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Australian Forests and Climate Alliance


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25.01.2022 The long awaited Major Events Review of the impacts of the fires in EGippsland has just been announced today. A shame the government has allowed VicForests to keep clearfelling unburnt refuge areas meanwhile. Fingers crossed for a science based outcome with no CFMMEU influence.

24.01.2022 Is Scott Morrison (ScoMo) listening? #FundOurFutureNotGas #ClimateStrike

23.01.2022 "In the Sherbrooke Forest,... researchers found an individual lyrebird could move up to 11 standard dump trucks' worth of litter and soil a year.... As they search for insects on the forest floor the lyrebirds change litter decomposition and "fluff up", or aerate, the structure of soil on the forest floor, making it easier for seeds to germinate.... about 40 per cent of the superb lyrebird's habitat was destroyed in the 2019-20 megafires, throwing the conservation status of the species into question.... In the face of climate change, and the growing risk of severe bushfires, understanding the role that lyrebirds play in ecosystems is more important than ever, ... "Conservation of this species should be a key priority in the management of wet forests in south-eastern Australia."

23.01.2022 Cape Byron Cogeneration Power plant is Burning TREES. NOT GREEN. NOT CLEAN. NOT RENEWABLE Wood-fired Electricity Emits More Carbon Per kWh Than Burning Coal. This Is NOT a #ClimateSolution ... Logging Destroys Forest #CarbonSinks in a #ClimateCrisis Logging and Burning Forests is Wasting Our Precious Forests #ForestsForClimate #forestsforlife #ForestsForHabitat #SaveTarkeeth #CapeByronPower #NorthEastForests #NewSouthWales #BiomassScam #BigBadBioenergy #NoElectricityFromForests #Climate #FauxGreenPower #GreenhouseGas #Pollution #Emissions #health #water #biodiversityloss #environment #forests

23.01.2022 Sussan Ley has rejected an application for almost 2,000 hectares of land-clearing on Kingvale Station in the Great Barrier Reef catchment. The long-awaited decision was quietly published on Tuesday night at the same time as the federal government announced it had approved Santos’s Narrabri gas project in New South Wales. (The Pilliga Forest in North West NSW is the largest remaining, intact temperate woodland - a biodiversity treasure and an important recharge area for the G...reat Artesian Basin. Santos plans to drill 800 gas wells through the GAB, fragmenting the forest with roads and well pads while risking groundwater integrity. Take action via Lock The Gate Alliance ) It is the third time Ley has used her powers as federal environment minister to reject a project under national environmental laws and only the 24th time by any minister in the history of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. #epbc #reef #water #forests #biodiversity #auspol2020 #nswpol #stopsantos

22.01.2022 The 'Nannas for Native Forests' arrived in the forest before dawn, setting up camp with a marquee, colourful banners, cups of tea and picnic chairs, determined to stop the logging of the South West's precious native forests. Inspired by the seven grandmothers who stopped logging earlier this month, a mass blockade is underway this morning with 40 (!!!) grandmothers and their support crew stopping logging in its tracks in Helms Forest.

22.01.2022 A good article in Cosmos magazine explains the situation in simple terms.

20.01.2022 This article is a brilliant (if lengthy) read. It gives a very clear and detailed summary of the recent logging disputes, the Fed Court win, the poor economics, fibs, martket responses and the underhanded lengths the industry and government go to in order to continue smashing down our forests. Below are just some highlighted parts. "Friends of Leadbeater’s Possums, a small group that crowdsourced at least $200,000 to mount the historic case against VicForests. ... With his r...Continue reading

20.01.2022 The promise by Officeworks to only stock enviro-friendly and certified copy paper appears hollow. It is currently offering a choice of FSC certified paper OR the logging industry's own scheme 'Responsible Wood' or AFS. This appears to be a sham to allow paper to be sold that was made from endangered wildlife habitat.

