Flexible Work Expert in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Business service
Flexible Work Expert
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 LinkedIn is so important many employers will check you out on Linkedin before inviting you for interview. Also, if your profile presents you well, you can use LinkedIn to research and reach out to hiring managers who are in your target beforehand. So what should a good LinkedIn profile contain?... Its definitely not a long form CV! Keep it short and succinct. Headline: Brand yourself here this is the headline that will feature in all your activity and content. If you are simply using your current job title, you are under utilising this space! About: Use your About section as a short bio. Summarise your career and your key skills and optimise it towards the types of roles you are applying for. Experience section: Maximum one line per role and a few key achievements can be attached to your most recent or relevant roles only. Final Tip, fill out as much information as possible in other sections!
25.01.2022 Happy New Year and thanks to everyone who has followed in 2020. We wish you all a prosperous and happy new year. Whatever your plans are tonight, we wish you a safe and happy celebration.
24.01.2022 Dream Jobs have been brought to the fore with Emily in Paris the new hit Netflix show. Does a dream job exist? And how can we get one. The dream job is out there as long as we are realistic. We can get ourselves closer to our dream career by taking a couple of planning steps during the recruitment process. These steps will help you evaluate opportunities that more closely align with what you are seeking.... 1. Write a list of what you want and what you don’t want. It’s really important to understand what you are actually looking for, so that you can make a good decision about your next move. Often there is a lot of pressure at offer time - job offers rarely line up perfectly with one another and you need to know what you are looking for, what you are not looking for, and what is a non-negotiable factor for you. This will also help you prepare good questions to ask at interview, and help you target your research when you are considering applying to an organisation. 2. Research companies that share your values. Who you work for will definitely define your experience - great policies generally make for happy and better-supported employees. First, decide on your values, and then do some online research into which employers are doing the best things in that space. Many of the larger companies or government departments have their policies available online on their website. However the greatest info will undoubtedly come from those who already work there. Once you have found some companies that you believe would be great to work for, sign up for job alerts, to be notified first of any new postings. If you do have a contact, you could also ask for an introduction. These two actions will help you start defining what a dream job is to you. Spoiler, if your dream is to go to Paris a la Emily, look out for a company that has its head office in France :-). You may not be sent there permanently at age 23 to run the Paris office, but with some careful questioning you can evaluate the likelihood of a work trip! If you are working in your dream job right now, tell us what it is that you love below! #emilyinparis
24.01.2022 Some of the guidelines from the Andrews government regarding stage 4 restrictions, including childcare, grandparents and babysitting. It sure is confusing, there were 21 slides in all covering all sorts of activities, of which Ive posted 10. Both carers do not have to be permitted workers to access childcare, but we are asking that Victorians only access kinder and childcare services if they really have to.... I hope everyone is coping ok/well/managing!
24.01.2022 Did you have difficulty negotiating flexibility? Or are you working in a flexible role that you are happy in? Id love to hear from each and every one of you to find out your experience. This year I will be introducing some testimonials to this page. These interviews will cover different personal scenarios and different ways of working flexibly, using real life stories. ... Please contact me if you have a story to tell.
24.01.2022 Im finally introducing myself on here! Im Karen, mum of 2 beautiful toddlers. Ambitious, career minded girl who also wants to put my family FIRST. (Except when work really needs me, and then of course, work will go first.) But generally, I have always sought that understanding from my workplace, and I believe many others do too. I founded Flexible Work Expert because I LOVE helping people, and I love for people to be happy. Happiness in life so often starts with a simple f...ormula, and its no different in the workplace. A great boss and a family friendly employer who supports you is a great start. Challenging and interesting work, and control over your own work, helps even further. It frustrates me when I hear of employees being mistreated, undervalued, poorly managed, the list goes on. The workplace is just fraught with problems. I guess because at the end of the day, its just humans managing humans, and trying to make money for their employer or their cause. Ive also seen how badly work problems can affect people at home. But did you know that a problem shared and made sense of, is truly a problem halved? Thats why Im here. If I can help you break through the barriers of complexity at work and become a happier employee, then I am happy. #flexibleworking #problemsatwork #flexiblecareer
22.01.2022 *Margot Robbies home office* I dont know whether this brightens your day or makes you more depressed, because I guess our home offices dont look anything like this... But I LOVED checking out Margot Robbies offices in LA. So homely! So amazing. I would love to sit on that waiting room couch. And I love the kitchen. Just like a *very, very fancy* home kitchen to make your cup of tea and talk around the water cooler!... Enjoy! #motivatedwomen #lifeonyourterms #resumehelp #thejuggleisreal #gottastayfocused #designalifeyoulove #caffeinateandconquer #takecontrolofyourlife #takethefirststep #careersuccess #workingmumlife #createyourhappy #careeradvice #hersuccess #iamtheeverygirl #getstarted #boldbraveyou #livemoremagic #workgoals #careerchange #loveyourjob #ownyourlife #findyourpurpose #dreambigger #careergoals #starttoday #womeninspiringwomen #thatauthenticfeeling #womenempoweringwomen #theeverydayproject
21.01.2022 Absolutely love getting feedback such as this one - makes it all completely worth while. I absolutely love helping people with their resumes/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles, and making a difference to their job search by helping them with something they find so overwhelming to do alone.
