Fortitude Health and Wellness | Health & wellness website
Fortitude Health and Wellness
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25.01.2022 Welcome to the 21st century @fortitude.hw You can now book online consultations with me, as well as having the option to see me in person alternate Fridays at the incredible @wholehealthstudio and @city.cave.ipswich - All bookings can be made via the link in my bio
24.01.2022 Why go out when you can STAY HOME and whip up some cookie dough bites Recipe in stories / nutrition highlights
23.01.2022 Reaching into 2020
23.01.2022 In the words of @laurathomasphd Body weight is defended by a powerful biological system that reacts to a negative energy balance by lowering metabolism and increasing hunger signals, so that you become a little bit obsessed with food and a wider range of foods taste good. So on one hand, your metabolism is slowing down and on the other, food is more and more appealing. And you have a complex cascade of hormones and neurotransmitters driving this phenomenon. It’s not greed or lack of willpower. It’s biology If you (like so many others) have/are struggling with ‘sticking to a diet, don’t be so hard on yourself, it’s biology not willpower you’re fighting against. And sometimes you shouldn’t even be fighting it, make sure you’re getting your health advice from qualified practitioners
21.01.2022 Feeling rundown, overwhelmed, anxious, confused about what you should be eating, nervous about hitting the beach? Booking a consultation with me means exploring your healthy history, current diet and lifestyle as well as deep diving into your relationship with food. Oh and talking about poo Nutrition is directly linked to your energy and vitality, your mental health and your hormones. Weight loss is never the focus - ensuring you are educated, empowered and invested in feeling better is the goal. After every consultation you should walk away feeling inspired, nutrition nerd certified and like you have your own little cheerleader behind you to make sustainable lifelong changes. Bookings can be made with the link in bio
21.01.2022 Recipe for San Choy Bow is up on the FHW website, an absolute favorite in my house and my clients
19.01.2022 Booked back to back @city.cave.ipswich tomorrow if you’re interested in a consultation, book via the link in bio Face to face available in Ipswich and the Gold Coast @wholehealthstudio + online
19.01.2022 Considering I enjoy an overpriced cocktail as much as the next millennial, I thought I would share my tips for sneaking some health into the festive fanfare: Greens at every main meal. Chuck some baby spinach in your morning smoothie and add a side salad to your cheesy pizza. Instead of going without, add in some green goodness to increase your nutrient intake. Drink clear. If you're headed for a night out of drinking, consider sticking to vodka & soda water, yes it has l...ess calories BUT my reasoning is more so because it has less sugars and added nasties. An added bonus to this is that your hangover won't be as bad. And don't forget the most important clear liquid of them all- water! As the summer heat increases your body's hydration needs increase too, aim for a minimum of 2.5L a day. Get sweaty. Wether it's a walk, weights session, hot yoga or sauna getting a sweat up is key in you body's detoxification pathways. There's no need to skip all of the yummy seasonal offerings if you can support your body with good nutrition , proper hydration and movement See more
19.01.2022 Hormones aren’t just about periods and making babies! Your hormones play pivotal roles in mood and energy levels. And what you eat absolutely has an effect on the outcome. Your protein intake, the presence of sugar and refined carbs, consumption of (or lack of) healthy fats- not to mention your stress levels and HOW you eat all impact your hormones. So if you want happy, healthy, balanced hormones make sure you’re paying attention to your nutrition
17.01.2022 I’m so lucky that I can offer my services online It may not be part of government restrictions (at this stage) but I have the opportunity to move online and do my bit to help slow down the spread of COVID-19. So head to the link in bio to make your online booking
16.01.2022 Press through the heel, small gap under the waist, hips stacked a v speedy version of today’s glutes series
16.01.2022 Thankful for a relaxing day and a bit away, despite it getting cut short. Lucky I squeezed in pizza, poke, chocolate ganache donut, avo and fresh baked sourdough, fish and chips, ice cream, beers, and an abnormally large cookie Guilty, no way. Happy to have a weekend full of delicious food shared with my fav person, strong yes This week I’ll probs still be eating avo and fish, add some greens and I’ll swap all the boujee sweets for my beloved dark chocolate instead
15.01.2022 What’s better than the gift of health?! Gift vouchers available for purchase this Christmas Email (in bio) to purchase
13.01.2022 Nothing better then starting a Sunday with some movement, followed by the complete opposite To ensure the rest of my day is as rancho relaxo as can be, I’m putting a cap on how much Covid-19 info I expose myself too. It’s absolutely necessary to keep informed with the current environment changing almost daily, but it’s also super overwhelming! It’s okay to feel on edge/anxious/scared when everything is unknown and out of our control. But you can control wether you read a book, or a dozen different articles (from non health professionals) that hype you up and scare you even more. I’ll stay up to date by checking the government health website every morning and then that’s it
11.01.2022 Nightly routine what you put on your body is just as important as what you put in it. Shout out to my skin angel @the_functional_nurse
10.01.2022 Sunday slow down I had my second attempt ever at yoga today. I am a beginner (obviously) so nestled in for a 20min YouTube class from @adrienelouise We all start somewhere - my goal is to find a local class to make time for every week. If you’ve got suggestions let me know
10.01.2022 Don’t forget to move that body over the weekend not only is it good for the physical body it’s great for the mental. Regular exercise has a profoundly positive impact on the influence of stress, depression and anxiety. AND it helps improve sleep and boosts your overall mood thanks to those happy hormones
09.01.2022 Whilst I don’t promote weight loss for the benefits of a bikini booty shot on the gram, let’s be honest - the onset of summer usually has us all reassessing our health and wanting to do better. So let’s do better together Book an initial consult with me in November and a follow up before the end of January 2020 to enjoy 20% off. This summer loving package is available across both clinic locations as well as online, but with limited spaces. Book your initial consult through the following link ASAP before spaces fill up
03.01.2022 Does size matter? Short answer, no. I was doing my laundry this weekend and noticed (let’s be honest, not for the first time) that I vary from a size 8 to a 12. Not yearly, not when I’m pre menstrual, literally within a 12 hour time period. And why? Because Australian clothing standards, or lack there of, suckkkkk. What a little mind fuck it is to go from a 8 in one store to a 12 in another. Measure your health through your mood and energy, not through a cotton sizing label
01.01.2022 B A L A N C E something I have fallen so incredibly short of in the last 6 months (at least). Those that know we well, know I’m busy all the time. And I fucking have been. But on reflection I don’t feel like I’ve achieved much. Why? Because I’ve been exhausted, which means I haven’t had the capacity to put 100% into anything. I’ve just been half assing it all over the place. Even the thought of doing an insta post was draining to me. It sounds like I’m being hard on myself but it’s a harsh truth I’ve come to realize over the last few weeks. So in 2020 I’m focusing on balance, saying no thx to things and changing my priorities. Focusing on a just a select handful of things and giving them my all Quality over quantity in 2020, more time for rest and play- and using my full ass
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