ForestLearning in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | School
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 490 857 058
Address: Level 11, 10-16 Queen Street 3000 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Children: Well-being and Nature conference has just started! A great line up of learnings and workshops for you to participate in all for free. Times below are Western Australian time - add 2 hours for Eastern Standard time (starts at 11:30am). It's not too late to join us by registering here: #onlinewebinar #wellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #natureeducation #environmentaleducation #outdoorlearning #outdoorclassroom #NationalTreeDay #forestlearning #forestvr
25.01.2022 Are you in #HighSchool and looking for career and training ideas and inspiration? Are you a #teacher and looking to inspire your students with new contacts and information? Register now to go online and LIVE WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 25 5:30-6:30pm EDT, with Elle Kromar, Harvesting Supervisor for Forestry Corporation NSW and others from Australia's agricultural industry to hear their exciting career and training stories! Learn More and Register by clicking here --> Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia-PIEFA, AgForce School to Industry Partnership Program - SIPP myfuture #careers #careesforum #freewebinar
24.01.2022 This week has been #NAIDOCWeek, which acknowledges the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The week has been celebrated by Indigenous communities, as well as government agencies, community organisations, local councils, workplaces, schools, and many more. The ForestLearning video below offers a sense of what you can expect from our ForestVR technology, as we share the renewable and sustainable Spotted Gum story. One of the key ...voices featured in the video is Rachael Cavanagh, Aboriginal Partnerships Liaison at the Forestry Corporation of NSW, and Principle Cultural Heritage Advisor for the Currie Country Foundation. Rachael is a #Minyungbal woman from the #Bundjalung/Yugambeh Nations of South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales. Her passion lies in empowering indigenous people, documenting and preserving country and culture, and facilitating the sharing of traditional land management practices such as cultural burning. A significant part of Rachael’s role is focused on engaging with traditional owners. This provides opportunities to tap into the valuable insights of Indigenous communities about the most effective local forest management practices, while ensuring cultural heritage is protected, and the wishes of traditional owners are respected. It's such a vital role, and we commend Rachael and the team for it, as well as all others around the country like Rachael working alongside traditional owners of land on which there are sustainable forestry operations. Spotted Gum is a beautiful Australian native hardwood species, with a very special story. With our ForestVR technology, you and your students can join us for a virtual tour, and learn about the renewable and sustainable nature of this unique timber species. You’ll witness all elements of the forestry process and beyond, via an immersive and engaging experience, without even leaving the classroom! You can view the video in full here - And for more on ForestVR and the many other ForestLearning resources that could support and enrich your teaching delivery, visit #NAIDOCWeek #forestVR #ForestLearning #Forestry #RenewableResources #Science #OnlineLearning #Geography #Sustainability #VirtualClassroom
24.01.2022 #History #bushfires #forestprotection #firetower To help protect Queensland forests from wildfire, about 130 fire towers, cabins, and lookouts were built up until the late 1980's. This is the story about how and why the towers were built, what it’s like to work in a tower, and what the future of fire observation looks like. Innovations have brought the time of fire towers mostly to an end via drones and remote cameras. But the legacy of forest protection via fire towers bring... with it a story of innovation and new frontiers. URL Link: #forestlearning #forestry #careersinforestry
23.01.2022 There's a lot happening this week for Primary and Secondary Schools - and a NEW Secondary School time slot of 11am-12pm Thursday 19 November 2020! Choose your session and register now below!
21.01.2022 NEW SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM $2000-$20,000 FOR SCHOOLS (and local community groups) to better access and/or enjoy Responsible Wood certified forests! Applications due November 21 2020. Contact ForestLearning if you would like to discuss ways your school could partner with certified forest growers near you to apply!