21.01.2022 Are you currently working from home and enjoying it? Wondering how you will retain this arrangement a couple of days a week even after the dust settles on Covid-19 and we return to normal life where we are required to work in the office next to... other adults? Ive written a blog post outlining some practical steps you can take now to ensure you are in a good position to negotiate some work from home days on an ongoing basis, post-covid. My little helper here is interested i...n "working from home" on an ongoing basis as well, little does he know hes definitely going back to daycare at some point, no negotiations will be entered into there. Blog post here: https://flexibleworkexpert.com.au//working-from-home-after
20.01.2022 *Are you OK & Sick Leave* How are you going at home? Or how are you going back at work? Are you OK? So many of us feel the need to power on, at all costs, putting our own needs last and showing up at work even when we are completely burned out. We are more than happy to go that extra mile for our company and continuously go above and beyond, but we won’t take a day for ourselves when we truly need it. There is a certain glamorization of the hustle and pushing through which... can be really damaging, and this affects women as well as men. But things have changed in our legal environment. Mental health is now recognised as a valid reason to take sick leave. If you have access to sick leave, this can also be used for mental health days, and not just for an acute condition, mental health can also include stress and burnout. You don’t have to divulge your reason to your employer, but you can be reassured that what you are feeling IS a valid reason to take a day off. We try to convince ourselves we are not that bad, or that the workplace won’t survive without us, or perhaps that we should have not be feeling this way at all we should be stronger, and therefore it’s not right for our company to be disadvantaged. The truth is that the best thing for you, your company, and your long term performance at work, IS to look after yourself. So look after yourself. Your career will flourish when you get to know your own boundaries.
20.01.2022 The hidden job market - does it exist? Hell yes it does! Personal example right here: I was made redundant from a role when I was 28/29. On my last day, I sent an email out to my friends advising them that I was leaving that job. I ended up with 3 job prospects from that one email ALONE. I wasnt even pitching anything just simply updating my friends that my work email was out of action (so dont contact me here for Friday night drinks), and as an after thought asked them t...o let me know if they heard of anything. I actually ended up with 2 excellent job offers out of the 3 prospects! My current job was also off the hidden job market - never advertised. So how do you access the hidden job network in 2020? First, write a list of those who you know who it might be beneficial to reach out to. Friends, friends of friends, ex-colleagues. Next - reach out. Touch base and organise a coffee, video link, or simply put in a phone call. Have a genuine catch up; catch up on all career and personal related matters that you have in common with this person, but also be sure to advise them of your situation and what youre hoping to achieve (firm up your career goals first and have your pitch ready if its someone more senior than you) and ask if they (1) know of anything (2) know anyone else it would be beneficial for you to speak to. If they do recommend you link up with someone else, its worth asking them to introduce you via email, so that the introduction is warm. Repeat this process!
