Forward Motion Healing in Cooranbong, New South Wales | Alternative & holistic health service
Forward Motion Healing
Locality: Cooranbong, New South Wales
Phone: +61 431 997 806
Address: Cooranbong Cooranbong, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Projected opening for therapeutic massage only post 11th May. Strict protocols in place. Other services available on skype and messenger. For update and protocols email [email protected] and request update newsletters.... Prices quoted here begin June Ist. Until then previous prices apply.
25.01.2022 PRESENTING MY FAMILY PORTRAIT. FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS WORKSHOP SUNDAY 15TH MARCH My family system; Who is included? ... Who is missing? Who is forgotten? Who is remembered? What is unhealed? Who is so small we cant quite see them? Who is so big, they sometimes take up the whole picture? Who do you identify with? What and who belongs in the portrait? Is the family in the order that best supports harmony in the system? Are each taking and giving in balance? How have the patterns, connections, entanglements, experiences in my family system shaped my life journey, my experiences, my choices? These are some of the areas to be explored at my next FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS workshop MY FAMILY PORTRAIT, explore where you fit into the system. Explore family patterns, the weaknesses, the strengths and the trauma and healing. Gain understanding how our family portrait can be a space of support and strength and how we can assist in creating and or nurturing that reality. WHEN...............................March 15th WHERE...Cooranbong community services centre. TIME .................................9am until 5pm COST ................................ $100 Free parking, morning and afternoon tea provided. Join me in a safe, supportative environment to heal and grow and understand family dynamics. Contact Julie at forwardmotionhealing@ or phone 0431997806 to register See more
25.01.2022 about a 10 minute read. loving the Healy results
24.01.2022 Well just goes to show if we don't listen to our intuition and heed warnings, it may be taken out of our hands. I originally scheduled a break between now and christmas. Due to pleading clients, my own difficulty in saying no and a tendency to put the needs of others before my own and a passion to help others heal and move forward to well being, I succumbed to old habits, ignoring my own needs, and pushed through despite the mental and physical warnings that I needed to take... a break. I over scheduled myself and despite mounting associated stress I pushed on. Well let's just say I have been forced into a break quite dramatically and painfully, forced to take care of myself. If I don't the outcome may have long term consequences.. I have always been, I believe balanced in my approach to health and well being care and this situation I find myself in is no different. I draw and use a wide range of resources to assist healing and well being I am seeing a Doctor, I am using natural remedies. I am using my own skills and resources including micro current and vibrational frequency treatment and energy healing techniques and two much overlooked remedies, rest and hydration. Rest has been vital. I am taking the time to listen to my being, my body, my energy and making adjustments. THE CHALLENGING ONE for me, taking stock of my responsibility in doing what it takes to have a more balanced life and being prepared to become aware of my reality, acknowledging and accepting my reality and then taking action and making change to create a better reality. I am drawing from a wide range of modalities to assist me and making choices to care for and be kind to me, including the choice to rather than keep suffering and in some aspects punish myself for a mistake, I have purchased a new bed that supports my rest and well being and assists my capacity to engage in life fully by having restful sleep. Last night I slept well and my need for pain management during the night in the form of medication and cold compresses was greatly reduced and I was grateful for a new bed that now supports comfortable sleep. So there are some lessons learnt, some personal growth and actually now a heap more knowledge. SO MOVING FORWARD. I will see you my clients, maybe some new clients in 2021. Stay tuned for some workshops which all being well I can run again in person. I am planning some new events to help support us in our well being and personal growth. In conclusion what have you done today to be kind to yourself? Christmas time best wishes. Julie
22.01.2022 To all my valued clients. Thankyou for your support of FMH in this challenging 2020. The approach to Christmas is always a busy time for FMH. This year was no exception. I have had a personal situation arise meaning I have had to postpone some client appointments and those on the cancellation waiting list may not receive an appointment prior to the new year. I apologise for any inconvenience.... To be able to serve you well in 2021 I will be needing to take a small break, and take some personal time over the next few days. Best wishes as the Christmas season draws near and may 2021 be happy, healthy and prosperous for FMH and each person it serves. Warm wishes Julie at FMH See more
