, it’s our mindsets. Contentment is the ability to stand in the pouring rain and say ‘Alhumdulilah’ rather than complain; not letting the situation you are in change the condition of your heart. Looking to work on your own development and mindset growth? Check the link in my bio to view my services and DM me to book!

25.01.2022 Something I focus on in sessions with my clients is the background behind why they have the habits, routines and reactions that they do. Often we don’t realise how much everything is interrelated. Someone who is struggling with anger might not know that they struggle to communicate their feelings. Someone who is anxious more than usual, may not realise that fear is based on something they experienced in childhood. Becoming more conscious of ourselves, our feelings, the way we operate & what we have been through truly helps us to strive. DM me today if you’d like to book a session with me!

24.01.2022 Do you feel the constant need to escape your life? It’s often caused by not feeling in control of the things around you and not feeling inspired! Life coaching can be great to help combat these concerns and start moving forward again! Check my website to see my services *GIVEAWAY: For your chance to win a FREE $100 gift voucher to use at @fitrahealing on a service of your choice, tag a friend in any of our posts over the next 2 weeks* Winner will be announced 4th of December! 1 tag = 1 entry

24.01.2022 SIGNS THAT YOU’RE DEALING WITH GASLIGHTING! If these are common phrases that you’re hearing when you voice your concerns to specific people around you, then it could be that these people have a gaslighting personality. Gaslighting happens in relationships (not just spouse relationships but family, friends or your boss, etc.) where there is an uneven power dynamic. ... Gaslighting can lead to long term effects including creating beliefs about yourself that aren’t true and decreased self confidence. If someone is telling you that your feelings are not valid, that your thoughts are wrong & that you are Less Than for so long, then eventually you are bound to believe it. DM me today if you’d like professional help with this! It can be extremely helpful to discover ways to cope with gaslighting and overcome it at its core.

22.01.2022 Curious about my services but unsure if we are the right fit? This is NORMAL! I’ve created a YouTube channel where you can get a deeper understanding of how we might be able to work together! These videos are not only FREE, but also EXTREMELY helpful for anyone wanting to learn about improving their mental health! Recently, I’ve created 2 videos! One about anxiety and the other about depression. They’re both focused on healing from mental health issues using a holistic appr...oach that targets your mind, body & soul! I give away some amazing tips To check out my YouTube channel, you can search for ‘Fitra Healing’ in your Youtube search bar! Make sure you subscribe too!

22.01.2022 I often describe anxiety like wearing an invisible backpack. We carry so much from our past that we often forget that it's there or we may not even recognise that it's influencing the way we behave and respond. However at some point the body sends out a message that it's getting too much. This can show up as anxiety, anger or even physical illness. It's a message that it's time to unpack the backpack or at least learn strategies to lighten the load. We specialise in helping women overcome anxiety and negative self-beliefs. Feel free to contact us if your struggling with anxiety or low self-esteem.

22.01.2022 What does it mean to accept the Qadr of Allah? Often times people are told that if they’re sad about something not going their way, then they are sinning. This is not true. While we should aim to truly accept what Allah decrees, it is NORMAL for certain things to hurt us more than others! ... Losing a loved one, missing out on the house you wanted or becoming ill for a long period of time are just A FEW of the things that can cause us to feel down, even if we have no control over them. DM me today if you’re struggling with this area and we can chat about it! There are practical steps forward from this!

20.01.2022 Isn’t it amazing how this life works? Everything is constantly changing and we feel a roller coaster of emotions every single day. After all the hardships, Allah swt finds small pleasures that satisfy us. Our children. Our hobbies. Our food. These are just a few of the small pleasures you might experience. It’s important to never give up hope of Allah swt and remember that He will constantly provide for us. ... If you haven’t already, make sure you go watch my recent IGTV videos! I’ve created one all about anxiety & another about depression! They’re super helpful and can give you a bunch of insight into how to begin your healing journey!

19.01.2022 Interested in my story? You can click the link in my IG bio for a more in depth explanation regarding EVERYTHING from my services and price list to my brand story! In saying that, I wanted to summarise my story here as well! Initially, I studied formally, graduating with a Bachelor of Health Science (traditional Chinese medicine). While working in this field, i noticed how many of my clients were showing physical symptoms that were caused by their emotional state. ... From that, I moved on to study a degree in Counselling and Life coaching to further serve the women around me. I also became a licensed Creatrix practitioner. While I do still offer hijama and acupuncture services (click the link in my bio for more info) my focus is now on healing inwardly and using a holistic approach to healing!

