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17.01.2022 Do you have a tiger in your inbox? You are about to go on holiday, juggling multiple competing priorities, the phone is ringing, then BAM email from the boss saying there is a huge report due yesterday and you are the only one that can do it! What do you do next? Perhaps you want to punch the computer and start pounding out a torrent of abuse on the keyboard OR you want to run away OR you are stuck frozen, possibly not even blinking. ... Why does this happen? Our brains are equipped to detect and react to threat, this was (and still is) a very useful survival mechanism. It is just that over time the types of threat have changed - back in the day it was a tiger in the cave, literally life-threatening (and there are times when this could still be the case) however these days it could just be a tiger in the inbox. The level of threat is significantly different but the body and neural response is the same. It is like the brain is a smoke detector going off because of burnt toast. You may have heard this described as the fight, flight or freeze response. What can you do about it? Having a regular morning routine involving movement and mindfulness can help to regulate your nervous system. Although this won’t stop the body firing off the alarm system it can certainly help to be more aware when it is happening and respond more effectively. Then when you notice you are in fight, flight or freeze move your body in some way (perhaps just wiggling your fingers or even shaking it off) and give yourself a moment to breathe (it only takes about 6 seconds for the fight or flight chemicals to dissipate) then you will be better equipped to respond rather than react. If all else fails retreat, recompose, reassess and then respond.

16.01.2022 Have you ever tried doing a puzzle without the front of the box? Getting clear on your vision and creating a plan is like designing the front of the jigsaw box. You might have all the pieces or there might be some missing that you need to create along the way. Without the front of the box how do you know what needs to be in place?... The front of the box gives you a reference point and helps you know how you are progressing and the next step to take. What does the front of the box look like for you? How will you know when all the puzzle pieces are in place?

08.01.2022 Do you have a never-ending list and don't know where to start? Do you feel like you spend your day spinning your wheels? Do you know what direction you are heading in? Do you know what you need to do to get there? Knowing where you are going, how to get there and where to start can sometimes feel overwhelming.... Reading The One Thing by Gary Keller has helped Foresee Consulting to shape direction for our company and for the teams that we work with. Each day we ask What is your one thing for today? We would love to hear in the comments below. What is your ONE thing? For your business, for your life, for the year, for the week or even for today.

07.01.2022 Students need more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic to survive in the global business world. This is an interesting paper from the Project Management Institute that explores how students need to learn life skills to survive in the global business world and how project management skills can help with this. For those who don’t have time to read the paper here is a quick summary Studies have shown that the following life skills are fundamental to dealing effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life: Communication skills Negotiations, influencing, and persuasion skills Empathy (the ability to understand from another perspective) Cooperation, teamwork, and collaboration Critical thinking and problem solving Ethics Self-assessment and self-management Time management and positive thinking When we overlay the core aspects of project management it becomes evident that each of these skills are used by project managers nearly every day. If you are interested in learning more about applying project management to life skills and vice versa, get in touch and we can talk about how professional coaching with Foresee Consulting can help.

04.01.2022 Foresee Consulting website is live! It has been a year in the making and we are excited to announce this key milestone. As we launch this website we are already looking towards what is next and it makes us wonder.... How often do you stop and celebrate your success?... All too often we achieve one milestone and are too busy planning for the next thing to truly celebrate what we have achieved now. What are you going to do today to celebrate what you have achieved to get here? . . . . . . #launch #celebratesuccess #excitedaboutnow #livinginthemoment #whatnext #ayearinthemaking #foreseeconsulting

02.01.2022 Timelines can be a fickle thing. Working out what needs to be done first, making sure there is enough time, considering what the critical path is, understanding what a critical path even means. Sometimes it can feel like everything is happening too fast or not fast enough. Time and time again we see professional and personal projects quickly spiral out of control. ... Looking ahead and working backwards to where you are now, how do you know you are where you need to be to get to where you are going? What is your next step? How do you know you will be able to get there in time? Although investing in planning can feel like it is grinding away vital time. At Foresee Consulting we often find that taking a step back and looking at how all the pieces fit together and what piece drives the next, results in achieving your desired outcomes more efficiently. Foresee Consulting can help you get clarity on where you are going and the certainty that you will get there.

01.01.2022 I am not a creative person What does being creative really mean? Often when we hear the word creativity we think of an artist, a dancer or an actress and some people quickly reject the idea that they too could be creative. ... Did you work out what you would have for breakfast or lunch today? Have you ever imagined yourself on holiday? Could you imagine 6 other things that you would prefer to be doing than going to work on a Monday morning? Have you ever solved a problem? When we solve even the simplest of problems, like what to eat, we engage our imagination. The more we engage our imagination the more creative the solution. The more we do this the easier it becomes. One simple way to help spark creativity and expand the imagination is to write lists "What?! But lists are structured and boring" you say. It is true, lists can help you to get organised AND they can also spark creativity. What are 6 places you would like to visit? What are 6 things you could have for dinner? What are 6 flowers you can name? What are 6 things you are grateful for? What are 6 ways you could solve a problem your currently have? At Foresee Consulting we believe that being creative is the essence to problem solving. Have a go, write a list, you never know what you might come up with!

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