19.01.2022 Nannas for Native Forests Anthem by The Nomadics Mob On November 24th 2020, the infamous Nannas for Native Forests had a meeting with WA's Forestry Minister to make a case for stopping the logging of native forests in WA's south-west Visit WA Forest Alliance for the goss' on how Nannas for Native Forests meeting with Dave Kelly went and how to take action! ... The anthem by The Nomadics was written to help spread the Nannas' important message. A wonderful song ... we hope you like it too! #Nannas4NativeForests #massmorningtea #wafa #nextgenfornativeforests #wannabenannas #forests4climate #Forests4Life

19.01.2022 If logging continues in Yambulla State Forest it will almost guarantee the local extinction of the Yellow-bellied Gliders. Tell the NSW Government it has to stop!

18.01.2022 Some good news. The Fed Court has got Forestry Tasmania (or whatever their green-wash name is now) to abandon plans to destroy 19 stands of Swift Parrot habitat while this case is heard.

17.01.2022 This sounds interesting. Register and zoom in Wed 6pm.

17.01.2022 As the Vic state-owned clearfelling monopoly appeals the 3 year long Federal Court case ruling - it is getting the full backing of the federal government. Senator Duniam said "The forestry industry is being attacked in the coupes and now the courtrooms, and it is critical that they are defended in these places too.... We stand with the forestry industry and we stand by our Regional Forest Agreements, which provide a high level framework for delivering environmental, ... ben...efits from our native forests." Well, clearly their RFAs are not working and logging was deemed illegal and a threat to endangered wildlife. But he went on, "the (logging) industry deserves certainty, and the federal government remains committed to ensuring it, "we stand with the Victorian (logging) industry ... We will take any necessary actions that may be appropriate to provide long term certainty into the future." Which includes killing off the federal environment laws! VicForests has to pretend to be hard-done by and try to keep its customers like Bunnings and Nippon paper. It tried every argument in the book during the court case and none worked. Are they just trying a re-run of all their excuses in this costly appeal? (no doubt we are all paying for it, not them!) VicForests also tried to blame covid and FSC governance for again failing - is it - its 4th or 5th environmental audit last year. See more

16.01.2022 Forest derived biomass is not green, clean or carbon neutral - when burnt for energy generation wood is more polluting per unit of energy derived than burning coal... Unsustainable logging also harms water catchments and destroys mature forest carbon sinks essential to mitigating atmospheric carbon emissions. ***** Bring on a clean energy future! ***** ... 'The Bellingen Environment Centre is calling for a halt to the biomass fuel trial being conducted in Tarkeeth State Forest. Residue from logging the forest southeast of Bellingen is being sold to Cape Byron Power, which has two 30 MW biomass-fired power stations on the North Coast, at Broadwater and Condong. The BEC says the operation at Tarkeeth is unsustainable, pointing to erosion issues and the need to preserve and restore habitat trees given last season's bushfires. "Tarkeeth is a recovering native forest 60 years old, and sits on steep slopes of fragile soils between the Bellingen and the Kalang Rivers, where fresh water meets salt water," spokesperson Caroline Joseph said. "Part of the process of harvesting for biofuels includes dragging tree roots from the ground, woodchipping onsite and trucking it to Broadwater Mill. The resulting extreme erosion caused through this brutal process is a disgrace and anyone can see the tragic outcomes to the health of our rivers and estuary." ' #SaveTarkeethForest #RejectForestBioenergy #RejectDirtyGasRecovery #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #BigBadBioenergy #Deforestation

14.01.2022 Echidna killed by logging machinery. This is one of 4 known unburnt stands of forest in East Gippsland that has been clearfelled by VicForests since the fires. Only 20% of the regions remains unburnt. Wildlife and habitat continues to be destroyed while we are told they aren't.

13.01.2022 Here's a potted a history of the rise and rise of the industry of cutting down and clearing forests in SE Australia. It's a 30 min Rear Vision podcast from the ABC and features David Lindenmayer setting the record straight.

12.01.2022 If you're worried about wildlife, forests and #deforestation, watch this video. Jon Dee takes us into the Central Highlands forests and says not to touch any timber products - including paper, that don't have the FSC label on it. FSC doesn't always ensure 100% kosher product but it's certification requires far better management than what the loutish VicForests does (that's why it has failed 4 audits and was booted out of FSC as a member group). #CarstensenFSC #FSCaustrali...a #FSC_IC #FSC_APAC See more

11.01.2022 ICYMI - Saving our Rainforests from Fire

10.01.2022 "Sometimes it takes a terrible disaster to alert people and Australia’s megafires may well be the moment ... Historically, in a bad bushfire year about 2% of Australia’s forests will be burned. But in the summer of 2019-20, more than 21% of the country’s forests was aflame. That’s a tenfold increase and it’s the kind of step change that we’re increasingly seeing as our climate system begins to destabilise."