21.01.2022 This last fortnight has been particularly challenging personally. Late last night and continuing today, I retreated to do some personal deep healing and spiritual connection. I also used my skills on me. Right now I am in a space of centred calm which is lovely and some big aha moments, a time of change and growth, particularly pertinent as we enter the end of summer and autumn is on the rise, shedding that which has had its time and moving towards rest renewal and new I also am in preparation for my upcoming workshops, one the end of feb the other the middle of much in two different modalities. I deeply recognize my position of priviledge to have access to the learning I have. I also honour myself for the choice I have made to embrace that priviledge and opportunity. If you feel it is a time for renewal and change, maybe take some time to embrace whatever it is that supports personal growth in your journey. If it sits well with you I invite you to join one of my workshops that speaks to you.. For those who choose to embrace self understanding and challenge outdated patterns I wish you well. Thankyou Rachel Rich for the meme See more
21.01.2022 Thankyou to all my clients who have been patient and looked on me kindly as I had to take this unscheduled break. I am recuperating. Sleeping lots and combining the doctors regime, natural remedies and micro current therapies with promising results. Looking forward to some family time over the Christmas season, taking care or myself and having a good rest to be ready and refreshed for a brilliant 2021.... Stayed tuned for some work shop announcements and some new personal growth sessions in 2021. Hoping to be able to restart some in person workshops as the restrictions have lifted. Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and holiday season. Best wishes Julie from ( FMH)
19.01.2022 CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. What an excellent gift for a christmas which has been covid effected, the gift of nourishing care for the mind body or soul. Nourishing , nurturing touch, balance of the energy field or renewal of the mind and your being. Have the space held for you as you let go and move forward Give the gift of renewal as we say goodbye to 2020 and move forward to a new year, or take advantage of the spring specials below. FORWARD MOTION HEALING. (FMH)... OCTOBER / NOVEMBER SPECIAL. Available Oct 26th to Nov 16th (2020) During this time of Covid isolation many have missed human connection and nurturing touch. Although many practices have turned to technolgy based appointments only, FMH honours the need for human in person interaction and offers onsite appointments for all modalities within covid aware regulations. Technology based appointments that can be achieved via this method are also available for those who prefer it, live at a distance or when it is best covid practice. The OCT / NOV special honours the need for human connection and touch. FMH is offering the following specials. 1. A 1.5 hour relaxation, nurturing massage and energy balance normally $110 is $90.00. 2. Book and pay for 3 in advance price $250.00 a saving of $80.00 Above specials do not include remedial or injury support massage. 3. A one hour foot and lower leg massage normally $80, present special $55. 4. For any new clients in this specials time frame take 15% off the price of any treatment / appointment. This discount does not apply as a further discount to treatments already discounted for Oct / Nov. Phone 0431997806 or email [email protected] See more
19.01.2022 FORENSIC HEALING SMALL GROUP WORKSHOP. forward motion healing and wholeness owner / operator Julie invites you to join her for a forensic healing workshop maximum six participants. a good way to introduce yourself to the forensic healing modality or continue your journey with forensic healing in a group situation where the group energy can increase the power of your process. WHAT WILL YOU RECEIVE;... 1. information on how the system works and general healing tips and guidance on how to change your mindset. 2. learn the hooponono method, use this method, and take steps to healing an issue that is interfering with life. 3. healing processes that all can participate in, and receive energy healing; for example on healing / restoring your life force energy. 3. an opportunity to have a mini personal healing on your block, issue or challenge. 4. an opportunity to have a full personal healing in a group situation which blesses both the client and those in the group. 5. A march forensic healing special of $140 dollars, normally $180 if it is your first forensic healing consult at forward motion healing. 6. A safe nurturing, environment to start , take a step, or further personal healing in becoming the best possible you. WHO WOULD THE WORKSHOP SUIT. 1. Those wanting to explore the forensic healing modality. 