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25.01.2022 THE FRIULIAN FLAG 27th of November. The flag of Friuli was adopted by the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia by the Regional Decree n. 27 of the 27th of November 2001. It is the representation of a golden predatory bird that dates back to the thirteenth century Patriarch Bertrand of Saint-Geniès. It imitates part of his mantle which his preserved in the Museum of Udine’s Cathedral. The history of the Region, in fact, is tied to that of the Patriarchal Duchy of Aquileia,... a vassal state of the Sacred Roman Empire. It existed from 1077 to 1420, the year in which it was annexed to the Republic of Venice, and known from the 13th century as the Patria del Friuli. The bird of prey represented in the Cathedral’s Museum, about which much debate has taken place, has the wings unfolded, the head facing left to the viewer, the claws are red, with a blue-grey background. According to some it’s an eagle, to others a griffin. The current flag of Friuli is inspired by that image, but it represents an eagle with a red rostrum. It was thought of and designed by Marco de Agostini and Giorgio Jus by initiative of the Movimento Friuli. After various prototypes, realised in 1973, the flag in its final format was printed at Codroipo on the 24th of July 1974 by a artisan printer. The picture below shows the first flag printed of that series, now preserved by Marco de Agostini. Initially it included the word Friûl, due to the lack of awareness at popular level of the ties between the symbol and the Friulian territory. From 1980 the word has been omitted to discard all references to the Movimento Friuli. Daniele Macuglia for the Ente Friuli nel Mondo. English translation by Lucio Rupil, Foglâr Furlan NSW, Australia. Sources: Legge regionale FVG 27 Novembre 2001, n. 27; Gianfranco Ellero, Patria del Friuli. Un lungo percorso identitario, Udine 2009, passim; intervista a Marco De Agostini. Photo: Marco De Agostini. It depicts the flag and other memorabilia. The first samples of the flag bore the marking No 01 1964 with De Agostini’s signature. 1964 refers to the Movimento Friuli’s archival number.
24.01.2022 Give it a go !!
24.01.2022 Nella seconda puntata andremo a scoprire le storie dei friulani che vivono in #Argentina, #Uruguay e #Venezuela Stella e Mauro Di F...ilippo, Fogolâr Furlan di Maracaibo (Venezuela); Claudio Bravin, Centro Friulano di Mendoza (Argentina); Romina Ermacora Sociedad Friulana Buenos Aires (Argentina) Cecilia Zannier e Patricia Rodriguez Famèe Furlane di Montevideo (Uruguay). See more
23.01.2022 La mia terra!!!!! Quando hai la fortuna di vivere in un paradiso!!!!
22.01.2022 21st of November 1940 THE CATHEDRALS OF TRIESTE AND UDINE PROCLAIMED NATIONAL MONUMENTS By the Royal Decree n.1746 of the 21st if November 1940, King Victor Emanuel III proclaimed National Monuments the Basilica-Cathedral of San Giusto of Trieste and the Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunziata of Udine. A nomination made quietly, of which very little can be found in the official records. The Basilica of San Giusto is the most important Catholic Church of the Giulian Capital. Erec...ted around 1320 from the unification of two preexisting churches, in its interior you can admire remnants of fifth century mosaics in front of the presbytery, and valuable apsidal mosaics of the early medieval period. It became a Minor Basilica in 1899. The Cathedral of Udine, better commonly known as the Duomo of Udine, construction began in the XIII century, in this case as well, starting from preexisting edifices. In 1335 was consecrated and given the title of Santa Maria Maggiore by the Patriarch Bertrando of Saint-Geniès, to whom is dedicated the Cathedral Museum. In 1735, after extensive remodeling, it was re-consecrated and dedicated to Santa Maria Annunziata. It contains many art works from artists like Giovanni Martini, Pellegrino of san Daniele, Pomponio Amalteo, Il Pordenone and Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. We show an image of the alter vane in the Chapel of Saints Ermacora and Fortunato, a work by Tiepolo of 1736. The Royal Decree, of which we celebrate the eightieth anniversary, came into effect on the 18th of January 1941. Other National Monuments in the Udine area are the House of Giovanni da Udine, the Fort of Osoppo and city fortress of Palmanova. Of Trieste and vicinities, we remember the Foiba di Basovizza, the Foiba of Monrupino and the San Saba Rise Mill. Daniele Macuglia for the Ente Friuli nel Mondo. English translation by Lucio Rupil, Fogolâr Furlan NSW, Australia. Sources:;; turismofvg; Gazzetta Ufficiale del Regno d'Italia, 3 gennaio 1941, Anno 82, n. 2, pp. 35-36. Foto: Museo della Cattedrale di Udine.
