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Footscray City Primary School in Footscray, Victoria, Australia | School

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Footscray City Primary School

Locality: Footscray, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9687 2826

Address: 10 Hyde St 3011 Footscray, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 This is great news for our students and their families, our staff and our community. We trust the science and the health advice and are confident that this is happening now because it is safe to do so. To have our school full of children again will be a great day for us all to look forward to. ... There will be more details coming soon for staff and families on how this will be implemented at FCPS.

24.01.2022 Today is a tough day as we see Coronavirus numbers rise again. The worldwide fight against this pandemic is long, difficult and frustrating. In schools and earl...y childhood education, for which I am responsible, I know how hard this is on everyone - principals, teachers, educators and support staff; parents and carers; and most importantly our students. I know not everyone agrees with the decisions we have made in education, but we must continue to act consistent with advice from our health experts - it would be irresponsible not to. Right now, that health advice means that around 700,000 students in prep to Year 10 are learning remotely in metro Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, while VCE and VCAL students and those with a disability have access to face-to-face learning. Were conducting temperature checks and have mandated masks or face coverings. And schools have the flexibility at the local level for staff to work remotely and to provide learning support for students on extended absences. For rural and regional Victoria, some changes have been announced today. From Monday, masks and face coverings will now be required across Victoria. For our schools, we are sending the first batch of 560,000 masks to rural and regional Victoria to ensure those that do not have access to one, will be provided for. I can not thank our education profession, parents and students enough - you are doing an amazing job in very challenging circumstances. We will beat this virus. Together.

24.01.2022 Good afternoon families, We hope this finds you safe and well and having enjoyed the spring sunshine today. We invite you to view the following video with messages from me on behalf of our leadership team as we head into the weekend when many families will be celebrating Father's Day and we await the Government announcement about the path out of Stage 4 restrictions. ... We are also attending to discussions in the community and society more broadly about the matter of student retention (commonly referred to as 'repeating') in response to the global health pandemic and extended periods of Remote and Flexible Learning in 2020. I invite you to make contact with me at any time should you wish to discuss things as they relate to your family. I will also be communicating with you all shortly in response to the announcements tomorrow and how they relate to our school and programs. Take care, Jessie

23.01.2022 End of Term Reminders Please follow this link for a summary of key dates and milestones as we enter the final week of Term 3 and prepare for Term 4. We look forward to 'seeing' you again on Friday for our Virtual Assembly....

23.01.2022 Dear FCPS families, I am sharing for your information and ease of access, the latest update from Premier Dan Andrews (see below) which details the announcement of Stage 4 restrictions for Metropolitan Melbourne. Please note that this means our Remote and Flexible Learning Program (also known as Learning From Home Program) will continue as per usual tomorrow - Monday 3rd August.... Tuesday 4th August is a Curriculum Day for all Victorian Government schools. This means that the learning program will not be available on our online platforms as our teachers engage in planning and responding to the changed circumstances. Further, on Tuesday 4th August there will be no on-site supervision provided by FCPS staff. Instead, I am working with Camp Australia to provide an OSHC Program that day with care available from 7am-6pm for those families who require it. On Wednesday 5th August we will return to the Learning From Home Program where all children who can learn from home, must learn from home. The Premier has referred to children who cannot be supervised at home because their parents are working remaining eligible to attend school on-site. He also refers to children who are considered vulnerable being able to attend school on-site. We expect further clarification on these eligibility criteria tomorrow and I will communicate with you as a matter of priority. We understand that these unprecedented Government measures in response to this global health pandemic represent challenges for our community. We are committed to working in a collaborative and responsive way so as to minmise the impact and feelings of anxiety for our staff, parents and students. Take care, Jessie