2. Those who like the healing power and nurture of small groups 3. Those who want to take baby steps or leap into the healing this modality has to offer. 4. Those who have had personal sessions and wish to continue their journey 5. Wholistic or energy healing practitioners wanting to explore this modality. WHEN................................................Saturday 29th February. WHERE.............................................Cooranbong. TIME...................................................9am start . 3pm finish COST..................................................$75.00. CONTACT. For enquiries or registration contact Julie. phone 0431997806 or email [email protected] Registration closes the 21st febrauary
17.01.2022 MOTHERS DAY MAY. FMH mother's day special, GIFT CERTIFICATES ONE HOUR AROMATHERAPY RELAXATION MASSAGE for mum for mothers day. Normally $85 as a gift for mum $60. Gift Certificates available until the 10th of May... or treat yourself or mum to a foot / lower leg massage from the 14th of May until the end of May, normally $80 on special for $55. phone 0431997806 email [email protected]. celebrating mothers at FMH See more
16.01.2022 Stand by new technologies coming to FMH to assist pain on all levels and health and well being.Stand by new technologies coming to FMH to assist pain on all levels and health and well being.
15.01.2022 Hi all, Good news. As of today June 1st 2020 I am reopening for all services on site that are one on one services, therapies modalities. For appointments contact me at [email protected] or phone 0431997806... Family systemic workshops are not yet possible but will plan for the future. Investigating running a sabotage release workshop maximum 5 people as social distancing is possible for this type of workshop dependant on finding a suitable venue to accomodate this requirement. Please contact if you have an interest in attending a sabotage release workshop. Thanking you all for you love and support during challenging yomes for small business. Regards and blessings Julie @ FMH
15.01.2022 Thought for the day
15.01.2022 In this time of stress and uncertainty people are beginning to panic and initiate their flight or fight responses. Understandable and initially may have merit in propelling action. Continuation in this mode, stresses the body and being which in turn lowers our immune capabilities and our capacity to stay healthy and well.... At present I have decided to remain open at forward motion healing, which will be reviewed day by day. I am situated in a fairly secluded area, the only practitioner using my clinic is me, and I am surrounded by glorious healing great energy gardens. A theatre nurse of many years I am also mindful of hygeine safety practices and the importance of protecting myself and clients. In times of challenge that we are experiencing, my professions and modalities are important for the health and well being of others and I am offering them until I feel the cons outweigh the pros. Other services that do not require clinic attendance can be continued via phone, skype or soon zoom. This is an available option for personal healing and personal growth sessions, sabotage release and enegetic sessions, healing from trauma and systemic family awareness sessions, forensic sessions and family constellations ( systems sessions) . Remaining open at the clinic is predominantly for existing clients and is part of my dedication to support their continuing health and welfare as much as possible. New clients may be considered dependant on my assessment of suitability. New clients are very welcome through skype / zoom for modalities that suit this. Although my in person workshops will cease until further notice. I am considering offering online, forensics and personal growth and change workshops. I value myself and my health and value my clients so it is important you have integrity in using my services. To help support your well being, it is critical that my health and well being be protected. I am offering the following to existing clients to help them at this time. A 1.5 hour immune boost or deep relaxation essential oil massage to help people at this time for $ 90. There is however restrictions to the massage modality and clinic attendance. Only one person is allowed in the clinic room at a time. If you are being dropped off your driver will need to stay in the car and pick you up later. This also means I will not be treating any children or people who require a carer to be inattendance. Must not have had any illness, including common cold in the past 2 weeks. Must not have had any sore throats, headaches, sniffles or unexplained fatigue over the past 4 days. Must not have been in central sydney in the past two weeks. Must not have travelled by air or sea in the last 2 weeks. Must advise me honestly of their health status and any immuno compromise. Thankyou all for your support and valuing my services and my health andcwell being. Regards Julie.