20.01.2022 FRIULIAN PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY Societât Filologjche Furlane November 23. In the afternoon of the 23rd of November 1919 was constituted, in the Town Hall of Gorizia, the Friulian Philological Society, one of the main cultural institutions of the Region (FVG). Amongst the multiple objectives of the Society is the protection of the Friulian minority languages by promoting and encouraging the use of the marilenghe mother tongue. Supporters of the constitutional assembly were U...go Pellis, Bindo Chiurlo and the Count Giovanni Battista Della Porta, stand out figures of the Friulian culture. The Philological was dedicated to the linguistic scholar from Gorizia, Graziadio Isaia Ascoli and Giovanni Lorenzoni, philologist and poet from Gradisca d’Isonzo (GO), was appointed as the first President. The Society’s head office is located at Udine in the sixteenth century Palazzo Mantica and with local branch offices also at Gorizia, Pordenone and Tolmezzo (UD). The photo attached below is of the annual congress of 1975 at Aviano (PN). It’s about a permanent event that has touched various locations in Friuli and elsewhere. With over three thousand members, in Friuli and worldwide, the Philological offers a rich variety of initiatives, such as language courses, boasts an extensive library and various foundations, one of them photographical, named after Pellis. Of interest are its publications, like the magazines Sot la Nape (not the one from FFNSW) and the Strolic Furlan. Amongst the personalities affiliated with the Philological, we remember the playwright and poet Ercole Carletti of Udine, the geologist Michele Gortani of Tolmezzo who was president from 1945 to 1948 and Bonaldo Stringher, also from Udine, who was Director General and subsequently became the first Governor of the Bank of Italy. Daniele Macuglia for the Ente Friuli nel Mondo. English translation by Lucio Rupil, Fogolâr Furlan NSW Australia. Sources:; "Assemblea costitutiva della Società filologica friulana ", in Bollettino della Società filologica friulana G.I. Ascoli, 1920, n. 1, pp. 2-14; Manlio Michelutti, "Michele Gortani per la Filologica", in Sot la nape, 1987, n. 2, pp. 79-81; Luciano Verona, "Fondadôrs e continuadôrs de Filologjche", in Sot la nape, 1997, n. 1-2, p. 127. Foto: Si ringrazia il Dott. Feliciano Medeot per la sua disponibilità.
19.01.2022 News from our friends in Melbourne ..
11.01.2022 SAVÈVISTU? (did you know?) Project. November 13, Birthday: VIRGINIA TONELLI, Friulian Partisan. On the 13th of November 1903 at Castelnovo del Friuli, Virginia Tonelli was born, partisan and decorated in memory with the Gold Medal of Military Valor. Having acquired the craft of seamstress at a young age, she worked casually at Castelnovo and Venice, also as a nurse. She left for France in 1934. Lived in Toulon where she married the Paduan Pietro Zampollo, antifascist. Already... before leaving Friuli she had been in contact with the communist movement in the Spilimbergo area and she was an active antifascist in France. Returned to Castelnovo in 1943, her activism caused her to be incarcerated at Pordenone. She operated mainly as a messenger in the communications between antifascist groups in the plains and the mountains, organizing also the propaganda and the clandestine meetings. Her code name was Luisa and readily she supported above all the Garibaldi Friuli brigade. The Nazis arrested her on the 19th of September 1944 in Trieste and she was incarcerated in the Coroneo Prison. Determined not to talk, she was tortured and thrown (it’s believed still alive) in a cremation oven in the San Sabba rice mill. The date of her death remains unknown. We remember her today with the words of Tito Maniacco, as they can be read in the epitaph on the headstone located at Paludea di Castelnovo’s Martyrs