Gambi Air Flying School in Wandilo, South Australia, Australia | Aviation school
Gambi Air Flying School
Locality: Wandilo, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 412 474 016
Address: Building 5, Mt Gambier Airport 5290 Wandilo, SA, Australia
Likes: 517
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25.01.2022 Gambi Air would like to extend a warm welcome to Chiara Davies! Chiara had her first lesson with us yesterday and did very well indeed. You can tell that flying is in her blood! Congratulations also Chiara on being awarded a Recreational Aviation Australia scholarship this year!! It's such a pleasure to be helping you achieve your dream. #learningtofly #flyingisfun #raaus #doingmountgambierproud #welovemountgambier #mountgambierairport #mountgambier #limestonecoast #sou...thaustralia Recreational Aviation Australia Mount Gambier Airport612 Squadron Australian Air Force CadetsAustralian Air Force Cadets See more
25.01.2022 'GROUNDED' - EPISODE 2 NOW AVAILABLE - 24mins General Aviation, Covid-19, and where to from here for your business or your flying? Today I interview Michael M...onck, Chairmain of Recreational Aviation Australia to discuss hygiene regulations, pilots getting rusty, ancillary businesses, what constitutes 'education', and how your industry association might help you to get back into the air! Listen in and join in the discussion at: #aviation #avgeeks #flightschools #aeroclubs #pilots #flightinstructors #airshows #airfields #flying #aviationindustry #aviationbusiness
24.01.2022 God bless you Murray, rest in peace. We've so many fond memories going back well over 50 years. You were an absolute gentleman and will be dearly missed. Our prayers, thoughts and condolences to Murray's family.
24.01.2022 Congratulations to Mark Brooksby for achieving his Recreational Pilots Certificate! Its such a pleasure teaching you mate. Happy flying! Mount Gambier Airport
24.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! We'd like to wish you all a very happy and safe holiday season. We'll be returning to the skies again on Monday 15th January. :)
24.01.2022 Here's to our magnificent country in which we are blessed to view from on high. :) Here's to our awesome students (who have become like family) - we're proud of you all! Here's to the top people in our lives we call our mates and always being there for one-another! CHEERS!! *Raises a beer*
24.01.2022 From the hangar and the tools to the sky, a textbook First Solo for this guy! Massive CONGRATULATIONS Lawrence Brand for a job well done on your first lap without the Instructor!
23.01.2022 The importance of aviation safety can’t be understated. GET ON BOARD EVERYONE, you may win some prettyyyy cool prizes in the process! Fun while you’re flying is important, fun whilst flying SAFELY is paramount!
23.01.2022 What a wonderful initiative by our local aeroclub! These champions are at it again offering another thoughtful service to our local community.. The Mount Gambier Aeroclub are running a COMPETITION for aviation inspired youth to WIN TRIAL INTRODUCTORY FLIGHTS & an initial JUNIOR AEROCLUB MEMBERSHIP each. 12 flights are up for grabs! We encourage as many young people (between the ages of 14.5 & 17+) that are considering undertaking flight training to become a pilot, to ...enter the competition. GO FOR IT!!! Commercial flying in it’s many forms, poses a very satisfying and rewarding career. Flying just for fun is equally as satisfying, opening up a world of fun and amazing experiences not always possible from the ground. We wish you all luck and look forward to meeting six of the twelve of you in the very near future for an unforgettable flight that will not only put a smile on your dial, but hopefully be a brilliant start to your future air adventure. Recreational Aviation Australia 5GTR FM Community Radio Mount Gambier Airport ABC South East SA 612 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets Mount Gambier Noticeboard Mount Gambier & Districts Events & News Page Mount Gambier and District News District Council of Grant Limestone Coast Community News Border Watch Mount Gambier Lifestyle1 Magazine Grant High School Tenison Woods College Mount Gambier @stmartinslutherancollege @allendaleeastareaschool
23.01.2022 Huge congratulations Brad Lynch for flying his First Solo flight at Mount Gambier Airport yesterday! Awesome achievement! Enjoy the feeling of being "Pilot in Command" Brad!