14.01.2022 FORENSIC HEALING SMALL GROUP WORKSHOP. 2 places remaining forward motion healing and wholeness owner / operator Julie invites you to join her for a small group forensic healing workshop a good way to introduce yourself to the forensic healing modality or continue your journey with forensic healing in a group situation where the group energy can increase the power of your process. WHAT WILL YOU RECEIVE;... 1. information on how the system works and general healing tips and guidance on how to change your mindset. 2. learn the hooponono method, use this method, and take steps to healing an issue that is interfering with life. 3. healing processes that all can participate in, and receive energy healing; for example on healing / restoring your life force energy. 3. an opportunity to have a mini personal healing on your block, issue or challenge. 4. an opportunity to have a full personal healing in a group situation which blesses both the client and those in the group. 5. A march forensic healing special of $140 dollars, normally $180 if it is your first forensic healing consult at forward motion healing. 6. A safe nurturing, environment to start , take a step, or further personal healing in becoming the best possible you. WHO WOULD THE WORKSHOP SUIT. 1. Those wanting to explore the forensic healing modality. 2. Those who like the healing power and nurture of small groups 3. Those who want to take baby steps or leap into the healing this modality has to offer. 4. Those who have had personal sessions and wish to continue their journey 5. Wholistic or energy healing practitioners wanting to explore this modality. WHEN................................................Saturday 29th February. WHERE.............................................Cooranbong. TIME...................................................9am start . 3pm finish COST..................................................$75.00. CONTACT. For enquiries or registration contact Julie. phone 0431997806 or email [email protected]
14.01.2022 I have noticed over the last few days an interesting pattern. A lot of people, including people posting really positive posts are posting on black backgrounds, really interesting pattern. I am also noticing how it is effecting my responses and feelings towards the posts and general mood. Also very interesting. It also coincides with many clients and aquaintances speaking about the world being dark, dark things happening. Im wondering what it would change if we were mindful of the colours in our posts Maybe not ,or maybe something worth thinking about and actioning
13.01.2022 OFTEN WE LIVE IN A PRISON WHERE THE ONLY ESCAPE IS SELF AWARENESS. The escape lies in honesty and truth. Sometimes we are blind to the truth not because we want to be, but because we lack the insight and or skills to uncover the aha moment. Take the first step today. Choose the intention that you will discover the truth about yourself and embrace it as a freedom.
13.01.2022 FORENSIC HEALING SMALL GROUP WORKSHOP. 1 place remaining. Bookings close monday 24th february 2020. forward motion healing and wholeness owner / operator Julie invites you to join her for a small group forensic healing workshop. Providing a safe place to be vulnerable and to take healing steps. a good way to introduce yourself to the forensic healing modality or continue your journey with forensic healing in a group situation where the group energy can increase the power of ...your process. WHAT WILL YOU RECEIVE; 1. information on how the system works and general healing tips and guidance on how to change your mindset. 2. learn the hooponono method, use this method, and take steps to healing an issue that is interfering with life. 3. healing processes that all can participate in, and receive energy healing; for example on healing / restoring your life force energy. 3. an opportunity to have a mini personal healing on your block, issue or challenge. 4. an opportunity to have a full personal healing in a group situation which blesses both the client and those in the group. 5. A march forensic healing special of $140 dollars, normally $180 if it is your first forensic healing consult at forward motion healing. 6. A safe nurturing, environment to start , take a step, or further personal healing in becoming the best possible you. WHO WOULD THE WORKSHOP SUIT. 1. Those wanting to explore the forensic healing modality. 2. Those who like the healing power and nurture of small groups 3. Those who want to take baby steps or leap into the healing this modality has to offer. 4. Those who have had personal sessions and wish to continue their journey 5. Wholistic or energy healing practitioners wanting to explore this modality. WHEN................................................Saturday 29th February. WHERE.............................................Cooranbong. TIME...................................................9am start . 3pm finish COST..................................................$75.00. CONTACT. For enquiries or registration contact Julie. phone 0431997806 or email [email protected]