20.01.2022 I get a lot of questions around how to increase engagement while working from home, and some methods are really simple. Its true that a lot of employees are feeling disconnected from the office and missing their usual conversations and bonds, especially in Melbourne and other areas in *lockdown*. Simply linking up socially, and providing an avenue as a boss to support that bonding time (eg schedule within work hours and everyone will be available!) goes a great distance!... *Most* of us work better together when were connected! I say most to account for other working styles as of course there are a full range. Our lunch today was fantastic. Every one working from home had a full platter to share with their family. I considered putting Netflix for my kids, but i didnt - because I actually loved having them be a part of it and we all loved seeing each others families in our home environment too. Something really special that you dont normally get visibility on at work. The kids on the screen were the best bits. They definitely loved the fruit and chocolate in this beautiful platter too @graze_andmore
20.01.2022 #36weekspregnant and last week I finished up work in my crowded home office - filled with boxes as we do the *last minute move* Working has been honestly hard even since having 2 kids. The overwhelm from the household demands. The guilt around having kids at daycare. Taking carers leave. Demotions after taking carers leave. Being under valued by a company that didn’t support parents. Redundancy. However after a lot of savvy workplace negotiations and hustle, I did get what... I wanted. I found the right employer, and I actually negotiated my own redundancy from a workplace I wanted to leave anyway. I took on a great job, working completely from home, in a job that was perfect for me, around my family, with a great team and great relationships. However, going into the fold with 3 kids it’s hard to predict when the right time will be to return to paid employment with 3. 3 kids who need me. 3 kids creating laundry. 3 kids to feed. (Yes we gotta feed them). 3 kids with emotional needs and other needs. But also, 3 kids to love. 3 kids to entertain me. 3 kids who light up my world. 3 kids who I don’t want to leave each day. Luckily, assisting women with resumes and coaching through my own business remains completely possible due to the complete control I have over the work I take on. Each mumma is different and you just need to find the right fit for you. With soon to be 3 on-board I will be posting about developments around my mat leave and return to work, and continuing to help people with job search, resumes, flex work and the juggle!
19.01.2022 Are you considering applying for flex this year? Aim for a win-win. This means: when you are drafting your application, dont forget to consider your managers point of view as well as your own. Consider incorporating elements that will benefit your employer, as well as you and your family. For example, an early start on a day where it will be beneficial to your employer. If you are in payroll: extended hours on payroll day. We offer consulting to everyone - not just parents, to help build and write a flexible working application. If consulting is not your thing, we are also creating a guide to assist those who wish to DIY. Whatever you need, we have got you covered. You can make contact via page, or comments.
19.01.2022 Last week I posted some video resources to help those undergoing a career change and this week I will do a bit of a recap. It can be hard to change careers, especially in a downturn where you are competing against a lot of others. There are a few things you can do to strengthen your chances.... Resume. Your resume is your marketing document which will get you the interview for your dream job or career. From there - strong interviewing will get you the job. You only have a short time to impress, so it’s important to have all your core skills upfront, and optimised towards the job you are applying for. Resume should be well written and succinct, and ideally between 1-3 pages. For most people, this requires a lot of editing and reduction of text. However, having the right format and the right length of text, means the reader will quickly get the key points that you are giving them. You only have one chance to impress, so it is important to have a good resume. Career changers should also invest in and consider training, to elevate your chances. Stress test your chosen area first, make sure it’s a fit for you, and that this type of industry is likely to be around for a while. Changing career path can be a big move, so you want to be sure the path suits you, you will enjoy the work, you are happy with the pay rate, and it’s future proofed and won’t be automated in future. Any questions please ask away - I’m happy to answer, and please like, follow, share with anyone in your network who is looking for work! I’ll be posting more resources and free advice whilst on maternity leave - as I enjoy helping people with a process that can otherwise be overwhelming.
19.01.2022 Thats right, this year we will be offering a new service on popular demand: resume writing and full service recruitment documentation packages including cover letters and LinkedIn profiles. If you have been considering dipping your toe in the market this year, please contact us today to find out about a refresh or re-write of your resume. Contact us via the page.
17.01.2022 *Melbourne Lock-Down* Metro Melbourne is now under lock down stage 4, this means: All students across the state will return to home-based learning and childcare centres will be closed.... But dont worry team. You will survive your hardest days. You can overcome any negative thoughts. Workplaces: please be kind to workers. Workers: take the pressure off yourselves to be perfect. Kids are resilient. Some suggestions from my ladies on how to deal with this time: Meal delivery Tv Taking breaks Add more suggestions below We got this. Image @stacieswift
17.01.2022 Much as social media can be endlessly entertaining and a way to unwind, I do agree with this advice! Image via @successfulmums_
17.01.2022 Arguably its the rush to fit in the end of day domestic jobs such as dinner, bath and bedtime that places the most strain on families who have two parents working. Therefore, is the best way to reduce the working week, by moving to a model with five shorter days? The most recent reduction in hours came at the start of the 20th century when Australia reduced from 10 to 8 hours per day. At the time citing mens health, safety, fatigue, and providing them with the opportunity to be better husbands and fathers.
