Flare Access | Business consultant
Flare Access
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23.01.2022 Happy International Day Of People With Disability! Our vision is to see an inclusive & accessible world without barriers. To see universal design as standard be...cause it's good for everybody. Not only is it vital for people living with disability to have equal access, it's also great for businesses, as they can tap into the third largest economic power in the world. And we work towards this every day. We support businesses to create an inclusive and accessible customer journey, without barriers, so they can open doors to more customers and you enjoy every step of the experience. We host workshops for businesses to increase their accessibility, both online and offline, so that EVERYBODY can engage with their service and no one gets left behind. We offer disability awareness training to businesses who see potential for staff to develop these skills, creating a truly inclusive experience for all, getting you talking about them for all the right reasons. And most importantly, we listen to you. If you have any experiences with businesses or services that suggest they could focus more attention on accessibility and inclusion, we’ll reach out to them and support them to improve access. We’re here for you, reach out anytime.
22.01.2022 Today I'm myth busting... Most businesses in hospitality, retail and recreation that I’ve worked with hold this myth about access and inclusion and it means they miss out on the third largest economic power in the world. So, I want to ask, are you missing out also?... Have you thought about improving access for your business but thought you need to knock down walls in order to do so? You are not alone! So many others think the same. But, the great news is that you don't need a sledge hammer to improve access and inclusion, there are so many simple strategies you can use. https://youtu.be/FToPAxsnDOE
20.01.2022 Lets be honest, it's hard enough trying to stand out from the crowd when every business is clamouring for attention as the restrictions slowly ease. One way you can stand out is by creating an amazingly accessible service that everyone wants to talk about. With 20% of the population living with a disability, now is the perfect time to make sure there are absolutely no barriers for customers to access your service- every single customer is valuable to your bottom line!... Focusing on improving the accessibility of your service is not only socially responsible (because no one wants to feel excluded), but it is actually amazing for your cash flow. You see, in Australia alone people with disability have a combined annual disposable income over $54 million (and that doesn't include the disposable income of their friends and family who they share experiences with). Opening your business to people with disabilities will not only boost your bottom line by increasing your customer numbers but you will also have people talking about your business for all the right reasons. This is why at Flare Access I absolutely love working with businesses to increase the access and inclusion of their service by using simple, low cost, set and forget access solutions so they can effortlessly attract more customers. It's a win for businesses AND a win for the community. Comment below what your business has done to improve the access and inclusion of your service for customers with disabilities?
20.01.2022 Many organisations right now are living through a crisis that is changing the direction of their business. Everyone is trying to stand out from the competition, especially in this time of change and adaptation. In this new world where we are trying to figure out what to do next, there is one thing you CAN DO for your business to grab more attention.... That is to focus on the access and inclusion of your service. One in five people live with a disability but the average business is not accommodating their needs. That means that you're closing your doors to 20% of the population who want to spend their money with your business. Avoid closing your doors to the customers you want to serve. What have you done to open you doors to customers with access needs?
19.01.2022 Accessibility- It's far more than just an accessible toilet or car space. You can even still attract people with disabilities through your door without these accessible features. How? ... If you address the finer details of the customer journey for people with disabilities, you'll capture the attention of this valuable market. People with disabilities can make a huge contribution to your customer base considering they control a disposable income over $54 Million (and that's not including the income of their friends and family). Have you thought about your signage available? Circulation space? The disability awareness of staff? Or how you promote this all to your customers? The thing is, very few businesses actually think about the finer details of the customer experience of this audience, yet it's what makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE. So, in 2020 boost your bottom line by addressing all aspect of access and inclusion. How have you made your business accessible?
18.01.2022 I work towards my dream world every day. Where every person has access to every venue, cafe, restaurant, hotel and gallery, because there are no barriers. Where a child can go to a store and use the changing room to try her school uniform on with dignity.... Where a person can visit the new local restaurant and create memories with friends and family without the uncertainty of steps or barriers. It's one where the Universal Design of buildings and services will be standard practice. Where people will not feel excluded or isolated because of poor design or poor disability awareness of others. It's a world where inclusion exists in everything we do, without hesitation or second thought. Until this world exists, I strive every day to take steps forward and help create accessible venues and services. And it can be scary because we are so far away from the vision in my mind. But I know it just needs to be done.
