Forza Fitness Personal Training in Earlwood, New South Wales, Australia | Sport & recreation
Forza Fitness Personal Training
Locality: Earlwood, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 435 175 985
Address: 371 - 373 Homer Street, Earlwood 2206 Earlwood, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 WELCOME TO THE 20KG CLUB A MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to Jessica Daher! Since day 1 Jess has stuck to her goal and it has now become a reality. We always feel honoured to have clients who are willing to be coached & put their health first.... With each month Jess improved in several areas whilst even representing NSW in a Netball last year. With the guidance of our 2 coaches @alesscolandrea & @fitnesslevel_9000 she has been able to set her expectations & goals higher; Almost to the point that they scared her... BUT what’s a challenge without risk!? We are above everything SUPER PROUD of you Jess and can’t wait to show everyone what you will do next. Wanting A Transformation? But you don’t know what it takes?? Let’s connect & make your first journey with us one to remember! Everyone starts somewhere so what are you waiting for? DM us or simply get in contact with us at [email protected] See more
21.01.2022 DON’T LET THE SCALE DEFINE YOU! This could be the biggest topic of them all. LET’S DIVE INTO THIS HEAD FIRST! I often find that many of us if not most people that go to the gym get fixated with standing on the scale. It’s probably one of worst habits as we tend to believe that a number may determine your mood for the day, the week or even at worst lower your confidence. This number may often make you lose sight on what you’re really wanting to achieve ... I’m not here to solely say do not stand on the scale, but keep in mind if you’re training week in, week out your body with fluctuate from time to time. It all depends on your training program, nutrition & many other variables which we could go on about such as that time of the month for the ladies, hormones, stress levels, digestion ... just to name a few! Building a healthier, fitter & happier self should always be determined by your actions. If you are consistent, patient & forever improving that in itself has far more worth than you standing on a scale which tells you that you have not lost a kilo. Let us give you an example Let’s say one week you just barely got 2-3 good gym sessions in, nutrition was ok Monday - Thursday, but Friday - Sunday you went abit off track and now comes Monday and you step on the scale and see the number hasn’t changed or is the same. You would probably beat yourself up! WRONG You could reassess and take more action & accountability! If in 6 weeks time you build upon your habits, go to the gym train harder & last longer, nutrition got better & on the weekends you didn’t go too off track. You begin to form consistency, and training:nutrition shifts from being a chore to becoming a lifestyle change. In this picture we have Coach Alessandro & superstar client Effie giving the to the scales. Why? When Effie first started training with us she would beat herself up about the number that was displayed to her. BUTTT... she never realised or recognised her amazing achievements & strong feats. Effie is feeling her healthiest and strongest. She has made significant changes in her training & nutritional habits... such as a 60kg deadlift just to name one of her many successes. This now shows us that she appreciates her body & hard work in a different way. She no longer reflects her self worth by the number on the scale and recognises just how far she has come! Effie has made some incredible changes and we couldn’t be prouder as trainers... Well Done Effie! It’s the same concept as looking at your bank account & not seeing a million dollars.. Whether you have it or not doesn’t always make you the happiest person in the world. It comes down to what you value the most. Let’s all build upon healthier habits, let’s never start with the scale. The scale is not sustainable, it inevitably will ruin your idea of what improving your health is all about. Don’t let it dictate your training habits, happiness or wardrobe!