16.01.2022 With the bambino’s in Paris last year.
16.01.2022 Maybe we can all fall in love with life again once this is over - now thats something to look forward to. Is anyone else already missing life although #quarantine is really only just starting? #covid19
15.01.2022 Struggling to recruit with multiple hiring gaps. Constant turnover. Low retention. Skills shortages amongst job seekers. Adverts always posted in an attempt to build a candidate pool. Does this sound familiar? Numbers are always down. This affects clients, customers, patients, co-workers. It affects health and safety. It affects engagement of those that are employed. But if you stop for second and review the market, is there a shortage of all employees in the desired field,... or just a shortage of "Full-Time" employees? Employers, have you truly explored the part time market? Do all of your roles need to be full-time? Are you holding back from being more flexible because you dont have the skills within the organisation to support the change? Employers, if you would like help with introducing flexibility, please book a discovery call. https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php Quote courtesy of Bill Gates - he knows a thing or two.
14.01.2022 Do you want to apply for flexible working this year? The first step is to understand the rights you have in this area! Read on to understand your rights under the Fair Work Act. Australian employees have a legal right to apply for flexible working arrangements, providing they have worked for the same employer for 12 months or longer on a continuous basis, AND they fit ONE of the following categories: - Parent or responsible for the care of a child school age or younger. Note ...here that you dont need to have young children as long as they are year 12 or younger (17,18 years old). - A carer (as defined under Carer Recognition Act). The Act defines a carer as someone who provides care to another person, and includes carers under the age of 18. A care relationship exists where the person being cared for is an older person, a person with a disability, a mental illness or an ongoing medical condition. The Act also includes situations where someone is being cared for under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, in a foster, kinship or permanent care arrangement. - Has a disability. - Is 55 years or older. At this age most commonly people are seeking flexibility in order to transition to retirement, using the extra time to reduce their working hours and transition into the community. - Is experiencing family violence, or providing care and support to an immediate family or household member experiencing family violence MORE POINTS TO NOTE: The Fair Work Act provides employees with the right to apply for flexible working based on the above rules. Your employer does not have to accept your application, but they do need to seriously consider it, and reject only on "reasonable business grounds" - which are also defined in the Fair Work Act. Sometimes your EBA or Awards, or Flexible Working Policy will provide BETTER, STRONGER rights than those above. You definitely need to read through those documents as well before applying. Many more processes apply around this area of the law. I will be sharing more updates this year - follow for more. Please shoot me a DM with any further questions. Karen. :-) #flexibleworking
14.01.2022 The job that I currently have, is the first one that has really worked since I had children. My pre-baby job, was in a site based HR Manager role, in the male dominated manufacturing industry. They did not have one single part-timer, and this was not something they were able to explore as an option either, they simply had one of those outdated "no part time" policies which a few of us are unlucky to hit. I returned to work after my first child into a lower level role - in o...rder to get the flexibility that I wanted. But at the lower salary level, I had to constantly question whether it was worth while being away from my daughter. This question was amplified after I had my son, I now had 2 kids in daycare, and commuted to work each day meaning I was away for at least 10 hour days, it just didnt feel right. My current role, allows me to work completely from home, I know my boss who also has a young family. It is amazing the difference these two factors make to my own experience. Of course, the job is also a great fit for my background. Video calls are my friend and I am in the small minority who despite being *extremely stressed* and *guilty at the amount of TV time* secretly love having my kids at home as well. If youre looking for flexibility, its ultimately going to be an agreement between you and your employer about what is suitable for your role. You can make a significant difference presenting to them why it will work, but ultimately what you can achieve will also be defined by the organisation that you are dealing with. Are they family friendly? Do they support women? How much do they care to work with you, listen and accommodate your needs - do they see your need to balance family time as important or do they expect you to hide it. I help you out in 2 ways - either in planning your discussion and application for part-time or remote work (or other), or coaching around how to find a family friendly employer that will make life that much easier in the coming years. You can contact me through link in bio any time to discuss this further.