21.01.2022 Join the free WoodSolutions webinar Thursday 13 August 11:30am Timber Engineering Design: Timber Framed Construction This FREE 6-part webinar series intends to up-skill engineers (and teachers!) in the design & decision-making associated with buildings constructed using timber. Teachers of engineering and the use of wood in design in their classrooms would also benefit from this latest in industry knowledge.... Equip yourself with a greater awareness across the skills needed to design timber structures & with a knowledge specific to timber engineering design. Topic overview: This workshop provides a foundation in timber engineering & goes on to focus on the three structural systems in timber construction timber-frame, post & beam, & mass timber. Presenters Dr Jon Shanks & Prof. Geoff Boughton will guide you through these systems for entire buildings and as individual elements within overall building systems. For more information and to register click here - #ForestLearning #OnlineLearning #FreeTeacherPL #DATTeacher #WoodworkTeacher #ConstructionTeacher #Freewebinar #WoodSolutions
21.01.2022 Primary Schools of Australia - you heard Kat! Register now to join her online and LIVE tomorrow for #NationalAgWeek #ForesterTime with our great friends at the Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia-PIEFA WHEN: 2pm EDST via Zoom HOW: Learn more and register by clicking here WHAT WILL WE LEARN? Learn where our renewable resource of wood comes from and why sustainability matters for our planet! Come with al...l your questions and join us for a live Q&A session after Kat's presentation! (Pssst - We just held the Secondary schools session with 23 high schools registered - great session enjoyed by all!) #ForestLearning #TeachingResources #VirtualClassroom #VirtualIncursion #iso #LearnfromHome #TeachingOnline
21.01.2022 Did you know that all of the millions of pine tree seedlings that are replanted each year to replace harvested trees, are all planted by human hand! Here’s their story. To see the Seed to Shelter #lifecycle journey of pine trees, including the incredible work that our tree planters do in 360-degrees, check out #ForestVR > #forestlearning #forestry #replanting #woodtheultimaterenewable
20.01.2022 #Sustainability - #crosscurricular priority area The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recognises that "Forests and trees, when sustainably managed, make vital contributions both to people and to the planet, bolstering livelihoods, providing clean air and water, conserving biodiversity and responding to climate change." ( Build in sustainability concepts and critical thinking across your teaching areas by using... certified sustainable forests case studies found at #ForestLearning - free to download classroom ready lesson plans and activities The #AustralianCurriculum places emphasis on Sustainability as a priority for study that connects and relates relevant aspects of content across learning areas and subjects. Cross-curriculum learning is fundamental to: - understanding the ways social, economic and environmental systems interact to support and maintain human life - appreciating and respecting the diversity of views and values that influence sustainable development - participating critically and acting creatively in determining more sustainable ways of living. ( Save precious planning time and head to ForestLearning to learn more.
19.01.2022 Thanks to J. Finlayson, Aboriginal Education Team Coordinator at Moss Vale High School for sending in these photos of her #Stage5 #Agriculture program putting to great use the #ForestLearning teaching resources, and recently received Kondinin Group "The Story of Agroforestry" book, won through our recent Teacher Survey Facebook competition! She writes: "This book complements our Stage 5 Agriculture Program so well - along with all the other fantastic resources on the Forest...Learning website (that we already utilise in both Stage 5 and Stage 6). Again, Thank you so much for the book - it is really appreciated and will be put to great use :)" To check out the free to download "Agroforestry: Trees at Work on the Farm" ForestLearning teaching resource mapped to the Australian Curriculum for years 7-12, and many more (10 in total just for Agriculture subjects), head to! Interested in getting yourself a copy of the Kondinin workboot series books - The Story of Timber and The Story of Agroforestry? You can order from Kondinin here:
17.01.2022 Join ForestLearning's industry education champion - Elle Kromar from Forestry Corporation NSW - as she shares her training and career journey in forestry at the Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia-PIEFA's Careers Forum! For more info click here --> - Get your questions answered with live Q&A. WHEN: Wednesday 25th November, 5:30pm-6:30pm WHO: Students and teachers interested in hearing more of the many opportunities available - from... forestry to computer science, spatial mapping, communications, international trade and policy and more! Join Elle and others in Ag, as they explore and expand on the training and career opportunities available in our great industries, and how you too can help make a difference in our world and help fight climate change with a career in renewable wood production! #CareesForum myfuture #WorkStudy #Careers #TrainingOpportunties #Forestry Institute of Foresters of Australia Australian Centre for Career Education Career Industry Council of Australia
