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Forte School of Music Joondalup

Locality: Joondalup

Phone: +61 8 9468 3240

Address: 133 Grand Bvd #8 6027 Joondalup, WA, Australia


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23.01.2022 SMALL GROUP CLASSES at FORTE We offer Group Classes in Early Childhood Music Programs (from 6 months to 5 years), Childrens Piano Classes (5 to 11 years), Childrens Ukulele Classes (6 to 7 years) and Childrens Guitar Classes (7 to 12 years).... We offer Private Tuition for Piano (Classical and Contemporary), Guitar (Classical, Contemporary, Acoustic, Electric, 6-string and Bass), Ukulele, Drums, Vocals (Contemporary), Violin, Cello and Flute. Children under eight typically learn better in a class situation, though there are exceptions. As social beings and we feel good when we are with our families or friends. Group lessons may be more enjoyable for the child who is approximately the age of eight and below where they not only learn from their teachers, they also learn from their peers. As for children who are eight and above, some still do not take to individual lessons too well. In fact, we have cases of parents putting their child into the individual lesson too soon, resulting in a lack of interest and the child not progressing as fast as their peers who stayed in the group lesson. Providing a suitable condition and environment for childrens learning is vital to ensure the success at a young age. A child is only ready for the individual lesson when he/she can focus for at least half an hour on an instrument. For further information regarding our Classes or to book a Trial Lesson please contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

23.01.2022 IT TAKES EACH OF US TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR ALL OF US SO THE FORTE FAMILY STANDS TOGETHER As truly a unique and different journey awaits us all in the upcoming new school term, parents especially will be considering how online home schooling for their children will impact every aspect of the familys life. In order to survive this unprecedented situation and then hopefully thrive throughout the time, however long, it will be necessary to maintain a routine and make some new... rules. Thank goodness we still have MUSIC and FORTE stands strong to provide our families with music activity that includes the practice of positive social interactions whilst at the same time maintaining healthy brain activity. Music lightens our hearts, spreads joy and light and inspires us all every day. The new school term commences on Tuesday 28th April and we look forward to seeing everyone return for online lessons at the beginning of the term to maintain the continuity of music learning progress across the school. It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us and our commitment to our children is also a commitment to their teachers at this time. Its good to know Music is a constant companion for us all. The wonderful teachers at FORTE are also available for instrumental and vocal lessons on the Online Platform during this school holidays contact: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240 (please allow the number to ring longer for the call to divert)

21.01.2022 FORTE COVID-19 UPDATE 24/3 Dear Forte Family At this stage our school is running as normal, though we have successfully introduced the option of online lessons for private students (with Classes transferring to the online platform next week) and have taught around 50 online lessons in the last few days.... What we are doing as of 24/3: We are confident we are doing all we can to provide a safe space for learning. We have been conducting lessons online to great effect. Children need routine and connection in these times, and our students are loving their online classes! Our aim is to be teaching ALL of our lessons, both private students and class students, via the online platform by Monday 30th March. What we need from our families as of 24/3: Your support. This too shall pass, and we plan on being a better school when it does, though in the meantime we are doing everything in our power to continue to employ 20 wonderful music educators to teach over 380 students every week, and in these difficult times your support is crucial. While we are aware that these times are challenging for all of us, we believe that we can be a place of continuity, musical engagement, community and social learning. We ask that you: Consider which style of learning with us in Term 2 suits you best, and communicate that to us as soon as possible so we can best plan. If youve had a positive experience learning online, please share it with our greater community on our Facebook page here. Share our Facebook page - we want to spread the word that were not just open for business, but that were planning on being awesome at it. There will be a lot of kids with a lot of time up their sleeves in the next couple of weeks! Be patient as we transition to online delivery. For Music Lessons via the Online Platform, contact us via email at [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