23.01.2022 **TRIAL INTRODUCTORY FLIGHT COMPETITION** (12 flights to be won!) The Mount Gambier Aeroclub are giving twelve aspiring local youth the chance to take the aircraft controls and kick off their dream to learn to fly. ... Entry is free and applications close 31st August, 2018. Winners expected to be drawn in September, 2018. If this interests you or potentially a young person you know, please share this competition information with them! Further information and application details provided on the Mount Gambier Aeroclub’s Facebook page and website. We’d collectively like to encourage as many young people as possible to GO FOR IT!
23.01.2022 Coming to Mount Gambier Aeroclub - 10th November, 2017: CASA AVSAFETY Seminar - Third Series of "Lessons for Life" - INVALUABLE safety seminar for qualified and trainee pilots. ... TOPICS COVERED: ~ Flying within your limits ~ Making the RIGHT decisions in-flight ~ Hazards on arrival. FREE OF CHARGE and LIMITED spaces left. To register please access the link below.. Hope to see you there! Mount Gambier Airport
23.01.2022 We’re going to be neighbours! This is such brilliant news for the people in the south east! The RFDS do an amazing service for our community. Mount Gambier Airport, ahh, the ever-increasing potential! ..Couldn’t be more proud to call it home!
23.01.2022 ADDITIONAL CHANCE TO WIN! National Safety Month Week 1 content is now available at This week we look at the HUMAN ELE...MENT. Read our safety articles and complete one of our short quizes to go in the draw to win one of our safety prize packs. Check back next week for week 2 content! ADDITIONAL CHANCE - Share this post for an additional entry into the draw to win our Open Safety Prize Pack! Make sure the post is set to public so we can see your share. View our prize packs from T&Cs Apply - More information on our website!
22.01.2022 The RAAUS Tech Teams turn to answer your questions in these times..
22.01.2022 You little legend! Huge congratulations on your First Solo flight Jorden Aberley! What a wonderful achievement Jorden especially at 16 years old! Your first solo will always be one of your best memories.
22.01.2022 Way to go Shaun!! We love reading about stories such as yours and we’ll continue to follow your progress closely. Thank you Colin and Mount Gambier Aeroclub for sharing! Very inspirational Shaun, especially to our younger, very dedicated students on a mission to make flying their career path or the young individuals still considering learning to fly for fun or profession. You should be very proud of your achievements already Shaun. Love your work.
22.01.2022 Congratulations Isabella Lamb for yesterday flying her FIRST SOLO FLIGHT at the ripe old age of 15! You’ve been rearing and ready to go for months and very patient with the non co-operative weather but all good things come to those who wait. Well done young lady! We’re all very proud of you!
