Fly Fishing DownUnder | Media
Fly Fishing DownUnder
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25.01.2022 Day 9 of the 10 day fishing challenge. For those of my non- fishing friends on Facebook, I've been nominated to join the 10 day fishing challenge by Jackson Ba...rgenquast I'll show you some pics from the hobby that I'm passionate about and hopefully it will inspire you to try fishing in 2020. Every day I select an image from my past experience of fishing and post it then nominate someone to take up the challenge. That’s 10 days, 10 fishing posts, 10 nominations. Be active, be passionate, be positive .... grow the sport! You’re up next Adz Mcloflin, show us what you got! I'll be taking guided trips in Central Queensland on the flats once the travel restrictions lift, targeting species like these Permit and Goldies etc... See more
25.01.2022 If you would like to sight fish for Saratoga, send e a message for details. John Haenke 0418187618
25.01.2022 Who doesn’t love chasing big barra, especially on fly?
23.01.2022 Day 6 of the 10 day fishing challenge. Every day I select an image from my past experience of fishing and post it then nominate someone to take up the challeng...e. That’s 10 days, 10 fishing posts, 10 nominations. Be active, be passionate, be positive .... grow the sport! You’re up next Mark Bantich , show us what you got! Although most of my fly fishing is in the tropics close to where I live, I still enjoy a trip away to cooler climes chasing trout, especially when my sons Daniel and Michael can join me. Let's hope we can do this again sometime when this crazy world we live in goes back to "normal"... whatever that may be!
23.01.2022 Had a freshwater trip recently with Rusty and US guests to the upper Fitzroy... can anyone guess what species of fish is on the Simrad screen? Guided Fishing DownUnder Simrad Yachting
22.01.2022 Good to see Dane Radosevic and Josh Power both get their first Saratoga on fly. They really enjoyed the whole sight fishing experience. Pretty hard to beat! If you would like to experience some CQ fly fishing, Give John Haenke from Guided Fishing DownUnder a call: 0418187618
22.01.2022 Another magic day on the flats, the only down side was when a school of a dozen or so mega GT’S swam up behind the boat when I was hooked up to a Goldie, and th...en when I was hooked up to another Goldie a school of Permit was feeding about 40ft away, sometimes that happens. I’m not complaining it was one of the best days fly fishing I’ve had in years. See more
22.01.2022 Check out this video, it shows what a net free zone can do not only for recreational anglers, but also for the local community and economy. Rockhampton is becoming known as one of the best locations for catching trophy Barramundi and King Threadfin in the country. It is so good to see how quickly the fish numbers have increased... and it will only continue to improve! Having a pro-active and supportive council with the drive to bring the net free zone to fruition, and foresight for the future is a blessing for this region...
22.01.2022 A great old clip featuring Lefty Kreh!
21.01.2022 Don't forget to join Doc Lures and I tonight at 7.30 pm for a discussion on fly fishing basics, I look forward to seeing you then!
20.01.2022 Back into it again after a break visiting grandkids. Classic blue sky day on the flats for Glen!
20.01.2022 Still plenty of great fly fishing on the flats. I’ve been playing around with different fly patterns more suitable for the shallow, clear conditions here. Also ...gave my Sage 8wt HD Salt some solid workouts. Matched with a 7/8 Spectrum Max reel, it’s one of my favourite outfits. I’ve spent a lot of time this year scoping ambush points on the flats for Permit and Golden Trevally. It should pay off with my guiding next year, depending on Covid. This year was pretty much a write off with no interstate or international guests guests able to fish with me. I will be taking bookings for next year, depending on Covid restrictions. I’ll be covering the Whitsunday area in Queensland, specialising in fly fishing the flats for GTs, queen fish, giant herring, tuskfish, permit and golden trevally. As well as fly fishing fur trophy barramundi. I will also cater for lure fishos as well. Pick up from Proserpine Airport. For more details, message me or phone 0418187618. See more
20.01.2022 I've had a few people ask what I have put around my electric motor cables to stop fly-lines snagging on it. It is a rod sleeve, and it works very well.They slee...ves are very handy for both conventional and fly rods, but I find them particularly good when travelling with fly rods broken down in halves in the car or in the boat. If you are looking for good quality rod sleeves, you can get them from Peter Morse at a very good price. Message him if you want more information or to order them. See more
19.01.2022 The boys from Tassie brought a bit of average weather with them (well you've gotta blame some-one!), however they've enjoyed some great fly fishing over the past week, including landing 22 barra, over 30 Saratoga and a couple of blue salmon. This nice 90cm salty Fitzroy barra was Bryns PB! If you'd like to experience fishing in CQ, give John a call: 0418187618
