Flinders Park Primary School Albany in Albany, Western Australia | School
Flinders Park Primary School Albany
Locality: Albany, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9844 7200
Address: Yatana Road 6330 Albany, WA, Australia
Website: https://flindersparkps.wa.edu.au
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25.01.2022 Great news our first ever Winter Reading Challenge is now active! You can start logging all your reading minutes and share your progress on social media using #WinterRead2020!
25.01.2022 Newsletter Friday 15 May 2020 - Corona Virus Update Dear Parents/Carers Week 4 Onwards... From Monday, 18 May 2020 all students are expected to attend school, except for those students medically referred to learn from home. This means students are either: at school; have a medical referral to learn from home; or recorded as absent if they do not attend. For parents with medical advice that their child should not attend school, we will work with you in partnership with the School of Special Educational Needs: Medical and Mental Health to support your childs learning from home. If you feel your child is in this category, please do not hesitate to contact me and we will work together on next steps. The announcements brought with them a number of revised guidelines and many continuing guidelines. I informed you incorrectly in this weeks newsletter that we would cease staggered recess and lunchtimes and would modify the school timetable. Consequently, we will continue to stagger the break times and using the timetable we have had in place since last week. Lunch and Recess Breaks Continue to be Staggered Junior classes have recess from 10:30 to 11:00am and lunch from 12:30 to 1:10pm. Senior classes have recess from 11:00 to 11:30am and lunch from 1:10 to 1:40pm. Children will eat on the grass area between Blocks 4 and 5 when it is dry and the Assembly Hall when it is wet. Drop-off and Pick-up to continue at School Boundaries During yesterdays announcement the Premier has requested all parents/carers to continue drop-off and pick-up of their children at school boundaries and not to enter school grounds unless by prior arrangement with the Principal. If you need to pick up your child during the school day this needs to be arranged through the school office and your child will come to the school office to meet you. Social Distancing All adults who come onto the school grounds or are waiting for drop-off/pick-up must practice social distancing. Although there will be some relaxing of guidelines as WA moves into phase 2 of WAs four phase roadmap on Monday 18 May, health advice around social distancing continues. Unwell Children If your child is feeling unwell you must keep them home. Children, in particular, with sore throats, coughs or fevers must not be sent to school. To help your child maintain their learning at home during illness they can log-in to Reading Eggs, Maths Online and the Departments Learning at Home website or contact us. Richard Bushell Principal 15 May 2020
25.01.2022 Timetable for Jumps and Throws on Monday. Please read the Parent information and be mindful of COVID restrictions.
22.01.2022 Urgent announcement. Cross Country Training is cancelled this morning. Wednesday 1 July 2020.
22.01.2022 Flinders Navigator delayed for a week With the response to the Corona Virus pandemic changing so rapidly I have decided to delay publishing todays Flinders Navigator for another week and will send it out next Wednesday 8 April just before school closes for the school holidays. Thank you to all parents who have kept their children home this week after the Premier and Minister for Education both strongly recommended parents do this. Next week children who attend school will be... supervised by staff so that we can finalise our planning and preparation to provide learning at home in Term 2. The Government recognises there will still be families who need to send their children to school during this period. These may include: Children of parents and carers who need their children to attend school to maintain employment. Children who live in families with aged relatives. Children where it is safer for them to be at school. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. Richard Bushell Principal
20.01.2022 Dear Parents/Carers The following needs to occur from tomorrow. All students should have their own drink bottle for water. They should have the bottle in the room, on their desk is best.... They should be encouraged to use the water bottle instead of drink fountains (take it with them to recess and lunch). They can fill up their bottle as required and should wash hands after filling up bottle. Please explain to students this is another step in improving our hygiene practices. Kind regards, Steve Fielding Acting Principal