14.01.2022 What should you do if you lose your job amid the corona virus epidemic? A tough time like this with a potentially recessive economy requires creative thinking when it comes to employment. With some industries scaling back, others will be expanding. I will post jobs out via the page - and also through a linked group Job Opportunities Australia The companies / industries below have announced that they are going to be hiring:... Coles - 5000 jobs Woolworths - 900 jobs Telstra - 1000 jobs Dominos Pizza Chain - 2000 delivery drivers Uber Eats and Deliver - Seeking more riders These industries are likely to also have a lift in hiring due to increased demand: Social service such as the Department of Human Services will also see a lift to support the government announcement of increased social support for those losing their jobs Skilled IT workers to support move to remote working - watch this space For any companies listed above - review their website for job details. Please follow my job seekers group for more. https://www.facebook.com/groups/201790791263806/?ref=share
14.01.2022 If you were to move jobs in 2021, what perks would get you over the line? A new study has shed some light on what people are really looking for right now! 1. Free Food. I’ve personally worked at a place that offered free food. Every morning they provided bread and spreads or your choice of cereals and milk. It was AMAZING. It helped me facilitate my routine at the time which was gymming before work. I could wake up, bus to the gym in Covent Garden (this was in London), shower... after my spin class then have breakfast at work. Accordingly I was waking up between 7-7:30, to start work at 9, having squeezed in a gym workout first. Yeah it doesn’t seem possible does it - to wake up late and still gym before work. I’m fast at getting ready and my commute was pretty good, but the breakfast at work piece also significantly aided this routine. It was also really sociable- my co workers and I made our breakfast and tea together every single morning. So people are indicating that they are really interested in this in 2021 - and I completely get it! It’s such a simple perk that doesn’t need to cost much, and it can mean so much to staff. 2. Help with transport. As we head back to the office people are realising how much time they have saved during their various lockdowns, and they are a bit reluctant to let go of that time and hand it back to the commute. As well as seeking to retain some work from home days next year, many people are also seeking to reduce the time burden of that commute. Workplaces that offer the ability to stagger your start and finish times to avoid the usual 8:30 - 5pm rush, might get a big tick from employees next year! What workplace perk would you find it hard to say no to in 2021?
13.01.2022 The current conversation around funding for childcare raises so many interesting points. Should childcare be universally free? One thing that has been interesting for me as a mum, is how much more motivating and worthwhile work felt while I actually took home my salary over the last few months, just like in the old days (pre-kids and daycare)! If youre treated as a family legally for the purposes of tax, secondary earners need to consider not only the usual tax (which alrea...dy frustrates people!), but also the costs of returning to work - which when you have children under 5 means DAYCARE COSTS. These beautiful educators work extremely hard and treat our children like their own. The question is not whether they should be paid, but by whom. Childcare costs leave many of us working in a high stress job, but with a net benefit to the family bank balance (after costs) being less than the legal minimum wage, and all the while aware that we are giving up the time with our children for the privilege. And further than that, I actually speak to women all the time, who are financially disadvantaged by returning to work they are simply doing it for stimulation, the security of having two jobs and to keep their career going. Its an interesting question what do you think? Should childcare be free? I would absolutely love to see this happen!
13.01.2022 This is an extract from the intro of a guide that I am working on at the moment: "8 Steps to create a perfect Flexibility Application". This guide will be available as an e-book very soon, and it will be a great resource for those seeking to apply for flexible or part time work, especially those who are expecting to encounter difficulty in their negotiations. If you are seeking to put boundaries in place using flexible working arrangements so that you can be more present in other aspects of your life, or simply manage the juggle, then this guide is written for you.
13.01.2022 2019 is melting away and leaving us soon, much like my ice cream! What a decade. Job searching has definitely changed A LOT. From mainly desktop based and dominated by Seek in 2010, to currently being app driven across multiple niche job boards, with LinkedIn consolidated as a critical job search tool. Oh and as for paper ads- gone almost completely! Did you know that even a 1/12th page in a newspaper used to cost $5000 for a company to purchase in 2010 - with a one day shelf life. Looking back now that recruitment strategy really was based on a hopes and dreams! Going into 2020, we are so much better placed to find our dream job. And another great advancement in the last decade, would also be flexible working. What great steps weve made.
