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Forest Flow in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Beauty, cosmetic & personal care

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Forest Flow

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 490 788 374


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25.01.2022 Good morning everyone, Thanks for joining us. This practice will uplift your health and spirit by harmonizing the yin & yang organs and the 5 correlating elements.... What will you be doing? Breathing in the light from the sun and lots of smiling... Luke

25.01.2022 I nearly lost my family down a magical forest portal today! #forestflowfamily #fun #mothersday #play @ Sassafras Creek Nature Conservation Reserve

25.01.2022 Calling all men ready to ascend It is less than a week now till the Rainbow Warrior course starts, learn more about it by clicking the link below. I'll be facilitating Tanishka’s work with Paul Spallini and sharing some helpful Qi Gong tools to help you navigate these times. Look forward to connecting. Luke

24.01.2022 The way that can be spoken of Is not the constant way; The name that can be named Is not the constant name. The nameless was the beginning of heaven and earth;... The name was the mother of the myriads creatures; Hence always rid yourself of desires in order to observe its secrets; But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations; The two are the same But the verge in name as they issue forth, Being the same they are called mysteries, Mystery upon mystery - The gateway of the manifold secrets.. Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching D.C. Laus translation

24.01.2022 Life is an intimate dance between nature and ourselves. If we loose our sense of connection to nature our health is greatly compromised. If we honour our self as one with the greater world our health is optimised. ... #naturalhealth #loveyournature #forestfriends #qigong #harmony #wisdomtrees

22.01.2022 Theres a crack in everything thats how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen Joy is a gift that is innate in us all. The more we use it the more it grows. ... Where the mind goes the qi flows, Where we focus our energy goes... As we are all in isolation now its so important to make time for your joy. My morning Qi Gong practice reminds me of the joy that life is. The joy of inhaling, The joy of movement, The joy of inner peace, The joy of mystery, The joy of nature, The joy of sharing our joy with others, The joy of appreciation. Welcome joy in your life, Always leave the door open and joys light on. #happinessnow #autumn #qigong #joyfulchildren #wellness #sacredlife #qiflow #playful #nature

19.01.2022 Our dear friends and circle sister Kimberly Roberts is hosting this online event which looks to be very nourishing

18.01.2022 Tomorrow evening we will gather for our Full moon in Scorpio Moonlodge womens circle... Feeling into the serpent energy, the wild woman... Scorpio takes us to our depths where we are able to shed our skin and renew... ... I look forward to sitting in circle with those sisters who feel the call xxx 7pm AEST... Pm me for the booking link x #womenscircle #sistercircle #redtent #womensmysteries #sacredwork #scorpio #lilith #serpent #forestflow #fullmoon #moonlodge

18.01.2022 Use this short 2-minute practice daily to stay aligned with the cyclic changes and your own intrinsic health.

17.01.2022 A sneak peak from The Essentials Qi Gong Course, Part Two. Coming soon to forest-flow.teachable I this location so much. Broken Heads, NSW, Australia

17.01.2022 Luke and I are breaking up dont worry its amicable ` Now that I have your attention I just wanted to make a special announcement As our respective projects have evolved it has become more clear that our businesses are increasingly separate endeavours, and so although Luke and I are still very much happily in love, and our family is doing well through this time, I will be extracting myself from Forest Flow to embark upon my individual project that has been evolving over th...e past few years. Through recent times, like many people, Luke and I have both been pulled deeper into alignment with our personal paths, and while some things have fallen away others are becoming more and more activated and potent. Ceremony, Rites of passage and Sacred Womens works feels more important to me now more than ever. And though we are unable to gather right now in Melbourne, it feels like a potent time to be planting seeds. So right now, I am seeding my intention to bring this work forward into our community, in service to love and connection with all Humanity, the Divine and our Mother Earth. The name of my new business is Sacred Life Ceremonies. This business will include all of the Circle work, Womens embodiment workshops, Rites of Passage Ceremonies, Weddings and Funerals and other ceremonial work. Just yesterday in this potent Lions gate portal I received my license to marry. Luke will continue to nourish Forest Flow with his Qi Gong workshops, courses coaching and healing work as well embarking upon his Traditional Chinese Medicine studies. Its all very exciting. If you are interested in following my work, Id love if you could Like my new page Sacred Life Ceremonies, to stay updated on my offerings including monthly circles. and check out my website A special mention to Kat Ashworth for her graphic design support and beautiful logo xxx Members of the Forest Flow Moonlodge Sisters group, who are previous circle attendees, will be invited to join a new group Sacred Life Womens Circles. (the old group will eventually be deleted as its connected to Forest Flow.

16.01.2022 Qi Gong more energy, vitality, and spirit for life! This Sunday July 5th Ill be running The Essentials Qi Gong Course, Part One. Its the perfect opportunity to learn how this ancient art can improve your health while unlocking your inner potential. ... Please click the link for more details. Thank you!

