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Florence Kelly Exercise Physiologist

Phone: +61 431 352 382


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19.01.2022 Resting should not be treated as a reward or a treat. It's an integral part of human health and performance optimisation. When we become ill, we can meet the concept of needing to rest more with so much resistance because this goes against our modern western way of life. But this slows down our healing. Allowing ourselves to rest (truely rest without guilt or fear of missing out) is exactly what we need to promote a physiological change and rebalance our system. But I think w...e must start with changing the root cause of our resistance to rest. I am here to tell you that resting, even when you are healthy, is here to serve you. It's an essential part of your well-being, just as important as drinking water, moving your body and sleeping. Take a pause, rest for a little while today. #pacingfirst #rest #restoration #relaxation #CFS #POTS #fibromyalgia #pain #fatigue #mecfs

11.01.2022 Intuitive movement. You would think it's easy to listen to your intuition right? But after being bombarded with "must dos", unrealistic expectations and illness, it takes a little bit of work to reconnect to the simplicity of hearing, trusting and listening to our intuition. I like to use these four principles as a little checklist to assess if my movement is truely serving me. Thank you @alanah.dobinson.exercise.phys for this great share and amazing knowledge on all things intuitive movement related

09.01.2022 Julia has taken it into her own hands to make a difference and support a cause close to her heart. Please join me in supporting Julia and the community which I know we all deeply care for. A few words from Julia: "During the month of October for dysautonomia awareness month I will be walking 120km to raise money for dysautonomia international who raise awareness and research’s the effects and causes of POTS, chronic fatigue (CFS) and autoimmune illness to help patients a...nd provide support to patients and their families. This foundation is personal to me as I know the affects this condition can not only have on an individual’s way of life but those close to them well. POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) is a form of orthostatic intolerance/ a condition affecting circulation in the body, affecting the way of life for many. Although this is a common condition many are unaware and misdiagnosed due to the lack of knowledge and awareness or often ignore the signs and symptoms until they worsen and can dramatically affect your lifestyle. POTS may be developed from various different conditions such as a viral illness and can cause extreme fatigue, dizziness, fainting and many other symptoms effecting one’s way of life. As well as POTs chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a chronic illness that can be debilitating to those who have it 1 in 4 patients becoming bedbound and all patients having their everyday life affected in some way. Those affected having many symptoms such as persistent fatigue, brain fog and many other neurological and autonomic symptoms. By personally experiencing these conditions I understand the effects they can have on a person and the hard work, dedication and time it takes to recover and learning to live with these conditions. I owe my recovery to my family and friend as well as the persistent help of Florence Kelly Please show your support by clicking the link and donating below or sharing this post to help raise awareness about these conditions"

08.01.2022 What type of movement makes your lips curl upwards? For me it’s playing with new yoga postures and falling out of balance, dancing around my home and walking in a beautiful green space. Many of us don’t get an enjoyable, playful feeling when we do the old traditional exercise in the gym with a million restraints around it or we go out with our walking shoes to specifically get our exercise in for the day.... I have some good news for you! You don’t need any of that to achieve great health and well-being. You simply need to move freely, playfully in a way that allows you to feel safe and uniquely YOU. So it’s ok for you to dump the walking for dancing. You can get rid of the lycra and the gym to teach your dog agility tricks in the backyard. Maybe gardening is calling you. Get creative. Try new things. Observe what makes you feel safe and happy. *But first things first, like anything when it comes to movement and pain and fatigue, it can get a little confusing to know just what is safe and the right dose at one point in time. Take the time to observe your boundaries and make considered and conservative choices when you try something new. Seek out help from an AEP or other health practionner you trust to guide you into a more YOU movement plan. That’s what we are here for

03.01.2022 Jules gave me way too much credit here but oh how amazing it has been to witness this growth! Meet Jules "Getting CFS/ME for me was not the usual tale of sudden post-viral onset, but rather a gradual decline of worsening symptoms over a number of years. From first noticing symptoms in 2010/2011 whilst at VCA studying Music to the beginning of 2017, I went through a period of cyclic Boom/Bust and gradual decline into illness and de-conditioning, constantly thinking I was ge...tting better only to ‘overdo it’ and crash again and again. My worsening symptoms and decreasing capacity for activity combined with having no diagnosis and not knowing what was happening to me led to what is all too familiar to sufferers of this condition and the like: utter confusion, frustration and despair. At my lowest point at the beginning of 2017, I finally got the diagnosis of ME/CFS from my GP, and after several months of searching for options for treatments and coming to terms with the ramifications of this diagnosis, I finally ended up in an appointment with Florence Kelly. My hope at this point was non-existent, but it’s no exaggeration to say that my first appointment with Florence was the absolute defining turning point in my CFS recovery; a sharp and profound change of direction away from decline and despair towards hope and recovery. Florence’s obvious expertise, experience and passion for her work coupled with her warm compassion, enthusiasm and positivity have been hugely influential and life altering for me, facilitating a restoration of my hope and trust in myself and my body. Florence has guided me through learning all the various skills and tools required to manage and recover from CFS, including Pacing, Sleep Hygiene, Graded Tailored Exercise Programs and Goal Setting Strategies, coupled with Mindfulness based Cognitive Behavioural and Stress management techniques from my psychologist. I truly couldn’t imagine a better person to help me navigate what can be the truly nightmarish experience of having a chronic illness, and while my personal path to recovery is not yet completely over, the nightmare of despair largely is, and it’s mostly thanks to Florence".

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