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Footsteps Early Learning Centres | Nursery

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Footsteps Early Learning Centres

Phone: +61 2 9592 1221


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25.01.2022 Find out how you can help children just like our very own beautiful Eliana this Christmas with the the ‘Light up Xmas appeal’

24.01.2022 Footsteps helped celebrate Res Nose Day yesterday, Friday the 14th of August. Thank you for everyone that donated and dressed their children in red ready for our Disco it was a whole lot of fun. Every dollar raised on Red Nose Day helps stop little lives being cut short and ensures every grieving family gets the support they need.

24.01.2022 RISKY PLAY For parents it can be difficult to let go and allow your child to take risks and make mistakes. It goes against our nature to allow them to expose themselves to risk of harm. As educators, we strongly advocate for the benefits of play that allows the child to consider risks and experiment with what their body is capable of. This kind of play develops important aspects of their sense of self, including autonomy, persistence, confidence and regulation.... Encouraging your child to engage in various situations that they are required to consider their options and make decisions under supervised conditions, can be a wonderful confidence building experience for you both. Some examples include: Climbing and swinging from trees Scaling rocky outcrops Splashing in big puddles Playing in the rain Balancing on walls or logs Experimenting big sticks or rocks Jumping and navigating through rock pools Wed love to hear about your familys favourite adventurous play experiences - please share with us

24.01.2022 At footsteps Beverly hills this we the children have explored the concept of "rhyming words" as part of our transition to school program to promote literacy skills. The activities involved matching up the pictures that rhymed with the locks and keys. Built not only the literacy awareness skill but also promoted fine motor skills. To extend this experience we our small speaker mics to encourage the children to say rhyming words as we recorded their voices for them to play back and listen. A great way to represent the childrens voices by them physically being able to hear them but also so we can celebrate and praise their efforts.

22.01.2022 A lovely set up in our outdoor environment allows for children to explore and challenge their own learning. The possibilities are endless

22.01.2022 We’re super excited to announce that we're holding a raffle amongst our centres to raise money for the Oncology unit at Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick. We have some amazing prizes to be won that you wont want to miss out on with tickets available from your centres from this afternoon. Raffle tickets are $10 each or 3 for $20... Please note we’ll be drawing our 1st prize this Thursday 29th April. So if you want to go in the draw to win the AMAZING Monster Jam platinum package make sure you’ve purchased tickets on or before Thursday 4pm. All tickets will remain in the draw for following prizes too If families/ friends etc make a donation directly through our QR code or fundraising page we will be sure to add raffle tickets into the draw on your behalf. With each online donation I receive an email so can get details that way although please also send a message to us via here with your full name and phone number so we can contact you. Thank you to all of our families & wider community who have supported our fundraising efforts so far through the purchase of raffle tickets or donating prizes. We’re sincerely humbled and appreciative of your support and couldn't have done it without the help of Qudos Bank Arena, Monros Hair and Beauty, GINGER&ME, Onyx Aesthetic, The NSW Academy of Gymnastics, The Salon Edit, Studio VC, Meeting Morgan, Woolworths, Makeup By Lauren Purdie, The Plant mail, Noosh & Noo, Put Your Name On It With thanks Sally and the whole Footsteps team

22.01.2022 This term here at Footsteps OOSH, we are currently learning and exploring the topic science. Working inline with Regina Catholic School curriculum we have introduced this project to our children and working towards our My Time Our Place outcome 4- children are confident and involved learners. Here are some of our favourite activities - Tie dye, melting ice, milk, vinegar & oil dye, salt names, floating clouds and towel dying.

22.01.2022 The Bimbala room has been really interested in looking at the worm farm during outdoor play, our educators decided to create their own little worm experience to challenge fine motor skills

21.01.2022 Dramatic play in our junior room at OOSH has been a current interest requested groups of children. Focusing on different themes our educators have set up a lovely library complete with a librarian desk and scanner to borrow the books. As well as an inviting doctors surgery, with an X-ray area to show the patients their results of their bone scans. Role play encourages our children to further explore their imaginations and creativity as well as supporting their social and emotional development through communication of negotiating roles and expressing themselves.