17.01.2022 Even when you're teaching remotely, sometimes it's necessary to get out of the "classroom". Check out ForestVR virtual field trips that are sure to engage both you and your students! --> #virtualclassroom #expedititions #forestvr #virtualexcursions #onlinelearning #ICTresources #realworldcontextsforlearning #learningdoesnthavetobeboring #freeteachingresources
17.01.2022 #DavidAttenborough's article on the WORLD's greenest building to be built in BRISBANE AUSTRALIA is below! All timber used in the construction of this building is sustainably certified by the Forest Stewardship Council - FSC Australia & New Zealand. Read more --> For free teaching resources for your classroom on wood and wood products for a sustainable future, head to #designandtechnologies... #woodtheultimaterenewable #FSC #sustainability #AustralianTeachers #greencity #buildingmaterials #buildingwithwood DATTA Vic Design And Technology Teachers' Association of Queensland Inc. Australian Science Teachers Association Environment Education Victoria -EEV Australian Association for Environmental Education Inc. Queensland Agriculture Teachers Association Design and Technologies: Food & Fibre; Food Specialisation #buildingwithwood See more
17.01.2022 FREE WoodSolutions #WEBINAR - The Multiple Perspectives of Wood - John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School, Beechboro, WA Are you developing a school #MasterPlan, or need some real world examples for #DesignandTechnologies students? Are you thinking to use your classroom and school spaces as a third teacher? #Timber is a natural organic material with many uses as a building material. When used well timber provides not only the primary structural element in a building, bu...t also the interior finish and feature bringing a sense of warmth, health and well-being into the building and to its occupants. John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School is a multi-award winning pre-kindy - year 12 school in Perth, Western Australia, expressing multiple applications of timber in sustainable school design, including the highly acclaimed kindergarten and senior school administration building. This webinar discusses the use of timber in the school, the benefits of using wood in the built environment as the primary architectural and engineered structural element, and as a key feature and finish contributing to the health and well-being of the students and teachers occupying the #ThirdTeacher - space, while at the same time benefiting the environment. Register to listen live, or check in to the WoodSolutions website ( to view the recorded sessions. #SchoolMasterPlan #SpaceThirdTeacher #BiophylicDesign #BiophylicArchitecture
15.01.2022 Fantastic to see #ForestVR #VirtualExcursions showcased by EducationHQ today on in their School News: Head to ForestVR on the ForestLearning website to discover for yourself how you too can teach and learn through immersion --> Contributors to ForestVR - By Teachers For Teachers: ForestVR, and its soon to be launched accompanying teaching toolkit and lesson plans, was developed and designed through collaboration with ForestLearning, the Geography Teachers' Association of Victoria, DATTA Vic, successful early adopters of VR in classrooms and leading forest and wood product industry partners such as One Forty One, Hyne Timber, #HurfordHardwood, #ForestryCorporationNSW, Timberlands Pacific Pty Ltd, Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub, #GreenTriangleForestProducts, NSW Department of Primary Industries tree nursery, with VR production by Think Digital Studios.
15.01.2022 DATE CLAIMER Saturday 12th September, 11:30am - 2:30pm AEST Join #ForestLearning, Nature Play WA, Curtin University, United Nations Association of Australia for a webinar not to be be missed for those living or working with 6-18 year olds - teachers, social workers, youth workers and school staff to learn of the impacts of pandemics on our young people and solutions for health found in nature! See you online! LEARN MORE + REGISTER HERE: ABOUT THIS EVENT --> Curtin's School of Education in conjunction with the Environment Committee of the United Nations Association of Australia WA Inc, is excited to present a unique online event which makes the connection between the natural environment and the mental health and well-being of our young. Aimed at practitioners who work with 6 - 18 year olds, this event addresses how the mental health and well-being of school aged children can be impacted and supported by engagement in the natural environment. The COVID-19 lockdown has made us all acutely aware of how much we need to be in contact with nature. There is a growing body of research that is showing sustained positive effects on mental health and well-being when exposed to the natural environment. This workshop brings together educators, mental health professionals and environmental practitioners to support schools looking for ways to ameliorate the negative effects of the lockdown on our young students. This seminar will provide both a theoretical understanding of what is meant by mental health and well-being and also offer practical strategies for schools to enable students to experience the benefits of exposure to natural environments.