20.01.2022 FORTE SCHOOL OF MUSIC commences Term One for 2020 on Monday 3rd February. We all take on board and process information in different ways. A single approach to delivering information doesnt suit every learner. At Forte we use a multi-sensory approach incorporating activities for the learning senses of visual, auditory and kinesthetic so each type of learner is catered. By learning music by doing each type of activity all of the senses are being developed and supported. Forte... was designed to be taught to groups of children with all sorts of learning styles and the pre learning activities are there to support all learners in the classroom and consolidate learning senses. Junior Keys is our flagship course. With its strong aural development program and along with keyboard harmony, easy graduated pathway of progress, we would love every child to have a chance to do Junior Keys Course. For information about our classes or to book a free trial lesson, contact us via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

20.01.2022 Come and perform all that you have learnt this year with Forte Joondalup at the Mid-Year Recital! Limited spots available!

19.01.2022 JUNGLE MUSIC at FORTE Jungle Music is Fortes award winning early childhood music program. Parents and children are given the opportunity to experience a wide range of musical activities in a nurturing, safe environment. Jungle Music Classes at FORTE cater for all early learning age groups: Jungle Babies from 6mths - 18mths... Jungle Tots 18mths - 2.5yrs Jungle Friends 2.5yrs - 3.5yrs Immersing babies and young children in a music rich environment of interactive musical activities has been proven to have a positive effect on the intellectual abilities of young children. Best of all, its loads of FUN for parent and child. For further information about Jungle Music Classes at Forte or to book a free trial lesson and find out how much fun learning music is, contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

19.01.2022 JANUARY SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS at FORTE! Forte School of Music at Joondalup presents Music Workshops for all ages during the January School Holidays. Keep connected with your music whilst joining with others and having fun. On Tuesday 14th January Forte opens the doors with a variety of workshops to engage and inspire children in an enjoyable and caring environment. Workshops are exciting and fun, develop musical senses, accommodate individual interests and nurture music ...creativity. For information about Workshops at Forte or to register your child, click on the link below.

18.01.2022 Forte at Joondalup Library this morning. Thank you to our wonderful singers with their joyous Christmas Carols.

17.01.2022 PIANO KEYS COURSE at FORTE We recommend beginners of 8 years and older start in PIANO KEYS COURSE. A full range of musical skills will be developed and students play piano in a class setting. We recommend your child learns in a small group where they can participate in a range of activities required to develop a broader range of musical skills than traditional private lessons.... For further information regarding the PIANO KEYS COURSE or to book a trial lesson contact Forte School of Music at Joondalup via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

16.01.2022 RETURNING TO LESSONS AT FORTE AND COVID SAFE STRATEGIES. As we return to face to face lessons at FORTE on Monday 18th May (next week), COVID Safe strategies are in place for everyone. For Classes, please allow 5 - 8 minutes between each lesson while instruments are disinfected and wiped clean before beginning the next class. For Private lessons teachers require approximately 3 minutes at the end of each lesson for this process. Your patience is valued at this challenging as we make every effort to ensure a clean working environment where habitual clean practice is paramount. This is how we are safeguarding the health of everyone: HAND HYGIENE - THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: Every student, parent, teacher and visitor MUST wash their hands (for at least 20 seconds with soap & water) on entering the building. SCHOOL HYGIENE: We have adequate disinfectant, toilet paper, paper towel to ensure we maintain a clean environment. EFTPOS machines will be wiped after every use, the reception top, bannisters, common door handles, the childrens area, light switches and the bathroom are monitored and sanitised hourly. PHYSICAL DISTANCING: We have identified that 39 people including teachers and reception staff is the limit for the centre. May we ask that only ONE parent or care giver attends Jungle Music and/or Music is Fun, JKC and/or CKC lessons. For other lessons drop students off at the front door after they have washed their hands. CLASSROOM HYGIENE: Disinfectant wipes will be in every classroom and teachers will ensure that every keyboard, piano or instrument is wiped/sanitised after every lesson. Any soft items will be disinfected with Glen 20 after each class. COUGH/SNEEZE ETIQUETTE: If you cough or sneeze, use a tissue or your elbow to cover your mouth and nose. Dispose of any tissues into the bin and follow up with washing your hands. IF YOU OR YOUR CHILD ARE UNWELL WITH A COUGH, FEVER OR RUNNY NOSE: PLEASE DO NOT attend class or bring your child to FORTE (including siblings) until they are well OR have a medical clearance from a doctor. You may be asked to go home if you or your child are visibly unwell. We will not risk the health of any of our staff, clients or students. With your assistance with the above mentioned requests, together, we will successfully navigate our way through the COVID situation. Looking forward to seeing everyone at FORTE again!