23.01.2022 Virtual Assembly - Friday 11th September Please follow the link to view our Week 9 Assembly - This is yet another impressive and enjoyable assembly led by our School Captains Rosa and Taihan and Vice-Captains Mila and Hamish. They have such presence on camera and their leadership styles continue to evolve - it has been wonderful to hear from them throughout the Learning From Home periods in Terms 2 and 3 and we are so very proud of them. Leaders n...ow and in the future! And the demonstration of student leadership, voice and agency doesn't end there . . . What an engaging message from our Choir Captain Pia - we love your 'voice' and humour in this message Pia and are pleased to hear that this group of artists had the chance to come together this week (thank you Alison!) Thank you to Ava and Edith for updating us on their work in the SRC and ERC and for their leadership within this multi-age student action group. We hear your sustainability message - be part of the solution, not the pollution! Shout out to Sophia and Ms McNeil for their support of these student leaders. And finally, the ever smiling, ever creative and ever performing Concert Band who have remained committed to their music and each other all Term, culminating in this wonderful video montage for us to enjoy. Thanks to you all and to Cam (and parents!) for your mentoring of our musicians. Congratulations to our Students of the Week and to all our learners for their ongoing effort and resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges. We are thinking of you all and wish you a safe and happy weekend. Take care, Jessie

22.01.2022 Congratulations to our 9 swimmers who represented FCPS at the Western Regional Swimming Championships in Geelong on Wednesday. The students had a great day and put a lot of effort into their swimming with some good results. Well done Sam, Zac, Ned, Felix, Charlotte, Noah, Ethan and Eli.

22.01.2022 Dear families and staff, Please follow this link to enjoy our Friday Assembly, with our School Captains Taihan, Rosa, Hamish and Mila acknowledging the wonderful persistence of our students and the pride that we all feel as we celebrate their achievements. This Assembly is jam packed - listen out for the latest on the launch of 'Takeover FCPS', the fun of Sports Colours Day led by our Sports Captains, opportunities for device-free exploration as part of Science Week and examples of clay mations designed and made by Thomas from year 1 and Eli from year 5 - such wonderful creative thinking! And of course there are our Student of the Week Awards, with us celebrating and acknowledging the efforts and achievements of our precious learners in both classroom and specialist programs. I'd like to make a special mention to the Sports Captains - Tom, Florence, Piper and Alex - for their leadership of the Sports Colours Day (with support from Mr Brennan of course!). It was a welcome addition to the week both at school for those of us on-site and you all at home - a great chance to feel connected and have fun together. It made me smile seeing the photos of sports colours coming from the homes of our students, and indeed just confirmed how much we miss you all. Take care and keep safe everyone, Jessie

21.01.2022 Rainbow Lorikeets by Grade 2 are now flying down the school corridors. Mrs Power Moore

21.01.2022 Stage 4 Restrictions - Changes to School Operations Important Update Dear parents and carers,... As always, I start by saying that I hope this finds you safe and well. I have just finished a webex meeting with our SRC and ERC students and it was a timely reminder of how powerful it is to remain connected with one another, and how much this contributes to our wellbeing. I wish good health, social connection and companionship for you all at this uncertain time. Please see the latest Compass post with a community letter attached outlining the implications for schools of the move to Stage 4 restrictions. The contents of this letter has been provided by DET and reflects the facts of the Government's announcement yesterday. Some important points to be aware of: Tuesday 4th August (tomorrow) is a Pupil Free Day. There will be no Learning From Home Program provided tomorrow and there will be no on-site supervision by FCPS staff. Camp Australia are offering an OSHC Program tomorrow for students who are unable to remain at home. Please refer to our previous Compass post in regards to accessing this service. Wednesday 5th August - the Learning From Home Program resumes for all FCPS students. The announcement of Stage 4 restrictions also includes changes to the criteria for which students can attend on-site. I will be contacting the families for whom this impacts their attendance on-site this week. I thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration. Take care, Jessie

21.01.2022 A message from Team Kids Summer Holiday Care Program Finally, the Summer Holidays are nearly here. Our FAVOURITE time of the year!... We have an ACTION PACKED SUMMER planned and will be operating for more days and at more locations than ever before! Guaranteed FUN, ADVENTURE and new FRIENDS await. With industry-leading ratios, child-centered activities, delicious food, and CCS approved care, there's no surprise we have been voted Australia's Favourite Holiday Program! We can't wait to see you there, TeamKids HQ *Families, please note that the movie Peter Rabbit 2 is being delayed in its release and the children will now see either The Croods 2 or Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite!