21.01.2022 WHEN LIFE GETS TOUGH... YOU NOT ONLY PICK YOURSELF UP BUT EVERYTHING ELSE WITH IT! Walk in Effie, she started with us wanting to learn how to lift correctly, knuckling down on her daily habits & improve her overall health. She managed to execute all those things while getting F*%#KEN STRONG! ... When we strong we mean it! On Thursday nights we usually run a booty class targeting all major muscle groups in our legs. But this time we decided to do something a little different.. We had 3 participants in the class who wanted to be challenged so we had a DEADLIFT OFF! Let’s just say a lot of PB’s and Self Doubts were smashed. But one in particular was very special. This lady you see here is showcasing true strength. Effie is lifting 100kgs for the first ever time and you can tell by the reaction how much it meant to her. She’s a mother of 2 who doesn’t take no for an answer ! We all knew that bar was getting up. A massive congratulations again to Effie See more
20.01.2022 YOU NEED TO READ THIS CALORIE RESTRICTION vs. NUTRIENT ADDITION Eating. Thinking about eating. Understanding what to eat! ... really quite simple! Whether you are chasing these goals : Weight Loss Fat Loss Muscle Gain Most people don’t eat enough protein or enough vegetables. #FACT! We see it time & time again, which is why our initial dietary recommendation to our clients is to: Have a source of protein with each meal Add non-starch vegetables to each meal YOU can’t go wrong with these TWO A repeating trend we are seeing with people who are enquiring about personal training or coming on board.. is their misinformed knowledge about.. huge restrictions! Whether it was results from a large reduction in calories, or a complete elimination of carbohydrates/or even worse an entire food group. The difficultly we find is then convincing clients that infact you can eat these foods and still lose FAT. Unfortunately most people feel as though success is only achieved by not eating/ eliminating them! Why do we tell clients to ADD more food when a calorie restriction is what is needed for fat loss? It’s important to remember that this is only STEP ONE! Completely overhauling someones eating patterns overnight is a recipe for disaster. Small changes need to be made over time, and the inclusion of good quality protein and vegetables is, in our opinion, the best starting point. Typically when people apply this, their hunger levels are controlled more and their cravings are reduced. The good thing about non-starchy vegetables is the volume to calorie ratio - YOU CAN EAT SO MUCH! One of the most beneficial things about this recommendation is it isn’t about restriction. It’s about addition, and it’s about nutrition. It ends up working out as food displacement without even intending it to. When this is nailed, it can become the new norm, we can start working on personalised refinements. If that means a calorie deficit, we at least know that it will be a calorie deficit & not a nutrient deficit. See more
17.01.2022 TRAIN WITH A PURPOSE When it comes to training the human body and structuring a program there are a few things that we need to highlight. First & foremost what is the overall goal you are trying to achieve?... Are there any weak points or imbalances that need to be addressed? Be conscious of loading up the body with unnecessary stress as this could result in an injury or limited progress! Building upon weak points can have a dramatic change in the result you are looking for, especially if you want to develop & grow. This is when frequency in certain movements can play a big part in improving overall performance or physique. Let us give you an example; We have a 26 year old Jack who trains upper body 4 times a week and loves training his chest on 2 of those days. He trains legs once but is not seeing much of a result. SO he doesn’t enjoy training legs as he hasn’t seen the development or growth. Changing the structure could be the game changer for Jack! Instead of isolating a day of training LEGS we could space it throughout the week where he could stimulate his LEGS 2-3 times in a week more than just the once. Jack’s new training schedule could look somewhat like this; Monday - Chest & Back Tuesday - Shoulders, Arms & Calves Wednesday - Chest & Quads Thursday - Back & Arms Friday - Active Recovery/Rest Day Saturday - Shoulders, Hamstrings & Calves This could be ordered totally different to suit the individual, but when it comes to frequency you can see we have still involved a fair amount of upper body paired with exercises to target the legs. What we have done is applied the frequency rule as well as more load on those legs throughout the week, which will have tons of benefits down the track. Training smarter, not just harder is in our opinion the BEST way to train! If you have liked what you have just read ..OR can’t wait to implement a new training schedule to build upon your weakness or strengths. Please share this post so we can help like minded people like yourself troubleshoot any problem you are finding in your training progress or improving your overall health. As Always Eat Well & Train Smart See more
