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Forreste Lee Evison

Phone: +61 401 296 911

Address: 45a Roderick Street 4551 Moffat Beach, QLD, Australia


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to load big map

25.01.2022 A little lesson in the masculine and feminine intimacy! The beautiful puzzle that’s put together by our physical bodies shows us this epic correlation... Our breasts show a woman’s penetrative heart energy, a woman gives love outward, and in relationship with a man - she teaches him to feel emotions such as compassion in intimacy, to expand in his affective nature. The masculine has a penetrative sacral chakra energy - this is the way the integrated masculine shares love a...nd energy, and it is receptive in the feminine. Like two batteries they can charge each other - a negative and positive pole that creates a delicious energetic exchange. A battery needs charging though This is where the chakras come in.. These energetic centres can become blocked, from various emotions. Clearing these allows a natural deepening in connection, greater intimacy, depth in love... this is what I offer in my practice, and I love it! DM to book a session or visit See more

24.01.2022 Wow today I got SO FREAKIN SCARED about doing a Live video on Facebook. I love my human-ness. I was asked to do live body painting and I immediately fell into this need to ‘achieve’ or ‘do’ to be worthy.. So I started the live, not painting, but sharing concepts I learnt in psychotherapy - with my ego just waiting to impress those who could hear the complexity of my ‘knowing’. And of course a tech issue, divinely orchestrated, pops up and the video stops. It was the Universe ...saying This isn’t you. I almost curled into a ball, embarrassed about my nerves, critically judging myself. I thought I could either cry right now, or I could start Part 2 - the second live - and continue - do the body painting. I decided to feel the fear and do it. So take 2.. and I start painting.. and my whole body relaxes into this bliss.. and I meet myself. I didn’t think that my painting was enough. I didn’t think that just being in my total presence was enough... As soon as I just let myself BE in the present moment just painting, without even needing to speak... I drop into my creative flow and the fear dissolves, I felt into my own empowerment. I felt the energy and love that moved through me. I let myself be exactly who I am. So I bring you this message: All you have to do is BE yourself. That’s it. That’s what you can offer. That’s what creates your worth. That’s what your service is. That’s what your gift to this world is See more

23.01.2022 Have you ever been to an exercise class and felt your body out of sync because it just wanted to do its own thing? Or have you been to a meditation and felt like it could be taken to the next level with your body joining the party? And are you a lover of MUSIC ~ someone who could melt into a rhythm? ... If you’re saying.. Okay that is totally ME!! I welcome you to this class. This is where the freedom of your movement is celebrated and encouraged to shine, where your heart can lead the way This is a class with no routine. It is a place to express all that you are. A container to be felt in your fullness. Our bodies were made to move Your soul was created to shine See you there

21.01.2022 Your life is beautifully, undoubtedly and no-excuses-or-exceptions 1000% created by you. You are deliciously liable, then, for every circumstance that plays on your outer reality - until you are ready to take ownership for it within. It will show up in patterns and repeated experiences of hardship, until you take a microscope to your heart and it’s incredible mysteries to unravel through emotion. From this expression, you will see, believe and LOVE that this journey is, a perfect unfolding, that requires your active involvement You’re here, to get excited about it! -Art by me!!!

20.01.2022 Energy is everything. I’ve created this web of energy centres of the body, to show the correlations between our own vessel, and the vessel of ‘life’. In Arts therapy, we learn a conceptual model called the expressive therapies continuum. To reach a point of insight/expansion (Crown chakra) we would be required to reach each level of this continuum. I believe the same is true within cycles of our life. If our root chakra needs are met in ages 0-7, we are easier to build the ...other chakras upon them, e.g. feel pleasure, have secure relationships, etc. However if we fail to create a solid root chakra energy in our earlier years, we don’t have a foundation, such as learning healthy attachment, learning to manage our emotions, etc. You can also apply this map to planning the week - lets say you avoid planning on a Monday, you might struggle to do other tasks, with the stress of not having set a foundation/intention. You’ve probably said something like I’ll quit on Monday or I’ll start it on Monday - which is great!! Starting on this day creates a solid foundation to expand from. I would love to hear your thoughts on these correlations xx See more

13.01.2022 I’m having a break from my BAU as an expressive therapist... and delving into deeper parts of my self. I will not be offering sessions until further notice. I’m beginning to create a delicious modality.. something I’m so excited and passionate about. It speaks to my soul. I feel it will be my life’s work... something that I’ll expand on through this eternity in this human body - So I needn’t rush with it, nor channel it into a physical form just yet. I’m honouring this craf...t and being patient with it’s arrival - allowing piece by piece to come to me, without force, in the perfect time space sequence. I surrender again, my total being to divinity and what it asks of me in every moment. What’s serving my soul right now is to live that way - in presence, creating balance. Our masculine sticks to the future; waiting for its next accomplish, and our feminine sticks to the past, holding her emotions tightly, waiting to be saved, to be rescued. Where we meet each other halfway within ourselves is where we enter this exact moment right now and experience divinity. This balance is what we all seek and what will open our hearts, bring us freedom and allow purposeful, compassionate and loving evolution See more