19.01.2022 Some great fly fishing in the Rockhampton Region recently!
18.01.2022 Clear blue skies full of butterflies, and lots of queenfish action ... looks like the dry, winter season is on its way. A great time for southerners to escape the cold, enjoy our warm days and cool nights, and some of our great flats fishing! Guided Fishing DownUnder 0418187618
18.01.2022 For anyone in the Rockhampton region, you can meet fly fishing guru Peter Morse and John Haenke from at a free seminar tonight, details below:
18.01.2022 Quick Barra session this afternoon, hard to beat sight casting to these fish, I could see the bow wave from this one coming from a long way off.For those angler...s who think 40lb or 50lb leader is enough for metre and metre plus Barra think again, have a look at the 80lb tippet this fish was landed on. See more
17.01.2022 A day in the office re-stocking 'toga flies, after some great sessions recently. If you'd like some Saratoga action, give John Haenke a call: 0418187618.
17.01.2022 Guided Fishing DownUnder's John Haenke has been road tripping, and the boys are getting some nice fish on fly. If you would like a great expereince like this, call John on 0418187618
17.01.2022 A great invention, I use them all the time for my fly rods. Every angler should have them. Available through Peter Morse.
16.01.2022 This week on Reel Action the lads are fishing off Rockhampton getting stuck into some shallow water Black Jew and Queenies of soft plastics, catch the show on ONE Saturday 4.00pm, Sunday 12.00pm. Don’t forget to tune into TEN at 6.30am for recent Reel Action episodes
15.01.2022 Spent the last week in some spectacular rain forest country, fly fishing for Sooty Grunter, one of my favourite things to do. Tony Davys from Rockhampton Tours ...paid us a visit over the last couple of days on his way home from one of his tag along tours to Cape York. Thanks for your company Tony, always good to share an adventure with a mate. See more
15.01.2022 Check out the great lithium battery system John Haenke has installed in his new Sportsman Island Bay for Guided Fishing DownUnder. It has so many advantages compared to the old AGMs. Watch the video to find out more!
15.01.2022 Just a few thoughts on the current Covid- 19 situation we are all in at the moment. It is affecting all of us, no-one is exempt. Nathan Johnston took over Gui...ded Fishing DownUnder at the end of last year, but I will continue working with him. We had quite a few charters booked for this year, but they have all been postponed or cancelled - most from interstate or overseas, in fact Nathan has closed the guiding service for the foreseeable future... so we have been heavily impacted... It's up to all of us to do our bit, stay at home and try to "Flatten the Curve". And as responsible anglers that means cancel all non-essential travel. Many people still don't seem to have come to grips with social distancing, I think the pollies have made it pretty clear! And so those who don't seem to understand, this is my take on it: Distancing will help reduce the spike of infections that we have all seen overseas, endangering everyone including doctors and nurses lives. These people could be trying to save your life in the future. Do everyone a favour and stay at home as much as possible! Use a bit of common sense, if it isn't imperative, don't go! My boat hasn't been in the water for the last couple of months, I've been staying at home, lots of time to tie flies ready for when I can get back out on the water!
14.01.2022 Nice fish, the text says a lot too.
14.01.2022 Last weekend I enjoyed a Fly Casting Instructors Training Course with Peter Morse. For me, casting is part of what I love about Fly Fishing, introducing more challenges, and I'm always learning. For any fly anglers, beginners or experienced, getting tuition from a qualified instructor will help your casting ability with distance, accuracy, and controlling your cast in challenging situations with wind, current etc. I am really enjoying this course, and Peter is a brilliant teacher, I can't recommend him highly enough!
13.01.2022 Day 3 of John Haenke’s fishing challenge!
13.01.2022 So good to be back in North Qld, the wet season is in full swing. Doing some R and R, love chasing sooties in small streams!
13.01.2022 Some great information here from John Haenke. Enjoy!
13.01.2022 Some goodies just arrived from Fisho's Tackle World Hervey Bay. 6wt Sage Payload for Saratoga etc, as well as a Sage spectrum LT 7/8 wt Reel... and lots more fl...y tying material for crabs. If you're into fly fishing, check them out, they have a great range of quality fly gear, including Sage and Reddington rods and Reels, as well as anything else you need for fly fishing. Dane Radosevic and Josh Power from Fishos are very experienced fly anglers and are happy to share their knowledge and information with you. Give them a call or look online: See more
12.01.2022 Eric and Dianna Edwards from Florida in the US enjoyed some of our flats fishing - plenty of small fish on the flats, including Aussie Tarpon - not quite the si...ze of their US cousins! Enjoyable day none the less, including close encounters of the dugong kind - fabulous in shallow gin clear water! See more
