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For The Love of Oils with Tyler Trevitt in Ramsgate, New South Wales, Australia | Businesses

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For The Love of Oils with Tyler Trevitt

Locality: Ramsgate, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 431 822 379


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25.01.2022 Lately I have been drawn to Grapefruit Essential Oil, particularly in my water everyday. On an emotional level: Grapefruit is the oil of honouring the body. Encouraging body positivity and less judgement. Ultimately planting the seed for a healthy relationship with our physical selves. I know I am not the only one who can be sucked into the social media vortex of self doubt, especially self body shaming thinking we can never compete with these beautiful women with their bodies and we are left feeling incomplete and inadequate. I am a fit person and do take care of my body but no matter what size or weight I am, sometimes I feel it is just not good enough or wishing I looked 'more like her'. I am learning and implementing self love and accepting my flaws and all and that shit is hard! But there is someone out their wishing they had your body, your confidence and your will to love yourself. We are more than just our bodies and your doing an amazing job at life. Everything is much more brighter and beautiful when we stop looking for flaws. So if your feeling the above, I strongly suggest you implement Grapefruit Essential Oil into your routine and start planting those seeds.

25.01.2022 Itchy eyes? Runny Nose? Sneezing? We got you covered!! If you have not tried this blend and you are a seasonal threats sufferer? GET ON BOARD! ... In a 10ml Roller bottle; 5 Drops Peppermint 5 Drops Lavender 5 Drops Lemon Top with carrier oil So so so good.. this blend not only supports reducing inflammation caused by allergies, it assists alleviating the annoying symptoms of seasonal threats (coughing,itchy eyes, nose etc) and it supports the immune system against our sensitivities to mother nature. No roller? No worries, chuck a drop each of the above Essential Oils in your diffuser and get that pumping!! I love love love this blend.. give it a whirl and let me know how it works for you.

24.01.2022 Here’s a little insight if you don’t know me First job - Gloria Jeans Coffee started as soon as I turned 14.. I thought it was so fun haha. Dream job - doing it Astrological Sign - Virgo ... Favorite pizza - Perry Perry Chicken! From Crust Favorite animal - Puppies Favorite footwear - Ugg boots or thongs Favourite candy - anything Chocolate Favorite Ice Cream - White choc salted caramel from Messina Pet peeve - oh the list is endless but something that shits my gears is Rude people that don’t say Please or Thank you! What vehicle do you drive - Audi A1 How tall are you - 160cm Favorite tv show - Loving at the moment The Hand Maids Tale Lefty or Righty - right Dream Vacation - Anywhere tropical.. beachy (really hanging for a Europe trip) Favorite Music - ohh thats so hard!! I love old school RnB, POP, EDM .. sooo many!! Favorite Holiday- So many.. but I love Bali. It’s Mine and Tommy’s annual trip tradition and where We will get married! Night Owl or Early bird- Defs a night owl! Hate early birds!! Favorite day of week - Friday’s for sure! Tattoos: I have 4 (all on my feet) haha (evil eye, empathy symbol, a T initial, and ‘Meam Fortunam Mihi excudo’ which I laugh every time I say that coz Tommy says it with a dirty European accent it means ‘I am the creator of my own Luck’ Piercings: Man have I had a few.. only ears and belly button now. Like to cook - no Can you drive a stick shift? I could if it was an emergency but it would be stalled majority of the time haha Favorite color - Purple Do you like vegetables- yes love them Do you wear glasses - yes only for computer and reading Favorite season - summer for sure Someone do this with me! Just Copy and Paste on your Status and type in your answers.

24.01.2022 Feeling the Sunday Blues !! One of my all time faves Peppermint is so versatile I’m just obsessed Instead of reaching for your afternoon pick me up coffee or shot of vodka!! Reach for this oil I either diffuse with another citrus Doterra oil or just place a drop in my hands and inhale deeply. It’s amazing!! This oil is also great for head tension. Place a drop or two mixed equally with FCO and rub on the back of your neck and on your temples. It provides such... a cooling effect its really refreshing and eases my tension away in a matter of minutes! I never leave home without my Peppermint essential oil.. it’s fantastic #peppermint #peppermintoil #doterra #doterraoils #loveoil #tensionheadache #essentialoils #doterralove #doterraliving #doterralifestyle See more

22.01.2022 AUGUST IS HERE Get 10% off the on guard laundry detergent Product of the month is Rosemary- This oil has WAY more benefits than just used to season food .. it is great for: stimulating hair growth (add a few drops to your shampoo) reducing inflammation ... aids in focus and concentration respiratory support Plus more Hold your !!! The LLV vitamin range promo has continued into August! So if your thinking of becoming a wholesale member! There is no better time to join you have the opportunity in getting the supplements completely FREE!

22.01.2022 Essential oils and children free EBOOK! Please have a read if you use essential oils on kiddies xx

21.01.2022 WOW!! Just a reminder to those who think they may be getting a great deal on DoTERRA Essential oils by purchasing through certain 'bargain' sites. Check out this video on what you could potentially be purchasing. This is why it is so important you get your OWN wholesale account. If you need a hand setting up an account, please reach out and I can help you get started.

20.01.2022 How do you apply your essential oils? Here's a quick little guide for 5 easy ways you can apply essential oils. Each oil is so different to me and there are different ways in which I like to apply them. ... Whats your fav?

19.01.2022 OMG!! I just love the Balance Oil.. How amazing!!

18.01.2022 I have the BIGGEST Sweet tooth.. I cant help it and can be a serious problem at times. BUT.. These are my go-to-oils to help ease those crazy cravings!! Lemon Grapefruit ... Smart & Sassy I have any of these three oils in my water EVERYDAY to help give those craving a double Plus I have noticed how much more water I am drinking through out the day because my water is no longer boring or tasteless. Lemon is super detoxifying and cleansing and I love to add a drop into my water the first thing in the morning. Grapefruit is naturally high in antioxidants and helps increase energy levels and metabolism.. plus it is the sweeter tasting of the three so incredible at curbing those sugar cravings Smart & Sassy, Doterra’s active or metabolic blend is a combo of some amazing, powerful oils known to support a healthy metabolism when taken internally. I also love taking 1 drop either in water or straight into my mouth daily.. SUCH an amazing blend.

14.01.2022 Ugly Truth to Vicks!! GET RID OF IT!! - Particularly if your using it on small bubs/kids.. SCARY!

14.01.2022 Hello!!!! DoTERRA already have one and its called TerraArmour It comes in either a 15ml bottle that you can apply topically with carrier oil or pop a couple of drops in the diffuser or you can buy the super convenient Outdoor 30ml spray! I love being outdoors BUT I cannot stand bugs and in particular MOZZIES! The can bug-GER OFF... (See what I did there haha) ... There is a reason you choke and cough when you spray 'traditional' bug repellents most of those are loaded with toxic chemicals and clearly advise on the bottle to avoid 'breathing it in or applying to your face' Some scary shit! Personally, I love the TerraArmour spray for easy application and so so great to take away with me when I head overseas and most of the time its a HOT destination with loads of little critters and Mozzies BUT I can relax and chill out knowing I am protected as well as not using toxic, chemical filled rubbish.

02.01.2022 DIY Bath Bombs!! This is amazing!! I cant wait to try some of these out!!

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