16.01.2022 FORTE COVID-19 UPDATE 24/3 Dear Forte Family We have successfully introduced the option of online lessons for private students (with Classes transferring to the online platform next week) and have taught around 50 online lessons in the last few days.... What we are doing as of 24/3: We are confident we are doing all we can to provide a safe space for learning. We have been conducting lessons online to great effect. Children need routine and connection in these times, and our students are loving their online classes! Our aim is to be teaching ALL of our lessons, both private students and class students, via the online platform by Monday 30th March. What we need from our families as of 24/3: Your support. This too shall pass, and we plan on being a better school when it does, though in the meantime we are doing everything in our power to continue to employ 20 wonderful music educators to teach over 380 students every week, and in these difficult times your support is crucial. While we are aware that these times are challenging for all of us, we believe that we can be a place of continuity, musical engagement, community and social learning. We ask that you: Consider which style of learning with us in Term 2 suits you best, and communicate that to us as soon as possible so we can best plan. If youve had a positive experience learning online, please share it with our greater community on our Facebook page here. Share our Facebook page - we want to spread the word that were not just open for business, but that were planning on being awesome at it. There will be a lot of kids with a lot of time up their sleeves in the next couple of weeks! Be patient as we transition to online delivery. For Music Lessons via the Online Platform, contact us via email at [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

15.01.2022 LEARNING TO PLAY THE VIOLIN AT FORTE The violin is probably the best known and most widely distributed musical instrument in the world. Characterised with a fretless fingerboard; its strings are hitched to tuning pegs and to a tailpiece passing over a bridge held in place by the pressure of the strings. The bridge transmits the strings’ vibrations to the violin belly, or soundboard, which is made of pine and amplifies the sound. The violin was early recognized for its singing... tone, especially in Italy, its birthplace. At Forte Violin Lessons are for everyone, from Beginners to more advanced players. To book your Trial Lesson now contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: (08) 9468 3240

15.01.2022 FORTE COURSES HAVE BEEN DESIGNED FOR AN EASY GRADUATED PROGRESSION OF LEARNING The first layer of learning is our early childhood programs of Jungle Music and Music is Fun. The next layer is in our flagship Junior Keys Course or Piano Keys Course which develops early playing skills along with a solid aural and rhythmic foundation.... Successive layers build upon the skills learned in earlier programmes. Creative Keys Courses, Private lessons on a second instrument and Rock School are all part of the extension programmes offered. Forte Courses are for everyone so the progression encapsulated within our course program is very gradual and the long established teaching strategies are integrated into our approach: "from the known to the unknown" We link all new learning to what our students already know or have learned. "one thing at a time" We teach one new thing/fragment/phrase/sign/touch at a time rather than bombarding a learner with lots of new things. "teach the part within the whole" We explore the whole piece first and then learn the fragment within the piece. Then we go and play the fragment within the context of the piece For further information about our classes or to book a Trial Lesson contact via email [email protected] or telephone 9468 3240 See you soon at Forte!

