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FOCCALE Safety Management | Occupational health and safety service

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FOCCALE Safety Management

Phone: +61 414 686 053


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24.01.2022 Are you struggling to organise safety training for your shift workers? Are you looking for easy to follow courses to suit your workers?... Online safety training gives you a lot more options for delivering safety training. That can be accessed to workers on different shifts, at different sites, and even to workers who work remotely, on the road, or at home. But online safety training also gives you the freedom to deliver safety training on mobile devices in addition to desktop computers. FOCCALE Safety Management has Online WHS Training Courses, which are available for workplace. These comprise 7 modules that are also delivered face-to-face. The benefits are that they are online; set out in short videos that are easy to understand. They can be accessed anytime, anywhere and on demand. There is no travel required, which is time saved; they come at a low cost to the business, while you meet your due diligence and obligation under the WHS legislation. If you prefer; we develop online customised training programs for niche industries. If you wish to discuss contact us. It is unusual and uncertain times and workplaces need to think outside the square. If you have any other question we give and 30 Minute FREE Consultation. riskmanagement#safetymanagement#training #safety#safetymanagementsystems#whs#whstraining #workercompensation#audits#consultin #policies&procedures #WHS#onlinetraining#safetytraining #workhealth&safety #PCBU#bully#harassment#codesofpractice#sme #COVID-19

23.01.2022 Successful leadership style for a new world ...

22.01.2022 Our goal is the educate and influence leaders to look at safety from a different perspective and create a healthier and productive workplace.

22.01.2022 COVID-19 vaccination: No Jab No Job - Is it legal, is it reasonable? - Given the circumstances, there is much debate on the liability of workplaces and the spread of the virus and the requirements for the vaccination of their workers. Whilst the Australian Government’s policy is that receiving a vaccination is voluntary, although it aims to have as many Australians vaccinated as possible. What are you thoughts?

20.01.2022 This is a very interesting post that as has resulted from the actions taken through covid-19 ...

17.01.2022 Everyday we should be looking out for each other, whether friends, family, neighbours or colleagues. Even greeting another human on the street or giving them a smile can make their day knowing someone cares.

16.01.2022 Always follow safe workplace procedures ...

15.01.2022 Can you spot the risk?

13.01.2022 COVID-19 has a wide range of symptoms. Find out more here

13.01.2022 Working toward certification with my clients.

11.01.2022 As a CEO or Director have you ever considered Safety Coaching for your management team? ... It takes safety improvement to the next level ... Try it

11.01.2022 A great example of due diligence ...

10.01.2022 Unique QR codes are now available for all COVID Safe Businesses through the Service NSW app. Its a fast, secure and contactless check in option for your customers.

07.01.2022 Listen to these three principles to success ...

06.01.2022 Culture is extremely important in the workplace. Commitment must comes from the top.

06.01.2022 Success by Aussie Doctors for the first-world cure for silicosis - When a worker is exposed to and breathes in silica dust, they could develop the following illnesses or diseases; such as; chronic bronchitis, emphysema or acute silicosis. Acute conditions can develop after a short exposure to very high levels of silica dust, within a few weeks or years, and causes severe inflammation and an outpouring of protein into the lung.

06.01.2022 Culture is extremely important in the workplace. Commitment must comes from the top.

04.01.2022 Would upskilling your management teams be an option in the current climate? Perhaps an easy way to motivate your managers and keep them focused and provide new skills through our online learning? If this is on your to do list take the plunge, our programs are available anytime, anywhere and on demand. They are designed to be easy and effortlessly.... Our programs are developed for the time poor and busy workplace who may even have shift workers. Training workers is a mandatory requirement of the work health and safety (WHS) legislation and help to educate workers on your workplace policies and procedure requirements. Our programs are Short sharp and concise. FOCCALE Safety Management has Online WHS Training Courses, which are available for workplace. These comprise 7 modules that are also delivered face-to-face. The benefits are that they are online; set out in short videos that are easy to understand. They can be accessed anytime, anywhere and on demand. There is no travel required, which is time saved; they come at a low cost to the business, while you meet your due diligence and obligation under the WHS legislation. If you prefer; we develop online customised training programs for niche industries. If you wish to discuss contact us. It is unusual and uncertain times and workplaces need to think outside the square. If you have any other question we give and 30 Minute FREE Consultation. # riskmanagement#safetymanagement#training #safety#safetymanagementsystems#whs#whstraining #workercompensation#audits#consultin #policies&procedures #WHS#onlinetraining#safetytraining #workhealth&safety #PCBU#bully#harassment#codesofpractice#sme #COVID-19 See more

04.01.2022 Leadership commitment is essential in effectively managing safety in the workplace. However, being effective as a leader is key. Effective leadership is described as bringing together diverse people (in this case your workers) and helping them find common purpose and work towards to achieve purposeful common goals. Effective Leadership inspires and empowers people to realize their fullest potential and harness their potentials to achieve common goals. But, what does it truly involve for you as leader to achieve greatness?