13.01.2022 So many hectares burning, so many homes and livelihoods lost. Human lives, livestock, firefighters bravely battling fires and putting their lives at risk as volunteers, and 500 million animals due to be deceased by the time this tragedy is over. This tragedy is unprecedented. Conditions are not due to ease for weeks. However Ive amazed by all of those locally and around the world who have come forward and so generously donated. This is a tragedy but the world really has come... together in support. #prayforaustralia #australiaisburning #bushfires2020 #NSWFS #VICFS #SAFS Beautiful image @kassiisaac
12.01.2022 There are a couple of different resume structures, depending what you are trying to achieve. Chronological format is the most common and will emphasise your experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent experience and working back. This is the most common and well known cv format. If your background alone doesn’t present you as a shoo in for the job, you may like to try a combination resume, or a functional resume.... A functional resume emphasises your skills and just briefly deals with your work experience. When used correctly for the right career transition, it can be an effective way to market yourself. A combination resume uses a combination approach - emphasising skills and experience, in the balance that is appropriate based on your background, experience and skills, and how well it fits the roles you are applying for. Knowing what the recruiting team is looking for, and how to make your resume stand out, this is the approach that I most commonly recommend for career change clients. Any questions please feel free!
11.01.2022 Well, when you put it like that, we sure are rich in life experience!
10.01.2022 Im trying to start a company while raising a four year old child. But my business partner is a mother too, so were very supportive of each other. Its a nice departure from the corporate world-- where I think a lot of new mothers are made to feel like theyre laying their foot off the gas. A lot of it is nonverbal: having work taken away, or not being included on important projects. But I also remember being told that I wasnt being present at work. And that my husb...and needed to step up. My behavior did change when my child was born. But for the better. I became more efficient. For the first time I was able to set limits, and have people recognize them. My limits never seemed valid before. Exhaustion wasnt valid. Mental health wasnt valid. But having a child gave me a firm reason to say no. Its not no to working harder. Its no to excess. To not redoing something twenty times when you have it on the first try. Or creating thirty proposals because the boss would love to see just one more, just one more. Its excess. And its almost as bad as doing nothing. Because what is good gets lost in the excess. I dont have time for it anymore. I have to recognize whats most important. I dont have time for endless debate. I have to go straight to the source of the problem, or my kid is going to pee her pants. See more
10.01.2022 With everything that is happening in this crazy world right now, you might be wondering whether now is a good time to ask your employer to work from home on an ongoing basis, or should you just be happy that you have a job? The good news is that Covid-19 has proven how effectively people work from home, and has advanced a new industrial revolution which I like to think of as "The Remote Working Revolution" There is nothing to stop you making a request of your employer, but it... is important to consider how you approach and have that conversation. Employers definitely do not like to have their hand forced or to feel like they are being pressured to give you the outcome you want, especially if they are not yet convinced that it suits them. Its really important to approach your employer informally first and with respect, and preparation. So consider, what is it that you want to ask for? Prepare thoroughly for the conversation, considering all the pros and cons including from your employers point of view as well as your own. You need to fully explore what is reasonable for your job, your industry and your company, and what the potential pitfalls are, so that you are prepared to talk to those with confidence to overcome objections.
09.01.2022 Working from home, office closed, or on 14 day quarantine? A lot of employees have questions about their rights to pay or paid leave during quarantine or closure. This article is a good summary of your rights. https://resolution123.com.au//coronavirus-employee-legal-/
09.01.2022 *Career Change* Covid-19 has done more than just increase unemployment. It has also given many people the opportunity to take pause and review whether they are truly gaining value from their work, and in some cases set goals to get into a new career.... Are you truly happy in your career? The shift from corporate to non-profit and government roles has been taking place slowly but surely, with increasing numbers moving across. If you have been pondering a career change for a while, the question that often comes up is regarding timing. Is it the right time? If not now, when? You might like to ask yourself the following questions: What do you currently gain from your work? Are you truly passionate about the goals of the company and the work that you do? What are you seeking to gain from work what purpose does work fit in your life? What are your goals, and what financial obligations do you have? And finally, *how do you sell yourself as a correct fit?* While you might think that any non-profit would jump at a corporate gun applying to join and grace them with your presence, you would be wrong. Non-profits and government organisations, like anyone else, are looking for the right fit. If your resume doesnt portray your fit, they might look at your resume and assume any of the following things: 1) this person wont last 2) they wont be happy here 3) they wont fit into our culture 4) the work will not be right for them not fast paced enough, not high level enough... etc. A properly crafted cover letter and resume will address this, and can help target your application for a particular role. For help with your resume, please contact me through the links in bio.