20.01.2022 Corona Virus Update - Friday 27 March 2020 Dear Parents/Carers Below is a summary of how we will operate for the remainder of term:... School Operation for the Remainder of Term 1 2020 Yesterday, the Government has announced all public schools in Western Australia will remain open until the end of Term 1 Thursday, 9 April 2020. However, families are now strongly encouraged to keep their children at home if they have the capacity to do so. The Department of Educations Learning from Home website is available to you to use now. What this means for our school is: From Monday, 30 March to Friday, 3 April all children who attend school will be taught as normal. We will join very small classes together ensuring they remain small. The final week of Term 1 (6 to 9 April) teachers and education assistants will prepare teaching programs for Term 2. During the final week of Term 1 (6 to 9 April), students who attend school will be supervised. Term 2 commencing Tuesday 28 April At this stage arrangements for Term 2 have not been finalised. The State Government is working on developing a longer term education model for Term 2 and beyond in response to COVID-19. Please be assured that when I receive further information I will provide details to you as soon as I can. I would like to thank you for your support and cooperation during this unprecedented situation. Richard Bushell Principal 26 March 2020
20.01.2022 Well done Mrs Briscoe and thank you wacountryhealthservice
20.01.2022 Year 6 Parents and Carers | Our ASHS and NASHS School Psychologists are offering Monday evening and Friday morning parenting teen seminars online in Week 7, 8, and 9 this Term. Click the following link: https://www.triplep-parenting.net.au//triple-p-parenting-/ or email: [email protected] to secure your spot!
20.01.2022 Helpful resource for parents looking for resources to complete at home. https://www.education.wa.edu.au/learning-at-home
18.01.2022 A selection of the clay sun moon inspired plaques from 3.3. These bright artworks have brightened everyones day.
18.01.2022 Corona Virus Update 20 March In response to the latest changes since Wednesday we have taken these additional steps: a. Courtyard meetings will not be held and Merit Certificates will be presented to children in their classrooms. b. Sharing of fruit/vegetables in Early Years classrooms stopped. Children to bring individual fruit/vegetables. c. We are encouraging children to increase their personal distance from one another.... d. Paper towel and soap dispensers are being refilled during the day if they become empty. We continue to actively promoting the following simple rules to minimise the risk to children: Regular washing of hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand gel; Refraining from touching mouth and nose; If coughing or sneezing, covering your nose and mouth with a paper tissue or flexed elbow; Disposing of the tissue immediately after use and performing hand hygiene; Try to increase your personal space around others; and Stay home if you are feeling unwell. Please note that schools are exempt from the Prime Ministers announcement today concerning indoor meetings in an enclosed space recommending four square metres per person. Richard Bushell Principal
18.01.2022 Kindness from Room 3.4. click on link for article. https://www.flindersparkps.wa.edu.au//366-kindness-from-3-
16.01.2022 Hi Parents and Carers please take note of new social distancing rules for classrooms. Thank you for your assistance.
15.01.2022 So lucky to have Rechelle come speak to Flinders students it was inspiring. https://www.facebook.com/gwn7news/videos/2862492900476532/
15.01.2022 Remember tomorrow is a student free day. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday
15.01.2022 Popular children’s author and illustrator James Foley came to speak to our school today. It was remarkable! He showed us books that he had made when he was in primary school. We even got a very special sneak reading of one of his books that is not even published yet! It was very special to have him come down from Perth and share his experiences with us. We think we will all remember for quite a while being able to draw Bunny Brad with him. James Foley has lots of fantastic books and comics. By Amanda, Bella, Charlie and Kate 5.5
15.01.2022 The legend of Watari: Green Islandby Sarah McNamara created & Class 2.3 illustrated https://www.flindersparkps.wa.edu.au/ebooks.html
15.01.2022 Good Afternoon everyone, This is just a quick email to advise that from tomorrow afternoon all TransAlbany buses will only accept the correct cash fare and no change will be given. This procedure has been implemented to reduce the risk to all Transperth staff. Smart rider cards can be topped up as usual but again no change will be given.... As is always the case no student will be refused travel in the case of no fare being provided. Thanks very much for your help and In hope you all can stay safe. Justin Goldsmith Operations Supervisor Albany Depot T: (08) 9842 2888 M: 0498 018 942 A: PO Box 5461, Albany PO WA 6332 E: [email protected]
14.01.2022 Today’s Jumps/Throws and distance running events have been postponed due to the inclement weather. We are hoping to run the events on Thursday 5th November with all events still being at the same scheduled times. Wednesday’s Carnivals are still on Wednesday 4th November.... Thankyou for your understanding.