02.01.2022 In the 1920s, a group of factory workers known as the "Radium Girls" fought for compensation after their work with radioactive paint made them sick -- and, in h...onor of Labor Day, were sharing the story of their hard-fought legal victory which forever changed the face of labor rights in the United States. The Radium Girls had spent years painting watches and military dials with glowing radium paint, but even once the dire consequences of radium poisoning were clear, manufacturers like the U.S. Radium Corporation refused to provide help or compensation to their former employees. "They were going to die, there was no hope for them," says Kate Moore, author of "The Radium Girls." "[The women] are trying to speak out, and of course the radium firms not wanting that lucrative industry to be affected in the slightest, theyre silencing the women with everything theyve got." When radium was first discovered in 1898, its use as a cancer treatment kicked off a craze for using the element in health and beauty products. "People were fascinated with its power," Moore says. "It does give this illusion of good health, because it stimulates the red blood cells [but] in the long term youre poisoning yourself." At first, the Radium Girls were considered lucky: not only were they paid three times what a regular factory worker received, but they spent their days surrounded by this miracle substance. Their technique to put a point on their brushes by sticking it between their lips, though, exposed them to a huge amount of radiation. "[I]t was the easiest way to get a fine point on the brush, to paint on numbers as small as a single millimeter in width," Moore says. "The first thing they asked was [whether] the paint was harmful, but the managers said it was safe, which was the obvious answer for a manager of a company whose very existence depended on radium paint." Radium dust was so thick in the factory, Moore notes, that "they were nicknamed the ghost girls because... they would glow ethereally, they would literally be covered in it." In the early 1920s, some of the Radium Girls started having symptoms like fatigue and toothaches. The first death came in 1922: 22-year-old Mollie Maggias whole lower jaw had been eroded by the radiation, but her death certificate mistakenly listed the cause of death as syphilis. "[T]hat was seized upon by these companies," Moore says. Existing laws also made it difficult for the women to force the company to act: radium poisoning was not on the list of diseases companies were liable for, and the two-year statute of limitations prevented workers from suing for a condition that often didnt present immediately. "Its mind-boggling," Moore says. "We knew from the turn of the century that radium was dangerous and large amounts of it could destroy human tissue. The radium was destroying the bone and literally drilling holes in the womens jaws while they were still alive." In 1925, Grace Fryer, a worker from the original New Jersey plant, decided to take U.S. Radium Corp. to court; it took her two years to find a lawyer who would take her case. In 1927, she and four workers filed, making headlines around the world. They were backed by the New Jersey Consumers League, who helped keep up the media pressure. The case was settled in 1928, by which point companies had already stopped recommending the lip pointing technique and started providing protective gear. Survivors were given compensation and doctors were directed to start listing the correct cause of death on death certificates. Even still, companies appealed for years; the Supreme Court rejected the final appeal in 1939. The case became a key milestone in the history of workers rights. "It was one of the very first cases in which an employer was held accountable for the health of its employees, and so it lays the groundwork for organizations like OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) that will eventually protect many millions of other workers," Moore says, "and I think thats quite a legacy to leave." For adult readers who would like to learn more about these heroic women, we highly recommend "The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of Americas Shining Women" at There is also a new Young Readers adaptation of "The Radium Girls" for ages 10 and up at For a young adult mystery about a modern teen girl who uncovers the story of the Radium Girls, we recommend "Glow" for ages 14 and up at For books for children and teens about the contributions of women to the fight for workers rights, check out our blog post "Fighting For Justice: 20 Books About Women and the Labor Movement" at And, to inspire children and teens with true stories of girls and women who refused to accept the status quo, visit out our blog post, "Dissent Is Patriotic: 50 Books About Women Who Fought for Change," at

02.01.2022 AI Automation Maximises Safety - by safeguarding workers against hazards of the workplace environment. -

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