13.01.2022 Forests provide us with clean water, biodiversity and ecosystem services, air quality, and some are designated to provide us with renewable timber products and other forest products. We need forests. Forestry around the country is working to conserve areas of habitat that are important to wildlife and native plant species, and actively manage them for fire risk as well as for pest animals, weeds and other diseases. Explore some of these case studies in your classroom incl...uding 'what is biodiversity?' and how three regions around the country are working to enhance biodiversity, head to 'ENHANCING BIODIVERSITY IN THE AUSTRALIAN ENVIRONMENT' teaching resource --> free to download year 9 science, but with application across a range of subject areas and year levels. #freeteachingresources #OnlineLearning2020 #homeschool2020 #forestlearning #teachingin2020 #scienceteaching
13.01.2022 You've heard about the birds and the bees, but do you know about the pollen and the trees? An elite selection of trees in South Australia have been hard at work during baby-making season to create better genetics for plantation timber. Key points: Plantation trees are constantly being bred for more useful genetics. The seed fertilisation process takes two years The genetic mixes created in Mount Gambier are sent all over Australia --> ... For a free to download teaching resource exploring plant breeding and #genetics as a case study in your year 12 #Agriculture classroom, head to --> THE INTERACTION OF GENOTYPE, ENVIRONMENT AND MANAGEMENT IN THE FORESTRY INDUSTRY: ABC Australia has written a great overview of Mount Gambier's "Tree Breeding Australia" research centre that could be used as a good accompanying resource to the lesson: #PlantBreeding #year12agriculture #forestlearning #stage6 #teachingresources #agriculture #Forestry #ForestScience
12.01.2022 Face to face events are few and far between these days, but not in Western Australia! More than 30 vocational education and training practitioners in schools from 22 schools around the south west of the state were taken on a tour organised by the #LeschenaultTimberClub to the #WellingtonDiscoveryCentre, local softwood processor Wespine Industries and the export operations of #WAPlantationResources. The presenters and tour destinations showcased first hand the balance... achieved between employment diversity and opportunity in the timber industry with sound forest management practice and sustainability. Club president Brad Barr said the tour had a profound impact on attendees. To read more head to --> For free to download lesson plans and activities incorporating contexts of forests, wood and sustainability for your classroom, or for more on careers in forestry head to --> #ForestLearningIndustryEducationChampions #ForestryTours #TeacherPL #CareersInForestry
12.01.2022 With lockdowns extending in Victoria, and restrictions tightening in other parts of Australia this week, learn more about this very important free LIVE WEBINAR conference "Children, Well-being and Nature" on this Saturday (12 September 2020) featuring presenters from #ForestLearning, Jacqueline Reid (Chartered Development and Educational Psychologist (BPS, HCPC UK); Registered General Psychologist), #NaturePlay WA and hosted by #unitednationsassocation WA Branch, and Curtin University. Learn more and register below -->
11.01.2022 Do your students love nature and want to work outdoors (and sometimes indoors)? Do they want variety in their day, with a range of career pathways? Do they enjoy using and learning leading technologies and helping solve world problems like climate change? A career in forestry may be just what they've been looking for ! For more information head to or Thanks Arbre Forest Industries Training and Careers Hub for this great video ...on what a career in forestry can provide! #forestrycareers #careerpathways #forestlearning #trainingplan #careergoals #careercoach
09.01.2022 Have you got these ghost mushroom forests on your bucket list? They’re definitely on ours... thanks ForestrySA for opening up the forests for everyone to experience these wonders of nature #fungi #ghostmushrooms #forestlearning
08.01.2022 Forester Time this week - Register now and NEW time slot for Secondary Schools session - 11am-12pm: Thursday November 19, 2020 -