21.01.2022 Every 6 weeks at Footsteps we celebrate "wellbeing week". During this week we acknowledge the hard work of our educators and we re leave them of all formal documentation. This week is a chance for the educators to take a break and really focus on their overall well being and there love of just being with the children. Along with focusing on educator well being, we spend the week advocating for the childrens well being also. Well being is a combination of ones Physical, emotional, mental and social factors. During outdoor play at Footsteps Woolooware our director Miss Katie challenged all educators to circuit training during their outdoor play time. All educators participated in this session as well as encouraging all of the children to take part also. It was a great session for everyone.

21.01.2022 I love watching our OOSH children and their creativity throughout play with something as simple as our Giant Jenga game, observing children work together to manipulate the pieces after they fell in the game stating they could make pictures, to quickly turn it into a robot! Oh to see the world through childrens eyes :-)

20.01.2022 Play spaces in natural environments include plants, trees, edible gardens, sand, rocks, mud, water and other elements from nature. These spaces invite open-ended interactions, spontaneity, risk-taking, exploration, discovery and connection with nature. They foster an appreciation of the natural environment, develop environmental awareness and provide a platform for ongoing environmental education.

20.01.2022 Who doesnt love group and board games with so many terrific learning benefits to be gained; ~ Board games offer opportunities for early learning. ~ They get older kids brains buzzing, too. ... ~ They boost their language skills. ~ They sharpen your childs focus. ~ They teach the value of teamwork. ~ Board games are an alternative to time out. ~ Board games soothe anxiety. ~ They show kids how to be a good loser. ~ Board games are a great way to unplug.

20.01.2022 Celebrating science week with the very popular volcano experiment. Always a favourite with the children and the educators

20.01.2022 NSW PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT COVID-19 CASE NSW Health was notified this morning of a new case of COVID-19 in a person who works as the driver of vans that take int...ernational and domestic air crew from the airport to their hotels. The source of this new infection is under investigation. Urgent genome sequencing is underway to confirm when this infection was acquired and whether this transmission occurred as a result of contact with air crew. These results are expected in the next 24 to 48 hours. Three household contacts of the case have been identified and all have tested negative for COVID-19. They will self-isolate for 14 days. Further contact tracing is underway. NSW Health is conducting wider testing of staff at the transport company, which focuses solely on transporting air crew. The person, who lives in south-western Sydney, attended the following sporting event while infectious. Anyone at the event at the times indicated is considered a casual contact. However, as a precaution we are advising any adults who were present to get tested immediately and isolate until they receive a negative result. They should continue to monitor for symptoms and if any symptoms occur, get tested again. Children who were present should be monitored for symptoms and get tested if any symptoms occur. - Forest Rangers FC, Little Rangers session at Gannons Park, Pindari Rd and Isaac Street, Peakhurst Friday, 11 December 2020, 4.30pm 5.30pm The COVID-19 test is free, quick and easy. Most people in NSW receive their result within 24 hours. There are more than 300 COVID-19 testing locations across NSW, many of which are open seven days a week. To find your nearest clinic visit or contact your GP.