10.01.2022 This campaign is running alongside the Bob Brown Foundation Federal Court action against Australia's logging of native forests. Please sign and share. This is a big one!

09.01.2022 Join with global NGO's, scientists, forest and climate campaigners to demand an end to European #biomass subsidies #forestsarenotfuel Frans Timmermans End European subsidies and incentives for burning forest wood for energy. Australians please sign the EU petition: #EndBiomassSubsidy #NoElectricityFromForests #ForestsForClimate #auspol2020

08.01.2022 Great to see Steve, Katta and Greg celebrated in the Good Weekend on the themes of climate and forests.

08.01.2022 Cape Byron Cogeneration Power plant is Burning TREES. NOT GREEN. NOT CLEAN. NOT RENEWABLE via Biomass Action Group - BAG #BigBadBioenergy ... #ForestsBioenergyNOTCarbonNeutral #SaveOurForests #Forests4Climate #forestsforlife See more

07.01.2022 It would be nice to be able to beleive the government when they speak. This is one of 4 known unburnt stands of forest that has been clearfelled by VicForests since the fires. Wildlife and habitat continues to be destroyed while we are told they aren't.

07.01.2022 We've known for years that miners and big business write the govt's climate policies. Just as logging interests write their forest policy.

05.01.2022 The Deputy Premier ignores the ecological bushfire disaster to demand NSW meet contractual obligations for unsustainable wood supply contracts. Both the government and the forest manager ignore the precautionary principle, in direct opposition to EPA requests and in contradiction of the Australian Forestry Standard (AFS) and the NSW forestry legislation. "Documents reveal the Environment Protection Authority sought a voluntary halt to logging in the Lower Bucca and other s...tate forests from March onwards. After initially supporting such a move, Forestry Corp rejected the request after intervention by Mr Barilaro, the papers show."

04.01.2022 At 'every day low prices' your Bunnings timber purchases could be the nail in the coffin of NSW's regional koala populations. Great work GCG!

04.01.2022 Some First Dog therapy.

04.01.2022 This woodchip carrier Navitec arrived at the Eden chipmll today to load another 40,000 tonnes of woodchips. After 80% of forest available for logging was burnt in the summer bushfires, surely there are better ways to manage them?

01.01.2022 National Call to Immediately Halt Logging of Remaining Native Forests in the wake of the bushfire catastrophe. Healthy forest ecosystems are critical to human health and survival. Evidence-based science must guide the recovery and future management of our nation’s native forests to enhance their resilience to climate change. Add your name and/or your organisations endorsement: ... See more

01.01.2022 The Federal Env Dept told government bureaucrats to begin drafting changes to enviro laws on 19 June, 11 days before it received the interim report of the review of Australia’s EPBC Act. Graeme Samuel delivered his interim report on 30 June. It was a once-in-a-decade review of the effectiveness of environmental legislation. It found Australian governments had failed to protect Australia’s unique wildlife and habitats and recommended an overhaul of the laws to make the countr...y’s systems of environmental protection more effective. His recs were mostly ignored and instead Sussan Ley (minister) rushed weaker bill through the lower house and gagged debate. This would OK mining and development approvals etc with almost no scrutiny. It still has to go through the Upper House and several cross-benchers could be the key to whether it becomes law or it fails.

01.01.2022 Joel Fitzgibbon's claim that burning over a million tonnes of NSW's native forests in the Hunter to generate electricity will benefit air, ecosystems and mitigate climate change is greenwashing in its purest form, the Redbank Action Group (RAG) said. "This is our valley's transition nightmare," said RAG spokesperson David Burgess. "At a time when the best minds in the Hunter are coming together to negotiate a difficult path beyond coal, the last thing we need is a Trojan hors...e of fake forest logging jobs masquerading as green energy." "A double-handling of truck movements and the burning of so-called 'residue' or 'forest waste' at Redbank is a method that's more polluting than coal." #StopRedbank #ForestsNotFurnaces

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