Mark J. Floyd Funeral Services in Euroa, Victoria | Event planner
Mark J. Floyd Funeral Services
Locality: Euroa, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5795 1086
Address: 107 Binney Street 3666 Euroa, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 There have been a lot of recent changes to how we conduct funeral services due to Covid-19. The most noticeable of these is that we now Livestream many of the services we conduct. Floyd Funerals are lucky enough to have the equipment and know how to provide this service in-house and free of charge to our clients.... To view a Livestream, please go to our website and click the link 'CLICK HERE to view Funeral Livestream' or go directly to our channel on periscope The Stream will usually go live 30 minutes before the scheduled start, instructions are also available on our website: Previously streamed funerals are also saved here for later viewing by those who may not have been able to tune in live. Please keep in mind that some families may not wish for their loved one’s service to be streamed, or the location (network reception) of the service may require a video recording to be made instead.
23.01.2022 Funeral Restrictions to change in Regional Victoria from 11:59pm Tuesday 27th October 2020 (effectively Wednesday). Outdoor Funerals will be allowed to have 50 attendees. Inside funerals are still limited to 20. Full list of changes:
22.01.2022 Things are a bit surreal at the moment for everyone. Conducting Funeral Services for a maximum of 10 people is by no means ideal, but a necessary precaution given the unprecedented times we live in. Video recording and live streaming allows those who are unable to attend the service to be able to partake in proceedings, whether they are across town or across the world.... At Mark J. Floyd Funeral Services, we’ve been lucky enough to be able to utilize the equipment and know-how we already have to either record or stream services from almost any location, AND at No Additional Cost to our clients. The first 2 photos attached show our video ‘rig’, a 4G iPad, with battery backup on an adjustable tripod mount; & the second 2 are stills taken from the 1080p high-definition quality video of a recording from a graveside service we recently held. We can almost instantly upload these recordings to Dropbox, allowing the video to be shared instantly worldwide to family and friends. Let's hope this 'new normal' is only here for a short time and we can soon resume doing things in the normal way. However being able to do this will come in handy in a whole bunch of circumstances. We thank everyone for their understanding and patience.
22.01.2022 The Federal Government has tonight announced new restrictions on public gatherings; limiting interaction with those outside of your household/family to 2 people. The restrictions around Funeral Services (10 people) have not changed, however this will mean that meetings between myself and our client families will now strictly be one-on-one. This is a necessary if inconvenient reality of our situation, but there are still opportunities for more than one person to contribute. ... We are experienced in using services such as Skype, Zoom and FaceTime to include and allow everyone to contribute in arranging funeral services.
22.01.2022 Today is a good day. Changes are coming to the numbers allowed to attend a funeral service. From 11:59pm on November 22 2020 (effectively the 23rd) Funeral services will be allowed to have 100 attendees (1 person per 4m still applies). This means our chapel will be allowed to host 22 people inside the building, with a further 78 people in our outdoor room and in the gardens.
22.01.2022 UPDATE TO COVID 19 RESTRICTIONS / MEA CULPA The Victorian Government has finally published the finalized restrictions for Funeral Services, and there is NO CHANGE to the previous density limit of 1 per 2m. The original press release omitted the density limit statement and has caused great confusion within the industry. I am so sorry for any confusion.... So unfortunately, we will be back to the previous limits. This means a greatly reduced number of people inside of funeral venues It is unfortunate that the state government's press release was so poorly written. Please see pictures attached for reference. Why they felt the need to rewrite the entire Funeral section of the press release and omit the density limits when there was no change to the restrictions is beyond belief! Very frustrated and angry. Thank you to everyone for their understanding.
