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Fortescue Golf Club in Newman, Western Australia | Golf course & country club

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Fortescue Golf Club

Locality: Newman, Western Australia

Address: 79 Giles Ave 6753 Newman, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hey there to all our golfing friends out there on the wide wide web, numbers down this weekend with shit workers, other codes, good luck pioneers and saints, also All Blacks and Wallabies, anyway. Todays golfer great win 74 Gross, Tony Graham. @nd count back Danny TeMo, and in 3rd Jayson Thomas. Our long drivers today Sim.3 and 16, Danny TeMo 8 and 12. Peter H near pins 11 and 17. Roo on 9 and Brendon near Pin 7. Windy weekend but fun, offf to wtch the footy, good luck all teams but reall go the All Blacks, Hit em high, hit em long, Hit em straight. May your putts be few.

25.01.2022 Bloody Slow Cup Golf day, this year is on, get a team together, and come and enjoy an awesome day out.

25.01.2022 Great weekend of golf, with 46 starters, for our fortuscue open great turn out. Thank you to or major sponsors Centurion, and Cellarbrations, and also all our other sponsers, Pirtek, Ultimech, Betty Barber, Woolworths, Smartmart, Galvins, Roos Plumbing, Quick Chill who without you we couldn't run this event (sorry if I missed anyone), also to Home and Heart, and Home Hardware, for the great prizes. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who help run the weekend, and help get... the course looking awesome. A even bigger THANK YOU, to Charmaine, for tirelessly organizing everything and keeping everything running. All our visitors for the weekend, thank you for coming. Congratulations to all the winners, well played. Next year we will be celebrating 50 years of Fortescue Golf Club, (in our 51st year), so how to see you all again and more. Thank you again to all. Fortuscue Golf Club

24.01.2022 So here we are golfing peeps of the world. Yep Karratha last weekend sent everything into a spin. To say i played golf would be........just a say I had a great gotit. Fairways amazing, greens i have to go with improved and inconsistent like my golf really. Big shout out to my bro Wayno, cheers brother, we certainly ploughed through the beers and spirits, the beast stretch from TP, and Yabbi good effort boys. Look forward to catch upon our Open 21st 22nd... September. Over the last weekends, yeh boi goes out to Jayson for cleaning out the birdie pool. Great game Mick Sachse 43 points, 2nd Stephen Delaney by count back from Brendon 36 points. Yesterdays golfing went to Stephen Delaney, 44 points with a wipe, coming back from injury and Taif. 2nd to Dave Schofield 42 points solid back 9 way to bring it home, and in 3rd with 41 points and being away for a bit of a spell, welcome back Ben Haigh. A little tired today folks so the rapport and banter is a little on hold, however just the biggest reminder Fortescue Open 21st and 22nd September, scroungers on the Friday. Hope to see as many as possible to make the weekend a joyful success, and play good golf. Till next we meet keep swinging, hit em long, hit em straight hit em in See more

23.01.2022 Ok Ok ok ok I here now so those of you been hanging out for golf news fix here i am. Par round golf done and dusted and we had some out of the woodwork golf played over the week. Huge thankyou to our members sponsorship over the weekend, Mark Edwards , Ewan Bateman and Kevin Doran always supporting our club, every contribution goes a long way to keeping us here. Well you guessed it on count back at +4 , he will call you out on the bus, told ya I would be back, Newmans best go...lfer this week anyway,Mr James Hibbert In 2nd on countback coulda woulda shoulda and OMG did you see how far that boy can crush a ball, congrats on beating, well me, in Match Play, Josh Finlay also +4, countback was the call for the day with a 3-way for third, Kev the Im only a 24 handicapper, Simon the Shark Im back Norman and the whew weeee Im a single handicapper Brendon Tanham with me new clubs and more settled putting chipping and demeanour, all these guys on +3, the winner by countback Kevin Doran. Keith Williamscontinues to impress by taking 2 novelties, bothe near pins, 7 and 9. Roo giving it his all NAGA for the day, looks like Elton John in his prize and crushed long Drives 8 and 16 for Novelties. Long long long drive 12 Josh Finlay, just as an addition for those who know the course well, Par 5 Number 3 Josh flew the blue marker on the hill, not on fairway but hell of a lot closer to Green than Tee box. The ever present Tony Graham near pin 17, goin down in his match to the Long Drive champion on 3 Ewan Bateman. We also thank Ewan for his hard out work on preparing Salad for our lunch, unfortunately i didnt get any but the cheese slices bang on , huge thanks to Michelle and Trina for their support and providing us with lunch, afternoon dinner nibbles went down a treat, Kev your bun making skills spot on and perfect number. Stableford winners for next weeks match, 2nd to last round Club Champs, all the Divisions looking pretty close at the top of the leader board, good luck everyone and as always, may your ball flights be smooth, your aim precise, your putting true and most of all enjoy the most frustrating game ever invented. Till next we meet see ya on the courses of the world or social media fairways. See more