08.01.2022 Welcome to #ScienceWeek 2020! A great week to showcase and explore science in all its forms. If you're looking for new inspiration to engage your young scientists, head to and choose from over 36 science resources to freely download for primary and secondary students! Need some help? Here are our top picks for P-12 - but there are plenty more where these came from on the ForestLearning website! Years P-12 Tree Carbon Storage Tap Measure + Acti...vities for the classroom: YEARS 3-6: THE STORY OF CARBON INTERACTIVE GAME Middle Primary - Lower Secondary: EVERY TREE FOR ITSELF YEAR 11 - PRACTICAL INVESTIGATION OF SOIL Year 11 and 12 - FORESTS AND THEIR IMPACT ON WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY
08.01.2022 Great to be featured in #FWPAs latest #WoodChat podcast! Listen to learn how we can help you as a teacher or home learning parent during these most crazy of online learning times. Hear from some of the teachers using ForestVR and ForestLearning lesson plans, teachers and foresters involved in live ForesterTime webinars - and from the kids themselves #homelearning #onlinelearning #forestlearning #podcast
06.01.2022 What a great day at school! Year 12 students at WA College of Agriculture Denmark have been keeping busy and having some fun learning new skills as a part of their Certificate II in Forest Growing and Management. There is a world of opportunities awaiting them in a career in forestry with state, national and international (post-covid19) opportunities abounding! To learn more about careers and training in forest and wood products, check out the new "Welcome Mat to Forestry" website produced by FIFWA and the #FWPA emerging leaders group - #forestrycareers #learningdoesnthavetobeboring #schoolbasedtrainees #growyourcareerinforestry
06.01.2022 THIS SUNDAY - FORESTLEARNING WORKSHOP AT GTAV VIRTUAL CONFERENCE SESSION A4 - Learn more: ForestLearning is co-presenting with Mike Pearson, teacher at Mazenod College for the Geography Teachers' Association of Victoria conference THIS SUNDAY! Register to discover how virtual technologies can transform your geography classroom during #Covid19 lock downs and inability to go on excursions - using ForestVR! Be... with us as we host a zoom virtual professional learning workshop to showcase the NEW Level 8 Geography toolkit and LAUNCH the NEW ForestVR APPs for IOS, Android and Oculus - with thanks to our great friends at Geography Teachers' Association of Victoria and Think Digital Studios! ForestVR Apps can be downloaded NOW at: The App store: Google Play Store: And contact us for your own key code to access the ForestVR for Oculus Go! For more information on ForestVR head to:
05.01.2022 Are you a school teacher looking for a new and innovative way to engage your students around issues relating to sustainability and the environment? Well, you're in luck! We're so excited that Australian schools and students will again be given opportunities to see and learn more about the sustainable forest and wood products industry, thanks to a new series of Forester Time live education webinars, hosted via Zoom with our friends at Primary Industries Education Foundation A...ustralia-PIEFA for #NationalAgDay2020 this Friday 20 November. What a great week to celebrate! Choose your session and register here --> The latest round of Forester Time events follows successful educational live webinars held earlier in the year, and will continue to connect teachers and students directly with forest scientists and forest tech professionals, showcasing what they do out in the field, in real-time. It's basically a school virtual incursion complete with social distancing (), no organising (), and no expense ()! It kicks-off this Thursday November 19, 11am-12pm EDST, with a session designed for secondary school students, hosted by Gavin Livingston who works in forestry operations, and Sarah Maddison - Forest Geographic Information System (GIS) and Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (UAV) (#drone) operator. Friday on National Ag Day, is for our primary schools with passionate Forester and communicator Kathryn Creswell. See for yourself why she received rave reviews from primary school teachers and students last year when she ran similar sessions! Register now for your students to learn more about renewable resources, sustainable cycles in forestry, carbon storage and climate change, careers, high-tech applications including the use and careers using drones and much, much more! And don't just take our word for it... click the video below to hear directly from host Sarah Maddison. Check out the link below to find out which session will most suit your class. See you out in the virtual forest! --> More info: #ForestLearning #Forestry #RenewableResources #Science #OnlineLearning #Geography #Sustainability #VirtualClassroom #FreeSchoolEvents