18.01.2022 When the children teach the teachers!!! A beautiful video of the children teaching and telling Miss Sally (who was a little sceptical of the information but turns out the children were very right ) about the life cycle of the silk worms and what was happening before their eyes. Over the past 2 months, our Beverly Hills children have been fortunate enough to watch a complete life cycle of silk worms occur. It’s been a terrific team effort of locally sourcing the silk worms,... families taking it in turns to source and bring in mulberry leaves. And not to mention the fascination from the children (and teachers) of watching the silk worms develop from worms, spinning the silk into cocoons, watching the silk moths appear to laying new eggs to start the cycle all over again. We have one moth still to hatch from it’s cocoon and we’re eagerly awaiting to see if it’s a Daddy moth to help the baby eggs grow

18.01.2022 Staying up to date with the latest information is so important. Please see local announcement

17.01.2022 A few weeks back we shared a lovely story about one of our inspirational children at our OOSH Service. Ivy was creating handmade earrings and selling them for charity. We are excited to announce that Ivy has reached her goal of raising over $100 by selling her handmade earrings for $2 each pair at Footsteps and has raised a massive $122.50. This will be donated to Ivys charity of choice which is the Cancer Council Australia. We are so proud of you Ivy and cant believe all your hard work to make over 50 pairs of earrings to reach this goal. Well done!

17.01.2022 Summer is fast approaching, here are some great places to visit around Sydney for a fun day out with the family

17.01.2022 For most children, running and playing actively are as natural as breathing. They have endless energy which should be channelled to provide fun and enjoyment, as well as giving them the chance to participate in a wide range of physical activity while developing an understanding of how their bodies work and move. At Footsteps we encourage to participate in a number of different skill based sport to nurture and develop in their early years of development.

17.01.2022 Our role as educators is to make learning fun. Give each child an opportunity to learn in a stimulating environment where we are able to challenge their thinking. Here you can see how the childrens interest in transport has been incorporated into letter recognition.

17.01.2022 Educators who are culturally competent respect multiple cultural ways of knowing, seeing and living, celebrate the benefits of diversity and have an ability to understand and honour differences. This is evident in everyday practice when educators demonstrate an ongoing commitment to developing their own cultural competence in a two way process with families and communities

15.01.2022 A great little song you might like to engage in at home to help educate your children on road safety

15.01.2022 What beautiful statements to help empower your child

15.01.2022 Footsteps Woolooware were determined to make Fathers Day special for all our amazing dads. The team created this COVID SAFE fathers day event an invited all to attend. Our event was held in our front yard with dads booking in a time slot to limit numbers and create a safe environment for all. Together with their kids the dads/grandfathers spent some time gardening, painting and just engaging with their children. It was so lovely to see and we are glad that we were able to ...offer this experience to all the special males in our lives. On behalf of the Footsteps team, thank you for coming and being a part of this special day

14.01.2022 This morning the @suthshirecncl Citizens of the year attended the Meeting of Two Cultures ceremony, acknowledging 251 years of the HMB ENDEAVOUR reaching the s...hores of the Dharawal nation. The day was emotive and reflective, involving stakeholders and community members from all parts of "our bay" and began with cultural performances by the @gamaydancers , Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony and addresses from dignitaries including Bruce Howell, Cr Steve Simpson and @speakman.mark And Noeleen Timbery, the chairperson of the La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council , who had some special news about the local artefacts from these initial encounters being returned to Australia (we will share the updates on this) Uncle Col Hardy performed a stirring rendition of I AM AUSTRALIAN with @lukeosheamusic and we were lucky to listen to a special song inspired by Col's son Children from Kurnell Public and La Perouse Public were joined by other community members in cultural workshops from dancing, weaving, shell art, singing , guided walks and stories of the Aboriginal and European history of this site of first contact. Catering by @goanna_hut was delicious! #gweagal #dharawal #gamay #kamay #Gameygal #Kameygal #Muru-Ora-Dial #laperouse

14.01.2022 Another new park in the Sutherland Shire

13.01.2022 Our Bimbala room (0-2years) at Woolooware have formed beautiful link within our local community. Today they received there first pen pal gift from our new friends at karimbla early learning centre. We received a beautiful letter, each child received a drawing and some beautiful Christmas decorations. Over the next week we will be sending a gift and letters back to the children in the 0-2 room, the discoverers. 2020 has definitely changed the way we live our lives and this ne...w found pen pal friendship has become a beautiful way to end 2020. We hope to further this relationship to incorporate zoom calls over the upcoming weeks.