14.01.2022 IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR ALL WA SCHOOLS - PLEASE SHARE. WA schools have now been back for almost three weeks. Over that time, weve seen a steady increase in attend...ance, with an average of 85.6% of students in attendance at WA public schools yesterday. Id like to thank all of our principals, teachers, school staff, cleaners, gardeners, parents, carers and students for making the return to school such a success so far. At the start of term we opted for a soft opening of WA public schools so parents who felt comfortable with their kids returning could do so but those who had concerns could choose to keep their kids home. At that time, we flagged that WA school arrangements would be reassessed after three weeks. Today Im able to provide an update that will apply to all WA schools going forward. As of next Monday, 18 May, all Western Australian school students will be required to return to school. This decision has the full support of all stakeholders in the education sector, and our health experts. There are exceptions for students who are medically vulnerable or those who have a family member with chronic health issues, who will be assessed and can continue to learn from home and will be supported by their schools and the Department of Education. But from Monday, students who remain away from school without good reason, will no longer be provided with learning packages and their absence will be marked as unauthorised. Based on health advice, students in residential facilities will be now permitted to return home at weekends, at the discretion of the principal or manager. Through the State Governments $43 million additional investment, strict environmental cleaning throughout the school day, including high-touch surfaces and playground equipment will continue at public schools, as will reinforced hygiene measures. Drop off and pick up arrangements that restrict parents and carers, and non-essential visitors, from entering school grounds remain in place. Individual schools will provide further information to their parents and carers on how each school will manage these changes. At this stage, certain activities such as assemblies, camps and inter-school events remain prohibited. Going forward, any further changes for schools will be considered in line with the WA roadmap for easing COVID-19 restrictions in our State. As always, State Government decisions will be based on the best health advice. Thank you again for your cooperation and understanding as we navigate this together.
13.01.2022 Know anyone who needs to enrol children for school 2021?
12.01.2022 Enrol your children now in VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and December/January school holidays. Get them back into the water and help them build their confidence and skills. Enrol online visit www.education.wa.edu.au/vacswim
12.01.2022 Yesterday we hosted a visit from the Honourable Mr Mark McGowan MLA, Premier of Western Australia to open the new ECE building.
12.01.2022 Corona Virus Update 18 March Over the weekend the Federal and State Governments imposed new guidelines that are impacting on how schools operate going forward. More changes announced by the Prime Minister overnight will make further impacts on our daily lives and the operation of schools. In response to the changes we have taken the following steps: a. All Interschool student activities to be cancelled until further notice, this includes the Interschool B division Carniva...l scheduled for next week. We will not be participating in Multisports day. b. Assemblies will be cancelled until further notice. Merit certificates will be presented at Courtyard meetings each fortnight. This will be in-school with students only. c. Courtyard meetings will be held in the Assembly Hall where students can spread out, arm space apart and will occur on Mondays at 8:50am years 1-2, 11:10am years 3-4, 1:30pm years 5-6. We will review this if government guidelines change. d. We will not hold an ANZAC Service this year and considering how to commemorate ANZAC as a school. e. Breakfast Club will close until further notice. f. School Banking has been temporality halted from Friday 20 March by the Commonwealth Bank. g. We are reviewing convening of P&C Meetings and School Board meetings. At school we are actively promoting the following simple rules to minimise the risk to children: Regular washing of hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand gel Refraining from touching mouth and nose If coughing or sneezing, covering your nose and mouth with a paper tissue or flexed elbow Disposing of the tissue immediately after use and performing hand hygiene Try to increase your personal space around others Stay home if you are feeling unwell I will continue to communicate with you as government directions impact on the changing operation of schools. Richard Bushell Principal
12.01.2022 For Sale by Tender 2 x Westinghouse 520 Upright electric stoves 1 x Kelvinator 330 litre single door fridge/freezer 1 x Haier 220 litre 2 door fridge/ freezer... 3 x Promethean Active Boards (ideal for home theatres) 3 x Hitachi short throw projectors (ideal for home theatres) 1 x Kyocera FS-1128MFP Black and White Multi function printer The items are excess to the schools needs and will be sold as is. Sale items can be inspected during office hours from 9:00 to 3:30 pm. Tenders to be submitted in writing addressed to: Private and Confidential Attention: The Manager Corporate Services Flinders Park Primary School 51 Yantana Road ALBANY WA 6330 Or Email [email protected] Tenders close Friday 7 August 2020 at 3:30 pm. The highest tender will not necessarily be the tender accepted. Successful tenders to arrange pick up and removal of the item(s) within 7 days of notification.
