Fostering Hope | Non-profit organisation
Fostering Hope
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25.01.2022 Good reminder for us all,
24.01.2022 Today in the northern hemisphere and yesterday downunder is World Adoption Day. In Australia adoption has mixed responses in the community due to our history. Today's not a day to get into these conversations, but a chance to reflect on the importance of family and belonging. Foster and kinship carers have the incredible privilege of caring for someone else's children, this story begins with the tragedy of a family unable to care and protect their children, and we step into this to provide love, belonging, nurture, attachment, and fun!
23.01.2022 Big thanks to Neil and Vision Christian Radio for raising awareness about the need for more foster and kinship carers in Australia.
22.01.2022 Great conversation about fostering with Jason Johnson, particularly for those of you in a couple where one of you feels ready to foster and the other doesnt.
22.01.2022 When this journey is hard
21.01.2022 Great reminder for all of us, investing in little people often means not seeing results everyday but knowing it is making a difference. Another carer and I were reflecting the other day on the changes we can see now from 12 months ago, but in the everyday challenges we can forget the progress.
21.01.2022 This week is NAIDOC Week, a week to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It's a week to reflect on the resilience of these peoples despite their devastating treatment. It's a week to appreciate the way their culture value, honour, & nurture family, community and the land they are in. And a week to reflect on each of our roles in protecting, honouring and upholding their culture, community, families, children and future generations
20.01.2022 The National Office for Child Safety within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet is seeking input from children and young people and adults that play a significant role in the lives of children (parents, carers, coaches, teacher, police, youth/community workers, faith leaders, etc.) about their right to speak up when they feel uncomfortable, unsafe or marginalised. To take part as a child, young person, or adult go to:
20.01.2022 Big thanks to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) for the work they do supporting mums in their communities and partnering with us to celebrate foster and kinship carers.
19.01.2022 Two weeks ago in Australia and New Zealand we adopted new warnings on alcohol bottles...
19.01.2022 Looking forward to celebrating Foster Carers Week with some special people tomorrow
19.01.2022 A great reflection on the choice to foster and keep making that choice
18.01.2022 This article summarises so much of being a foster/kinship carer! Its particular focus is access/contact/visit with birth families. "Its paradoxicalmuch like the rest of foster careholding two strong emotions in the same breath. I cheer our girls on at visit days, holding their connection with their mom dear, and they are the worst because I lose all control as a foster parent. Dont get me wrong; I am a hardy supporter of connection for kids with their biological parents... when the plan is to return home. That connection time is invaluable. Its the best. If I were a biological parent, I would relish my visit days, because I get to see my babies when all else feels out of my control. But on the other side, as a foster parent, its a battle that rages inside me. Its not normal. Im confronted with the fact that I live a weird life where I take care of these children most of their days, but Im not actually their parent. I will keep hyping up visit days, and I will keep being proud of their mama for the work she is doing, and I will silently continue to be crushed inside when things dont go as expected. I will put on the brave face for our girlies, reminding them that they are precious, that we love their mama, and that God is always there." See more
16.01.2022 Who else read Looking for Alibrandi as a teenager? Listen to the authors story and her journey as a long-term carer
15.01.2022 Come along and find out more about being a foster/kinship carer in Tasmania at this information night hosted by Fostering Hope and Baptcare
13.01.2022 Loved this article from Dr Joe Tucci, CEO of Australian Childhood Foundation. Our communities need space for our children suffering from trauma to recover, but as a carer I also see the impacts of my childrens behaviour on their peers, educators, siblings, and us, so I get it is hard to make this space and see it impacting others. There is no easy solution, just seeing each child, meeting them where they are at, and educating those around them to understand what is going on for them, and giving everyone space and grace to not get it right the first time, or the second, or the 99th!
13.01.2022 When I first heard this song Nobody by Casting Crowns I thought about the children in our care and others growing up in care and the radical transformation that God is doing in their lives. But do you know, I think it is also talking to you and me foster and kinship carers why did God choose us to love these kids? Most days I dont feel equipped, I know I never get it right with balancing trauma informed parenting, love, and discipline and most of the time I feel like... Moses with stage fright, David ill-equipped, I feel scared that I am going to mess up, vulnerable with opening my life and home to the government and birth families, and not strong enough to be enough for these kids and when talking to birth parents. But the words of this song are telling me I am a nobody, but I am enough, God can use me, just like He can use you. God uses all the nobodys of this world to make the world a better place. God uses me to shine His love and light and hope and mercy and grace. I dont often get it right, but I will keep going back to God. To all the foster and kinship carers out there you can do this God has given you a purpose and you can do it. See more
12.01.2022 How can we allow space for healing? Sit in healing with others without inflicting further pain? Check out the work of Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson
12.01.2022 One powerful Stand Sunday service (from about 49 mins).
12.01.2022 Is your church doing something for Stand Sunday this year?
12.01.2022 On this fostering/kinship journey, there are days that are exhausting, overwhelming and it is hard to see the why. If you are having one of those days, we encourage you to include your ear to God and sit in His assurance and peace. (We get may need to hide in the cupboard or toilet to do this!)
10.01.2022 God blesses each of us with gifts, talents, and skills. How can we use this to serve and bless others? How could you serve a vulnerable family or fostering family or child in your world today?