22.01.2022 YAYYY! It's coming around to that time of the year again.. SOUTH EAST FIELD DAYS at Yakka Park in Lucindale - March 17th & 18th. Every year it just gets better so don't miss out this year! So much to do and see, such an array of awesome exhibits, shopping, great food and wine annnnd .. TRIAL INSTRUCTION FLIGHTS!! ... Gambi Air will be set up at SITE 602 (corner of Randall and Hocking Streets,) ready to answer all your questions about Learning to Fly an aeroplane and may'be even get you airborne and flying the plane yourself! ;) **SPECIAL SE FIELD DAYS OFFER - $100** Accepting bookings now and at the Field Days but limited slots are available so please get in early. South East Field Days #southeastfielddays #lucindale #limestonecoast #trialinstructionflights #learntofly #fundayout
22.01.2022 There is an ever-increasing urgent need for more commercial and airline pilots in Australia and indeed, the world! ATTENTION OUR LOCAL YOUTH: KICK START YOUR DREAM TO LEARN TO FLY! Win one of twelve Trial Introductory Flights!!... If you’ve been thinking about this for yourself or another young person you know, get onto this now. Applications close this week! Goodluck! Mount Gambier Airport #mountgambier
21.01.2022 We'd like to announce that Glenn Tucker has recently flown his FIRST SOLO FLIGHT at Mount Gambier Airport. WOOHOO!!! Huge congratulations mate, that's such an achievement that you'll never forget. :) Enjoy the freedom! Mount Gambier Airport #learningtofly #firstsolo
21.01.2022 Massive congratulations and high fives to Mitch Watt and Isabella Lamb - two of our young students who have been awarded a 2019 Recreational Aviation Australia Inc. Scholarship for Junior Flyers! Mitch and Isabella, you’re both very dedicated and deserving of such an award and we couldn’t be happier for you both. You both aim for the sky and have such passion and determination to go far, commercially, in the aviation industry and we’ve every confidence you’ll achieve your flying aspirations! So proud of you both and to be helping you achieve your dreams. ..Can’t wait to turn the key and get the wheels off the ground using these hours so graciously donated by RAAUS, Airservices Australia, Oz Runways and RAAus members!
21.01.2022 Aww, this pair of spunks! ..Daddy Michael did a fantastic job during his Trial Instruction Flight and gorgeous little Miss thinks she'd like to learn to fly too! Bless! It was such a pleasure flying with you Michael and meeting your lovely family.
21.01.2022 The Roulettes are inbound tomorrow!
20.01.2022 Massive congratulations to Ben Gaffney who just flew his FIRST SOLO FLIGHT at 15 years old!! We are so proud of you Ben and NICE LANDING (by the way!) Enjoy the freedom of solo flight! Mount Gambier Airport Tenison Woods College Mount GambierRecreational Aviation Australia #firstsolo #learningtofly #proud #photooftheday
19.01.2022 RECREATIONAL PILOT'S CERTIFICATE!!! Congratulations Mr Deverell! Top job!Nav training now mate, ENJOY!
19.01.2022 This update is for anyone concerned for their relatives or friends that either train with or work for Gambi Air Flying School in regards to the light plane crash that took place this morning near Mount Gambier Airport. Neither our aircraft, nor students or instructors were involved. Such a tragic event and our heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends of those on board the aircraft.
17.01.2022 FABULOUS getting up close and personal with Elsie today! This magnificent machine (a Sikorsky Skycrane) landed in Mt Gambier to refuel enroute to Adelaide. Thanks Elsie and crew for the AWESOME job you’ve been doing Downunder. Mount Gambier Airport
17.01.2022 Congratulations Kyle Jones who at 16 years old has achieved his Recreational Pilot's Certificate!! Kyle is starting his cross country training this week - GO KYLE! #learningtofly #flyingisfun #raaus #doingmountgambierproud #welovemountgambier #mountgambier #limestonecoast #southaustralia Mount Gambier Airport Border Watch Mount Gambier612 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets Australian Air Force CadetsLimestone Coast Community News
17.01.2022 Farmers and their machines! It doesn't take them long to have a good 'handle' on this flying business. Well done yesterday Blacky! (Michael Black of Port MacDonnell.) It was lovely to sit back and enjoy the ride while you greased landing after landing.
16.01.2022 Congratulations to Gregg Bisset for flying his FIRST SOLO FLIGHT!! An awesome experience - a treasured memory. The landing was beautiful to watch Gregg! Top job! Mount Gambier Airport
16.01.2022 Hey everybody! Incase you didn’t catch this on the Mount Gambier Airport page, the Air Force Roulettes are dropping in to refuel shortly! They’re due between 2 - 3pm so might as well grab a cuppa at the Aero Espresso cafe (at the terminal) and go and say g’day! (They’re a pretty friendly bunch!! ) #AeroEspresso
16.01.2022 Huge congratulations Chris Raddon for flying your First Solo flight! What an achievement - we’re very proud of you mate! Mount Gambier Airport #FirstSoloFlight #livingthedream #MakingItHappen #flyingisfun #raaus