Liberty Square: In memory of those that did not fold And of Virginia Tonelli Luisa Who when the soil was under the Nazi-Fascist foot In the shadows spoke, convinced, fought. Captured, she transformed in silence the people’s hate And silently died at the S.Sabba Rise Mill. Oh, you, who pass for your peaceful work, Remember to remember. Original Italian text by Daniele Macuglia for the Ente Friuli nel Mondo. English translation be Lucio Rupil, Fogolâr Furlan NSW, Australia Sources:; Mario Lizzero, Virginia Tonelli "Luisa" partigiana, Tricesimo 1972, p. 55; Ines Domenicali, Oscura parlò, convinse, lottò ..., Padova 2000, p. 31, p. 95; Gian Luigi Bettoli, "Tonelli Virginia", in Nuovo Liruti Dizionario biografico dei Friulani, III, Udine 2011, pp. 3356-3357. Bettoli e Domenicali riportano una data di nascita di V. Tonelli che non concorda coi dati dell'Anagrafe Comunale di Castelnovo. Foto: Domenicali, Oscura parlò ..., appendice. Si ringrazia la sezione ANPI dello Spilimberghese "Virginia Tonelli", soprattutto nella persona della Presidente Bianca Minigutti, per la supervisione gentilmente offerta.
11.01.2022 Our Friulian friends in Sunchales - Argentina
08.01.2022 A work of art ..
07.01.2022 Grazie, felice di fare parte di questo gruppo, anzi di questo gruppone. Mi presento con questa foto fatta sul Pasubio, le Piccole Dolomiti. Foto di repertorio.
07.01.2022 SAVEVISTU? (did you know?) PROJECT November 18, 1987 DISCOVERY OF THE ASTEROID (3896) PORDENONE. On the 18th of November 1987, from his home at Chions (PN), the astronomer Johan Martin Baur discovered an asteroid. He named it (3896) Pordenone in honor of the famous Friulian renaissance painter Giovanni Antonio de’ Sacchis better known, to be precise, as "Pordenone". Baur, born in Germany in 1930, moved to Italy in the seventies to follow his wife whose origins where from ...the Pordenone area. The discovery took place in Santa Caterina Street, in the observatory installed in his apartment. An asteroid is a minor celestial body, with a diameter usually less than a kilometer, and orbits around the Sun. (3896) Pordenone belongs to the so called major band, an area in the solar system, rich of such minor bodies, nearly totally located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. From1987 to 1990, Baur discovered fifteen asteroids, all within the major band, seven of which in cooperation with the German astronomer Kurt Birkle (Observatory of Calar Alto, Spain). The names given to some of them are interesting. Together with (3896)Pordenone, we remember (4630)Chaonis, Latin name of Chions, that in turn was discovered on the 18th of November 1987 and (4637)Odorico, dedicate to the missionary Brother Odorico of Pordenone. The telescope used by Baur, equipped with a 40cm mirror, of which we show the photo, is now used in the observatory of Farra d’Isonzo (GO). To Baur, who died on the 10th of January 2007, is dedicated the asteroid (11673)Baur, actually discovered at Farra d’Isonzo on the 26th of January 1998. It too is part of the major band. Daniele Macuglia per l'Ente Friuli nel Mondo. English translation by Lucio Rupil, Fogolâr Furlan NSW, Australia Sources:; (Minor Planet Circ. 14208, Minor Planet Circ. 46682, Minor Planet Circ. 17658, Minor Planet Circ. 17659); Messaggero Veneto, 11 gennaio 2007. Foto: Circolo Culturale Astronomico di Farra d'Isonzo.
04.01.2022 From our friends in Adelaide.....
04.01.2022 L'espressione migliore della convivialità friulana è il fogolar, spesso presente in bar e osterie. Il bar non è solo un posto per bere il taj, è anche dove fermarsi a guardare il fuoco, fare due chiacchiere incontrando un amico. Dove c'è un fogolar, c'è l'anima vera del Friuli
03.01.2022 Fogolar Furlan Melbourne.......
01.01.2022 Activities 2021 - Furlan Club Melbourne.....
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