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Forest in Danger


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23.01.2022 MIRVAC = WANTON DESTRUCTION While Mirvac was busy telling its Coonara Ave Community Reference Group on Tuesday evening how precious the ForestinDanger was and how much Mirvac wants to protect it, Mirvac knew that the Demolition DA it had lodged that same day spells DESTRUCTION for all of the trees listed on these pages including about 60 Blue Gums. Read and weep for the magnificent native trees, the habitat and the wildlife they will destroy. Mirvac might have claimed it alw...ays wanted to protect the Forest but we all remember the Mirvac plans that would have completely clear felled the whole ForestinDanger and the later plans to put millionaires mansions within that Critically Endangered Forest. It was only your voices that made sure some of the site was protected. WE REMEMBER AND WE STAND WITNESS TO YOUR DESTRUCTION MIRVAC.

20.01.2022 MIRVAC DEVELOPMENTS IN THE NEWS After spending 5 years telling everyone that big companies no longer want large campus-style offices and that's why it has to demolish the iconic IBM campus, Mirvac is flogging its new Darling Harbour development by saying the podium level includes large campus-style offices "favoured by large multinational tech, finance and professional services companies". The Sydney Morning Herald also reports that "The government said Mirvac's long-term lea...sehold rights positioned it as the "only entity that could develop the site and deliver value for money outcomes that align with the NSW government’s aspirations" for the precinct". Who needs a sales team when Mirvac has the State government to spruik its plans. Guess this development will get the auto-tick of approval too. Meanwhile the Australian Property Journal says "Mirvac sustained strong sales in spite of current economic uncertainty". No wonder with the government on its side.

15.01.2022 UPDATE - Demolition documents are now on Council's website. Make submissions direct to [email protected] and copy in the Mayor Michelle Byrne [email protected] MIRVAC TIMETABLE RELEASED... The first Mirvac Community Reference Group meeting was held on Tuesday and the timetable for DA lodgements provided. The first DA for demolition of the iconic IBM buildings at 55 Coonara Ave, West Pennant Hills has now been lodged with Hills Shire Council - Development Application 585/2021/HA The link is below but no documents have as yet been uploaded so we will keep an eye on this - If it doesn't work as a direct link, just copy and paste the link into your search engine and that will work. Theoretically Hills Shire Council should let everyone who lodged a submission know about the DA. If you don't hear anything from Council in the next few days, give them a call on 9843 0555 and ask to be notified of all the DAs for this site. More info to come..........

15.01.2022 MIRVAC, YOU ARE ON NOTICE !!! ForestinDanger won't stop fighting. Mirvac may not be in Court. Mirvac may have locked everyone out of their beloved Forest. But the ForestinDanger community alliance will fight you every step of the way Mirvac to protect this special site. Every development application, we will fight it. Every move, every breath you take Mirvac, we'll continue to fight you for the sake of the Forest. HOW DARE MIRVAC TELL PEOPLE WE SHOULD GIVE UP "BECAUSE IT'S A... DONE DEAL" !!! Every building you bulldoze, Every tree you fell, Every animal you annihilate, The public will pass judgement on you Mirvac. IT'S YOU THAT SHOULD HAVE GIVEN UP MIRVAC !!! Your environmental vandalism on this site will be the end of your faux green credentials. The fight for the Forest will continue and every one of the community's losses will no doubt be felt by your company for years to come. Thank you PYSE Inc for trying to hold Mirvac accountable in Court. You may not have won that battle but ForestinDanger is undaunted. The fight continues.

12.01.2022 UPDATE: Thank you to everyone for your interest and support in this. In answer to some of your questions we've clarified the position below. DONATIONS URGENTLY NEEDED to continue the fight for the IBM/Mirvac Forest.... Please help this ForestinDanger community group. They have obtained preliminary legal advice that there may be grounds for a legal challenge and funds are now needed for a barrister's advice and legal costs. This is a David and Goliath fight against a big development and the government but ForestinDanger believes that this site is important and valuable to the community and worth the fight. The community groups are continuing to fight and every dollar counts. $10,000 is needed to take this forward. A lot of money but a small price to pay for such a special Forest. All of the ForestinDanger community groups are supportive of one of their groups, Protecting Your Suburban Environment Inc, volunteering to be the community group to do this. Please help them to help the Forest by donating NOW. They need to raise the money by 11th September 2020 so don't delay. Please donate NOW. To make a donation go to the Protecting Your Suburban Environment Incorporated (PYSE Inc) website and follow the prompts Any further questions please feel welcome to email [email protected]

10.01.2022 IS MIRVAC TRYING TO CHANGE APPROVAL CONDITIONS ALREADY? Thank you to all the many ForestinDanger supporters that emailed us and posted this Mirvac correspondence. Seems Mirvac may already want to change the NSW Planning Department's approval conditions. Why are they asking for sporting groups to apply as "relevant groups" for their Community Reference Group when the Department deleted the sporting field? Already the changes begin and Mirvac hasn't even lodged their first DA.... Are they going to try to pressure the Government to reintroduce the sporting field because of some Mirvac-manufactured interest from sporting groups? Is there political pressure being applied for them to do so? This is a critically endangered Forest. Mirvac was told to take community sports out of that site. Rob Stokes Matt Kean MP Dr Michelle Byrne - Hills Shire Mayor It will be interesting to see who Mirvac chooses for their Community Reference Group. It will be the first test of just how 'collaborative' Mirvac really intends to be.

08.01.2022 IBM / MIRVAC BUILDING DEMOLITION Mirvac is putting on a webinar next Monday 23 November from 6:00pm - 8:00pm (dinner time) so that you can find out how the Demolition DA is going to affect YOU - construction trucks, traffic, parking, noise, dust, loss of trees, impact on wildlife, loss of access etc. Go to the link below to register and join in with other concerned residents to hopefully get all your questions answered.... See more

07.01.2022 MIRVAC DEMOLITION DA - please make a submission The Mirvac demolition documents are now on exhibition for public comment. Submissions close 14 December 2020. Documents can be viewed on Hills Council website, follow the link and steps described in the Notice below. Areas of concern include the number of trees to be removed, working hours, noise, dust, vibration, traffic, construction trucks, restricted access and the impacts on the Cumberland State Forest, the Powerful Owls, t...he critically endangered ForestinDanger and the waterway, just to list a few. A submission guide will posted as we work through the documents. Rather than making a submission through the website, send it as an email direct to the people below so that the Mayor, the Councillors and the senior Council staff know of your concerns. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

04.01.2022 Australia’s hopes of a post coronavirus recovery have been dashed after our cockatoo dictators decreed they will not be giving up their control of the city streets without a fight, reports The (un)Australian. We’ve started a program of systematic destruction of all city buildings that would put Mirvac and Meriton to shame, said the head of cockatoo in charge of town planning, Polly. Our overall plan is to pick everything apart and leave it lying around in an unholy mess". Mirvac Residential

01.01.2022 FURTHER UPDATE ForestinDanger has been contacted directly by Mirvac to state that "Mirvac are not using poisons, pesticides or any other such chemicals on any part of the site". ForestinDanger accepts their assurance, retracts any statements that could have been construed as suggesting that Mirvac may have been involved in spraying poison and unreservedly apologizes for any distress that the posts may have caused Mirvac. ForestinDanger has requested that Mirvac investigates the cause of the die-back over such a large area over 100 metres in length.

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