16.01.2022 Hi everyone, I'm happy to be releasing the dates for this year's Qi Gong workshops held at the Melbourne Budo Club. May 23rd The Essentials Qi Gong course Part One ... (hit the link for info) August 29th The Essentials Qi Gong course Part Two December 12th Guigen Qi Gong

15.01.2022 When i feel like Im drowning in domestics, then i have a moment like this and it brings me present into my heart and i connect with the beauty and truth of the moment... All is perfection... In all the messy imperfection.. #motherhood #parenthood #presence #siblings #love

15.01.2022 Hi everyone, Thanks for your interest in the Guigen Qi Gong mini-course! I hope you have enjoyed the practice. Tomorrow Im releasing a special offer for the Guigen Qi Gong full course.... Please join me LIVE on Facebook - May 13th at 9 am Australia Sydney standard time for this special event and promotional offer. Please join me for a short Qi Gong practice, discussion, and our special announcement. This will be a great chance for some of you to hear from me and to learn more about Qi Gong. Im super excited and look forward to seeing you there. Luke

15.01.2022 First date since iso..weee heeee...braved the freezing rainy city to go dancing....warmed our shackles and our hearts. #footlooseandfancyfree #playtogetherstaytogether #mamapapa #lovers #besties

14.01.2022 Learn to increase your battery power!

14.01.2022 TONIGHTS CLASS - Tue 12 @ 6.30pm (60 mins) - Luke Anderson with Forest Flow Qi Gong It is said, life is but an 18-inch journey from the head to the heart. In this class, we will use a range of Qi Gong practices and principles that allow us to explore our intrinsic nature and the joy of living through the heart. Luke is a Martial Arts Sports Coach and Fitness Instructor, Qi Gong, and Yoga teacher and lifelong student of these arts. He has spent time training and teaching Martial Arts and Qigong both locally and abroad.

14.01.2022 Start your Qi Gong journey today. Please check out our exciting free & paid courses on teachable. Simply click the link & enjoy ... #qigong #naturelovers #spiritual #naturalhealthcare #qiadventures #harmony

13.01.2022 Learn more below about why the end of this week is the optimal time to start this Men's course! I'll be facilitating the circles with Paul and sharing some of my Qi Gong knowledge along the way. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line. ... Luke

13.01.2022 Morning fresh! Go team! I love making healthy food with the kids it gives them and me so much joy This mornings smoothy.... Apple, Orange, Carrot, Kale, Cucumber & Spirulina #healthyfamilies #smoothytime #vitalenergy #yummy #naturalhealthcare #diqi #earthqi

13.01.2022 Blessings upon your winter solstice/solar eclipse/new moon in cancer May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature. ... Katie

12.01.2022 Good Morning Everyone!!! Thank you so much for joining me. Today we have a special offer for you for our Guigen Qi Gong Online Course. ... Please visit teachable: Select course: Guigen Qi Gong Scroll down to pricing option $300 (one-time payment option) Add Coupon Code: 48-HOUR-GUIGEN-SPECIAL For 50% off! That makes it a bargain price of $150 This is a 48 hour sepcial so I highly recommend you getting on it! Bonus news: Our next FREE online course has just been released called "The Essentials Qi Gong Course, Part One" Happy training everyone! Luke

12.01.2022 We are all of Mind, Body & Spirit. We can activate any aspect of ourselves when we choose. Just like training a muscle, we can grow our spiritual nature. By making time to reflect, to listen with our whole body, to connect to our spiritual resources or guides, to source, the universe or by simply making space to be, feeling the vibrance and joy from living in the present.... These times remind us to respond not just with a physical or mental approach but with a spiritual approach also. I’ve noticed that as the energies of the physical plane are somewhat peaking, there are openings for us all, potentialities for change, fresh ideas and most importantly an opportunity to fully embrace the totality of who we are. Mind, Body & Spiritual beings! I hold so much gratitude for the unique gift of consciousness. I continue to contemplate how best to use the awareness of light and love we all carry with great care. Caring for everyone and everything that is part of our story, after all, there is more than just people in the world. There’s precious minerals, plants & animals, sacred lands & waters, those who have walked before us, and those who are yet to come. Are you also feeling the call to live more connected to your spirit and spiritual resources? #qigongtraining #globalchange #healthylifestyle #reflectingonlife #mindbodymedicine #spirit #tao

11.01.2022 Papas super morning cuppa. 1 teaspoon match powder 1 Honey 1/4 tea spoon of...... Reishi Lions Mane Maca Spirulina Half a cup of... Spring water & Bonsoy #greenteamatcha #loveyourself #qigongpractice #peaceful #bliss

11.01.2022 I feel to add two more sleep and qi gong... Essentially we are big babies if we are tired, hungry, dehydrated, lacking rest or time in nature etc we may find ourselves stressed, grumpy or flat. This post is a good reminder to always keep the basics in check. ... Thanks Deanne Sciore for the share.