17.01.2022 We promote a holistic approach to healing @fitrahealing! This means that deep, internal healing needs to target your mind, body & soul collectively. Allah swt has created us, as Humans, to be extremely complex, so healing should reflect these complexities. ... Neglecting any of these areas will result in possible set backs on your healing journey. DM me today if you’d like to discuss ways in which I can aid you on your healing journey.

17.01.2022 Why is it that communication is so difficult for so many of us? Often times it stems from our childhood or unresolved issues that we have. Most of us haven’t been taught how to efficiently communicate whilst also handling our emotions. We may have felt that we weren’t truly heard during childhood, or like our feelings weren’t properly considered. From this, we built unhealthy communication styles or habits. ... Communication is an important thing to work on because efficient communication will aid you in building healthy relationships with those around you. I offer life coaching services which may aid in this, along with counselling services for if we do find that your inability to communicate comes from something deeper. DM me today to arrange a call to see how we can fit together and work on improving your life!

17.01.2022 Salams everyone!! This is a recent Youtube video which is on the topic of depression. I wanted to post it on across my other platforms as well, incase you aren't familiar with my Youtube channel. In today’s video, we discuss depression. I talk about the signs of depression that may be present, along with some stigmas surrounding mental health particularly with in the muslim community. I figured that today was the perfect day to upload this, considering it is R U OK? day today...! If you have any video suggestions or questions, please feel free to drop them down below! For all enquiries, DM me on Instagram or Facebook! Make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel if you haven't already! Link to my Youtube:

16.01.2022 Comment one piece of advice that you have for someone struggling with depression? As a society, we often forget how much our words may be able to change someone’s perspective and encourage them to keep going! If you’d like to chat about your mental health, DM me today!

16.01.2022 Have you checked out our YouTube channel? We created a channel for you to be able to see the face behind the brand more + receive some super helpful tips in relation to your mental health FOR FREE! We have created videos discussing anxiety and depression recently and are planning some exciting new content pieces for the months ahead ... You can search ‘Fitra Healing’ in your YouTube search bar to find me! This can also be a way for you to evaluate whether you’d like to work with me and how that might look going forward! Make sure you subscribe & share our YouTube with your friends!

15.01.2022 What other ways can trauma present itself with physical symptoms? Comment down below! The reality of trauma, is that it’s our bodies normal response to an abnormal events. We often don’t give ourselves enough credit when it comes to dealing with trauma. You are strong for shouldering this burden each day It’s important to know that while trauma might run deep, healing is possible and you don’t need to work through it alone. ... DM me today if you’d like to discuss counselling options!

14.01.2022 Surah Baraqah verse 186; What a beautiful reminder that Allah swt gives us! Whether it’s the morning or the middle of the night, Allah is always listening. Part of the test of this life is truly believing in Allahs plan for us. We need to believe that He is hearing our prayers and will respond in the best way. ... It’s comforting to know that we can have a direct relationship with our Creator regardless of what is happening in life! Drop a comment below sharing something that makes you thankful for Islam!!

14.01.2022 What do healthy boundaries look like? It looks like this!! Saying YES to everyone often results in putting yourself last - avoid doing that! Instead, consider how YOU feel. Do you genuinely want to say yes? Is there something else you need or want to be doing instead? Does this person NEED help or are they just used to having you help them all the time? ... Set boundaries to create a more healthy and balanced dynamic with your relationships.

13.01.2022 I’ll be going LIVE on Instagram in 30 minutes to discuss postnatal depression with a special guest who has her own personal experience with it, InShaAllah. Make sure you tune in for some valuable insight into an area that is often not spoken about, but that NEEDS to be discussed more because of how many women feel the effects of it every year. 8PM AEDT; don’t miss it!

12.01.2022 What’s something that you experienced in childhood that you need to let go of? Comment down below! I’d love to chat with you if you’re looking for someone to aid you in letting go of the things you’ve experienced during childhood.... DM me today to organise a consultation!

12.01.2022 The Prophet () said: There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good. - [Sahih Bukhari] The truth is that when we are free, we are too lazy to get up and do some good, but then when that free time is taken from us, we say we’re busy. We are victims of our own lazy nafs that prevent us from performing good and improving our lives. It isn’t easy to begin living more proactively and implementing structure into our routines, but is definitely possible and worthwhile. DM me and book a session if you’re struggling to implement structure into your routine and would like some assistance.