05.01.2022 There's a lot happening this month for Primary and Secondary Schools -
04.01.2022 Save your precious lesson planning time with The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is right - you're never too young, nor too old, to learn about the many benefits of trees. To introduce topics of sustainability, forests, trees and renewable wood to your classroom through classroom ready lesson plans, student workbooks, virtual tours of forests, online quizzes, multimedia resources and more, head to . Easy search by subject, theme, key word or curriculum code from over 67 F-12 Australian Curriculum aligned teaching and learning resources- written by teachers, for teachers. #byteachersforteachers #OnlineLearning2020 #freeteachingresources #forestlearning #australiancurriculum #sustainability #forestry #forestsforever #homeschool2020 #homeschooling #forestvr
04.01.2022 Yesterday we acknowledged World Health Day and, considering the vital role our forests and timber products play in helping improve our wellbeing, we figured it was worthy of another shout out today!! Sustainably managed forests do so much more than help mitigate climate change and provide us with a beautiful, strong material to make things with. Using it in the built environment such as in schools, workplaces, homes and public spaces, positively impacts our mental wellbeing, ...thanks to a phenomenon we call 'biophilia'! That's right, using wood to bring the outdoors inside is known to make us happier and more productive. ForestLearning calls on all teachers to help spread the word about the wonders of wood! We provide handy and free resources to help kids of all ages understand this important resource. One great example is our Wood Properties lesson plan for Years 7 to 10. During this practical lesson, students will examine and compare the wood properties of different types of trees. They will learn how to measure the moisture content of wood, and be able to apply this knowledge when selecting appropriate uses for timber. Check it out here - #WorldHealthDay2021
03.01.2022 ForestLearning's diverse and innovative suite of learning tools take a variety of forms that are sure to leave kids feeling fascinated and engaged. The popular ForestLearning Tree Carbon Tape Measure is one example, and allows students to measure the width of trees and discover the carbon dioxide equivalent they have offset in their lifetimes. The beauty is that this information if frame in a super easy-to-understand way that makes it relevant to the students. For instance t...he tool shows students how smaller trees could offset the manufacturing of two Apple iPads and the running of a refrigerator for six years, while larger ones can offset the heating of 15 houses every year, or the manufacturing of 500 smartphones!! This relatable and unique tool is available for free via our website ForestLearning website - #trees #forestlearning #forestry #school #teaching #teachingresources #onlinelearning #sustainabilityeducation #careerteachers #carbonstorage
02.01.2022 Register now for FORESTER TIME for SECONDARY SCHOOLS this Thursday 19th 11am-12pm - Online and LIVE! Are you teaching at a Secondary School in Australia and looking to celebrate National Ag Day this week? Join ForestLearning's Beth, Forester (and super #Movember advocate, changing the face of men’s health) Gavin (featured below), and the fabulous Forest Drone and all things TECH Operator Sarah! - on Thursday 19th 11AM - 12PM EDST Online and LIVE! ... Are you teaching primary? We have your back! Join Forester and passionate communicator Kathryn Cresswell from Tasmania's renewable and sustainable pine forests to find out where our wood comes from and what role Foresters have in helping fight climate change and saving the planet - this FRIDAY 20th NOVEMBER - 2pm EDST! Find out more and register by clicking here -->
01.01.2022 Watch now our new release video - ForestLearning - How do we produce softwood? In this episode of ForestLearning's InFocus, Laurence visits a softwood plantation and sawmill to learn more about how structural softwood is produced. Structural softwood is a commodity building material used in the construction of everything from detached houses to mid-rise buildings. For more information about using contexts of sustainability, forests, wood, wood products, and carbon storage in your F-12 classroom, aligned to the Australian Curriculum, make sure to visit our website at or get in touch today.\ #teachingresources #YouTube #freeresources #softwood #plantations #genetics #biologicalcontrols #pests #pine #greentriangle
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