15.01.2022 LEARN TO PLAY THE CELLO AT FORTE! The Cello is an instrument that can be learnt at almost any age from around 7 years. Adults can also happily learn to play the Cello and thoroughly enjoy it! At FORTE we now offer Cello lessons for students wishing to play this remarkable instrument. What youll learn...... The correct posture (the way a player sits and holds their instrument) is important and is something that is developed over time. To play your instrument To read the music for the Cello and the theory required Aural skills especially designed for developing pitch - essential for playing the Cello. There are no frets on a Cello so the player has to develop a keen sense for pitch. We recommend young beginners to music (age 4 - 7 years) start with our Junior Keys Program where all the basics including pitch training are developed first. Come along to see just how good our Teachers are and how much you will enjoy learning to play the Cello at Forte. For further information about our classes or to book a Trial Lesson, contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240. See you at FORTE soon!

15.01.2022 ONLINE MUSIC LESSONS AT FORTE DURING COVID-19 At FORTE, we continue to inspire all of our students with music via the SKYPE Online Platform. It is our aim to serve you with passion, excellence, fun, creativity and respect in a nurturing kind environment. FORTE School of Music Teachers are committed to delivering quality music lessons. We are asking that you continue this journey with us through these times into next term. We recognise that online lessons are a huge change fro...m what we have been used to. Please continue to support us so we can be there on the other side of COVID-19 with you. For your SKYPE lesson: Organise to have headphones available for when you have an at-home virtual lesson. The sound is better with headphones however with younger children it is better to have a parent attend the lesson. Make sure no one is on Netflix or other game streaming, etc. Our Admin team works closely with all teachers, parents and students to ensure lessons, as much as possible, run on time. Steps to follow prior to having your SKYPE lesson: have your book ready to use setup your device so its facing your playing hands or you playing your instrument remove any distractions and background noise such as tv or computer games etc. Should you require further assistance or have any questions regarding online music lessons please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or telephone: 94683240

13.01.2022 FORTE SCHOOL OF MUSIC NEWSLETTER - TERM 2 ONLINE MUSIC LESSONS While the current situation with regard to the virus is continuing for at least the immediate future, we at FORTE are pleased to advertise our Online Music Lessons for everyone. Alongside the extra time spent at home comes the chance to devote yourself to practising your instrument and it brings even more reason to begin to learn that instrument youve been considering. The transfer of lessons last term to the ...Continue reading

13.01.2022 FORTE SCHOOL OF MUSIC JOONDALUP returns to face to face teaching on MONDAY 18th MAY. Classes and one-to-one lessons will be returning at FORTE School of Music next week as we re-open our doors on Monday 18th May. As schools go back, we too will be returning to face-to-face teaching. We will be using COVID Safe strategies with a gradual return to lessons depending on the teacher and type of lessons. ...Continue reading

10.01.2022 GROW THE YOUNG MUSICIAN INSIDE YOUR CHILD... Imagine giving your child the gift that learning music brings. In a few short years your child can play music, compose and improvise their own music, read all kinds of print music, chord charts and play along with other musicians in a band. Your child can play by ear as well as play by reading, make up their own accompaniments to melodies. In other words your child has become a little musician. MUSIC SKILLS YOUR CHILD WILL LEARN ...ARE: playing piano performing in concerts playing by memory reading music playing by ear (amazing aural skills) understanding theory playing with chords (keyboard harmony) improvising and composing Learning music has other terrific life skill benefits for children including the experience of "consistent effort over an extended period of time = results". This is often missing from children lives today with the instant gratification derived from computer games and ipads. At Forte we foster and build in plenty of opportunities for children to gain confidence and mastery. Confidence is built one step at a time as their success is shared with others in the regular small class concerts every few weeks. For further information about our Classes or to book a Trial Lesson contact by email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240.