13.01.2022 its Friday! That means it’s Throat Chakra day! Which is amazing for self expression... Anodea Judith calls this the energetic centre where the inside comes out. And what she means by this, is having freedom and confidence to speak or take our actions honestly and truthfully, in congruency with what is true to our own values and heart. A blocked throat chakra can show up emotionally like not being able to speak up, doing what others want for us rather than what we wis...h for ourselves, and pushing and ignoring our desires and true beliefs, and even repressing our creative expression, usually from childhood programming. If we were told we couldn’t dance, play or express ourselves, if we were told we were ‘weird’ or ‘crazy’ for being ourselves, our subconscious will run our life charged by these limiting beliefs. Through a process of bringing awareness to these, we can start to retrieve pieces our soul, reignite our passions and begin to live in alignment with our own true path, paving a way which is unique to us - a self discovery of our own gifts, ones that totally fulfil and enliven our being!

12.01.2022 Hey beautiful sis-Stars and bro-Skies On Friday the 1st at 11:00am AEST I will be offering a guided cacao journey in the Sacred Cacao Tribe ( ) group on Facebook. I’ll be doing a live body painting and speaking to my own correlations between the chakras and the art therapy expressive therapies continuum, and how we can use that conceptual model in our own personal healing practice to gain a point of insight or expanded consciousness. Feel free to watch the #replay later & receive all the juiciness!

06.01.2022 Reflections with Alex Turners song - ‘stuck on the puzzle.. Some days this feeling resonates with me. Feeling love with someone, being a witness to their experience.. . We have this way of relating where we truly want to understand someone, in their totality, we want to explore their depths and feel in control from this - We want to feel safe from this knowing, because if we don’t know how they work - at any moment the dynamic can change, at any moment, a mountain of emot...ions can arise from a destruction of our perception... . It is my avoidance to want to fully understand someone - an attempt to avoid heartbreak... or grief.. wounds can be tore open with few words. Relating scares me. And ironically, it as equally energises and fulfills me. To me, this is cosmic fuckery sometimes. . The ability to lean in, in every moment is truly an art, one I find myself feeling exhausted by sometimes (hello cancer season) but I ask this Universe to expand. I ask for growth. And I can’t see my own insecurities - So I create someone else to bring my awareness to them. . The only person, that you can understand here, is yourself. May you find love in the reflections of others, understand, love and nourish your self, and be guided home to your own heart. Be gentle with yourself right now See more

03.01.2022 What an incredibly delicious and magical gift I have received, to share the medicine of meditative movement! On Fridays weekly in Moffat Beach, I will be offering a self expressive, explorative, free flow dance session at the Beauty Tofu wellness studio. An even more EXCITING announcement.. I will be offering my Emotional Intuitive 1:1 sessions here.. Both of these offerings being dreams I have had for a while. My fire has looked a different way for a little while whilst I've been on a flavourful internal journey.. My spark has been re-ignited now and shining and dazzling in all of it's deliciousness - ready to bring my magic to the world! mwahx

02.01.2022 Just as our physical body is always leaning towards a homeostasis (inner balance), as is our emotional/energetic body. I believe that nudges of energy are directed to our awareness through many synchronicities, reminding us to feel what’s become loud in our subconscious. Maybe we haven’t noticed the patterns we’ve played out a few more than a few times.. Maybe the physical manifestation of our emotional avoidance hasn’t quite even got our attention yet. But emotional is just as, if not even more important than our physical healing. Of course each person experiences a subjective reality, but as a mass consciousness we are experiencing a oneness level of expansion. This collective healing is an emotional evolution. A total transformation of blame, resentment and control, into a compassionate, loving and free, harmonious and collaborative future. See more

02.01.2022 A therapist is talking to a woman, in the midst of her grieving. He says to her, I’m going to put out both of my hands for you to choose from. In one hand you can choose to experience the most fulfilling, deepest, warmest, most heart-opening relationships and love that you’ve ever experienced. But this will also mean you will have to, at some point, experience deep loss, grief pain, and heartache. If you choose the other hand, you can be free from all of this pain, forever, ...but you will never be able to experience this fulfilling love. Until recently, I couldn’t see how beautiful grief was. I couldn’t love this suffering. I couldn’t love the grieving, the restricted breathing, the darkest clouds and the weight that limited me. But I see just how phenomenal it is, that we could have the most open heart to value and cherish someone’s presence so deeply, that knowing we will never see or feel or hear them again brings us pain. There is no life without death. There is no love without heartache, no pleasure without pain. The deeper you expand, the more pain you will feel. So do we stop then, this deepening? Do we close our heart and say - pain is not for me? Do we choose to be safe, resist intimacy, And never let ourselves fully lean in again, to avoid feeling? Do we choose to live in fear, resent the Universe, resent ourselves and blame others for our lack of fulfilment? Or can we fully accept that this polarity within our existence is here to serve us? Fulfilment comes from a FULL-filled experience - you cannot have joy without pain here. We need to feeeeeel it to feel full. Can we feel the fear but do it anyway? Can we let ourselves love again and return to the rhythm of the Earth, the inevitable seasons? Can we fall into the depths of Love itself and know that there will be pain, and that’s the joy in it? . Art by

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