Foti Physiotherapy in Sydney, Australia | Medical and health
Foti Physiotherapy
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +46 46 895 42 06
Address: 4/1822 The Horsley Drive 2175 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Likes: 408
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25.01.2022 Repost from @player_scout using @RepostRegramApp - Heres a great session for knee injury prevention. How often do you work on preventing injury? CHECK OUT OUR LATEST ONLINE FREEBIES Click the link in our bio for our latest science backed free courses. These are are great place to start if you want to take your football to the next level. ... @begin_athletix #sportsinjury #prehab #proprioception #biomechanics #coordination #physicaltherapy #strengthen #injuryrecovery #rangeofmotion #physicaltherapist #prevention #controlyourself #posteriorchain #exercisephysiology #musclerecovery #strengthcoach #aclrehab #naturalmovement #preventionisbetterthancure #functionalrangeconditioning #bodyawareness #injuryfree #injuryrehab #exerciseismedicine #functionalpatterns #bosuball #activerecovery #mobilitytraining #stability #stabilitytraining See more
25.01.2022 Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter
24.01.2022 Foti Physiotherapy will remain open! We are doing everything we can to ensure your health and safety is well looked after and we are monitoring the situation closely. We are wiping down and disinfecting all high traffic areas including benches, door handles, hand rails, hi-caps terminals and gym equipment. It is vital that we are all following some important guidelinesWash and sanitise your hands thoroughlyIf you are feeling unwell please stay homeIf you have recently returned from overseas please self isolate for 14 daysPractice respiratory etiquette by coughing/sneezing into your bent elbow It is everyones responsibility to try and beat this thing #covid_19
24.01.2022 Patient safety is our number 1 concern
24.01.2022 Bikram suffered from nerve pain which originated from his neck and travelled down into his arm and hand. Dry needling therapy used in conjunction with other treatment strategies has helped alleviate the pain completely!
24.01.2022 New branding alert We are excited to launch the new look for Foti Physiotherapy! Let us know what you think with a like, comment and share
23.01.2022 Offering a wide range of services which include: post-operative rehabilitation, dry needling, sports physiotherapy, workers compensation, CTP and more!
23.01.2022 Week 12 post arthroscopy of the right shoulder, debridement of SLAP tear and biceps tenodesis. All strapped up and ready for exercise No magic fix, just hard work
23.01.2022 Not letting your disability stop you #smashinggoals
23.01.2022 Merry Christmas and happy new year from Foti Physiotherapy! We wish you all a safe and happy holiday season with good food and good company!
22.01.2022 Lest we forget
22.01.2022 If anyone finds themselves with an ankle fracture We have you covered
21.01.2022 We are making changes We would like to inform you that we have decided to direct towards a new focus in 2020! . We would lik...e to take this opportunity to thank all of our foundation members and athletes for your ongoing support and loyalty during our time in Horsley Park. . We are excited to inform you that @foti.physiotherapy will remain in the current location and will be announcing some exciting changes in the coming weeks! We encourage you to follow @foti.physiotherapy to keep up to date with the latest news. . We wish you all the best of luck and health for the year ahead. See more
21.01.2022 Did you know that 87% of people aged between 20-70 years have some level of disc bulging in the spine!? Scans can often lead people and treatment in the wrong direction without a physical examination performed by a health professional! Call 0468 954 206 to book for an assessment
21.01.2022 We are open and here for you! During these troubling times, with the Covid-19 virus, your health and well-being is of paramount importance to us. Whilst we continue to remain open we are monitoring the situation closely and will act on the guidance issued by the Australian Government Department of Health and the World Health Organisation. Our hygiene is always a priority but we will be increasing the frequency of cleaning all surfaces and have provided a hand washing station for you at the front of the clinic.