09.01.2022 Whats in a great cover letter? Your cover letter is a really powerful tool to communicate the relevance of your experience to a hiring manager. It should be simple and to the point. This type of content should be included in roughly three, expertly written paragraphs: Why are you applying? How did you hear about the role? Do you have a mutual contact? ... Next, highlight your interest in the role and what experience you have that relates. Here its important to not repeat the same level of detail as what you would include in your resume. Think short, engaging, and professional. Thank the employer for considering you, indicate your hopes for next steps, and close off the cover letter! All this should be written simply and succinctly, communicating your excellent communication skills.
08.01.2022 Here at @flexibleworkexpert we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas. We look forward to helping more families and individuals find career satisfaction in the new year. photo by the lovely Megan Aldridge
06.01.2022 Were all struggling here - share your success stories to help the group! I always work from home but normally have kids in daycare. So having them home is... interesting to say the least. This is my routine after 2 days practise: 8:30 - start work, kids finishing breakfast, get themselves dressed and then watch a movie and play with their toys - they play really well in the morning and I hardly hear from them at all! 12pm - partner has an early lunch with kids 1pm I have lun...ch, and play with them outside 2pm - nap for the little one, quiet play in room for our 4 year old ...Try to stretch that out until 5:30 but if not... cartoons to the rescue! I make sure that I make up my hours and complete everything I need to do for work, grabbing extra time for work if required. Their daily routine seems boring to me, but the kids are saying they love it more than daycare!
06.01.2022 *What is a permitted worker for the purposes of childcare in Vic?* Many kids have just attended their last day of daycare for 6 weeks! From Thursday 6 August, only the children of permitted workers and vulnerable children will be able to access childcare and kinder.... It is still fairly undefined in terms of who exactly qualifies as a permitted worker. Hopefully a conclusive list will be published in due course. And to get a positive result for Victoria, I suspect it will be a narrow list focusing on critically essential services only. Its difficult and there will be impacts to those juggling and to the children, but if we get this right, we can all open up again soon, hopefully with the virus eliminated. The current info is here: https://www.vic.gov.au/worker-permit-scheme
04.01.2022 How employees can fight for their jobs during Covid-19 What should you do if your employer wishes to stand you down or reduce hours during the downturn? Did you know that it is only legal for your employer to stand down without pay when certain criteria are met? ... In some situations, you may be able to negotiate, and you could discuss the following with your employer before accepting a redundancy: work from home, take your accrued leave, consider a temporary reduction in hours/pay, consider redeployment, and taking unpaid leave.
04.01.2022 An extract from my latest blog post - dealing with how much the culture of your employer will affect your prospects of gaining the flexibility you need. If your organisation has a low commitment to gender equality and flexible working, then it is recommended that you ensure you understand your legal rights, and complete rigorous problem solving to support your flexible working application, to win over your employer, and overcome their objections. I will be publishing a comprehensive guide in the new year, offering strategies to overcome your employers objections.
03.01.2022 Stop and Breath: the Christmas rush is over. Now its time to (exercise? *strike-through*) eat leftovers, relax and enjoy the holidays! What do you have planned over the break? Are there any others like me who have been (happily) left at home while the boxing day test is on, and finding parenting surprisingly easy as kids are playing with new toys and dont have time to make constant requests? Image @stacieswift
02.01.2022 Rock your Resume week is all about getting your resume up to date now, so that you’re prepared and ready to apply fast and early when you see great jobs advertised. I’m part of Resume Writers Australia and I am participating in RYR week. Why update your resume in November? Because January is coming up fast - which is the biggest month for new jobs throughout the whole year. So many companies go live with a great selection of jobs from mid January. ... If you’re looking for something new you don’t want to miss out or not be ready to apply with your best foot forward. I’ll have specials for anyone that books with me, and some free videos coming out too - targeted at career changers and those who are out of work. I will post a link to book in my bio and advise once it’s live.
02.01.2022 I love helping people, pure and simple. Feedback like this makes my day. :-)
01.01.2022 Beautiful words from a recent @motherly article. I know Im missing this meeting but my childs pre-school graduation is more important. I know that I seem distracted because I am distracted, I have a sick toddler and Im waiting to find out when I can get him in to the paediatrician.... I dont want to look exhausted but I have been up since 4:30am with an inconsolable kid. I know I am supposed to leave my personal life at the door when I come to work, but with 2 small kids that is hard to do. Thank you to everyone who has given me grace over the last five years. #Workingmums #workingparents #youngkids Pic from a recent first day at kindy.
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