23.01.2022 Come one, Come all, to the Karaoke Extravaganza, new and current members welcome. Come down and enjoy the hospitality of the club. doesnt mattrr if you are the next big singing star or a shower warrior, come on down, have some fun, and see what all the fuss is about, at the best place to be, in Newman. See you all there Saturday.

23.01.2022 What a great day today at the bloody slow cup golf day had by all. A great turn out all the men and women, that to all the volunteers and the winners.

23.01.2022 COVID 19 update from your president Pat Anderson Good morning all members and golfer in Newman. We the committee had a meeting last night and have decided to suspend all golf competition until further notice due to heath risk and social distancing. All rakes will be removed from the course, flags will remain in for the time being but please dont remove the flags if youre have a hit. The course will be open for members. Plus green fee people to come and pay and have a hit still but please respect social distancing laws. The club itself is officially closed and no one expected the president, treasurer and the bar manager will be allowed in the club for emergencies. If you have any questions please give me a text message on 0417943160 and Ill try to answer you questions ASAP as Im in at work.

23.01.2022 Ok people golf is back on!!!! Friday at 3.30 rego Saturday 10.30 rego. There will be a few rules. 1 one rake per group. ... 2 only remove the flag with you glove hand. 3 no novelties and no presentation or hanging around at the end. Winner will get prize the next week. 4 the bar will not be open so BYO at the moment. 5 membership is due so fill out your forms and you can pay electronically through the bank so no money changing hands, which is the preferred way at the moment. 6 please try to remember your social distancing of 1.5m please. So lets get along and have so fun. See more

22.01.2022 Members please read!!

22.01.2022 Sunday November 8th, Fortuscue Golf Club AGM. Come down have your say, all positions will be vacant, and up for nomination. So please come on down and have your say and be part of our future.

21.01.2022 Karoke Friday night...kiddies welcome 4.00 till 6.00....practicing muscicians 6.00 to later aspiring greats on til late good luck come join the fun

18.01.2022 Calling on all members and helpful people!! Fortescue Golf Club is having a busy bee and BBQ this coming Monday 8th June starting 9am !! Lots of hands make light work! Come on down and give us a hand in preparation for our re-opening of the club after COVID-19 restrictions ease! Your efforts and smiley faces would be very much appreciated!! ... Looking forward to seeing you out on the green or enjoying a coldy on the deck this winter season

16.01.2022 People please take time to read. We can still keep playing golf. But we must take time to respect the laws that have been put in place. So just remember to keep you social distances of 4sqm please. If we have to leave the flag in then thats what we need to do. The rake is going to be the hardest thing on our course so we need to take care with these. If anyone has a good idea about how we can control and minimize contact please let me know. Maybe we need to make our own rakes up??

16.01.2022 Memorial Golf Day in Memory of Desmond OBrien 7 February 1951 - 29 January 2020. RIP Bro!!! Saturday 23rd May 2020 tee off at 11.30am A haggle will be run on the day $20 entry WINNER TAKE ALL All are welcome

16.01.2022 Next Friday special event at the golf club, Come on down, especially if your a vintage classic model, and want to habe sound fun, with like minded people.

16.01.2022 HELP! Do any of our members have an RSA or know anyone who would be willing to donate their time for 2 upcoming events? I'm not posting the dates as to not stress the party holder, so PM for more info please

15.01.2022 Hello golfer heres some helpful tips.

15.01.2022 Newman Neighbourhood Centre are hosting a Return to Bali night at the golf club this Friday night. Bintangs and even a bit of karaoke, bookings are essential

14.01.2022 Ok u Friday night scroungers...I believe someone mistakenly took my car keys...Toyota Hilux key with black rubber surround...gate key and door key....if u wouldnt mind checking this would be greatly appreciated