13.01.2022 Routines are a fantastic tool for managing behaviour in the home environment

13.01.2022 A revamp is on the horizon for Cronulla Town Centre!

13.01.2022 HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY #choosetochallenge2021 #internationalwomensday2021 #StrongerTogether

12.01.2022 When stressed, children may experience an additional layer of fear or distress as they feel out of control and overwhelmed, not understanding what is happening to them or why. Here is a great technique you could use at home to help regulate a childs stress levels. Follow these simple techniques to calm their little bodies down.

12.01.2022 Today is Early Childhood Educator Day, which calls attention to some of the most caring, nurturing and big-hearted professionals in the world. We want to celebrate all of the Early Childhood Educators across the country, but especially our very talented Footsteps Early Learning Centre Educators. Its such a special job you all do for us and our families every day. Taking the time and care to support the youngest and most precious members of society can sometimes be under esti...mated. But we see you! We know the size of your heart. And we appreciate you more than anything! Happy Early Childhood Educators Day!!! And from our educators, a big Thank You to all of our company leaders for spoiling us today

12.01.2022 Educators here at Footsteps look for ways to challenge and extend the childrens knowledge and thinking. This video started from a childs new found interest in Karate. Our educators took this further and attempted to teach the children the Japenese language

11.01.2022 Educators can encourage children and families to contribute ideas, interests and questions to the learning environment. They can support engagement by allowing time for meaningful interactions, by providing a range of opportunities for individual and shared experiences, and by finding opportunities for children to go into and contribute to their local community. A beautiful under the sea set up ready for the children to explore which was created after family input at our Woolooware centre.

11.01.2022 Thursday 10th September 2020 R U OK? Day R U OK?Day is Thursday 10 September 2020. Its our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? if someone in your world is struggling with lifes ups and downs.... 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us. You are all part of the Footsteps Family so please let us know if we can support you, your child and/or family in anyway

09.01.2022 On behalf of the team at Footsteps ELC we would like say a big happy Fathers Day to all our dads, grandfathers, step dad and for all the important men in our lives. We hope you all have a very special day

09.01.2022 Today at Footsteps OOSH we farewell all our year 6 students who will all receive a special candy gram we made for them to let them know how proud of them we are. CONGRATULATIONS Year 6 x

09.01.2022 It is with a heavy heart that we let you all know that we have sold our Jannali centre. Our final day was last Friday 10/7/20. If you have any questions regarding Jannali please contact the centre directly. We will continue to operate our other long day care centres In Beverly Hills, Woolooware and our OOSH in Beverly Hills.

09.01.2022 A big congratulations to our Director Amanda at Beverly Hills OOSH service on the completion of her studies and receiving her Diploma of School Age care. Congratulations Amanda!!

08.01.2022 Children develop understandings of themselves and their world through active, hands-on investigation. A very inviting Dinosaur area ready for the children to explore

08.01.2022 The Christmas Tree Smell, really will get you in the spirit

07.01.2022 A beautiful little wool project that has been an ongoing project by our before school care students taking inspiration from macrame. The students also used a stick found outside for the base, bringing the natural environment inside.

06.01.2022 Children are constantly learning new ideas and concepts through play. Our very clever educators at Footsteps Beverly Hills have combined initiated a learning opportunity relating to recycling with the childrens love of transport. A clever way to educate through play.

05.01.2022 Our beautiful Girls from Woolooware celebrated another fantastic year. Merry Christmas Everyone!

05.01.2022 A great read for parents with fussy eaters

05.01.2022 This just makes me smile

04.01.2022 Something fun for a rainy day

03.01.2022 At each of our centres we have allocated an Environmental Leader. Their purpose is to lead the team, children and families in creating an environmentally friendly environment for all. Early education will create habits that will last a life time.