11.01.2022 Fantastic art works from our Flinders students.
11.01.2022 We have a new phone number. 9892 5200 Phone calls to the old number will be redirected.We have a new phone number. 9892 5200 Phone calls to the old number will be redirected.
10.01.2022 https://m.facebook.com/events/447958606079206/permalink/447958609412539/?refid=12
10.01.2022 Corona Virus Update 25 March In response to the latest changes in recent days we are seeking your co-operation to minimise the risks to children at school: a. With the exception of kindergarten and preprimary children, please drop off/say goodbye to children at the school boundary/car park. b. Parents of kindergarten and pre-primary children are asked to continue to bring them to classrooms and say good-bye at the door and pick them up from classroom at the end of the day o...bserving social distancing. c. Children are asked to bring their own water bottle to school to minimise the use of drink fountains. Water bottles can be refilled during the day if needed. d. Parents wanting to meet with a teacher/Deputy Principal/Principal are asked to do so by phone or by email. Please call the school office on 9844 7200 to arrange a suitable time. e. Parents coming into the school office are asked to limit the number to no more than one and give the office staff consideration by keeping back from the counter. f. We will no longer be asking parents to physically sign in or out rather be prepared to show some identification if you are not known to us. Please do not be offended if we ask. g. Children leaving during the day for appointments or authorized reasons will come to the school office for pick up. You are asked not to go to classrooms. h. Parents are asked to observe social distancing around the school and avoid congregating for social purposes before or after school. We continue to actively promote the personal hygiene procedures amongst children and social distancing where practical. If your child is feeling unwell please keep them home. Richard Bushell Principal
08.01.2022 Term 2 School Arrangements: Monday 27 April is the ANZAC Day Public holiday. Tuesday 28 April is a School Development Day to allow schools to finalise their Term 2 plans. Work packages will not be available for pick up on this day now. Wednesday 29 April School opens for students. It is a parent choice about whether your children return or not. Parents are asked to drop their child/children at the school gate, please do not enter the school grounds. More details to ...follow for kindergarten and pre-primary children. Work packages will be available Wednesday 29 April from 10:00 am for children completing schooling at home under the same organisation communicated to you last term. At the end of week 3 these arrangements will be reviewed again for the start of week 4 from Monday 18 May. I will email more details about how school will operate from Wednesday 29 April by communicating with you on Tuesday 28 April afternoon after I have had a chance to discuss the details with staff and make any final adjustments. The school has been thoroughly cleaned over the school holidays. Hand sanitiser will be available in all classrooms and soap will continue to be available in all toilets. Cleaning will occur throughout the school day in addition to the regular morning and afternoon cleaning shifts. We will continue to actively promote the personal hygiene procedures amongst children and avoid physical contact through a number of changes that I will share with you next Tuesday. If your child is feeling unwell you must keep them home. Children, in particular, with sore throats, coughs or fevers must not be sent to school. Richard Bushell Principal
07.01.2022 Dear Parents and the school community, please click the download for the latest COVID19 restrictions for our school starting Monday. https://www.flindersparkps.wa.edu.au//367-phase-3-covid19-
05.01.2022 Did the sound of your child practising the recorder drive you up the wall? You might be relieved to find out that the ukulele has all but replaced it in the classroom. Its even overtaken the guitar to become Australias most popular musical instrument!