10.01.2022 Power of foster care (& any adult) speaking words of affirmation and truth into childrens lives.
09.01.2022 Tonight, on the eve of Stand Sunday, we am praying for all the foster and kinship carers and child safety officers who are (probably) nervously going to bed thinking about their talks for tomorrow morning. Thank you for boldly stepping out to talk to your church family about what you do and encouraging others to stand with you. Many of us dont like talking in front of others, but we know we arent talking for our own glory, but as a mouthpiece for children who need homes, love and healing. We pray you are filled with the Holy Spirit, that your message is heard with open ears and hearts, and tomorrow we will see hundreds of people come around those who are already foster/kinship carers, around children in care, and more people will stand up to fill the need in Australia. Thank you for standing up tomorrow x
09.01.2022 Yesterday we kicked off Foster Carers Week in Australia with Stand Sunday events all over the country! Foster Carers Week is about celebrating the great work carers do everyday and the resilience and strength of the children in their homes.
09.01.2022 Today is International FASD Awareness Day. Unfortunately many children in care live with FASD and their carers are constantly advocating for their needs, diagnosis, funding to support them and most importantly understanding from others about what is going on for them.
09.01.2022 Love this from Australian Childhood Foundation, "We met together to decide that people could share Hugs in more ways than usual in this time of coronavirus. People have been giving hugs with things like rainbows and soft toys in their front windows, wearing face masks, and staying home for each other for a while now. Hugs joyfully continue our efforts to help. However, the Coronavirus is sneaky and rude. It keeps popping its head up without anyone inviting it. Us Hugs are noticing that people are feeling tired, and sick of this unwanted visitor STILL hanging around.
07.01.2022 Check out our latest newsletter!
07.01.2022 Our own fostering journey has been a series of yess and trusting the doors opened in front of us. I would like to say weve handled the closed doors as well as the open doors, but thats not the case. The constant change in case direction OR the advocating for a child that ends with a door closed OR the complete lack of case direction or information OR the hope in transformation that doesnt happen. All the yess havent been easy yess, but I guess at least with a yes is a sense of being in control of the direction, whereas the nos are disempowering and uncontrollable. This is the fostering journey, the journey of stepping into the messiness of a childs story and entering a system that removes children from their families (never Gods plan) leading to brokenness at every step of the journey. And for some reason, we are asking other people to enter this journey! We are asking other people to enter this brokenness with eyes wide open. Why? The right answer is because God asks us to love the vulnerable, love the broken, put the lonely in families, love our neighbour and daily take up our cross and put the needs of others above our own. This is the right answer, but it is an answer that requires complete belief and trust in God. And when the days are hard, when decisions are made that arent child focused, when the behaviours of your children in care are just too much to handle, when your marriage is breaking, when the messiness is just too much these days it is sometimes too hard to believe in a God we cant see, to have the faith. I get that, Ive been there, I walk alongside carers asking these questions. What I do know is one tiny pin prick of light, one tiny bit of hope can be enough to hold onto. What I do know is that that one bit of light can break through the darkness of everything else. And that one bit of light is Jesus, his love for me, his love for all the kids in my home, his love for birth families, and workers. What I also know to be true is these kids need my love, the love of my family, Gods love and hope. The sacrifice is huge and real and tough. Fostering/kinship caring cant be done on your own, carers need communities and our kids need to be part of communities. Thats why this Stand Sunday we are asking you to stand with the carers and the children in their care both in your church and your community. Stand alongside them to show Gods light and love. You may need to hold them up to make the journey a bit lighter too. We pray that when you enter into their journey this Sunday you may stay and help that pin prick of light grow into a full support of light and love around them. Stand with us on September 13 2020 to BE THE LIGHT. Long Stand Sunday Fostering Hope Australia Video: Short Stand Sunday Fostering Hope Australia Video: Stand Sunday song HOME you can play:
06.01.2022 Here is some information on the Additional Childcare Subsidy and how to access it
05.01.2022 Here are some articles for the hard seasons of foster and kinship caring,
05.01.2022 Lovely booklet from Australian Childhood Foundation to explain why people are wearing masks to kids
05.01.2022 This story has as many messages about what not to do as a carer as what to do! Childhood only happens once and children need to know they are loved, belong, and have a home.
03.01.2022 So humbling and true. It is so easy to respond to the need and get worn out and burnt out in our humanness. Responding to the call, relying on God and letting others in to support us and the call is so important and humbling
03.01.2022 Please think about what role you or your church could play over the next month or so...
02.01.2022 As we head into National Child Protection Week and National Foster Carers Week in Australia, it is a great time to reflect on all the other professionals supporting us and our children. It is a great time to say thank you to your worker, give that little extra blessing, maybe pick some of the beautiful daffodils sprouting everywhere, or say that extra special prayer for them.
01.01.2022 Teresa of Avila, the Spanish nun and Catholic Saint is noted for saying, Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. These words, penned over 400 years ago, remind us that it’s only through compassion and action that we are able to share the love of Christ with the people around us. As we walk out our callings to care for the vulnerable, we know that these children have a very special place in God’s heart. We need to work together to serve our communities, locally and around the world.
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