15.01.2022 Very useful, thank you RAAUS team!
14.01.2022 If you like the idea of one day flying a warbird, it can all start with first learning to fly in a light sport aircraft under RAAus! (Recreational Aviation Australia Inc.) Due to the lighter weight and greater control sensitivity of a light sport aircraft, learning to fly 'RA' develops and hones your skills to a higher degree than learning in most heavier 'General Aviation' (GA) aircraft. The conversion to GA aircraft with more seats down the track is made easier with the skill base attained from learning in the RA category. The friendly, helpful team at RAAus would like to encourage prospective new flyers to give it a go - so check out the fantastic NEW offer via the link below: FREE 30 DAY TEMPORARY MEMBERSHIP including: - Website benefits - Members Portal access - RAAus knowledge base - Electronic access to the Sports Pilot magazine. ...Not to mention starting to learn to fly instantly with Gambi Air and logging up to three flight hours without having to pay extra for the membership!
13.01.2022 **NEWS HOT OFF THE PRESS** Mount Gambier's Breydon Verryt-Reid awarded an RAAUS 2017 JUNIOR FLYING SCHOLARSHIP! (RAAUS - Recreational Aviation Australia) ... CONGRATULATIONS Breydon, we couldn't be happier for you! You are well deserving and a very keen, mature and dedicated young student of whom we're most proud. We know you will do very well in this exciting and challenging aviation industry! ..Now don those "Aviators" and let's go flying! :D A very BIG thank you to: Recreational Aviation Australia Inc. Airservices Australia OzRunways SPORTPILOT Magazine Dick Smith's Foods X-AIR AUSTRALIA Cre8ive Aviation Advertiser HALL & CO DIGITAL BRISBANE AIRPORT CORPORATION ..and last but not least, all Flying Schools/Clubs and Flying Members that financially contributed to the 2017 RAAUS Scholarship program! #sportpilotmagazine #XAirAustralia #learningtofly #flyingisfun #raaus #doingmountgambierproud #welovemountgambier #mountgambierairport #mountgambier #limestonecoast #southaustralia Recreational Aviation Australia AirServices Australia OzRunways Dick Smith Foods CRE8IVE Brisbane Airport Hall & Co Digital @aviationadvertiseraustralia Mount Gambier Airport Border Watch Mount Gambier Limestone Coast Community News Lifestyle1 Magazine
13.01.2022 Out with the TTF, in with the TAF3. Effective last Thursday 5th November. (The closest to YMTG being Adelaide and Melbourne.)
12.01.2022 If you build it, they will come! - Pretty catchy movie line from a few decades back. Exciting and busy times ahead for Mount Gambier Airport and what a boon it will be for the region’s tourism industry!
12.01.2022 Talk about young people making us proud! ..10 days ago Mr Doyle Yoannidis achieved his Learners Drivers Licence , today Doyle FLEW AN AEROPLANE SOLO for the FIRST TIME!!! Well done Doyle, enjoy the freedom! We can't wait for the day soon that you will take your dad for a fly - that will also be a very special day. Mount Gambier Airport St Martins Lutheran College Recreational Aviation Australia #FirstSolo #Proud #Photooftheday #Learningtofly #RecreationalAviation #Flyingisfun
12.01.2022 Well Robert Bigg.. () We don’t know whether to congratulate you more for your FIRST SOLO FLIGHT or your exceptional cinematography skills! Well done indeed! Beautiful to watch on video and spectacular to watch from the ground - especially the landing. Enjoy flying as Pilot in Command!