16.01.2022 Last weeks workshop 'The value of inclusion: Simple ways to access new customers' in the Unlocking Accessibility Series with Incubate was such a great success! We had fantastic feedback following the workshop with attendees sharing that they had an improved awareness of access and inclusion in day to day activities. YES! That's exactly what we want! Once you start to have a greater awareness of access and inclusion in business (or the lack thereof) we can truly start to crea...te change and improve both the performance of your business and your customer journey. If you missed out on the first workshop, don't worry, there are still 3 to come. This week is Part 2- Inclusive Culture: How to empower change. Businesses can only develop a long term impact, create positive word of mouth and increase customer numbers if everyone in the organisation is on board, but most businesses are neglecting to adequately train and equip their staff. In this workshop learn simple strategies to create an inclusive culture to increase cash flow and improve your customer experience. Just follow this link to register for this FREE workshop https://events.humanitix.com/inclusive-culture-how-to-empow
16.01.2022 Word of mouth is everything to a small business, especially in a post pandemic world. Now more than ever, you want to be the talking point as the the business that's fostering change and creating an impact in the local community. No business can afford to turn away customers because of poor access. That's why it is so important to make sure you aren't leaving 20% of the population behind. ... With internet usage surging since the pandemic started, more businesses are taking their services online to connect with customers and customers are actively seeking you out. Now is the perfect time to check the accessibility of your service. This week is the final workshop in the Unlocking Accessibility Series in collaboration with Incubate- Inclusive marketing: get 100% of your audience. 1 in 5 people live with a disability and if you're not offering an accessible online service, you're missing out on this $54 million market. In this FREE workshop we'll delve into: - Inclusive marketing and language - Optimising your social media for accessibility - How to communicate inclusion in a way that grabs attention - The dos and don'ts to accessible marketing. Just follow this link to register. https://events.humanitix.com/inclusive-marketing-get-100-of.
15.01.2022 I'm super excited to share the Unlocking Accessibility Series: A four part workshop series supporting businesses to learn about the value of inclusion, that I'm facilitating with Incubate. The first workshop is Wed the 9th September and I'll be talking about The value of inclusion: Simple ways to access new customers. If you run a business that's been impacted by COVID-19 and are trying to figure out how to boost customer numbers and cash flow around restrictions and health... and safety measures then this workshop is for you. In this workshop I'll share with you exactly why you should be innovating through inclusion and the impact that making your service accessible will have for your business now in these critical times, for your post pandemic recovery plan and for the community. We will cover simple ways you can make a commitment to have a bigger contribution that attracts customers and boosts your profits. Just follow the link to register, I can't wait to see you there. https://events.humanitix.com/the-value-of-inclusion
15.01.2022 Hey everyone, I hope you're all keeping safe in this very difficult time. I'm launching a new Video-cast to help reduce to impact of isolation for people living with disabilities and to create an opportunity engage with others (despite being in lock down). A huge issue that many people have shared is the feeling of absolute isolation and the challenge to find entertainment that is accessible and relate-able. ... Sporting and entertainment events have always brought us together, through thick and thin, and as all sports and most entertainment are suspended (including the Paralympics ), I want to offer a virtual, interactive video-cast, hosting interesting and incredible athletes and entertainers with disabilities. The best part about this project is the massive focus we will have on the interaction of guests AND those of you watching from your Living Room, so you can connect and engage (despite isolation). Bringing value and entertainment into homes for children with disabilities and adults alike, we'll talk about all topics relating to guests' personal stories, tips and strategies for maintaining movement, strength and sanity in the home during this time of isolation and many many other topics. So, if you’re feeling the effects of isolation and are ready for some new entertainment, register your interest here and I’ll keep you updated for the launch over the next week or two. It is absolutely FREE and I’d love to see you there. You can register your interest here: https://mailchi.mp/flareaccess.com/livingroomlinks If there's someone in particular that you would love to have as a guest on the show, please comment their name below and I’ll do my absolute best to invite them along. Chat soon!