20.01.2022 On-site Attendance Application Form Week 5 Monday 10th - Friday 14th August Dear families,... Please access the Compass Post sent out this afternoon relating to the application process for on-site attendance for week 5. I invite you to make contact with me via email if there are any points you wish to discuss. Take care and keep safe, Jessie

19.01.2022 I promise this isn't a lecture, or a lesson and I'm not trying to blame you for anything either. I'm not your dad, I'm not your boss, and I'm not your teacher.... But I've got a message I want to share with young Victorians. Chances are, you probably know someone who isn't following the rules. A mate, a friend on Facebook, someone at school or uni it doesn't really matter. And it's also likely that on days like today, at the end of the week, on a quiet Saturday night: You might be put in a position where you're asked to choose between going out or staying home. You'll be asked to come over, to hang out, just a few drinks nothing big. Nothing risky. You might consider it too I don't blame anyone for wanting to be with friends right now. You might even find a way to rationalise it: It's a small gathering, you won't get caught, your mates don't have the virus. The entire pandemic might feel like miles away from you, and your community, and your friends, and your life. But let's not ignore the facts before us. 61 people have lost their lives. 3,995 are sick. 42 are in an ICU bed tonight, their families wondering if they'll make it to tomorrow. Two children are in hospital. Eight people under the age of thirty young Victorians just like you with no idea how long they might be there, or just how bad it might get. And those people you see on TV, those numbers we plot every morning they aren't casualties of some war being fought in a distant place. They're real people real Victorians and none of them ever thought they'd be fighting for their lives. I know it's hard, I know it's frustrating, and I know you're over this believe me, I am too. But if you're sitting there right now, deciding if you take that risk or not. Know that if we allow this virus to spread if people ignore the rules, or pretend this isn't happening: Restrictions will get tighter, case numbers will grow larger, and more lives will be lost. So please whether it's for yourself, your mates, your mum, your nan, your state, or just to get past these restrictions. Do the right thing.

19.01.2022 In this time of restrictions it is great to look back on memories and remind ourselves of what we can do and what we will do again! These photographs from the FCPS string orchestras involvement in Secondary Schools Spectacular in 2016 bring back memories of joyous music making and an almost insane amount of frivolity! Many of these students are now in secondary school but there are some familiar faces of a couple of our current grade 6 cohort and, of course, Emma and I are still as enthusiastic as ever! Cant wait to do this again in the future.

19.01.2022 Semester Two Student Reports are Live! We are pleased to advise that the Semester Two Student Report Cards are live on Compass and available for you to download. We send our heartfelt 'Congratulations' to all our students and families on the growth we have seen in 2020. In the midst of a global health pandemic, our students have experienced continuity in their learning and high levels of collaboration between our teachers and families. We should all feel a great sense of prid...e at what we have achieved as a community. We encourage you to celebrate these achievements and to look forward to 2021, when a focus on attending to the learning and wellbeing needs of every child and maximising engagement, growth and achievement will be our ongoing priority. I thank our incredible team of classroom and specialist teachers, education support staff and our Assessment and Reporting Team of Anthony Curnow and Rebecca Ridd. Throughout the period of Remote and Flexible Learning and then with the return to face-to-face teaching, our staff have remained steadfast in their commitment to our students. The growth and achievement reflected in these Student Report Cards is testament to their tireless efforts to learn, adapt and excel in their teaching practice so as to provide the best they possibly can for our students and families. This has been a year of challenge and of discovery. Our education system is forever changed and we will continue to embrace opportunities to collaborate, learn and thrive for the benefit of our students, families and community. Thank you for your support, it is always appreciated. Take care, Jessie

19.01.2022 Come on a virtual tour of Footscray High School's new Pilgrim Year 79 Campus! The first Pilgrim students can look forward to exploring these new facilities fro...m Term 1 next year, including: a food technology space a drama room a library a design studio This junior secondary campus is part of the exciting Footscray Learning Precinct. Find out more

19.01.2022 Opportunity to learn more about the new Pilgrim Street campus of Footscray High especially for those with children heading there in 2021.