13.01.2022 FORWARD MOTION HEALING AND WHOLENESS PRESENTS MY FAMILY PORTRAIT, FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS WORKSHOP SUNDAY 15TH MARCH 9AM UNTIL 5PM My family system; Who is included?... Who is missing? Who is included? Who is excluded and why? Who is forgotten? Who is remembered? What is unhealed? Who is so small we cant quite see them? Who is so big, they sometimes take up the whole picture? Who do you identify with? Who are you in conflict or disharmony with? Where is there family disruption, imbalance, trauma or pain? What and who belongs in the portrait? Is the family in the order that best supports harmony in the system? Are each taking and giving in balance? How have the patterns, connections, entanglements, experiences in my family system, in my own life, in my work, in my community, in my groups that I associate or have associated with, shaped my life journey, my experiences, my choices? These are some of the areas to be explored at my next FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS workshop MY FAMILY PORTRAIT, explore where you fit into the system. Explore family patterns, life patterns, work patterns, interaction patterns the weaknesses, the strengths and the trauma and healing. Gain understanding how our family portrait can be a space of support and strength and how we can assist in creating and or nurturing that reality. WHEN...............................March 15th WHERE...Cooranbong community services centre. TIME .................................9am until 5pm COST ................................ $100 Free parking, morning and afternoon tea provided. Join me in a safe, supportive environment to heal and grow and understand family / life dynamics. Contact Julie at forwardmotionhealing@ or phone 0431997806 to register See more
12.01.2022 STAY TUNED. Forward motion healing FMH. WEBSITE COMING SOONSTAY TUNED. Forward motion healing FMH. WEBSITE COMING SOON
12.01.2022 Interesting concept by Carl Jung. When an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate.Interesting concept by Carl Jung. When an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate.
12.01.2022 STEPPING INTO AUTUMN AT FORWARD MOTION HEALING. (MARCH SPECIALS. Offers conclude the 31st March 2020) Autumn a time of shedding the past and resting) Let FORWARD MOTION HEALING help you with this transition with specially considered offers for stepping into this process. Relaxation can be just as therapuetic in outcome as remedial work. So step into Autumn with these offers.... 1. A two hour full body essential oil relaxation and energy balance treatment. let your body, emotions and energy field experience some tender loving care, Give your body and soul the opportunity to let go and relax. $125 2. A one and a half hour treatment with elements of option one. $95. 3. A one hour foot and lower leg magnesium massage . $75 4. A one and a half hour essential oil foot massage including a foot an ankle exfoliation and a body energetic balance $95. 5. A one and a half hour essential oil lower leg and foot massage, head neck and face massage and energetic relax and balance $95. 6. A one and a half hour head, neck , face, ears, arms and hands massage and body energetic balance. $95. 7. Take steps to deeply understanding, cleansing and stepping forward, with your emotional well being. (THIS OFFER ONLY FOR FIRST TIME FORENSIC HEALING AND FAMILY CONSTELLATION OR PERSONAL POWER CLIENTS). For healing and understanding sessions in either modality or a mix of modalities, a first consult 2 to 2.5 hours duration. $140 SITUATED at cooranbong CONTACT Julie at forward motion healing. Flexible hours. CONTACT DETAILS. PH. 0431997806 EMAIL [email protected] See more
11.01.2022 ..............FORWARD MOTION HEALING................. Greetings to my valued clients and future clients, please note the changes to forward motion healing (a wholistic healing practice,) by Julie Lucas-Hokin. This is to announce the changes to my wholistic practice due to the government regulations, and my personal choices to assist, the safety of myself and the vulnerable in our community....Continue reading
10.01.2022 ATTENTION ! FORWARD MOTION HEALING CLIENTS AND PROSPECTIVE CLIENTS. Due to the number of enquiries for onsite appointments. AT PRESENT ; FMH onsite is closed, FMH online for online services is open.... THE FUTURE; working towards reopening and day by day assessment of the situation, and working towards safest possible practice for reopening when applicable for myself and clients that is within the health departments guidelines. For all clients and prospective clients who wish to be kept up to date on when I will be opening again, changes to protocol, and what is open, and available, please do the following . 1. Note my new email address for this time. [email protected] 2. Send an email to this address so I can add you to the mailing list. 3. Remember to check your junk mail and other box. Due to unclear and misleading imformation and phrases including on the NSW what is and isnt allowed site and a lot of confusion about massage therapy in NSW. I have had many enquiries about appointments. I am closed on site at present and will monitoring each day and working towards being able to safely practice during this challenging time if able. For 17 years the leading principle of my practice has been to be a safe place for clients to heal and be vulnerable and change and step forward on all levels. that is still my leading principle. If you wish to stay informed please follow the above instructions. Regards Julie @ F M H.