12.01.2022 A bit of fun fly fishing the flats with Greg and Ian. Plenty of new species for both of them.
12.01.2022 If you're interested in fly fishing in Central Queensland for a range of tropical sportfish, give John Haenke from Guided Fishing DownUnder a ring on 0418187618, or check out the website:
10.01.2022 If you live in the Rockhampton region, and you'd like to meet Peter Morse and John Haenke, have a look at the FREE fly fishing evening to be held next thursday evening! Details below:
10.01.2022 Check out this big Fitzroy River croc staking pelicans yesterday, just down from the CBD... It's great to see these prehistoric creatures doing what they've bee...n doing for millenia - our guests absolutely love seeing the local crocs. Just a reminder to be croc wise when fishing the Fitzroy. See more
10.01.2022 Nothing like barra on fly!
10.01.2022 Our new website is live, and we've written a couple of blogs giving you some further information on what we're up to. Check it out on the link below:
09.01.2022 Back on the water again after a trip to visit Peta’s mum in hospital. Seeing plenty of fish on the flats including this monster GT which wouldn’t fit in the lan...ding net, a serious battle on a 10wt fly rod and 20lb tipet. Towed the boat well out to sea and after over an hour of pain a quick release beside the boat when I was hanging onto the leader. Very memorable eat, two of them right beside the boat half a meter of water! So no grip and grins, it was nice to see him swim off quickly without the struggle of trying to drag him into the boat. My lab Gus has no trouble fitting in the same net as you can see, he was caught having a nap in it the day before. See more
09.01.2022 Have you checked this out? It's a great read!
09.01.2022 Bonefish, are they one of your favourite species too?
08.01.2022 Peter Morse from Wildfish with a species from most fly-fisherman's bucket list, a lovely bonefish. Watch all the action from Peter here -
08.01.2022 Yes, I remember Tony Bourke and Peter Garrett with their Labour lockouts very well!
08.01.2022 Do you want to learn more about fly fishing? Join myself and Peter Morse next Thursday night in Rockhampton for an introduction to fly fishing. For me, the aspect of Fly Fishing saltwater flats is as good as it gets, and there are plenty of flats in the Rockhampton/ Capricorn Coast Region, and what's even better, they're net free! See you Thursday night for a great FREE fly fishing evening, 6.30pm at Callaghan Race Course Rockhampton! See link below:
08.01.2022 A Testament to a Great Reel! It's the first time in many years that I've actually had some spare time - and plenty of it - thanks to the lockdown. It has given a chance to update our library of still images, and something was becoming consistently obvious while I was doing this: in most of the shots of me holding a trophy fish, my old red Sage 4210 reel was there in the shot as well. This reel has been such a big part of my fly fishing for at least 7 years since I purchased it. Apart from a rinse in freshwater, and backing the drag off after use, there has been no other maintenance at all and there is still no corrosion, the drag is as good as new and it hs caught sooooo many fish! I now have the latest Sage Spectrum Max's and Lights in my reel bag as well - great fly reels all of them, but the old 4210 is still in there with them... and it's still catching fish! See more
08.01.2022 Been introducing Tony Davys to one of my favourite freshwater fly fishing species... Sooty Grunter. So much fun on light fly gear, they're tough little bull-dogs! Plenty of great sooty fishing spots in the region....
07.01.2022 If you want some great fly fishing action, why not contact John Haenke from Guided Fishing DownUnder. He'll be offering road trips to some awesome fishing destinations. Check out the website: or call 0418187618
07.01.2022 We're enjoying some exceptional flats fishing at the moment. Wayne Barrar, a keen fly fisher from NZ was glad to escape the cold Wellington weather and experience flats fishing Capricorn Coast style!
07.01.2022 John Haenke had a few days off fishing with his old mate Alan Philliskirk, they shared guiding stories and had a bit of time to relax on the water. Lots of great Saratoga fishing options at the moment, Fish got this nice one on fly. Barra season opens tomorrow!
06.01.2022 Water temps on the flats have gone from 22 a couple of weeks ago to 28 today, golden trevally and permit are showing up in numbers, couldn’t get any permit to eat a fly today but the Goldies were not as tough to get a bite from.
06.01.2022 Master Fly Casting Instructor Peter Morse teaching in Rocky When? Sunday 9th June 8-30 am to 4pm How much? $150 for the day, numbers limited. Bookings are essential. Contact Peter Morse on 0422607038 ... One day only and opportunity to learn how to fly cast or to improve your fly-casting AND to also learn a bit about how fly fishing works. Where: Touch Football Fields. Near Callaghan Park Racecourse See more
06.01.2022 Enjoying life on the road, it’s nice being able to spend as much time as we want in places like this. Research and development of course. Finding some great fishing for future clients. Love sooties, feisty little fighters in spectacular country.