18.01.2022 The FCPS Spoonsville Community is growing! These wonderful creations were made by our onsite students as part of Wellbeing Wednesday this week and little spoon people are popping up all around the neighbourhood created by those students learning at home. Such fun!

17.01.2022 Dear families, If you haven't seen it yet, please follow the link to view this week's Virtual Assembly, a celebration like no other of student leadership, voice and agency at FCPS - LAUNCH OF TAKE OVER FCPS A message from the School Captains... Today marks the launch of the Takeover FCPS project. Thanks to everyone for submitting your stories/poetry, videos, photos and other original snippets. We hope that this website provides you with inspiration to do something creative and device free! We hope that you will submit more ideas to this project while we continue to be in lockdown. You can submit items to be included from the website, and well do our best to put them on for others to see. Thanks and we hope you enjoy our FCPS virtual student community space. VISIT: Congratulations to our Students of the Week and enjoy your weekend everyone, stay safe. Take care, Jessie

17.01.2022 Home to many of our precious learners in 2021 and beyond . . .

17.01.2022 We have had late notice that our chicken coop needs to be moved as part of the building of the Early Learning Centre. If any members of the community are interested in the coop or the cage, please get in touch with us on 9689 2826 by 1pm on Wednesday 5 May.

16.01.2022 Dear families, Please follow this link to view and enjoy our Celebration Assembly, led by School Captains Rosa and Taihan and Vice-Captains Mila and Hamish. We thank Tim Watts, our Federal Member for Gellibrand who presented the annual Civics and Citizenship Award which acknowledges leadership, learning effort and contributions to community. This year it was awarded to Phineas Wilton. Congratulations Phin, we are so pleased to see you receive such a well deserved honour and thank you for all that you do as a valued member of our school. Congratulations also to the Student of the Week award recipients, it is wonderful to hear the details of your efforts in learning, your living of our school values and the positive impact you are having on your classmates and teachers. We look forward to the week ahead, a time when we will be reflecting on our achievements this year, on the epxeriences we have shared and treasure the final days we have with those children who are leaving for other primary schools in 2021. A special mention to our year 6 students and families, who we will be sure to make a fuss of this week in their final days of primary school and, for many of the year 6 families, their final days at FCPS. You are so precious to us and we struggle to imagine what life at our school will be like without you, although your legacy and impact will live on and we are always here for you to visit! Families, we will keep you updated of the fun celebrations across the school this week, and thank you for all that you have done for our students and staff to make this year such a positive one, despite the challenges. Take care, Jessie

16.01.2022 ANZAC day commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations and the contribution and suffering of all those who have served. On Friday, in anticipation of ANZAC day, Freya, Isabel, Annie and Olive made a wreath from leaves and flowers harvested from the school gardens. Lest we forget.

15.01.2022 Celebrating Student Achievement We are proud to share the news that two of our young musicians Gus Fleming and Peter Cowall, have been accepted in to the Australian Boys Choir. To read more about the choir, follow this link - I met with Gus and Peter last week and with great excitement and sense of pride they advised me that they were indeed fortunate to be accepted, particularly given that 50 other children hadn't been so lucky. 'But 2 from FCPS made it Ms Hand!'. In fact, Gus secured the final spot which remains a source of great satisfaction for him! The audition process was conducted via Zoom, as per the new global health pandemic normal, something that Gus and Peter appeared to take in their stride. Whilst they were initially nervous, the activities were familiar - singing and clapping rhythms - and soon they were thinking to themselves 'wow, I can do this!'. Hearing of his admission, Gus said that he had been surprised and needed time to get his head around it. Both boys remember this as a memorable moment for them and their families. When I asked why they wanted to audition for such a presitigous organisation that strives for excellence in music education, Peter shared his admiration for his older sister Sophie, an accomplished singer who 'makes it look easy' and who has herself recently been accepted to the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School (VCASS). Peter reflected with humility, 'it's actually harder than it looks. The lessons are your chance to learn and practice, then you build up to a big concert.' Both Peter and Gus share an obvious love of learning and of the arts. They shared the nervous feelings that come from singing a new song and being mindful of 'messing it up' and then the fun that comes from being part of a choir and reaching a point where it all falls into place. As Peter described, 'when I'm singing songs I know, I'm straight into it. When the songs are new, my mind is busy.' There it is - that love of learning and willingness to embrace a challenge. We look forward to hearing from Peter and Gus as they embark on this musical adventure in 2021, with Gus' motto epitomising their enthusiasm for learning - 'practice and practice because that makes progress!' Wise words indeed. Good luck and enjoy boys!