14.01.2022 This week is National Disability Week and I am so pleased to be collaborating with Incubate to give businesses simple and effective tips to increase your online accessibility. Simply sign up below!
14.01.2022 I'm sitting here at my laptop on a Monday night with a growing list of tasks (because a pandemic puts the pressure on), grooving away to the Dirty Dancing soundtrack with a major question on my mind... What are you doing in your businesses to survive COVID-19 and how are you innovating? I love Dirty Dancing and we all remember the happy ending, where everyone is dancing into the night. ... But right now many of us feel like we are either at a cliffs edge just holding on, or we are at the foot of Everest with a long way up, with dancing far from our minds. This pandemic has confronted us with challenges that we could not have even imagined. We all need to pivot and adapt, but we will all come out of this stronger if we support one another and share ideas and strategies. What are you doing in your business to innovate and survive the pandemic?
14.01.2022 Disability etiquette is constantly evolving. With the progress that has been made on disability rights and inclusion, and as technology creates more opportunity for people with disability to be heard, a shift is happening around what disability etiquette means today. Disability awareness and etiquette are critical issues for businesses to address to offer a truly inclusive service.... https://www.forbes.com//its-time-for-a-reimagining-of-di/
12.01.2022 You can create an inclusive culture and boost your bottom line. Commitment through contribution is the first step to offer an accessible and inclusive service. You will then tap into a market worth over $54 Million and in this new post pandemic world, no business can afford to miss out on that. ... There are many simple, low cost, set and forget solutions that businesses can implement to attract customers with disabilities, their family and friends. If you want to grow the accessibility of your service but you're just not sure where to start, I'm happy to share with you a free Access & Inclusion Action Checklist. This will help you get started to address the key areas to access and inclusion, helping you understand where to focus, so you can start to attract more customers. Just ask for your copy in the comments and I'll DM the link.
08.01.2022 So thrilled to be mentioned in the Spark Festival newsletter today, celebrating greater accessibility and inclusion of events as a result of COVID-19. With the uncertainty that has been caused by this pandemic, now is the ideal time to learn how you can boost your bottom line and increase customer flow now and in the furture by creating an inclusive service both online and offline. My upcoming FREE Unlocking Accessibility Series is kicking off this Wednesday morning so be s...ure to register. If you run a business either online or offline and want to boost customer numbers and cash flow around restrictions and public health measures then this workshop is for you. In this workshop I'll share with you exactly why you should be innovating through inclusion and the impact that making your service accessible will have for your business now in these critical times and for your post pandemic recovery plan. We will cover simple ways you can make a commitment to have a bigger contribution that attracts customers and boosts your profits. Just follow the link to register, I can't wait to see you there. https://events.humanitix.com/the-value-of-inclusion
08.01.2022 Is this your business? 62% of businesses surveyed had not done anything in the previous 12 months to make it easier for customers with disability. For almost half of these, there was a perception of not being asked to. We have received no specific requests.... (According to a survey by Australian Network on Disability, 2017.) But why? When 1 in 5 people live with a disability, that's a huge number of your customer base that you're missing out on. Many people with disability won't ask, they'll just continue to the next accessible business that offers them hassle free service. Why wait to be asked to fix an access issue with your online service? Why wait to offer communication alternatives or to make adjustments to your physical space? Why continue to miss out on more customers? Every single customer counts, so it makes sense to increase the accessibility of your service both online and offline. When you DO, you'll have people talking for all the right reasons. So, what are your thoughts? Why is this number so high? Image description- A purple frame with an orange flower and an ivory background with the text "According to an A.N.D survey, 62% of businesses had NOT done anything in the previous 12 months to make it easier for customers with disability. Why do you think that is?"
07.01.2022 Innovation is essential for the success of every organisation (especially in a post pandemic world). Open your doors to more customers by improving the access of your service and by creating an inclusive culture. It's GREAT for business.