17.01.2022 QUALITY OVER QUANTITY Meet our client Joey ! Joey came to see us to get a better understanding on how to train himself & how to be pushed to his limits. ... When we first assessed Joey we found a few weak points and areas that needed improvements, a weakness can result in an injury, decrease performance or could even affect you long term. Our call to action was working on his ankle mobility & hip flexor flexibility. Teaching Joey the fundamentals and mastering the basics really helped him get not only a better understanding of certain exercises; but taught him correct form. The appropriate technique was applied to stimulate the muscles he needed. On the left picture you can see Joey is pretty much struggling to hold a stable hinge position for a trap bar deadlift. On the right pic you can see Joey in a much more comfortable position where he’s able to generate a great amount of substantial force to lift the bar with less risk of injury. If he lifted the way he did in the left he may have a problem or two. Investing in a knowledgeable coach who knows exactly how to take your body from Point A to B could ultimately transform your idea on how to train, not for a pump but for overall performance. A structured approach focusing on form and a tempo with each exercise can make all the difference. This will enable you to train more efficiently and effectively. FYI. If you want to look good in your clothes, look good when you train! See more
16.01.2022 EATING WELL, IT’S SIMPLE Let’s break it down for YOU! Your body consists of energy, which can be broken down into macronutrients as the picture above. ... Our 3 main energy sources consists of; Proteins Carbohydrates Fats When structuring a meal it is important to have a great range of all 3 energy sources. These sources are also important when thinking about the overall goal you’re trying to achieve. This is somewhat our first approach when teaching people the art of nutrition. Yes nutrition is simple, lots of people complicate it or try FAD DIETS! Remember you can train as hard as you like but you will never out-train poor nutrition! Thinking of getting more out of your training and physique? Been thinking about having a coach to guide you and keep you accountable? Looking to getting educated without watching hours on end of YouTube, let’s chat! Simple as that @forzafitnesspt See more
16.01.2022 SETBACKS WILL HAPPEN, COMEBACKS DEFINE WHO WE REALLY ARE! Check our client Janea who has not only seeked to improve her general well-being but has gotten stronger mentally & physically. She’s only just started her journey with us and we can’t wait to share more of her success.... #MotivationalWednesdays #Repost @janeaquin with @make_repost Everyone has seen me over the years and I’m definitely not as skinny as I used to be. I had oral surgery prior to my car accident and my first tooth implant failed and I had to redo it so took 6 months for that process and the dentist told me I had to give up any jarring exercise like running and things like that so my implant could heal, then I had my car accident and hurt my back.. anyways they were setbacks and still to this day I’m taking steps to improve my diet but when I was hurt I turned to comfort food and I literally gained 20 pounds. Recently I lost 3 kgs (6 pounds) due to personal training. I just need to keep going. #staymotivated #iwantabikinibody #Iwanttobeafitnessbitch #forzafitnessstudiogran
12.01.2022 EDUCATING & IMPLEMENTATION What you will see in the first photo is the original eating habits of our new client James! @james_poonan When he came to us he was quite unsure with his current training, he lacked any sort of motivation, and didn’t really understand what proper nutrition looks like.... When assessing and chatting with James we both knew our priority was not about giving him a plan with foods he needed to eat. Even though this does work. Our job here is to educate and enhance our clients knowledge and relationship with food. Instead it was about educating him on WHY eating these foods would benefit him. Our first session together with James was a game changer for him. He walked out with a better understanding and a protocol to live by. In the second photo which was only days apart ... you can see James has already applied what he learnt from our nutrition session together. We know progress starts by bettering our nutrition for performance. In turn, your body will be able to build Lean Muscle Mass without putting on too much body fat in the process. It doesn’t just start by training hard, nail the basics first. See more
09.01.2022 INCASE YOU’VE HEARD THE TERM, BUT NEVER UNDERSTOOD THE MEANING! You’re probably wondering what this post is about! If you already know that’s great, if you don’t even better. Keep reading let me assure you this is a great post! In a concentric contraction, the muscle tension rises to meet resistance! When we finish a rep we ensure a full lockout of the movement.... In a eccentric contraction, the muscle lengthens as resistance becomes greater than the force the muscle is producing. This is how we maximise ‘Time Under Tension’. Which of course helps with development of a muscle and targets a certain body part. #GAINS For instance, a bicep curl will be a concentric movement coming up, acquiring as muscle blood & tension in the muscle. The opposite would be eccentric taking the load back down with gravity to keep as much tension in the muscle as it lengthens back down. This ideally gives an ideal stress stimulus to that particular area. So... train smart! Pick exercises that will enable your muscles to undergo stress in both phases of eccentric/concentric contractions. This will give you a better result, have less chance of injury & allow you to train to your potential. If this post has helped you out, be sure to like, comment or share with someone who may benefit reading this. Train Hard & Eat Well. It’s as simple as that See more