15.01.2022 Friday Assembly 7th August 2020 Dear FCPS students, families and staff,... Please follow this link to view our Friday Assembly, led as always by School Captains Rosa and Taihan and Vice-Captains Mila and Hamish. This week there are also some exciting additions including news from Environment Captain Edith Campbell and Community Improvement Captain Ava Lutton about our grant application for new additions to our playgrounds and gardens. Congratulations to our Students of the Week - we see you and your efforts and achievement and are proud of you! Friday Assembly - We hope you stay safe and connected and we look forward to being back together again soon. Take care everyone, Jessie

15.01.2022 End of Term Assembly - Friday 18th September Please enjoy our Virtual Assembly to mark the end of Term 3, brought to you by our Student Captains Rosa and Taihan and Vice-Captains Mila and Hamish. It's wonderful as always to see our student leaders excelling. This week we are also hearing from our Sports Captains Florence, Alex and Tom regarding opportunities for physical activity over the holidays as well as the beautiful student art work selected by Art Captains Ruby Ashton and Elliot Obarzanek. Congratulations to our Students of the Week, this is well deserved acknowledgement of your growth and achievements. Please refer to the Compass post sent to families this afternoon that provides key information about Term 4 and the continuation of Remote and Flexible Learning in week 1, followed in week 2 by the return to face-to-face teaching of students in years F-2. We will also be sending home to families next week a Social Story that will help students and their families understand the processes that we will follow with this staged return. Look out for these, sent by classroom teacher/s via Compass with time to unpack them as a family over the holidays. On behalf of the FCPS staff and Leadership Team, we thank students and families for your participation and support throughout Learning From Home 2.0. There is much for everyone to be proud of. To the FCPS staff, you are an inspiration to us all and have continued to work so hard to meet the learning and wellbeing needs of your students. Enjoy your break over the holidays, it is so well deserved. Take care everyone, Jessie

14.01.2022 Primer coat done for our Grade 6 legacy mural. Now for all the colour and creativity. Big shout out to Paint Spot West Footscray and all the parents who donated paint to help make this happen. The students and I are very grateful. Mrs Power Moore

14.01.2022 Virtual Assembly- Friday 28th August We congratulate our Student of the Week Award recipients and hope that they are able to celebrate with their families at home. Please find todays assembly via this link: A message from our School Captains . . . TAKEOVER FCPS As you will have heard, the Takeover FCPS website is now LIVE. On this, you can view some fun, creative and device free ways to spend your time while in lockdown. The Sports Captains have also developed a page, which includes so many (unfortunately they couldnt put every ones on) of the photos from our Virtual Sports Colour Day. Visit: Take care everyone and stay safe, Jessie

13.01.2022 Remote and Flexible Learning On-site Attendance Application Form Week Four Monday 3rd-Friday 7th August To increase physical distancing across the population and slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), students in Victorian Government school in Prep to Year 10, except those students enrolled in Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) programs and those students enrolled in special schools, have moved to remote and flexib...Continue reading

13.01.2022 NetSetGo is back! After a year of interruption, our 11/U team returned to netball last Saturday, 12 months since their last game. How wonderful to see them back on the court! ... Whilst they didn’t come away as winners of the game, they loved every minute of it and showed their wonderful spirit and connection as a team. Proud of them as always Thanks to Leigh for coaching and guiding the group and providing the update for us all