06.01.2022 Heading south to visit family etc, stopped in at Fisho's Tackle World Hervey Bay to have a cast with a 10 wt Sage MAVERICK, very impressed, I’m going to get on...e for the flats. Also stocked up on fly tying gear and found some gamakatsu SL12S non flashy stainless hooks, should be good for crab patterns etc. The boys at fisho’s really know their fly fishing give them a call for information or an order they have a great range of gear. See more
05.01.2022 Day 7 of the 10 day fishing challenge. Every day I select an image from my past experience of fishing and post it then nominate someone to take up the challenge.... That’s 10 days, 10 fishing posts, 10 nominations. Be active, be passionate, be positive .... grow the sport! You’re up next Dave Donald, show us what you got! The Saratoga fishery in the Fitzroy and its tributaries is the best I've come across. If you're into sight fishing for these pre-historic fish, I'll be guiding for Saratoga when the restrictions lift. See more
05.01.2022 To everyone out there concerned about Covid 19, please read this post. Great advice from someone in the know!
05.01.2022 Greg and Ian from Melbourne enjoying some warm weather in Central Queensland, fly fishing for some new species, and experiencing some of the diverse waterways this region has to offer... Fishing the Fitzroy
05.01.2022 Our latest clip showing why we love the Rockhampton region so much, plenty of great stuff to do for everyone in the family in addition to fishing! So if you're looking at a charter with me, why not bring the whole family? The weather is warming up, so we'll be looking forward to some great Barra fishing in the very near future! - we specialise in fly fishing!
04.01.2022 Got enough flies to last me a while now! Just want to get out and have a fish.
04.01.2022 Bryn and Brian from Tasmania are up here in CQ for a bit of fly fishing with John Haenke from Guided Fishing DownUnder... and escaping the cold southern weather. Sight fishing for Saratoga was high on their list of things to do, and they weren't disappointed!
03.01.2022 The crabs are finally getting some use.
03.01.2022 John Haenke has taken up the 10 day fishing challenge. What is your favourite species to target on fly?
03.01.2022 Peter Morse enjoying some great fly fishing for Saratoga, even with cooler water temps. It's a pleasure guiding and fishing out of the new sportsman. I'm still ...amazed at how efficient the new lithium batteries are, spent most of the day on the electric, and still don't need to charge the batteries! See more
03.01.2022 Tomorrow is World Fishing Day, you can watch from 9 am as we cross live to London from The Fitzroy River in Rockhampton. Just go to to register to view! #worldfishingday #fishingthefitzroy #exploreRockhamton #GuidedFishingDownUnder
03.01.2022 Day 4 of John Haenke's fishing challenge - Golden Trevally!
03.01.2022 If you'd like to learn how to fly cast, or improve your skills with the best in the country, Peter Morse is hitting the road with his fly fishing clinics. He will be coming to Rockhampton to do a course on June 9th, that will focus on the fundamentals of fly casting and the basics of how to fly fish. His contact details are below. Don't miss this great opportunity to learn more about fly fishing, and improve your skills!
02.01.2022 Another great mid winter session on Saratoga. It was Daniel's first day out on 'toga. He was casting some nice neat loops after attending Peter Morses recent fly casting clinic, and loved the chance to get out and put it to practice on the water. It was a pleasure guiding you Daniel!
02.01.2022 If you love topwater fishing for Saratoga, the Fitzroy River and its tributaries are exceptionally good for explosive surface action! We’d love to show you some of this action in these breathtaking locations the scenery is almost as good as getting smashed by these great Australian sportfish. It is truly a unique Australian experience. We cater for first timers to experienced anglers a day out on the water with us is more than just catching fish it’s about sharing infor...mation, experiencing these fabulous locations and having a great time! See more
02.01.2022 I've been fly fishing a bit further north with Bryn Carman, who on his FIRST ever cast to a Permit, scored this nice fish. One happy fly angler! Next year I'll spending more time on the road, and will be offering road trips to some very special fly fishing areas, sight casting to tailing fish like this. Contact me if you're interested in finding out more: 0418 187618 See more
02.01.2022 Have you ever fly fished for Saratoga? If you enjoy sight fishing, and experiencing new areas, why not give John Haenke from Guided Fishing DownUnder a call: 0418187618
01.01.2022 Day 8 of the 10 day fishing challenge. For those of my non- fishing friends on Facebook, I've been nominated to join the 10 day fishing challenge by Jackson Ba...rgenquast I'll show you some pics from the hobby that I'm passionate about and hopefully it will inspire you to try fishing in 2020. Every day I select an image from my past experience of fishing and post it then nominate someone to take up the challenge. That’s 10 days, 10 fishing posts, 10 nominations. Be active, be passionate, be positive .... grow the sport! You’re up next Matthew Langford, show us what you got! I love fly fishing for Barra! For anyone wanting to target trophy barra on fly, I'll be taking guided trips in Central Queensland once the travel restrictions lift. See more
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