12.01.2022 There's nothing more special than the smile on the face of a child. Our very own Mount Gambier Aeroclub are again this year hosting "Fun Flight" bringing airborne joy to children facing adversity. For families that wish to attend, please see Mount Gambier Aeroclub's link below to get into contact with our local volunteer heroes.... Good on you Mount Gambier Aeroclub! #funflight #LoveTakesFlight #welovemountgambier#mountgambierDistrict Council of Grant Mount Gambier AirportLifestyle1 Magazine5GTR FM Community RadioLimestone Coast Community NewsBorder Watch Mount Gambier
12.01.2022 For all student pilots (especially those undertaking or approaching navigation training) and pilots in the Mount Gambier area, this will be a very beneficial CASA safety seminar. The three key safety topics covered: Preflight planning Aeronautical Decision Making Checklists... It’s free, but please register ASAP. FRIDAY 15TH NOVEMBER, 2019 MOUNT GAMBIER AEROCLUB
11.01.2022 Huge congratulations to Jason Roberts who has recently flown his First Solo flight! It's an awesome feeling to take command for the first time and no doubt a memory you'll always reflect on with a grin Jason! Proud of you mate, WELL DONE!! Mount Gambier Airport #mountgambierairport #raaus #firstsolo #achievements #mtgambier #lifesbetterflying
11.01.2022 We especially LOVE the smiles on the faces of young people experiencing flight in a light aircraft for the first time! When these aspiring and very capable young individuals take the controls for the first time - NOW THAT IS SPECIAL. Mount Gambier Airport
11.01.2022 Hello all, we are hoping you and your families are staying healthy and coping well in these trying COVID-19 times. To our students, we’re looking forward to taking to the skies again but only when it’s safe and adviseable to do so. We will keep you updated in advance on our Facebook page and/or via our email newsletter. Today poses a great opportunity to engage with our fantastic RAAUS Operations Team - Jill & Neil. Please access via the link below which can also enable you to set a reminder for the event if you wish. You’re invited to email questions through prior to them going live so that they may have the opportunity to respond also. Take care and hope to see you all again very soon!
11.01.2022 The South East Field Days - see you there!
10.01.2022 GO KYLE!! CONGRATULATIONS young man at 15 years of age, Kyle yesterday flew his first solo flight! He has flown an aeroplane by himself before he can legally drive a car. We are very proud of you Kyle, what an achievement! Mount Gambier Airport Recreational Aviation Australia Mount Gambier & Districts Events & News Page Limestone Coast Community News Border Watch Mount Gambier Lifestyle1 Magazine
09.01.2022 LEGENNNND!!! All smiles! Awesome job again Ben and we're stoked you've got it on the Go Pro! A very special thanks to Mitch Watt for your technical expertise today mate. Mitch is also learning to fly and making it look eezeee!
08.01.2022 SO VERY PROUD to announce the First Solo flight of the extraordinary Mr Alan Tregoweth from Lucindale!!! While it is fabulous to post of the youngins achievements of late, it’s just as awesome to post about our more mature flyers. Alan pulled off a textbook approach and landing early on a stunning, crisp Mt. Gambier morning - the cheers from his loving fans, deafening. Huge congratulations Al! ..There’s certainly a lot to be said for a farmer and how he can co...mmand a machine. Mount Gambier Airport Recreational Aviation Australia #mountgambierairport #raaus #firstsolo #farmers #achievements #mtgambier #lifesbetterflying See more
08.01.2022 A wise old (lots of grey hair ) CFI I know, maintains the day you think you’re an expert pilot, is the day you should give it up! I think that pearl of wisdom goes hand-in-hand with learning from experiences, the good and the bad. The bad? ..Mistakes and bad decisions. We all make mistakes, it’s a part of learning and pilots (even with plenty of experience under their belts) are ALWAYS still learning. I’ve a deal of respect for the pilot in this video, Mike, who by doing t...his raw, unedited video is very sincere in his hope that we may all learn from this. Perceived pressure is a big one that many a pilot (including myself) has made a poor decision as a result of. Back in my hours building days with a small bucket of experience and a very large bucket of luck, I’m blessed that my poor call despite my gut feeling didn’t result in an accident but heck, it gave me a fright! What we do with the lesson learned from a poor decision made is what defines the calibre and integrity of the pilot in my opinion. Good on you Mike for the courage in putting this video together for our benefit. Feeling very grateful in this day and age to have very well structured and informative CASA and RAAus Safety Seminars, as well as many other educational forums to bring about a change in our mindset with absolute focus on safety. To all pilots and student pilots, please watch.