22.01.2022 Livestreaming has been a godsend in the last 12 months. We recently received word that the service we have been using (Perescope) will cease to operate as of April, however all is not lost, as the owners of the platform are rolling over the functionality into their other platform, a little app called Twitter. So, From now on, our Livestreaming will be hosted on our new channel: ... Changes will be minimal, the ‘CLICK HERE to view Funeral Livestream’ link on our webpage will automatically link to the new address. You still do not need to download an app or have an account to view a Livestream, just go to our channel in the browser of you phone/iPad/computer/smart tv. The only difference I have identified so far is that you will now have to click the ‘maximize’ button in the video to make the display full screen. No meeting codes, no subscriptions, no cost, and the recording of services will still remain online after the service for anyone who might not be able to watch the stream live. Previous streams will still be available to view and the link to the archived services is Hosting on Twitter will give us the new capability to post messages in addition to just broadcasting video, with relevant information for upcoming streams and services now able to be posted ahead of time. Barring any unexpected teething problems, we are excited to hopefully further improve our Livestreaming capabilities.
21.01.2022 The Victorian Government has announced the easing of some restrictions (from 11.59 12/5/2020). This includes the restrictions on the numbers allowed at Funerals. Relevent Excerpts from today's announcement. for funerals, 20 people will be allowed at an indoor ceremony and 30 people at an outside ceremony. This is in addition to the minimum people required to conduct the funeral... religious gatherings and ceremonies will be permitted with up to 10 people, plus those required to perform the ceremony A comprehensive set of question and answer responses is being developed. Stay at home restrictions From: Can I leave home to attend a funeral? Under new arrangements to come into effect at 11.59pm on Tuesday 12 May, no more than 20 mourners are allowed at an indoor funeral service (not including the officiant or funeral staff). If you are unsure whether there is likely to be more than the permitted number of mourners at the funeral, you should contact the funeral director before attending. They may be able to offer you the ability to make an online tribute or view a live stream of the funeral service from home. Funerals held outdoors can be attended by a maximum of 30 mourners in attendance. If a funeral is held at a private house then only 5 people, in addition to people who live at the household, can attend. The person limit doesn’t include the officiant or people required to facilitate the ceremony, unless it is at a private house. Children are counted in the person limit. Physical distance has to be maintained by staying at least 1.5 metres apart. Can I visit a cemetery outside of attending a funeral? Under new arrangements to come into effect at 11.59pm on Tuesday 12 May, you can visit a cemetery. If you do visit the grave of a loved one at the cemetery, please ensure that no more than a maximum of 10 people (including you) are gathered. Physical distance has to be maintained by staying at least 1.5 metres apart. Alternative ways to remember your loved ones while staying at home include lighting a candle or holding a virtual remembrance with family and friends.
20.01.2022 The last few months have been a busy and exceptionally professionally challenging time here at Floyd Funerals. The passing of any person at a young age and before their time is unimaginably difficult, and this has been rather too frequent of late. On a personal level:... I would like to take a moment to thank the wonderful families that have allowed us to assist them for their grace, strength and trust at such a sad time. I would also like to thank all of those who have reached out to check ‘are you ok?’ to me. The size of people’s hearts to find room alongside their own grief to check in on others is overwhelming and it does make a difference in keeping me in a sustainable, healthy headspace. Being a Funeral Director is an interesting, rewarding and often challenging way of life, the love and support of our great little community is really appreciated by my clients and I thought it only right to acknowledge how much it means to me too. Thanks, Broderick Floyd
19.01.2022 From (effectively) June 1, 2020; restrictions regarding funerals will change. Limit will now be 50 people (in total) inside & outside. However please note that the 4 meters per person rule DOES apply. Most venues we regularly use for funeral services ARE NOT big enough to legally hold 50 people. ... Venues will need a minimum floor area of 200m squared to legally have 50 people. Our chapel can only hold 22.75 people based on this requirement. Further details can be found at:
16.01.2022 Hi Everyone, It's amazing how quickly things can change. As we re-enter a Covid Lockdown effective from 11.59pm 12/2/2021, we again return to a limit of 10 people per funeral service (Plus staff) for at least the next 5 days.... Thankfully, as of the time of posting, we do not have any services scheduled during this time. However should we need to, we will advise our clients to either plan a funeral service for 10 people to attend and hope for a surprise easing of restrictions, or wait to confirm plans until we have a clearer indication of what the restrictions will be post-Wednesday. Full restrictions can be found here.