07.01.2022 Don’t let this happen to your business! My shocking experience that proves why Disability Awareness is critical in your business for customer retention. An error in the language you use can make or break a customer's experience, defining whether they’ll be a repeat customer or not. Content warning: I was appalled by the word used to describe people with disability, so you might be too. ... https://youtu.be/V5aZb_Y4g6w
05.01.2022 "I just want to spend my money but I can't access the service" This is a comment I hear so often from my family and clients with disability. They want to enjoy the restaurant their friends have been raving about.... They want to buy a piece of art from their local artists. They want to buy a new outfit from their local retailer. But they can't, because the service is not accessible, so they take their money somewhere else. In a post COVID-19 world, no business can afford to miss out on that. As a business owner operator, you don't need to choose between running a purposeful business that does good OR making a profit. That's because people with disabilities have a disposable income over $54 million (and that isn't including their friends and family who they enjoy experiences with). You can serve you community better than before and STILL make a profit. If you want to learn more about how your business can boost your bottom line AND do good by improving access and inclusion at the same time, just book a discovery call with me here https://calendly.com/sarah-flareaccess/discovery-call.
03.01.2022 1 in 5 people live with a disability. That's 20% of the population your business is missing if you don't offer an accessible & inclusive service. Access and inclusion go beyond ramps and accessible toilets, there are so many ways your business can promote inclusion and attract more customers. ... Think about the disability awareness of your staff, are they confident and skilled in supporting people with disability? Have you thought about the entire experience of people with disabilities throughout their customer journey? Is the physical environment as accessible as it can be? Often, the solutions and strategies to increasing inclusion are simple and low cost. Which creates a huge return for your business.
03.01.2022 I'd like to celebrate an update with you that shows businesses and services NEED and welcome us to help them understand access and inclusion. A few months ago someone reached out to me after having a negative experience at a stadium and they hoped I could approach the appropriate organisations to address these access and inclusion matters.... So, that's what I did. I contacted the stadium and offered to talk though the issues and work to find solutions to create an inclusive, hassle free experience for people with disabilities. At every single point of contact over email, over the phone and during multiple meetings, they welcomed feedback for improvement and showed an eagerness to take action to improve participation for all their patrons. There was not a single hint of hesitation or resistance to address this topic. In fact, they were appreciative that I had approached them in the way I did to help them identify issues and work through solutions to create a venue that everyone can embrace. And now, we're in the process of taking action and finding solutions they need to offer a service that represents what they stand for- a sporting and recreation venue that EVERYONE can enjoy. So, today we're celebrating organisations that are eager to offer a better service, who just need guidance and feedback in a way that we can create change together. If you've had a similar negative experience and would like me to approach any organisation to support them to take action on access and inclusion, please DM me and I'd be happy to talk it through with you. Lets join together to create the change we want to see.
02.01.2022 First impressions last a lifetime and word of mouth is everything to a small business, especially in a post pandemic recovery period. In this crazy time you need to offer more than great coffee and amazing service. You need to be better than the rest on many different levels. You need to be the talking point because you are the business that is fostering incredible inclusive change.... Create a buzz around your business for the amazing impact you are having in the local community. People with disability make up 20% of the population and this is a community who face multiple barriers on a daily basis. Be in the forefront of people minds because you are paving the way to an inclusive and accessible community. You won't just have an impact on people with disability, but their friends, family and entire community. You can be the talking point for all the right reasons! Everything we do at Flare Access to support individual businesses to become more accessible helps the community. What is not to feel good about that. What do you want people to say about your business?
02.01.2022 Access and Inclusion is a great business strategy because you can open your doors to customers living with disabilities, their friends and family. The first step is to chose to make a commitment through contribution. It isn't as complicated as you may think.... You don't need to get out the sledge hammer and knock down walls. You can improve access and inclusion without breaking the bank. Your investment will be returned in profit. There are many simple, low cost, set and forget strategies that you can use to increase the accessibility of your venue and by doing this, you can tap into the spending power of people with disability worth over $54M dollars. If you want more information on how you can boost your bottom line through access and inclusion, without breaking the bank, request a free Discovery call in the comments below. We will talk about what accessibility looks like for your business and how you can commit to increasing inclusion, growing profits in the process.
02.01.2022 Online accessibility is more important than ever for both businesses and people living with a disability, here's why.
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