04.01.2022 Junior and Middle students completed drawing lessons last week in support of our pilots in the RFDS and SES.
04.01.2022 Fantastic photos of the opening of our ECE building yesterday. Sorry we couldnt invite all our parents and community members due to phase 3 COVID19 restrictions.
04.01.2022 Reminder that School Photos are on tomorrow and Wednesday. Reminder that School Photos are on tomorrow and Wednesday.
03.01.2022 Corona Virus (COVID-19) Communication 16 March 2020 We are currently working through the latest information and directions for schools following the announcements over the weekend and today. Once we have made changes to our current plan I will communicate them to you as soon as possible. Communication will be via Facebook/email contacts/newsletters. If you have recently changed any details such as mobile phone numbers or email addresses, please contact the school office to en...sure we can contact you. In the meantime, the most effective way to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus is to: Frequently wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or using an alcohol-based hand gel Refrain from touching mouth and nose If coughing or sneezing, covering your nose and mouth with a paper tissue or flexed elbow. Dispose of the tissue immediately after use and perform hand hygiene and Avoiding close contact with anyone if you, or they, have a cold or flu-like symptoms (maintain a distance of at least 1 metre). Do not send your child to school if they are sick. Richard Bushell Principal
02.01.2022 Transport Required for next week A Flinders Park pre-primary parent is seeking any Flinders Park PS parent who could possibly pick up a child from Spencer Park area on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th of May (next week) and return them home at the end of the day. If you are able to support this parent, could you please give the school a ring on Friday, (08) 9844 7200.
02.01.2022 Congratulations Toby on winning the annual "Hoppers Cup" trophy.
01.01.2022 Phase 4 COVID-19 Recovery Plan and Easing of School Guidelines The following points outline the changes to our current COVID-19 school guidelines. These changes arise from the State Government moving into Phase 4 of the COVID-19 Recovery Plan: All adults - staff, parents/carers, visitors entering the school site must continue to observe physical distancing of 1 adult per 2 square metres and good hygiene practices. These two conditions mean there are not a lot of changes for... parents/carers as we move into Phase 4. Parents/carers may bring their children to classroom doors before and collect them after school. You will need to practice physical distancing of 1 adult per 2 square metres and will only be permitted to enter classrooms by appointment or invitation to ensure the 2 square metres per adult can be maintained. The P&C Canteen will resume recess and lunchtime counter service for children from tomorrow. Limited stock of drinks and icy poles will be available. Most other recess items will be on sale. Assemblies will recommence next term. Unfortunately, at this point this will be without parents/carers as we have insufficient space to comply with the 2 square metres per adult in the Assembly Hall (in addition to staff and children). Shared food for special activities is not to be permitted for children. Provision of individually wrapped cakes for birthdays is permitted or the P&C Canteen can do this as a paid service for parents/carers. Interschool sport can resume. Adults must maintain physical distancing of one person per two square metres. Equipment must be cleaned after use. Incursions and excursions can now resume. Supervisors/staff must maintain physical distancing of one person per two square metres. School Board and P&C meetings can continue face to face. All adults must adhere to physical distancing of 2 square metres per person. Children who are unwell are to stay home. A cleaner will continue to be on site throughout the day cleaning toilets, cleaning hard surfaces and frequently used door handles, etc. The school has adequate supplies of soap and hand sanitiser to regular hand cleaning. If you are in doubt about any guidelines, please contact the school office for clarification. Phase 5 of the COVID-19 Recovery Plan is set to coincide with our return next term and if it goes ahead will have further relaxations of current guidelines that I will share with you.
01.01.2022 Reminder to parents. Tomorrow is a student Free Day.Reminder to parents. Tomorrow is a student Free Day.
01.01.2022 School Photos were taken this week. If you still want to order you can do so online. If you need the shootkey you can phone the school office.
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