14.01.2022 Hey there golfers of the world DTM back in Captain seat at Golf to thank all those who follow us in baited anticipation awaiting results and events..well here we go todays winners and grinders...1st Tony Graham on count back from arch rival and 2nd place winner James Hibbert and a closely contested 3rd place went to yep me Dan Temo. If you are interested in joining our club in whatever capacity come along..scroungers Fridays 3.30 no handicap required...we have clubs and lots of volunteers to assist with swing scoring fun and if you like, drinking.. How about a ladies day or junior coaching clinics..drop a line love to hear back. See ya on the courses of the world

13.01.2022 Hello to all you golfing fanatics, yes I am back. I have enjoyed my time away at home visiting my mum and relatives, did not enjoy the two sparined ankles and repetitive gout in said ankles, left knee and right big toe, if you have never had gout the closest description i can give would be to take bindy prickles in a cluster, put them inside your sock and then try to walk, crippling. Anyway enough about me. I have entered all the score cards for the last 5 weeks, some interes...ting and not so interesting scoring. It is however good to see we are embracing our Sunday summer golf, 9 hole competition. This weeks results saw a four way tie at the top of the score sheet, all on 17 points, Kevin Doran, took it out on count back, Trev Turner was second and in 3rd Ewan Bateman, we welcome Steve Jolly along for the day and he just missed out also on 17. TT was nearest pin 11, Kev Doran long drive 16 and Dave Schofield long dr 12. Condolences to our English clientelle and congrats to our South African friends grand effort to make the finals and also to win. History making event for their Captain changes area comin. Anyway next week stableford front 9. I also hear there is an AGM to follow, some key roles appear to be changing, if you are a member and want to make a change rock along, should be underway around 10.30am straight after golf. Coe up join us for breakfast. Till next time we meet on the field of battle, hit em long, hit em straight hit em in, See more

12.01.2022 Dont forget tomorrow is the day for our vintage classics karaoke so come on down ans enjoy good times with like minded people

11.01.2022 Just a heads up Charmaine will be up at the club house Friday from 3.00 pm and Saturday from 10 am for membership renewals.Just a heads up Charmaine will be up at the club house Friday from 3.00 pm and Saturday from 10 am for membership renewals.

11.01.2022 Unfortunately due to circumstances Karaoke will be cancelled until further notice. We are sorry.Unfortunately due to circumstances Karaoke will be cancelled until further notice. We are sorry.

09.01.2022 By special request, karaoke tomorrow afternoon. Come and give it a go or sit and enjoy the entertainment

09.01.2022 More photos from weekend, all of our starters for weekend

09.01.2022 Hi people it has been reported to me that people arent adhering to the rules and laws of social distancing!! If you play golf its 2 people max and you MUST stay 1.5m apart at all times. That means one person in a cart and one can walk!! If you dont want to adhere to these rule we the committee might have to ask you leave the course and there could be restrictions put on you or we will have to close the course completely I would hate for the police to get involved! So please please respect our request through these tough times so other people can enjoy some excise as well. Pat Anderson FGC President

07.01.2022 Tjanks to all thday came down for our vintage classics night at the golf club, hope all had a good night. Wwe will have more photos coming, but for now heres our resident fun expert, Simmo.

07.01.2022 Tonight is the night, come on down from 6pm for the vintage classics karaoke, have fun, enjoy and get on down

07.01.2022 karaoke tonight 6pm. Bring a plate to share. C u there.

06.01.2022 Come down next Friday, bring the family, and those singing voices too

06.01.2022 Hey there wheel tappers and shunters forgot to post results over weekend. Nobby Clark flying 1st...beat out Brendon who had an impressive 36 of the stick for Net 33.. beaten by 1 point on count back...Dave Schofield 3rd fought off count back challenges from Mick Sachse and Danny Temo...Some great golf being played good numbers and wonderful Xmas prizes to wet the pallet and entice the tum tum...scroungers 3.30 Friday come one come all...karaoke Saturday nights and Sunday comp 7.00am see ya on the field of battle

06.01.2022 Hi members, Things are getting tougher. We have received notification from GolfWA that golf is subject to restrictions in place under the Public Health Act 2016 (WA) Sections 157 (1)(k) and 190 (1)(p) Preventative Restriction of Activities Direction.... Chief Executive GolfWA says "My reading of the Emergency Management Act - Closure of Certain Places would say that non community clubs (i.e private clubs) can still operate. Clearly, reading the Activities Direction, golf cannot be played in groups of 2 or more, unless people normally reside together." The directions that affect us are 4 A person must refrain from undertaking or engaging in an affected activity. 5 A person must not organise an affected activity. 6 A person must not attend an affected activity The part of the definitions of an affected activity that affects us is the statement "a gathering of 2 or more people, who do not ordinarily reside at the same premises, for the purpose of participating in a sporting activity together." In short, Golf as we know it, is off the menu! You may play on your own or with another player if you live in the same house. Regards Pat Anderson FGC President