10.01.2022 FORWARD MOTION HEALING Im excited to announce that forward motion healing. (you can look me up on FB ) will be adding to the tool box a Healy machine from early July. You can have a quantum frequency balance as stand alone or while having a massage or other coaching or health and well being sessions. Price is dependent on what type of session you choose and how many Healy programs we run on the day. Package deals and gift vouchers available. first session will be 1.5 to two ...hours in length CONTACT [email protected] or phone 0431997806 look forward motion healing up on FB forward motion healing supporting you in becoming the best possible you
10.01.2022 DEAR CLIENTS, due to the illness and passing of my dear foster mum, and our need for some time and all that the passing entails Forward motion healing will be closed for the remainder of this week. Thanking you for your patience. Regards Julie ( FMH)
09.01.2022 MY FAMILY PORTRAIT WORKSHOP Systemic Constellations helps to reveal what is hidden especially hidden entanglements that cause dysfunction in familys and relationship Join me in a safe judgement free environment where healing and learning will be nurtured and supported. WHERE cooranbong community centre Sunday march 15th for a full day workshop. TIME 9am until 5pm... COST $100. FREE parking. Morning and afternoon tea provided. BRING an openess to move forward in understanding your rightful place of belonging and understanding the blocks and challenges that disrupt your life or keep you stuck. See more
09.01.2022 FORWARD MOTION HEALING (FMH) IS EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE. 1. Healy health and well being resonance scans now available. 2 healy on site and distant treatments now available. 3 FMH open onsite for all other modalities and is a covid safe practice. 4. Stay tuned for September and october specials. ... During this time of Covid isolation many have missed human connection and nurturing touch. For October, a 1.5 hour relaxation, nurturing massage and energy balance is $90.00. Or book and pay for 3 in advance price $250.00 a saving of $80.00 does not include remedial or injury support massage. STAY TUNED for more sept / oct specials including healy specials. See more
08.01.2022 FORWARD MOTION HEALING. (FMH) OCTOBER / NOVEMBER SPECIAL. Available Oct 26th to Nov 16th (2020) During this time of Covid isolation many have missed human connection and nurturing touch. Although many practices have turned to technolgy based appointments only, FMH honours the need for human in person interaction and offers onsite appointments for all modalities within covid aware regulations. ... Technology based appointments that can be achieved via this method are also available for those who prefer it, live at a distance or when it is best covid practice. The OCT / NOV special honours the need for human connection and touch. FMH is offering the following specials. 1. A 1.5 hour relaxation, nurturing massage and energy balance normally $110 is $90.00. 2. Book and pay for 3 in advance price $250.00 a saving of $80.00 Above specials do not include remedial or injury support massage. 3. A one hour foot and lower leg massage normally $80, present special $55. 4. For any new clients in this specials time frame take 15% off the price of any treatment / appointment. This discount does not apply as a further discount to treatments already discounted for Oct / Nov. Phone 0431997806 or email [email protected] See more
07.01.2022 Dear clients, Thankyou for your kindness and patience over this sad time for our family. FMH is now taking appointments again. Thankyou