10.01.2022 IMPORTANT: FORTE COVID-19 UPDATE 16/3 Dear Forte Family I am writing to outline the Forte School of Musics Joondalup Policy regarding the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).... Firstly, the situation regarding the emergence of Covid-19 in Australia is changing quickly, and our response will change with it. This policy will be updated as new information is made available or government advice changes. Our first priority is the health and wellbeing of our Forte family. Please know that we are closely monitoring the information coming through and have close contacts in WA Health Department who are guiding us. At this stage our schools are running as normal - this is a communication to let you know our current position and strategies for disruption. What we are doing: - We are continuing to run music lessons as they currently are, but are actively testing options for remote tutoring. - We are sanitising all instruments after EVERY class, along with the reception areas, EFTPOS machines, light switches and toy room after use. - We will be encouraging all students to stay home when unwell, and if attending the school presenting any flu-like symptoms will be asked to go home Unless we are instructed to cease trading by the Health Department, normal cancellation policies apply (4 weeks notice). What we are considering/planning for: - Online, Skype, Facetime lessons - please discuss this with administration if this is something that youd like to explore. - No private lessons in the second week of the upcoming school holidays. What we need from our families: The school has instigated a cautious approach to students displaying flu-like symptoms. Students who exhibit any one of the symptoms listed below are asked to refrain from attending school: Fever at or above 37.5 degrees Celsius Sore throat Continuous cough or sneezing Nasal congestion Shortness of breath If a student presents with any one of the above symptoms, they will be asked to go home, so please do exercise caution. The best safeguard against any virus or infection is to have good hand hygiene, so we ask that our students and parents: - Upon entering the school please wash your and your childs hands - Be cautious when you cough, and to do so into the inside of your elbow or a tissue - As much as possible avoid touching your face and mouth. There is an incredible amount of disinformation at this time, so we are being guided by the directives from the Health Department, and they have released an easy to understand FAQ for your information. Continuity of learning is important to us, and we will ensure that we can continue to share our love of music in a safe and inclusive environment in these challenging times. Thank you for your attention to this notice.

10.01.2022 FORTE School of Music at Joondalup is Open for Normal Lessons. We are still operating for normal lessons and will continue to do so until otherwise instructed by the government or health authorities. Our plan is to make online lessons available from next Friday 27th March for those who would rather that option. Normal lessons will continue at the school unti we are advised to close. From Friday 27th March we will have pre-recorded lessons available for those currently attending Forte classes complete with homework sheets emailed, and Skype lessons for private one on one tuition. Please let us know your preference at your earliest convenience via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

09.01.2022 TERM THREE AT FORTE! At FORTE, we are already into Week 3 of Term Three, have settled back into our lessons and have scheduled our play and practice times at home. Music is a channel for creativity and passion; it fills us with feelings, emotions and memories. So how do we help a child to develop the joy and desire to play with music?... Calling it play instead of practice will set a positive mindset, associating working on music skills alongside thoughts of computer games, dress ups, or riding a bike. Music playing can include creative and fun activities alongside the set work from the Teacher. Your child spends each day being directed by parents, teachers and coaches. They have other work to do when they come home: reading, maths, study. Here are some ideas to fit music playing into their busy lives and empower them to love playing: Understand what the expectation is of the Teacher and what it is the child is meant to achieve through set work for home. Keep a playing journal to communicate between the Teacher and the child. The best time for concentrated music playing is in the morning for 15-20 minutes for young children. With the child, break the set work into incremental goals so that they dont feel overwhelmed, are clear on what they are to achieve, and so the time doesnt feel like an eternity. To empower your child and give ownership of their work, negotiate a weekly contract with them. Explain that a Contract is a written promise, like when you take a loan from a Bank, and they are accountable for keeping their promise. Provide parameters like how many days need formal play vs fun/creative activities; how long the sessions will be; the goals discussed above that need to be achieved. Once the Contract is agreed, you and the child sign it and post it on the fridge. Refer your child to their promise if issues arise. It may need some tweaking to begin with to get it right, however, over time it means less nagging from the parent and learning responsibility and self-discipline for the child. Even very young children are able to work with an age-appropriate Contract. Review what worked with the Contract each week and every 5 weeks check in on goals met and achievements made. Ask the child how they would like to celebrate achieving goals and being responsible and honour their efforts with the choice of celebration (you may need to provide some options rather than open slather). Enjoy Term Three! For further information regarding our Classes or to book a Trial Lesson contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