15.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Times are tough. Coronavirus is proving much more of a marathon than a sprint. The restrictions we live under cause angst even as they keep us safe and uncertainty of the future is daunting. We are making progress though, numbers of infections are stabilizing, and hopes of a vaccine are promising.... It has been widely reported in the last few weeks that the numbers of suicides has skyrocketed. One corporate funeral company seeming to relish in the opportunity to shamelessly get their head on camera to stoke fear (and promote their business throughout the pandemic). Thankfully the Age has released actual data today showing that this ‘rise’ is not supported by facts (Numbers are actually slightly down: link to article at the bottom of this post). There has been a significant increase in the numbers of reaching out for support and help with their mental health and this should be celebrated, not stigmatized with false correlations to suicide. Purporting the myth that everyone with mental illness is just one step away from suicide is an unhelpful, simplistic trope of a more primitive time. It stops people seeking help, makes them feel shame for seeking it which impacts their recovery, and stops them from sharing their experiences to hopefully help others. Suicide is a tragic, complex issue that shouldn’t be lost in, nor used as a ploy during this pandemic. If you’ve reached out to a friend, colleague, family member, your GP, psychologist or any of the support services available, WELL DONE!!! You have nothing to be ashamed of and you should be recognized for doing the right thing. In that way it is no different than getting tested for Covid if you have symptoms. In fact, the numbers seeking help are quite unremarkable in some ways. Looking after your health physically and psychologically is how things should work. That the numbers of people asking for support go up when things are tough shows that the system works. If you or anyone you know needs support call Lifeline on 131 114, or Beyond Blue's coronavirus mental wellbeing support service on 1800 512 348. - Brod
12.01.2022 Masks and Funerals: If you’ve been following our updates, you’ll know that we’ve been taking COVID incredibly seriously. To that end, in addition to regularly updating our Covid policy, enforcing the letter of the law (and the also the spirit of the regulations) from the start of this pandemic; I have been wearing PPE when entering Hospitals, Aged Care and Private Homes since mid-March. ... For July, we extended this policy with all staff wearing masks when interacting with the public, including when arranging and conducting services. We have also been providing free disposable masks (and sanitizer) at all of our services for anyone who wished to make use of them. From Monday August 3, we will be enforcing that everyone we interact with wear a face covering (of course excluding those who can’t for medical reasons). Exemptions apply to anyone ‘speaking’ as part of a funeral service. In an effort to make this as easy as possible for everyone to comply, we will continue to provide masks (free of charge) to anyone who might require one. We thank everyone again for their continued understanding throughout this tough period. We have been able to work with each and every family to provide a fitting tribute and farewell for their loved one (and keep everyone safe).
11.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I've been receiving a large volume of inquiries over the last few days about the limits on numbers attending funeral services. THERE IS NO TOTAL CAPACITY LIMIT for funeral services. Numbers are unlimited as long as attendance records are kept. We provide both QR code and a manual backup option.... THERE ARE DENSITY LIMITS: 1 person per 2m squared both indoors and outdoors. This limits spaces like our chapel for example to 45 people. However we do endeavor to set up marquees and chairs outside of venues to make as many people as possible comfortable. MASKS ARE MANDATORY INSIDE, but not outside. However they are recommended where social distancing cannot be maintained. We provide masks for anyone who may not have brought one with them. I hope that clears up any confusion, if there are any questions, please give me a call (Broderick) on 5795 1086. Source information:
10.01.2022 We had previously been using Periscope, however this service is no longer operational from April 1, 2021. From today, we will be broadcasting via our YouTube channel: This will allow us to broadcast at a higher quality than previously and allow us a new suite of tools to make your streaming experience better. ... Primarily this means that we can embed the Live-stream video box into our 'Funeral Notices' on our website, and to schedule uploads with a direct address days in advance. (see attached photograph). This should make things a whole lot easier for those who might not be as tech-savvy as they'd like to be. The video quality of the broadcasts will also dramatically improve. The functionality of our website and streams will not change for the user, with our links and instructions being amended to reflect these changes already. We had previously been using Periscope, however this service is no longer operational from April 1. (Our previous Streams will still be accessible from our channel ) We will still be posting links to our Live-Streams on our Twitter page as well: however we will not be broadcasting from their app (as previously announced) as they have not made their streaming app workable or stable enough for our needs.