21.01.2022 Foti Physiotherapy will be closed until the 14th of December. We are sorry for any inconvenience but we promise its for a good reason! #honeymoon
21.01.2022 Repost from @player_scout using @RepostRegramApp - Here's a great session for knee injury prevention. How often do you work on preventing injury? CHECK OUT OUR LATEST ONLINE FREEBIES Click the link in our bio for our latest science backed free courses. These are are great place to start if you want to take your football to the next level. ... @begin_athletix #sportsinjury #prehab #proprioception #biomechanics #coordination #physicaltherapy #strengthen #injuryrecovery #rangeofmotion #physicaltherapist #prevention #controlyourself #posteriorchain #exercisephysiology #musclerecovery #strengthcoach #aclrehab #naturalmovement #preventionisbetterthancure #functionalrangeconditioning #bodyawareness #injuryfree #injuryrehab #exerciseismedicine #functionalpatterns #bosuball #activerecovery #mobilitytraining #stability #stabilitytraining See more
21.01.2022 Couldn’t agree more
20.01.2022 Our open hours for the Christmas season 2020 We are here for you and those last minutes aches and pains that you’ve been putting off getting checked
19.01.2022 Dry needling therapy can be used for a wide range of conditions such as: Acute/Chronic injuries Headaches Neck/Back pain... Tendinitis Muscle Spasms "Sciatica" Hip/Knee pain Muscle strains Fibromyalgia "Tennis/Golfers Elbow" Pain in the patella region Overuse injuries See more
19.01.2022 After 6 weeks of rehab following a nasty left elbow fracture + surgery. Chelsea is now back to doing what she loves best
19.01.2022 Little Gina killing it
18.01.2022 My 8 year old client’s humeral (arm) fracture Stay posted on how her rehab is going
18.01.2022 Some core work before the soccer season starts
18.01.2022 Shout-out to @robert_ciccarelli for absolutely crushing the pull up challenge
17.01.2022 If you spend majority of your time behind a desk, here are a few key things to look out for in regards to your work set up
17.01.2022 Day 3 post knee surgery loving that range of motion! @jkv96
17.01.2022 Just want to wish #MitchellMallia good luck on his return to soccer this week after a season ending injury! Working with such a motivated person makes my job so much easier!
16.01.2022 Dry needling therapy can be used for a whole range of conditions. Here is an example of it being used for bilateral Achilles tendinopathy (inflammation of the Achilles tendon)
16.01.2022 Wishing all the mums out there a very happy Mother’s Day
16.01.2022 Jan suffered a spinal cord injury (T4 level) in a motor vehicle accident and was told he may not ever walk again. Some may take something as simple as walking for granted, but for Jan to be able to maintain this level of mobility he has had to perform up to 3-4 hours of exercise on a daily basis. As a 74 year old it has taken a monumental amount of courage, determination and hard work to get to this point. The last 2 years have been a privilege to work with him and I look forward to setting more goals and smashing them
15.01.2022 For all your Physiotherapy needs! We offer a wide range of treatments including: rehabilitation, dry needling, sports Physiotherapy, workers compensation, CTP and more!
15.01.2022 Want to find out where your headaches are coming from? Here is an example of a muscle (sterncleidomastoid) that can cause headaches by referring pain into the red coloured areas in the above picture. Call 0468 954 206 to book in now!
14.01.2022 Joe absolutely killing it! Not letting his disability stop him
14.01.2022 On a daily basis I continue to see the massive impact that technology has had on our body! There is no perfect posture... the best posture is your next posture The human body is made to move!
13.01.2022 Great to see all our PT clients smashing out some great results @catanea05 bringing the goods!
13.01.2022 Worldwide, one in four people will experience a mental health condition at some point in their lives; one in six will have experienced a mental health condition in the past week alone. This year World Physiotherapy DaySaturday 8 Septemberfocuses on the role physiotherapists play in supporting people with a range mental health conditions
13.01.2022 My 8 year old clients humeral (arm) fracture Stay posted on how her rehab is going
13.01.2022 Shop front finished
11.01.2022 Happy long weekend everyone! Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe
11.01.2022 Significant calf muscle deconditioning after an Achilles tendon repair! Plenty of hard work coming up
11.01.2022 Repost from using @RepostRegramApp - We are very PROUD of all the healthy transformations and results so far this year, but we want to see MORE! This is your last opportunity of 2018 to get the results that you deserve, just in time for those warmsummer days. . 8 WEEK CHALLENGE .... Unlimited sessions Private Group sessions Body composition scans Individual training plans Custom Nutrition Plans Prizes . When: 13th October 8th December . PM for more details. *Conditions apply. @trubodyscan @foti.physiotherapy @live.functional #NEHchallenge #8weekchallenge #healthyfood #lifestyle #horsleypark #fairfield #local #functionaltraining #fitnessmotivation #family #community
10.01.2022 Dry needling therapy to get @alexciccarelli ready for his next lift
10.01.2022 A big thank you to our resident EP Sam for this year
10.01.2022 Resistance training can be great for: improving muscle strength and tone, reducing risk of injury, preventing or controlling chronic conditions (i.e diabetes, heart disease), improving posture and as well as improving sleep quality.