09.01.2022 LEARNING MUSIC AT FORTE IS FUN! OUR MULTI-SENSORY APPROACH ENGAGES ALL THREE MAIN SENSES: Auditory Visual... Kinesthetic Traditionally music has been taught in a visual way where reading is the key. This approach makes it more difficult for auditory and kinesthetic learners. We all take onboard information utilising our senses; visual, auditory and kinesthetic. At Forte we encompass visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning activities with each piece so each type of learner is catered for. Children often experience additional benefits from engaging in our multi-sensory classroom in that they experience a strengthening of their weaker senses. This in turn can lead to a stronger and more robust learner in other areas of education. No wonder research shows children who learn a music do better at school! Forte has taken this to a whole new level with our multi-sensory approach. Not only does it make leaning music easier, but it makes for a better learner! For further information regarding our Classes or to book a Trial Lesson contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

09.01.2022 WELCOME TO TERM FOUR at FORTE! We hope a relaxing holiday break has been had by all! We are looking forward to seeing everyone back at FORTE from Monday 12th October for the commencement of Term Four. YAMAHA Pianos at FORTE:... The new term brings a chance for us all to set new achievement goals with our chosen instrument and some students will be working towards completing exams this term. There had been a need for another acoustic piano in the school for those students preparing for exams to play and last term, I am pleased to say, we added a fourth YAMAHA professional piano into the studio. Staff Notices: Miss Brittany has left FORTE to pursue her studies at University. We will miss her cheerful spirit and clever teaching and we wish her every success in the future. Over the last term, we are excited to welcome the following Teachers who are currently teaching the instruments and classes listed: Miss Kate - Piano, Vocal and Classes Miss Anneke - Cello, Piano and Classes Mr Darryl - Guitar: Acoustic, Electric and Bass. Instruments: To add to the growing list of instruments that we offer for our students at FORTE, we now provide lessons for Saxophone and for Flute for any students wishing to pursue these instruments. Our Teachers: Our Team of Teachers at FORTE works conscientiously and consistently to develop capabilities that inspire creativity and confidence; and to provide an encouraging and supportive environment where successful learning is promoted. Our Teachers also believe enthusiasm and energy are key elements in the delivery of the superb Music Program that is FORTE! COVID19 As you know, COVID is still a concern for all, so our policies and procedures, that have become part of our new daily normal lives, will continue in the school. The option of Online Lessons is available for anyone who requires this, and we especially ask anyone who is sick, in any small way, to remain at home and do an online lesson. Looking forward to having a fabulous Term Four at FORTE. For information about our Classes or to book a Trial Lesson contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240. See you soon at FORTE!

08.01.2022 FORTES EARLY PIANO COURSES will benefit your child through: enhancing brain development. Keyboard courses can improve your childs ability to think, learn, reason and create.... promoting active participation by children, which is essential for heightened brain development a strong focus on fun. Sensory-based activities enhance your childs learning experience and increase the impact and overall benefits afforded by music. building your childs confidence and self esteem. developing positive social skills such as sharing, respect and empathy. improving your childs memory, problem solving techniques, understanding and recollection. developing your childs fine and gross motor skills and coordination through playing different lines of music with both hands together. language development. Forte School of Music is currently taking enrolments for 2020. For information regarding our music classes; or to book a free trial music lesson; or to enrol, contact us on 94683240 or email [email protected]

07.01.2022 FORTE MUSIC LESSONS DURING THE EASTER HOLIDAY Many students have enquired as to whether FORTE will continue individual private instrumental and vocal lessons throughout the Holiday break. The answer: YES! If you would like to continue your instrumental or vocal lessons with Forte during the Easter Holiday Break just let your teacher know this week. ... Holiday lessons are available for instrument and vocal students only. Classes will not run during the Holidays. For further information about our music lessons during the Holidays or to book a trial lesson email at [email protected] or telephone 9468 3240.