03.01.2022 WHAT IS STEM? STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Some great ideas for STEM experiences at home.

03.01.2022 Our dancing elves at Footsteps OOSH want to wish everyone a very safe & happy holidays

03.01.2022 Do you want to win a platinum package to the MONSTER JAM show this Sunday in Sydney?? We'll be drawing our first prize this Thursday so just two days left to get your tickets in!!! Good luck and thanks for your support :-)

02.01.2022 Some natural wonders discovered by our OOSH children last week in the outdoor environments, created by the changing weather this week...great to see the wind, rain and sun create some magical scenes!

01.01.2022 Is your child going to school next year? Our centres have each received a copy of this beautiful story from the department of education about transitioning to school. We've been pointing out specific aspects of the story to the children along with asking them prompting questions such as;... * How are you feeling about going to big school? * Pointing out how other children might be feeling * Making comparisons about big school to Footsteps (singing the alphabet, painting, having lunch, story times etc) We know the children have been loving having this story read to them and we hope you enjoy sharing it together too. It has opened up some beautiful conversations amongst the children about their worries, what they're looking forward to most and their general feelings about their transition to big school. Click the link below to read with your little one

01.01.2022 NSW Health was notified late last night (13 March) of a new case of COVID-19 in a security guard who has been working within the hotel quarantine system, and wh...o is now in isolation. All four household contacts of this case have so far tested negative for COVID-19. They will self-isolate for 14 days. NSW Health has been notified of a number of venues and public transport routes which have been visited by the confirmed case. Anyone who visited any of the following venues at the listed times are close contacts who should immediately be tested and isolate for 14 days regardless of the result: -Beverly Hills, Pancakes on the Rocks, 507 King Georges Rd: Saturday 13 March, 10.45am12pm Anyone who was a customer any of the following venues at the listed times should monitor for symptoms, and if they appear, immediately be tested and isolate until a negative result is received. If symptoms reappear, they should be tested again. -Bexley North, Bexley Aquatic Centre, 98C Preddys Rd: Saturday 13 March, 9am9.30am -Haymarket, Dae Jang Kum Korean restaurant, 35 Goulburn St: Saturday 13 March, 12.15-12.20am -Haymarket, 7 Eleven Capitol Square, George St: Saturday 13 March, 12.20-12.25am -Hurstville, Hudson’s Coffee Shop Hurstville Private Hospital, 37 Gloucester Rd: Monday 8 March, 8.30-9am -Hurstville, Hudson’s Coffee Shop Hurstville Private Hospital, 37 Gloucester Rd: Tuesday 9 March, 8.30-9am -Hurstville, Hudson’s Coffee Shop Hurstville Private Hospital, 37 Gloucester Rd: Wednesday 10 March 8.30-9am -Hurstville, Coles Hurstville Station, 225 Forest Rd: Wednesday 10 March 8-9pm -Hurstville, Hudson’s Coffee Shop Hurstville Private Hospital, 37 Gloucester Rd: Thursday11 March, 8.30-9am -Hurstville, Hudson’s Coffee Shop, Hurstville Private Hospital, 37 Gloucester Rd: Friday 12 March, 8.30-9am Anyone who travelled on the following train services during the time and date indicated should monitor for symptoms, and if they appear immediately get tested and isolate until a negative result is received. If symptoms reappear, get tested and isolate again. -T4 line, Hurstville to Central: Friday12 March Departing 6pm Hurstville and arriving Central at 6.30pm -T4 line, Central to Hurstville: Saturday13 March Departing Central 7am and arriving Hurstville at 7.30am The source of this new infection is under investigation and urgent genome sequencing is underway. There are more than 350 COVID-19 testing locations across NSW, many of which are open seven days a week. To find your nearest clinic visit: or contact your GP. NSW Health urges anyone in NSW with even the mildest symptoms, such as headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat or runny nose, to come forward immediately for testing, then isolate until they receive a negative result.

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