13.01.2022 Hooray we’ve finished our huge Grade 6 legacy mural. Along with the FCPS school initials the symbols represent the stamps students receive for displaying our school values of Kindness (heart), Responsibility (paw print) and Resilience (sun). We’re very proud of it and I think you can see from the before photo it’s certainly improved the wall. I’ve loved all the discussions about school values and positive responses from the whole school as we’ve painted it too, great to see our art connecting and having such a big impact. A great legacy to leave behind from our departing 2020 Grade 6s. Thanks again to all the parents who donated paint and Paint Spot West Footscray for supporting this project. Mrs Power Moore

11.01.2022 Friday Virtual Assembly and Student Awards - Week 3 Please enjoy following this link to view our Friday Virtual Assembly, presented by school leaders Rosa, Taihan, Mila and Hamish. We appreciate their leadership and positive energy, and the contribution this makes to maintain community connection. We congratulate the recipients of the Student of the Week Awards and hope that you feel suitably proud of your effort and achievements. We also applaud the families of the students, as now more than every your children are thriving thanks to your support and involvement in their learning. I once again acknowledge the incredible efforts of the FCPS teachers, Education Support staff, administration and leadership teams for their unrelenting commitment to meeting the needs of our students through collaboration, innovation and responsiveness. We hope that you and your family are keeping safe and are well. This is a challenging time for us all and we encourage you to stay connected with the important people in your lives. We are here to contribute in the learning and wellbeing of our students and families, so please don't hesitate to reach out. May we all continue to meet our shared responsibilities to keep the community protected and see through this chapter as quickly as possible, so that we can return to the things in life that we will appreciate now and always, with a new perspective. Take care, Jessie

10.01.2022 What a mural. What skilled artists. What a unique opportunity this has been Thank you Heesco, Chuck, Julia and Tayla - your talent and integrity have had such an impact on the students you’ve collaborated with. Thank you to the artists and our FLP partners Footscray Primary School, Footscray High School, Maribyrnong City Council and Victoria University for making this vision a reality

10.01.2022 We invite families with a child starting school next year to join us for our online Foundation 2021 Parent Information Session on Wednesday at 9.15am. Please register at to receive a link to join the Webex session. If you know a family living in our neighbourhood area who may be interested, please share.... Enrolments are now being accepted for those students residing in our neighbourhood area. Please refer to the enrolment policy on our website.

10.01.2022 Virtual Assembly Friday 13th November Thank you to our School Captains - Rosa, Taihan, Mila and Hamish - and Community Engagement Captain Ava for another engaging and seamlessly presented Virtual Assembly. Your leadership and positive role modelling is appreciated by us all - we can't believe that we have only 5 more weeks of you leading our student community. We will treasure every moment! Congratulations to our Student of the Week Award recipients - be proud of your achieve...ments and be sure to celebrate with your family over the weekend. Assembly link - It has been a significant week of milestones with NAIDOC Week and Remembrance Day. These events have been embedded in our learning programs and we look forward to sharing images of this with you in the coming days. We hope you stay safe and enjoy reuniting with family and friends as the restrictions continue to be eased. Take care, Jessie

09.01.2022 Our current Grade 6 students painted these wooden letters during Term 4 2020 upcycled from Mrs Power Moore's picket fence. Rob and Mrs Power Moore spent the morning of the last day of term 1 installing them on our Hyde St fence. Hope you enjoy!

08.01.2022 Pupil Free Day Yesterdays announcement by the Premier will see this Tuesday 4th August to be a Pupil Free Day. Camp Australia, will be running a program from 7:00am 6:00pm for families wishing to use the service. Registration will be available now. Families who have not used the service before will need to contact Camp Australia via or call 1300 105 343.

08.01.2022 Joyous Baby News We are delighted to share the news of the arrival of Toby Leo Thompson, precious son of Juliet Thompson and her husband Alan. Toby arrived on Friday 11th September and everyone is well, enjoying these wonderful early days of getting to know each other and settling in as a family of three, and fur baby Clancy makes four!... We send much love to Juliet, Alan, Toby and their extended family and wish them good health and happiness always

07.01.2022 Do you have a child starting Foundation next year? Our Foundation 2022 Information Sessions have been scheduled and we invite you to register to attend. You can read our enrolment policy and register at