07.01.2022 WELCOME TO TERM THREE at FORTE! We hope a relaxing break has been had by all! We are so looking forward to seeing everyone from Monday 20 July for the beginning of Term 3. As you know, COVID is still a concern for all, so our policies and procedures, that have become part of our new daily normal lives, will continue in the school. The option of Online Lessons is available for anyone who requires this, and we especially ask anyone who is sick, in any small way, to remain at ...home and do an online lesson. Looking forward to having a fabulous Term 3 together. For information about our Classes or to book a Trial Lesson contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240. See you soon at FORTE!

07.01.2022 Forte at Joondalup Library this morning!

06.01.2022 Due to popular demand, we are extending the January workshops into next week!! With workshops for drums, guitar, ukulele, piano, and of course the Extravaganza, theres something for everyone. Check out the updated information in the link below. JANUARY SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS at FORTE!... Forte School of Music at Joondalup presents Music Workshops for all ages during the January School Holidays. Keep connected with your music whilst joining with others and having fun. On Tuesday 14th January Forte opens the doors with a variety of workshops to engage and inspire children in an enjoyable and caring environment. Workshops are exciting and fun, develop musical senses, accommodate individual interests and nurture music creativity. For information about Workshops at Forte or to register your child, click on the link below.

05.01.2022 JANUARY SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS at FORTE! Forte School of Music at Joondalup presents Music Workshops for all ages during the January School Holidays. Keep connected with your music whilst joining with others and having fun. On Tuesday 14th January Forte opens the doors with a variety of workshops to engage and inspire children in an enjoyable and caring environment. Workshops are exciting and fun, develop musical senses, accommodate individual interests and nurture music cr...eativity. For information about Workshops at Forte or to register your child, click on the link below.

05.01.2022 At FORTE SCHOOL OF MUSIC at Joondalup we have guitar lessons, piano lessons, singing lessons, drum lessons in fact - most instruments. We teach music to children from as young as 6 months through primary, teenage and even adults! Our team of qualified professional musicians are fully trained to ensure you experience the very best in music tuition. LESSONS & PRIVATE TUITION... Lessons for children are available in small group classes or private tuition.... We also have private studios available for one on one tuition. We cater for most popular instruments including piano/keyboard, guitar (classical, acoustic, electric & bass) ukulele, saxophone, clarinet, flute, violin, viola, singing & drums. We bring creativity, energy, fun and music to all our classes and this creates a truly unique environment combined with all the colour you will see. For further information about Music Classes at FORTE or to book a trial lesson, contact Forte Joondalup by email: [email protected] or telephone: 94683240

03.01.2022 Please refer to the link below regarding the ANZAC long weekend.

03.01.2022 ISOLATING AND LOOKING FOR A FUN, AFFORDABLE AND EASY INSTRUMENT TO LEARN? Consider taking UKULELE Lessons at FORTE School of Music Joondalup.... Never has there been a better time to learn to play the UKULELE and at FORTE we are proud to offer amazing online lessons that are both engaging and enjoyable for everyone. From its humble origins in Hawaii, the UKULELE has become a feature in modern songwriting and music culture. Its beautiful timbre and distinctive voice has earne...d it a place in musicians hearts and repertoire. The UKULELEs high pitch register makes it a great accompaniment instrument as well as giving it instant melodic application. Its popularity extends to movie soundtracks, advertisements and rock and pop radio favourites such as Jason Mraz, Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift to mention a few. Building upon the very successful FORTE Teaching Methodology of learning music through listening, singing, playing, reading and writing, we offer a range of UKULELE syllabi: Ohana is the Hawaiian word for Family - Our Debut Course Kanikapila meaning Musical Jam Session - Our Intermediate Course Kahuna meaning Wizard or Expert - Our Masters Course For further information about UKULELE lessons at FORTE or to book a trial lesson contact [email protected] or telephone 94683240.