07.01.2022 FORWARD MOTION HEALING. (FMH) Due to a sudden personal health crisis, I have had to make the hard decision to close temporarily whilst I recover. Closure is from today until the 3rd January 2021.... For those with scheduled appointments and those currently on a waiting list for appointments you will receive priority on my return. Please contact me to reschedule. I apologise for the inconvenience and acknowledge it may be disappointing to not receive your treatment or support from FMH during this time. It is important to take care of myself so I can best serve you my valued clients. Thankyou for your understanding. Julie (FMH)
07.01.2022 Wow. Im blown away with my own personal results from the quantum frequency balancing. My healy machine has arrived and has been a blessing to myself as I have tested it pre client use. No words to describe how different I feel. Last night I did a menopause treatment and wow how well I slept and I feel vibrant today. I will continue to test it on myself and let you know my results. So many programmes which cover holistic health and well being. In my opinion an awesome inves...tment. I hope to assist clients more deeply to become the best possible them See more
06.01.2022 Join me ot my family portrait workshop march 15th and learn more
06.01.2022 Stay tuned for forward motions welcome to autumn massage specialsStay tuned for forward motions welcome to autumn massage specials
06.01.2022 To valued clients my battery in my phone appears to be dying and I am not sure how much phone access I will have, so if you cannot contact me via phone, you may have to do it via messenger or FB. thankyou for your patience until I can rectify the phone
05.01.2022 Thought this was great but would apply it to more than money eg giving and receiving compliments, love, services, gifts, work, when I worki in the garden I am both giving and receiving. I think its a good general guideline to live by. Thought it a worthy video with a great principle that I would like to generally apply to life
05.01.2022 MY FAMILY PORTRAIT. FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS WORKSHOP SUNDAY 15TH MARCH What are the dynamics driving my families dysfunction or function? Who is included?... Who is missing? Who is forgotten? Who is remembered? What is unhealed? Who is so small we cant quite see them? Who is so big, they sometimes take up the whole picture? Who do you identify with? What and who belongs in the portrait? Is the reality of family and its function fully seen, or are we looking at those who belong through a window of our own pain and trauma and the perspectives that that has created? Is the family in the order that best supports harmony in the system? Are each taking and giving in balance? How have the patterns, connections, entanglements, experiences in my family system shaped my life journey, my experiences, my choices? These are some of the areas to be explored at my next FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS workshop MY FAMILY PORTRAIT, explore where you fit into the system. Explore family patterns, the weaknesses, the strengths and the trauma and healing. Gain understanding how our family portrait can be a space of support and strength and how we can assist in creating and or nurturing that reality. WHEN...............................March 15th WHERE...Cooranbong community services centre. TIME .................................9am until 5pm COST ................................ $100 Free parking, morning and afternoon tea provided. Join me in a safe, supportative environment to heal and grow and understand family dynamics. TOGETHER WE CAN LEARN TO CHANGE. Contact Julie at forwardmotionhealing@ or phone 0431997806 to register Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises Breathe On Me Bliss Bliss 2003 Blissful Records Released on: 2003-01-01 Auto-generated by YouTube.