11.01.2022 As this week comes to a close, it’s more important than ever that we ground ourselves with the reminder that Allah has control of all things & that He looks after our affairs. ‘Umar bin al-Khattb heard the Messenger of Allah () saying, If you trusted Allah with due Tawakkul, He would provide you sustenance as He provides for the birds; they go out in the morning with empty stomachs and come back in the evening with full stomachs. (Tirmidhi).

10.01.2022 A common situation that women find themselves in is one where they feel alone; like no one is able to support them, like they have too much to deal with, like they’re constantly coming last, like they can never get a break. This is due to unhealthy dynamics in our lives and building unrealistic lifestyles for ourselves. Often times, it’s true that you aren’t supported in the way that you should be, but that doesn’t mean the people around you are horrible. It can be the case t...hat those people simply don’t know how to support you or even that you need the extra help! This is why speaking to a trained professional is so helpful! We are able to first listen and analyse your life, then develop a strategy plan to help you improve the areas that you need help with. You CAN live a better and do not have to constantly struggle. DM me today to book a session! See more

10.01.2022 For anyone that may be new, let’s share a little more about @fitrahealing We are a brand focused on helping women grow and become the best version of themselves. We specialise in anxiety, depression and negative self-image. Along with that, we have the option of an Islamic perspective that we offer our clients within sessions. We offer 1 on 1 sessions that can be individually tailored to your needs. We have a number of services available, offering consultations online or f...ace to face. Some of these services include counselling, life coaching & Creatrix. To book a session with us or for any enquiries, simply DM us.

09.01.2022 Let’s start tomorrow off with a more positive attitude! Are you looking to work on some new goals, start a new habit or stay on track with the things that are important to you? If you’re struggling to do these things alone, then investing in a life coach would be great for you! ... We can dive into your goals, discuss the blockages that are getting in the way and implement practical ways forward! Studies show that having a guide when working towards your goals helps get things done faster and more efficiently! DM me today if you’re wanting to book a life coaching session with me!

09.01.2022 Let’s talk CREATRIX! It’s a process that uses the conscious and unconscious mind together, that helps you to unlearn your issues at the very root until they are replaced with much higher emotional and mental intelligence. This service is a package with a number of sessions dependant on the specific issue you need help with. It will enable you to overcome your limiting beliefs. ... Price varies dependant on the issue you’d like to overcome; DM me today to discuss it further.

09.01.2022 Your salah reflects your life! What does that mean exactly? In a hadith we learn that The first action for which a servant of Allah will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection will be his prayers. If they are in order, he will have prospered and succeeded. If they are lacking, he will have failed and lost. Our salah has the ability to balance every other area of our lives - so much so to the extent that the prophet saws was once asked about a man committing a sin, which he responded that the mans prayers would eventually cause them to give up that sin. We need to hold tight to our prayers if we want an overall balanced life; a wisdom Allah of making it obligatory upon us to pray 5 times a day is that it will correct us in other areas of our lives as well! May Allah swt allow us all to be steadfast in our prayers. Ameen.

08.01.2022 We promote a holistic approach to healing because we believe this is the way to appeal to our natural state of being (our Fitra)! We have an IGTV up that discusses anxiety in depth, explaining how my services can help, but also how you can make changes by yourself at home! Alternatively, you can watch this video straight from our YouTube channel! Subscribe to ‘Fitra Healing’ today

06.01.2022 Eliminating the stigma! What does that mean? Unfortunately many people feel uncomfortable, judged, insecure or weak by seeking help through therapy. Eliminating the stigma involves actively speaking about seeking help with your mental health EVEN IF it doesn’t directly impact you - it’s about being the voice for those who feel voiceless. *GIVEAWAY: For your chance to win a FREE $100 gift voucher to use at @fitrahealing on a service of your choice, tag a friend in any of our posts over the next 2 weeks* Winner will be announced 4th of December! 1 tag = 1 entry

05.01.2022 So often I see women who make things even more difficult for themselves... They’ve developed unhealthy habits because they have helped them to cope thus far, without realising that these habits are only causing them further harm! It’s important for us to recognise our flaws and then work to change them; in order to create a more stable and healthy life! ... DM me today to book in for counselling - we can discuss exactly why you cope the way you do, and how to change that for the better

05.01.2022 When it comes to our own personal development and growth, we feel bad about it! We feel bad about spending money on ourselves, taking time for ourselves & even remembering to keep up with the BASICS of self care! We would be happy to spend all the effort in the world on helping someone else, but neglect ourselves. Why? It may be a limiting belief that you have - that we you not worthy of growth. It may be that you’re so focused on pleasing everyone else, that you naturally ...put yourself last. Either way, booking a session can help us get to the bottom of it and diving into a healthier lifestyle. In saying that, only YOU can take the first step. DM me today to book a session!