09.01.2022 By aligning our daily practices with the cycles of the seasons, day and night we can experience the joy of our symbiotic relationship with the earth. In Qi Gong, there is a mantra - Tien Du Ren meaning Heaven, Earth & Human. Tien, Du, Ren can be repeated to encourage this union. ... The benefits of living in flow with the natural rhythms are endless like in permaculture we can grow food with greater ease, live longer lives, and much more while deepening our connection to our sacred planet. This song was created with deep gratitude for our sacred mother earth. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The year of the great mirror! 2020 Created in the isolation period of May 2020

08.01.2022 Just flicking through the photos on my phone just now... I realised i have a LOT of photos of trees... So, Im gonna just come right out and say it... I have a huge tree fetish...i could wander all day marvelling at them... I have favourite trees that i go past and say hello to...The beauty of them astounds me.. The joy they bring is immense.. Im so pleased that i can share this love with my children now.... I remember feeling embarrassed hugging trees when i first started d...oing it... Now im a loud and proud tree hugging hippy... it feels so good and these days i dont care who sees me... If you havent hugged a tree you havent lived! So much wisdom and so much love is right there...get your heart right up in it... Seriously! Towering above us all the time...quietly watching....these magnificent beings.... We really should listen to them more... The stories they could tell... Katie x #treelove #treefetish #trees #hugatree

07.01.2022 Despite the challenges we are facing globally perhaps there has never been a better time to dig deep and discover fresh sustainable ideas for our future.

07.01.2022 Hi everyone, Im running a class tomorrow morning with Pandaversity. Its going to be really fun. So please join the group! Nil the organizer of Pandaversity is doing a fantastic job collaborating with a diverse range of teachers. So make the most of this opportunity to learn something new and to enjoy some free classes. ... Mon 11 @ 7am (60 mins) - Luke Anderson with Forest Flow Qi Gong It is said, life is but an 18-inch journey from the head to the heart. In this class, we will use a range of Qi Gong practices and principles that allow us to explore our intrinsic nature and the joy of living through the heart. I look forward to kick-starting your week! Luke

06.01.2022 Hello everyone, Im pleased to be giving away 3 free Tao Soul sessions! What is a Tao Soul session?... This session has been channelled as a way of helping people learn more about their Souls purpose and their Soul Group. By bringing light and forgiveness to yourself & your Soul Group you will clear unhelpful patterns, raise your awareness and your Souls vibration here on earth so you can move forward in your life with clarity and purpose. These sessions may take up to 2.5 hours and will be done on "Signal" which is a secure video chat service with end to end encryption for our privacy. This give away is only valid for people I (Luke Anderson) do not know well. If you are interested please respond YES! In the comments or by messaging me privately Luke Anderson You can learn more about these sessions by clicking on the link below. The three successful people will then be sent a link to schedule a time. Many thanks. Luke

05.01.2022 Heres a bit of a sharing about whats been going on in my personal world,,, a reflection on what this time has offered me and our family... Id really love to hear what blessings this time may have presented to you... <3 Katie...

04.01.2022 My passion for Qi Gong began nearly 20 years ago and is still going strong today! Why? Because the secret about these practices is they change as you change. They stimulate change through the promotion of qi and awareness. ... If you're interested in learning more about this ancient art through my online Qi Gong courses, hit this link: Qi Gong promotes health, growth, mindfulness, vitality, longevity and embracing life. Best wishes for the year of Metal Ox. Luke

04.01.2022 Right now, looking after our nervous systems is paramount... Its so easy to be triggered into stress and fear.. What I have learned, is that sometimes, in waiting for the right moment for self care as a mama, it just doesnt happen... So I had to adjust my ideas of what it was going to look like... These days, Ill take what I can get... This is my morning salt bath after my abhyanga..ayurvedic self oil massage...and meditation...... The kids like to massage me now and they are improving Poppy will even sit and meditate with me now for a few minutes... As long as Sage had some kind of car or truck hes pretty happy... Its not a perfect system but Im still coming out better off. This practice sets me up for the day feeling emotionally balanced, relaxed and resilient #metime #selfcare #abhyanga #ayurveda #meditation #saltbath #parenthood #mumlyf

03.01.2022 Hello beauties, It seems with restrictions lifting we would be able to gather for Moonlodge in person this month, although it will be the week of my daughters birthday, and a lot going on, so in the interest in not overloading myself i will keep this months Moonlodge online, and will move the following month back to gathering in person at our studio in the Basin. Please let me know if you would wish to continue gathering online, as i have thought about maybe keeping this going in addition to in person gatherings, though on a different week... Id love to hear your thoughts x Katie

01.01.2022 Our sacred waters flowing strong yesterday day at Warburton river. Water giving us life, connecting us all, plants people, animals. It was nice to see such a diverse range of people from different backgrounds and walks in life coming to receive the sacred water from the natural spring. ... It reminded me (Luke) that so many of us still value these remaining pristine places and the gift that they are. Cleanse, Bless, Protect Gratitude Luke

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