07.01.2022 We have been cooking and baking for your return as we had hoped to see your smiley faces back at school mid August. As we are now back to remote learning for another 6 weeks-boo hoo, THIS Thursday you CAN get your Lunchbox fix-YAY! YES, we will be selling the stock we have prepared. Available will be; *The absolute favourite-Penne Bolognese *Gluten Free Penne Bolognese (GF) *Penne w Roasted Pumpkin, Baby Spinach & Dash of Cream (V)... *Gluten Free Penne w the above yumminess (V) (GF) *Mild Butter Curry w Potato, Chickpea, Baby Spinach w Rice (V) *Oven Baked Chicken Goujons served w Crunchy Potato Wedges ALL $5.00. Also available, *Epic Chocolate Brownie *Apricot & Coconut Bliss Balls (GF) *Vanilla & Muesli Bliss Balls ALL $2.00 CASH only. Please bring your own carry bag. Meals are served in 415 ml foils. They are all frozen. You can put them back in your freezer within 20 minutes of purchase. We are selling from Fig & Walnut (thank you Vera) as we are unable to utilise our kitchens on school sites. Fig & Walnut will NOT be open for trade, no coffees sorry-we looking after the kids today! At this stage this is not an on-going service. We need to sell the stock we have at hand. We may look at a delivery service if schools remained closed in term 4. We look forward to seeing you, we have missed you! See more

06.01.2022 Dear FCPS students and families, Congratulations on an incredible first week of Term 3!! We appreciate the positive feedback that has been coming through, particularly in relation to the changes that weve made to enhance the Learning From Home Program 2.0 - increased face-to-face time with teachers, explicit and timely feedback, Wellbeing Wednesday and the streamlined program across all 4 specialist curriculum areas.... Well done to all our students and their families, and thank you to our teachers and Education Support staff for your commitment to your own learning and growth as well as that of your students! Please follow the link to view our Week 2 Assembly, presented by our Student Captains Rosa and Taihan and Vice-Captains Hamish and Mila who continue to thrive in their leadership roles - Congratulations to those receiving Student of Week Awards and your personalised certificate will be coming through to you (via email) soon! Take care all and keep safe, Jessie

05.01.2022 Hello again, In addition to my previous post, please see below communication from Education Minister and Deputy Premier James Merlino as it relates to education settings. I will update you as new information from DET and the Victorian Government is made available.... Take care and keep safe, Jessie

04.01.2022 Today we paused to honour those who have served and are still serving in our defence forces. We remember the men and women who have made great sacrifices for our country. Freya, Annie and Isabel helped us commemorate this day by collecting foliage from our gardens to make a wreath

04.01.2022 A video gallery of student Fruit Faces created in art during our learning from home program. Guaranteed to put a smile on your dial! From Ms Power Moore

03.01.2022 What a privilege it has been to learn and collaborate with Daniela as part of our Performing Arts Team. And what a joy it has been to see our students benefit from exploring concepts and developing their ideas in new and innovative ways. Arts education enriches our thinking and perspectives and provides important avenues for us to create and communicate so as to influence the world around us. ... We look forward to further opportunities to embed the Performing Arts in our curriculum programs at FCPS and in doing so support arts educators after such a challenging time for their industry. Thank you Daniela, lots to be grateful for and lots to look forward to

03.01.2022 Our new neighbours at Docklands Primary School will be opening their doors for the first time in January 2021. ENROLMENTS ARE NOW OPEN!! If you know any Prep families or families moving to Docklands with school age children, please share this post with them or forward the link below.

01.01.2022 Virtual Assembly - Friday 4th September Please follow this link to view our Virtual Assembly for Week 8, with wise words of encouragement from our Student Leaders Rosa, Taihan, Hamish and Mila, and reminders about the exciting opportunities for participation that are available for you all. Congratulations to our Student of the Week Award recipients - we are proud of you and your continued efforts towards your learning. I hope you can celebrate at home with your family! Take care, we are missing you and look forward to our community being back together in the one pleace soon. Jessie and the FCPS team

01.01.2022 Please see below a recent update from the Chief Health Officer, communicated by Education Minister and Deputy Premier James Merlino

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