07.01.2022 Doing a superb job there Alan T! One of our local graziers 'in his element' during his climbing and descending lesson.
06.01.2022 We’d like to say a massive congratulations to Mitch Watt for recently achieving his FIRST SOLO FLIGHT at 15 years of age! We’re VERY proud of you buddy and acknowledge how much effort you put in to your aviation studies, whilst managing school studies and a part-time job. You’re an absolute champ mate, well done indeed!! Mount Gambier Airport
06.01.2022 ROULETTES ARRIVAL UPDATE: For those that have contacted us for a closer estimate of the Air Force Roulettes arrival to Mount Gambier Airport - they have just made their inbound call so they’d be in the circuit right
06.01.2022 From INSIDE the cockpit over the Adelaide 500.. sensational fellas.
05.01.2022 Huge congratulations to Steven Gailloud for flying his First Solo flight today! What a wonderful achievement Steve. This will be a memory you will always recall with a massive smile on your dial. It’s such a pleasure teaching you, well done! Mount Gambier Airport
05.01.2022 MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS CALLUM JONES!!! Callum flew his first solo flight at Mount Gambier Airport today! What an awesome achievement Callum. You’ll never forget the memory of taking command for the first time. Along with your family and friends, we’re very proud of you mate.
04.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS Hiroki Owen on flying your First Solo flight! Such an achievement Hiroki and your smile just says it all. Well done!
04.01.2022 Huge congratulations to Stephen Gailloud who passed his Recreational Pilot’s Certificate flight test today. Awesome achievement! Bring on the nav training!
03.01.2022 PLEASE BE AWARE and stay safe! Damaging winds and heavy rainfall forecast for our region expected tomorrow morning.
03.01.2022 Back in the good ‘ol days of Mount Gambier’s O’Connor Airlines, Captain David Blackwell DB completed his flight training. His aviation career progressed from flying the Conquest for O’Connors in the early days (probably the most fun he had in a flying job) onto Airbus types for Cathay Pacific, Ansett and eventually Emirates. He even crossed over to the dark side to fly a Boeing 777 for Emirates for a while! This is one guy that lives life to the fullest enjoying the fu...n and reward that the lifestyle of an airline pilot offers. Sure, it’s not all beer and skittles - often tiring with long hours and numerous time zones for the body to adjust, but this just adds to the challenge. Gambi Air along with DB would like to take this opportunity to wish all applicants of the 2018 Mount Gambier Aeroclub young persons TIF competition the best of luck and for those that may not be successful, encouragement to chase your flying dream, give it all you’ve got and don’t doubt yourself, you will make it happen. Mount Gambier Aero Club See more
02.01.2022 HUGE congratulations Mark Brooksby!! Mark flew his First Solo flight today at Mount Gambier Airport (and did a sterling job might we add.) Very proud we are. Well done mate! Mount Gambier Airport Recreational Aviation Australia
02.01.2022 Here is last Friday’s first RAAUS Live Member’s Forum discussing the impacts of COVID-19. RAAUS’ CEO & Chair hosting the forum..
02.01.2022 Mitch, WELL DONE, you little champ! We’re also very proud of your achievements! (This capable young man is one of our youngest students aspiring to a flying career!)
01.01.2022 Always wanted to give a few flying lessons a go to see if learning to fly was for you? Make it happen. Just DO IT! Challenging but fun and very rewarding!
01.01.2022 Congratulations to this legend, Jonathan Urquhart, who recently flew his First Solo flight! What an achievement! Enjoy that amazing feeling of just you and your bird up there. Now the exciting times really begin!
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