05.01.2022 Morning peeps and golfers...appreciate the positions we are in and opportunity to play golf when we can however be nice to have ping drivwr put back in my bag so i too mufht be able to play a few holes bag was in the now back in buggy room thankyou

05.01.2022 Ok ladies dont forget to get on up and have a crack at golf this Friday night! Then have a sing along and a couple of quieties after.

05.01.2022 Gidday mate, late write up from last week bloody slack kiwi some excuse about working late meetings and functions, anyway. Last weeks round went like this, our mid week winner who is also holidaying overseas, Kevin Doran with 42 points. 2nd place, a long time away goes to Mark Murtagh also with 42 points, lost on count back, and third place went to our other I am outta here for the Bledisloe Cup in Perth yeehaa, Keith Williams with 40 points. Our long drivers for the weekend ..., on 3 Stephen Delaney, 8 Simon the Shark Norman, and way up 12, Danny Preston. Near Pins 7 good ol Trev Turner, 11 Dave Schofield and on 17 yep that would be me Dan TeMo.Next week last of our championship rounds and i did hear the midweek posted a pretty serious contender for overall, well played but that result in todays write uptomorrow, till then , hit em long , hit em straight hit em in, c ya on the courses of the world. See more

05.01.2022 Don't forget this Sunday, is Fortescue Golf Club AGM. So come on down if yippy would like your voice heard. Nominations must be in by Wednesday the 4th of November.

04.01.2022 Hey there big wide wonderful world...just an update..karaoke night tonight has been cancelled look forward to next week

02.01.2022 1 more sleep and we do it, Vintage Classics Karaoke.

02.01.2022 Afternoon golfers! We had a great turnout yesterday for par bisque, we had 18 player struggling to understand how to play par bisque. But after a bit of constructive conversation off we went!! We all thought we had the chase down a massive score by Keith Williams of +16 but after a score check his card was withered back to +2 and Dickie went from +5 to -3 sorry gentlemen. Anyway so after all that we had the winner 1st Tom Alexander on +5 2nd Les Hawkins on +4 3rd Kev Duran o...n +3 Well done gentlemen and thanks to all that played, was a great day. Next week is Canadian foursomes so heres a read for you all. See more


01.01.2022 Golf Australia has released the following statement on March 30: As you are aware, COVID-19 or the Coronavirus as it is more commonly known has created global health concerns regarding the disease and its infection rates.... Golf Australia is continuing to provide further assistance and guidance to our clubs and facilities on this important topic. It is Golf Australias recommendation that, based on the Prime Ministers announcement on Sunday evening, March 29 that limits outdoor gatherings to two persons or fewer, all golf clubs and facilities should close until further notice. The Prime Minister stated that all Australians should stay at home except for: Shopping for essentials Medical purposes Exercise Work and education if you cannot work or learn remotely A number of state/territory Premiers and Chief Ministers have already supported this view and reinforced to their state/territory residents that this advice should be followed. This messaging has been clear on what constitutes exercise and while golf is used for exercise for many, it is clear that golf does not fall within this definition based on public government statements in the last 24 hours. It is expected that states/territories will all take this position over the coming days. Golf Australia acknowledges that some state/territory governments will provide additional information and we will keep you up to date as and when additional state/territory based announcements are made so you are clear on the legalities of golf courses and their operations moving forward. While this is a difficult time for the golf industry and wider society, Golf Australia is committed to working with clubs and facilities across the state to ensure that we return a vibrant, strong industry. So people it looks like we are going to close the course until further notice. Pat Anderson Club President

01.01.2022 It's Back, this friday, Vintage Classics Karaoke, so come on down and get your jive on. All members and non members alike welcome

01.01.2022 Hello there all golfers. Golf will go ahead as normal this afternoon and Sunday morning. All we need is that everyone shows a little bit of caution and respect for themselves and others. We will have some hand wipes at the bar and the bar, staff will be washing there hands before serving you drinks. Please come along and enjoy a drink and 6 holes of golf this arvo!! 3.30 rego and 4.00pm tee off.

01.01.2022 This Friday 4pm onwards fun for all

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