02.01.2022 JUNGLE MUSIC at FORTE Jungle Music is Fortes Award winning Early Childhood Music program. Parents and children are given the opportunity to experience a wide range of musical activities in a nurturing, safe environment. Jungle Music Classes at FORTE cater for early learning age groups: Jungle Tots 18mths - 2.5yrs... Jungle Friends 2.5yrs - 3.5yrs Immersing young children in a music rich environment of interactive musical activities has been proven to have a positive effect on the intellectual abilities of young children. Best of all, its loads of FUN for parent and child. For further information about Jungle Music Classes at Forte or to book a free trial lesson and find out how much fun learning music is, contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

02.01.2022 LEARNING MUSIC AT FORTE Music and Emotion Most of us experience emotional triggers by listening to a certain song or melody. A familiar piece of music sparks long forgotten emotions in us and the same concept of emotional triggers can be applied in children to help develop stronger emotional responses. Music writing, learning, speaking and acting are all the ways which can be used to help children learn positive things. Powerful lyrics reflecting honesty, respect and respons...ibility can help induce these concepts in childrens learning and because these concepts have been identified through tunes, chances are children will remember them long after they have grown up. Music is a fun and engaging activity which every child likes to engage in. It is a healthy way to impart social learning in children. It can be used to develop a childs character and help them develop emotionally. We know that musical writing is often regarded as a reflection of inner feelings and thoughts. Often these arent as apparent in behaviour but encouraging children to make up lyrics for a song or poem can help them to understand their inner feelings and consequently allow teachers and parents to help children overcome them effectively. We have guitar lessons, piano lessons, singing lessons, drum lessons in fact - most instruments. We teach music to children from as young as 6 months through primary, teenage and even adults! Our team of qualified professional musicians are fully trained to ensure you experience the very best in music tuition. LESSONS & PRIVATE TUITION... Lessons for children are available in small group classes or private tuition. We have studios available for one to one tuition. We cater for most popular instruments including piano/keyboard, guitar (classical, acoustic, electric & bass) saxophone, flute, violin, viola, cello, singing & drums. We bring creativity, energy, fun and music to all our classes and lessons and this creates a truly unique environment combined with all the colour you will see. For further information regarding our classes or to book a trial lesson contact via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240 See you soon at FORTE!

02.01.2022 WE ARE CLOSED EFFECTIVE MONDAY 30th MARCH Forte at Joondalup is transferring to the online platform for lessons from Monday 30 March. Thanks to those people who have already had a lesson online, great feedback. Its new to everyone, but it is working well. Lets all keep the music playing! Jungle Music: You will receive a notification on Facebook enabling you to watch the weeks video lesson as many times as you like. ...Continue reading

01.01.2022 PIANO and KEYBOARD LESSONS Piano/keyboard is our recommended instrument to start to learn music. It sounds great as a solo instrument or played in a band or ensemble. Starting to learn on the piano helps us to make sense of music, map it out logically, and make quality sound in a relatively short amount of time. Piano is also great because: ... - Its easy to understand. All the notes are laid out in order from lowest to highest. - It is easy to sound a note just push down a key! (some instruments require quite an effort to make a sound and can prove large and cumbersome for young children). - Piano is capable of melody and harmony so you can learn to play both. Piano requires the co-ordination of two hands playing different things at the same time while reading notes in two different clefs (treble and bass). This is easily mastered when learned at a young age. With this level of co-ordination, no wonder the piano has been proven particularly beneficial for brain development in children! To learn more about our CHILDRENS PIANO COURSES or to book a trial lesson contact Forte School of Music at Joondalup via email: [email protected] or telephone: 9468 3240

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