09.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the entire community for their support during this tough time. Local businesses depend on local people, and the amazing care and positivity from those in our community, as well as the families it has been a pleasure to serve has made the last few months a little easier. With the sad news about the resurgence of COVID-19 in Victoria I have received a number of calls asking if the limits have changed for funerals. ... Thankfully the answer is no, the limits have not changed: - 50 people are allowed to attend a funeral (indoors or outdoors) as long as the 1 per 4m rule is used indoors. E.g. our chapel can only safely hold 22 people, but a further 28 are allowed outside. - Funeral directors and Clergy are additional to these limits (effectively meaning 53* people will be on site). - Wakes/Refreshments are limited to a maximum of 20 people (again with the 1 per 4m rule in place). Sadly, we are hearing reports of funeral directors flouting these restrictions, putting the lives of everyone attending at potential risk. Hosting 2 groups of 50 (or 20 for refreshments) at different venues/times and other methods of exploiting grey-areas have been clarified as illegal. As the last month has proven, it only makes it harder for everyone when the restrictions are ignored, especially when something inevitably happens. The fines for individuals can be as high as $20,000 and for businesses $100,000. But the only thing worse than these fines would be someone contracting this illness at a service. Thank you again to everyone for their understanding and patience at this tough time for everyone.
08.01.2022 With Coronavirus Restrictions easing allowing up to 50 people to gather outside, its a good time to remind everyone that Mark J. Floyd Funeral Services has lots and lots of ways to accommodate an 'outside' funeral for 50 people WITH all of the amenity usually reserved for inside. In years gone by, a 'Graveside' service was about the only outdoor option and a pretty spartan one at that, but this is no longer the case. We have portable marquees, lecterns, seating, tables, PA's,... digital projectors, flower stands, and a whole lot of other equipment to make sure that funeral services can best fit your needs. Whilst our chapel can only legally hold 22 people (when restrictions allow) we have a beautiful garden and 'outdoor chapel' that can seat 50 easily. We are also tech-savvy enough to have a Live-streaming setup that is capable of operating indoors/outdoors and anywhere that mobile phone reception is decent. The pictures attached to this post show just some of the 'outdoor' funerals we've held in the last few years.