07.01.2022 TRANSFORMATION ALERT Introducing the new, refined and transformed Andy! Andy has been a long term client for over 4 years. His journey began with us in 2016 when he approached me wanting to lose body fat, increase muscle mass and feel better in his own skin. Cliche? ... I think not! Andy has proved to be one successful, consistent, dedicated and committed clients. Andy loves to train like a bodybuilder when he was training with us. As he became more confident on the gym floor Andy was able to transition to an online program we composed for him. And let’s just say he stuck to the plan and consistently made improvements mentally & physically. Andy wanted to achieve extraordinary results ... and he did just that! His latest goal was to get leaner and so we put a plan in place to help him get there. Andy was able to stick to this plan and therefore become photo shoot ready to showcase all his hard work. His fat loss journey wasn’t a quick fix it was a gradual drop in calories with occasional cheat meals on weekends. Andy not only filled the brief, he smashed it. All through an online training and nutrition program! He was able to contact us via text and phone call support at any time. He worked consistently and observed the changes to his body as he persevered day in day out. Well Done Andy See more
07.01.2022 HERE’S TO NEW BEGINNINGS We would like to welcome Afia to the Forza Fitness Family! Afia has never trained before, nor has she ever stepped foot inside a gym! This maybe unusual or unheard of for some but surprisingly not uncommon! ... Afia is looking to adopt a new and active lifestyle! Upon stumbling across our posts on social media, Afia has decided this here at Forza Fitness is the best way to start implementing big changes! Watch this space for exciting things to come... See more
07.01.2022 CHECK THIS OUT! Our client Carmen has achieved some massive accomplishments since taking control of her health & fitness in particular losing 15kgs...!!! #WOW In this video she is demonstrating one of our GO-TO exercises to help strengthen her core whilst working on stability & co-ordination.... If you’re wondering what exercise this is; it’s a Lying Dead Bug. Carmen is all about challenging her training & body’s limits, that’s why she has achieved such great things! She’s a woman on a mission & a motivator to most! Thus, this post goes out to her and all her hard work & brilliant efforts since the start of our training journey! Bigger & better things are yet to come. Being strong is the new SEXY! Are you still struggling with your New Years resolution? Did you have the right intention but no game plan? We are specialised in improving not only your physique, but educating you along the way. We can help teach you how to implement healthy habits which you can keep long term whilst enjoying training with a whole new view. Let’s chat See more
04.01.2022 Client Spotlight - Con Bletsas In their time together Coach Alessandro & Client Con reached some amazing accomplishments. In the first 2-3 weeks of joining the Forza Fitness Fam he was able to drop 5kgs! That resulted in him fitting his clothes that he wasn’t able to fit prior to the closing of the gyms. Damn Covid-19!!! How was this possible?... Restructuring Con’s eating habits & understanding his busy work lifestyle. In his first session we sat Con down to understand his current eating regime. There were so many gaps which showed us he was actually UNDEREATING! First & foremost, he was at a stage where he wasn’t gaining or losing weight. Con wasn’t sure where to start. We set him some guidelines & constructed a well balanced foundation building program. WE DO NOT PRESCRIBE DIETS, THEY AREN’T SUSTAINABLE One thing Con hated but learnt to love in the process was training his legs! This was his biggest weakness and we wanted to turn this into his strength! So let us tell you some of the changes he made ... We were able to drop close to 20cm around his waist & hips! He instantly gained confidence in his own skin. Con also got a better understanding on how to train his body, and achieved a LOVE/HATE relationship with legs. When it comes to building a new habit, acquiring new movement or skill to benefit your body & health; Our upmost priority is delivering you first class education backed by reliable results. If you are chasing a goal feel free to connect with us at @forzafitnesspt. We can help you make your goals a reality. #TrainWithUs #EarlwoodsBestPTS See more
01.01.2022 SPOT REDUCTION TRAINING #CALORIEDEFICIT It’s probably the most common question our initial consultations ask when they are looking at investing in a PT. Or even learning how to understand to train or achieve some type of result with their body. ... We often hear: I just want to lose weight around my tummy, I want to get rid of my back fat OR I want to have smaller thighs . Sound familiar? We here at @forzafitnesspt are great believers of applying & implementing basic protocols to people’s daily lifestyle & habits. NOT ONE PERSON’S BODY IS THE SAME! We must understand that when creating a calorie deficit to achieve a fat loss goal or even wanting to lose a coupe of kilos ... takes time & patience! Our bodies will store body fat in all different places, we must understand this and not beat ourselves up when we aren’t seeing results after 2 or 4 weeks. Remember our body is trying to adjust to our new training habits, trying to produce more energy & consume less energy simultaneously! Are you one of these people in need of help with this? DM us now! Our biggest advice is manipulating the basics with your nutrition. e.g. Proteins, Fats & Carbs! As well as following a program best suited for your body. For example a program focusing on a higher rep range to increase the intensity of training for optimum Fat Loss. This is just one example of how we provide more stimulus to our bodies in order to burn extra calories in the gym. The essential thing to remember is having the right attitude and discipline to challenge your body & mind. Once this is applied the only limitations are the ones you set yourself. Looking for expert coaching without the hassle of knowing what to eat or how to train? Let’s connect, take action! See more
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