04.01.2022 What’s a mental health checklist and what are the benefits? A mental health checklist is a way to track yourself; which is helpful in order to be more self aware & mindful of your own health. People that are struggling with their mental health can sometimes become overwhelmed & neglect themselves with even the small things. Creating a list of simple but achievable tasks that are proven to boost your mood, can be a game changer for self development.

04.01.2022 A glimpse at our clinic For those clients who book an in person session, this is what to expect when you visit! We have made this space as homely, calming and relaxing as possible and are extremely proud of it! ... To book a session with me, simply DM me!

04.01.2022 The truth is that we all need support but majority of us don’t get it! That’s why it can be so helpful to speak to a professional and ensure our needs are met! *GIVEAWAY: For your chance to win a FREE $100 gift voucher to use at @fitrahealing on a service of your choice, tag a friend in any of our posts over the next 2 weeks* Winner will be announced 4th of December! 1 tag = 1 entry

04.01.2022 It’s amazing to be helpful, thoughtful & accomodating to others, but sometimes this need to please others and seek their approval gets in the way of your own well-being. Women commonly fall into this trap; being that we have been socialised to think that our value is found in how we serve everyone around us. However, you can really harm yourself by constantly implementing this behaviour. You spend so much time taking care of others that you run yourself ragged, neglect your... own wants and needs, and lose your sense of self. Fear of rejection forces you to meet everyone elses expectations. But what about you? YOU are also important! With that, you should also ensure that you are caring for yourself, nurturing yourself, considering your own feeling and focusing on your own personal growth! If you need help removing your people pleasing habits and behaviours, DM me so we can book you in for a 1 on 1 session!

03.01.2022 A client review while doing Creatrix with me. This service offers a mind breakthrough that utilises the conscious and subconscious mind to quickly transform and heal clients from the blockages in their lives! This experience works to free clients from negative self belief and transform them at their core. It aids women in creating a new cycle of success and peace of mind. Curious about my services? Click the link in my bio for more information including my price list!

02.01.2022 It’s important that we are honest with ourselves and with others. When it comes to our mental health and struggles, we often feel like we need to keep it in. This is unhealthy and can lead to further complications. Instead, I challenge you to share how you’re feeling. How are you, really? If you don’t feel comfortable sharing in a comments on this post, you can message me instead so we can have a chat! ... If even that feels like too much for you, then at least be honest with yourself about your feelings and ask yourself what you may be able to do to change your current mindset.

02.01.2022 Some self care practices that you can easily implement into your routine. Each practice ranges from just 5 minutes up until 30 minutes, meaning these can be fit into anyone’s schedule to ensure they’re practicing self care. Do you need a self care day?! Tag someone below to remind them to take some time for themselves soon!

02.01.2022 Your childhood helps develop your adulthood. Often, my clients will come to me with unresolved issues (e.g. they’re too angry, they’re too sensitive, they’re ultra-independent) Then we will discover the link between their current reality and the experienced they went through during childhood. Your childhood can cause you to build a barrier between you and your ideal life. ... Share this with someone you know this would help, as reassurance that they don’t need to continue having these limiting beliefs about themselves. P.S: I help women overcoming these limiting beliefs and grow into the better version of themselves using a variety of tactics. DM me if you’re interested in discussing what I offer!

01.01.2022 Sometimes we get stuck on what we need to do instead of what we have already done. Our todo list is never ending and it can feel as though we aren't moving forward. What can be helpful is to pause and reflect on how far you have come. Reflect on all the small wins and small progress. Success doesn't happen over night it's a journey, it's a process. So keep going with the small steps and eventually you will achieve your end goal. ... If your making small progress remember it's better than no progress. #success #lifegoals #counselling #muslimcounselor #progress #achievment #keepgoing #nevergiveup #youcandoit

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