09.01.2022 Repost from @thefootcollective using @RepostRegramApp - THE DANGER OF HEELED FOOTWEAR wearing a shoe with an elevated heel might seem harmless but it has real effects on your posture upstream. These postural changes change how your body moves by making certain muscles more dominant (quads especially) and others weak (glutes) Over time, heeled footwear is a big culprit for knee problems and tight ankles so avoid them whenever you can. Finding a zero drop flat shoe can be q...uite difficult but taking the time to find one makes a massive difference in your joint health and movement patterns Most modern day running shoes and dress shoes have this nasty heel lift so beware of the consequences and transition to zero drop barefoot footwear. Your body will thank you #thefootcollective #posture #betterfootwear #kneepain #arthritis #squat #movement #quads #painfree #education #advice #shoes #run #running #injuryprevention #barefoot #runner #train #athlete #strongfeet #barefoot #prehab #physio #physicaltherapy #heels #footpain #flatfeet #ottawa #anklemobility See more
09.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We wil...l remember them. Lest we forget. #AnzacDay19
09.01.2022 A conversation could change a life #ruokay
09.01.2022 Repost from using @RepostRegramApp - Healthy bladder and bowel tip#2 Eating well To maintain a healthy weight and prevent constipation.. YOU are in control of the quality and quantity of food YOU eat. A general daily recommendation for getting sufficient fibre intake (30g) by nutrition Aus: ... 2 serves of fruit 5-6 serves of veges 3-6 serves of grain (mostly wholegrain) 2-3 serves lean meats, fish, legumes, beans, nuts and seeds Remember! For any dietary requirements or gut issues contact a health professional and see a qualified dietician @marikaday. Love this easy guide to stop over eating junk food from @precisionnutrition - The food industry expertly creates cheap, easily accessible products that our taste buds and our brains c a n n o t resist. - But here's the great news: It IS possible to beat the system. - Here are a few powerful strategies to help you explore your relationship with processed food and take back control of your grocery cart and eating habits. - Have you ever tried any of these strategies? How did it work for you? Share with us in the comments below - #regrann See more
09.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all dads out there! Enjoy your day
09.01.2022 Happy Australia Day! I hope everyone enjoyed today and had some better luck than I did #catchoftheday #australiaday2021
08.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there! Enjoy your day
08.01.2022 Repost from New Era Health using @RepostRegramApp - We have made many NEW and EXCITING changes at New Era Health. The crew at New Era Health are now ready to launch our NEW Training Experience that is guaranteed to increase your #motivation, #energy and #results in 2019. . Get READY to start the NEW YEAR with us at New Era Health. . Contact us now for more info
07.01.2022 Today is the NATIONAL day of action! A day to remind all Australians that everyday we should be asking someone are you okay?. A simple question to start a conversation that could change someones life. #areyouokay
07.01.2022 Wishing all the mums out there a very happy Mothers Day
07.01.2022 Dry needling therapy can be great to assist the removal of fluid after an ankle sprain
07.01.2022 We know we have been a little quiet lately! That’s because we have been making some exciting changes to our brand! We can’t wait for the big reveal!
06.01.2022 Here is an example of a patient of mine with a bone spur (osteophyte) in the hip joint that was significantly limiting joint range of motion. Not very surprising given the size of it!!
06.01.2022 8 weeks ago Dom was told he would need surgical intervention on his rotator cuff tear. With a combination of manual therapy, dry needling and exercise he is now close to pain-free
06.01.2022 When a patient brings you homemade grappa as a thank you gift
06.01.2022 Mike smashing the pull up challenge
06.01.2022 Alison putting in the hard work after recovering from a lower back injury
06.01.2022 We are now open 5 days a week 0468 954 206 to book an appointment!
05.01.2022 A challenging yet rewarding year, definitely couldn’t have done it without this legend by my side
04.01.2022 Some amazing scores on the champions board, let’s see what @catanea05 has in store for this year
04.01.2022 A big congratulations to @alexciccarelli for smashing out a PB squat of 212.5kg at the comp on the weekend
04.01.2022 We are delighted and proud to be recommended for the Police News Journal for providing great treatment to officers. We are fortunate to be able to give back in some way to a dedicated group of people. We thank The Police Association of NSW for their support
03.01.2022 Did you know, if you have a chronic illness you may qualify for 5 free physiotherapy visits per year through Medicare? See your GP for more information!
03.01.2022 We are still open and providing essential services Please keep in mind that we are also offering free physiotherapy advice over the phone for those who prefer not to come in for a face to face visit
03.01.2022 When you get to treat your primary school PE teacher
02.01.2022 Our deepest condolences to the families of Deputy Captain Geoffrey Keaton and Mr Andrew O’Dwyer. May they Rest In Peace. @horsleyparkrfb
02.01.2022 Foti Physiotherapy will open for 2019 from Monday the 14th January! We hope you all had a great holiday with your family and friends!
01.01.2022 Our deepest condolences to the families of Deputy Captain Geoffrey Keaton and Mr Andrew ODwyer. May they Rest In Peace. @horsleyparkrfb
01.01.2022 A successful vertigo treatment leading to a 90% reduction in symptoms with just one session
01.01.2022 Offering a wide range of services in Horsley park
01.01.2022 You spoke and we listened! We had so many patients not being able to find us online! Thanks to Google it will be easier than ever to find our details! Check it out for yourself and give us a review
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