08.01.2022 Hi all, The premier has today announced the reintroduction of Stage-3 restrictions for certain postcodes in Victoria from Midnight on July 1, 2020. These areas are: 3012: Brooklyn, Kingsville, Maidstone, Tottenham, West Footscray... 3021: Albanvale, Kealba, Kings Park, St Albans 3032: Ascot Vale, Highpoint City, Maribyrnong, Travancore 3038: Keilor Downs, Keilor Lodge, Taylors Lakes, Watergardens 3042: Airport West, Keilor Park, Niddrie 3046: Glenroy, Hadfield, Oak Park 3047: Broadmeadows, Dallas, Jacana 3055: Brunswick South, Brunswick West, Moonee Vale, Moreland West 3060: Fawkner 3064: Craigieburn, Donnybrook, Mickelham, Roxburgh Park, Kalkallo The announcement states that "There will only be four reasons that you are permitted to leave your house and only if you really have to. For work or school, for care or care giving, for daily exercise, for food and other essentials. They are the acceptable reasons to leave but only if you need to." We are seeking clarification as to whether funeral attendees are allowed to travel from restricted areas to attend services and will update this post when that information becomes available. However, it looks as though this might not be permitted. UPDATE: we have seen advice provided to the Fawkner cemetery from DHHS that those who reside in a ‘hotspot’ may travel to attend a funeral service in an area outside of the restrictions, however they are strongly advised not to. Thank you everyone for your understanding during this tough period. -Broderick Floyd
07.01.2022 From midnight Wednesday (effectively Thursday), regional Victoria will return to Stage 3 restrictions. What this means for funerals in the Euroa area is yet to be confirmed, but if we extend the current ‘Stage 3’ restrictions from Melbourne, this means that services will be again limited to only 10 people attending: plus those required to conduct the service. This is in extension to wearing masks, providing contact details and all of the other restrictions already (and yet to... come). This will be extremely difficult and distressing for everyone in our community, especially so for those who lose a loved one. Please be kind and caring to one another and remember that everyone is trying their best. It brings funeral professionals no joy to have to say ‘no’ to anyone’s wishes. If there are any questions that arise or ways I can provide assistance or information, please get in touch. -Broderick
06.01.2022 Funeral Restrictions will change from 11.59pm tonight, Wednesday Feb 17, 2021 back to NO LIMIT on the total number attending. Density limits (both indoors and outside) of 1 person per 2m squared are applicable. Masks will need to be worn inside AND outside.... It is anticipated that these restrictions will remain in place until Friday 26 February 2021. Whilst this still means venues like our chapel still can’t be filled to capacity, this allows us to use outdoor rooms to increase our total seated/covered capacity at services.
06.01.2022 (Covid)-Normalcy has returned! From 11:59pm tonight, there will be NO CAPACITY LIMIT for Funeral services. A DENSITY LIMIT of 1 PERSON PER 2m SQUARED will also come into effect, effectively doubling the number of people allowed inside a funeral venue. E.g. Our Chapel will now be allowed to hold 45 people.... This means that whilst we may have a limit to the total numbers inside a funeral venue, we can accommodate everyone who might wish to pay their respects outside. (Please see our previous post about the Special ‘outdoor options’ we can provide.) This allows us to publicly advertise the time and location of Funeral services, and we appreciate everyone’s help with completing our attendance registers (first name and contact details) so we can comply with the rules. This change has been a long time coming, congratulations to everyone for doing the right thing and allowing us to get to this point which will allow our community to return to some kind of normal in saying goodbye to our loved ones and friends. We will still offer Livestreaming (free of charge) to every family we serve to enable anyone who prefers to stay at home. Thank you to everyone for their understanding throughout 2020 and have a happy, healthy and safe Christmas and New Year period.
03.01.2022 COVID Restrictions Update. ***UPDATED*** The Victorian Government has finally published the finalized restrictions for Funeral Services, and there is NO CHANGE to the previous density limit of 1 per 2m. ... The original press release omitted this and has caused great confusion within the industry. We are sorry for any confusion. So unfortunately, we will be back to the previous limits. So this means greatly reduced numbers allowable within venues. It is unfortunate that the state government's press release was so poorly written. Why they felt the need to rewrite the Funeral section of the press release when there was no change to the restrictions is beyond belief. Thank you to everyone for their understanding.
01.01.2022 It has been a month of firsts too. I conducted my first funeral on the same day as the deceased passed away (by their request), fulfilling a statement I often make about being able to do so, but that it usually takes longer for families to be prepared to say goodbye (often between 7-14 days). I also conducted my first Buddhist & Vietnamese funeral, which was a great honor (and learning experience) too. ... The expanded 'outdoor room' setup for the chapel which can seat an additional 150 people undercover with audio and visual also got it's first use, AND in the next month our improved A/V system will be installed allowing us to switch between 4 different cameras inside the chapel and also to a direct feed of Slideshow presentations, which will greatly improve the ability to accommodate numbers greater than the chapel can hold. Sorry for cluttering all of your feeds with posts from a funeral home, but I rarely have much in need of posting. I promise this won’t be an everyday thing.
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