04.01.2022 FORWARD MOTION HEALING In alliance with the motto of forward motion healing ; becoming the best possible you, I present for use in my practice from July the FDA approved Healy. HOW VERY EXCITING! Amazing applications. I want to thank Wainoni Sands for introducing me to this healing device. Wainoni and I go back quite a long way, and I find her integrity, her honesty and her dedication to health and well being admirable, I have sincere respect for her. So when Wainoni recommen...Continue reading
04.01.2022 You get to choose
03.01.2022 FORWARD MOTION HEALING PRESENTS EMF PROTECTION. Years of suffering from the effects of electro magnetic fields led me to explore ways to protect myself. my search led me to orgone effects and the devices have improved my health and well being significantly. as such I have decided to offer them to the public at very reasonable prices. for all your emf protection needs contact me to purchase your protective devices. the feed back from clients who have experienced these products... is wonderful. EMF ORGONE EFFECTS PROTECTION DEVICES, OPENING PRICE LIST, Geocleanse home and property plug in device .......$150 Stella dome stand alone covers 40 square metres,,,$150 Small space harmonizer, or can be used when flying in in aircrafts..................................................................$68 Car harmonizer..........................................................$68 enner band personal harmonizer, child , small, large can be worn around the ankle...................................$35 Phone, wifi, computer, harmonizers..........................$25 Personal pendants, orange , blue, green, pink, purple or white...........................................................................$50 Harmony fashion wear protective bracelets tiger eye, amethyst, rose quartz, turquoise ...............$48 Enner protective teddy bear for the kids.....................$35. PACKAGE DEALS; one...1.Geo cleanse plug in, or stella dome stand alone 1 car harmonizer or small space harmonizer 1 personal pendant 2 phone / computer harmonizers...............................$300 two.....1 Geocleanse plug in 1 personal pendant 1 phone / computer harmonizer................................$218 add extra phone and computer harmonizers for $22 each three....1 Geo cleanse plug in 1 small space harmonizer 1 personal pendant 1 car harmoniser......................................................$325 Four. 4 personal pendants 4 phone / computer harmonizers 1 geocleanse plug in or stella dome........................$435 five... 2 plug in geocleanses 2 personal pendants 4 phone /computer harmonizers...............................$480 $10.95 handling and postage fee applies to all purchases in Australia overseas postage to be quoted. looking forward to supporting your positive health and well being choices. contact ph 0431997806 or [email protected]
01.01.2022 Start with a worthy intention. I find this helps lead you step by step to the destination. When we focus on the intention some doors shut, some open. Little things happen to guide us. A recomendation may come our way of where to receive support, an opportunity may come our way. When we take a little step then the next step may become apparent. During these challenging times I have had times of overwhelm and it is a common theme with clients at present. Bringing it right back... to the moment and the immediate step may help. For example I struggle with water intake keeping my hydration adequete. My intention is to drink at least 2 litres day. If I look at the total it can overwhelm me. I break it down to the moment. Right in this moment I need to have one glass of water and step by step the 2 litres are reached. My water journey began with my intention for my physical body to be comfortable and move with comfort and ease to engage in and enjoy life fully. One of the first steps that became apparent was good hydration What positive intention would you choose today to take the first step of a journey.? If you have trouble setting the intention, pm me and I will assist you. For example my initial intention was to be pain free. This did not sit well with me or serve me well. The focus was still directed by the word pain. Changing it even to the basic I Choose my body to be comfortable changed my mindset , thoughts and direction. What direction will you go in today? See more
01.01.2022 MY FAMILY PORTRAIT. (healing ourselves in the context of family) FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS WORKSHOP SUNDAY 15TH MARCH lets together look at our parents, our ancestors, our relationships within family from new perspectives, indentifying how we can heal and change. What are the dynamics driving my families dysfunction or function?... Who is included? Who is missing? Who is forgotten? Who is remembered? What is unhealed? Who is so small we cant quite see them? Who is so big, they sometimes take up the whole picture? Who do you identify with? What and who belongs in the portrait? Is the reality of family and its function fully seen, or are we looking at those who belong through a window of our own pain and trauma and the perspectives that that has created? Is the family in the order that best supports harmony in the system? Are each taking and giving in balance? How have the patterns, connections, entanglements, experiences in my family system shaped my life journey, my experiences, my choices? These are some of the areas to be explored at my next FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS workshop MY FAMILY PORTRAIT, explore where you fit into the system. Explore family patterns, the weaknesses, the strengths and the trauma and healing. Gain understanding how our family portrait can be a space of support and strength and how we can assist in creating and or nurturing that reality. WHEN...............................March 15th WHERE...Cooranbong community services centre. TIME .................................9am until 5pm COST ................................ $100 Free parking, morning and afternoon tea provided. Join me in a safe, supportIve environment to heal and grow and understand family dynamics. TOGETHER WE CAN LEARN TO CHANGE. Contact Julie at forwardmotionhealing@ or phone 0431997806 to register See more
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