Found My Physique in Wollongong, New South Wales | Alternative & holistic health service
Found My Physique
Locality: Wollongong, New South Wales
Phone: +61 438 373 914
Address: 2/335 Keira St 2500 Wollongong, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Did you know that 80% of your #results come from your #nutrition? Contact us today about our Personalized Eating Plans! #fitness
25.01.2022 CONFIDENCE - I HAVE DONE IT AND I CAN DO IT AGAIN . The first weight loss is usually the hardest because you have to break a lot of bad habits, but once you know how to do it correctly, it is easy to jump back on track! . In this photo I managed to shred down to 6-8% body fat AND I sustained it for over 1 year through eating the right foods in the right amounts... . If I ever want to get there again, I can and I know how - that is CONFIDENCE... and that's the confidence I wish to give to others! . Dieting doesnt have to be so difficult, if you understand how it works and apply the scientifically proven formulas, you WILL see results! . Stop listing to the BS on the news, advice from friends, influencers, or fad diets, its time to get educated ... . Big things are about to drop here at FMP . Get ready! . BIG ANNOUNCEMENT COMING SOON! . . . . . . #weightlossstory #shreddedlife #weightlosscoach #eatcleandiet #shreddedunion #eatcleantrainmean #weightlossmeals #weightlossjournal #weightlosscommunity #weightlossgoals #eatcleantrainhard #weightlosssuccess #foundmyphysique #weightlosssurgery #weightlossdiet #weightlossblogger #fatlosshelp #eatcleanmalaysia #fatlossmotivation #weightlosschallenge #weightlossprogram #weightlosssupport #eatcleangetlean #fatlossgoals #fatlosstransformation #weightlossresults #weightlossinspiration #weightlosstips See more
24.01.2022 Get ready! Our #brandnew SHREDin7, full transformation program is on its way! Stay tuned for details and visit to see our various other services! #fitness #program
23.01.2022 #COVID19 is still an issue worldwide, and if you want to help boost your #immunesystem against this virus, check out our helpful information here. #health
23.01.2022 Are you trying to lose weight? Check out our guide to creating a quick and easy #caloriedeficit! #weightloss #health
22.01.2022 It can be difficult to guess how much #protein is in the food you are eating and knowing how much protein your body actually requires. That being said, check out our guide to see what 25g of protein looks like! #nutrition #fitness
22.01.2022 Do you have a structure to follow? It is IMPORTANT... here is why: . An irregular meal patter is not just a lifestyle concern... the regularity if your meals has important phyiological effects. By definition, an irregular meal pattern has you eating at times when your circadian rhythm is not adapted to digest nutrients. This causes disruption of postprandial metabolism, i.e. how your body reacts to food. (Ever notice you get hungry at "meal time"... this is because your b...ody is priming itself to absorb food) . This disruption from an irregular eating pattern includes all of the following: . Higher fasting total and LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol. A cross-sectional study found decreased LDL cholesterol levels though. . Decreased postprandial insulin sensitivity. When you eat at a time your body is not accustomed to, you produce more insulin than normally. . A disruption in the circadian rhythm of your appetite leading to more hunger. (Wow) . A disruption in the circadian rhythm of cortisol production and an increase in total cortisol production across the day. . Higher blood pressure. . A lower thermic effect of food (TEF) as a result of decreased insulin sensitivity. When you eat at irregular times, your body burns less of it. In this study the thermic effect of food decreased almost 50% during the 2 week transition from a regular to an irregular meal pattern. That means if your TEF is normally on the high end of 25%, an irregular meal pattern could drop that cose to 12.5% and thereby decrease your total daily energy expenditure by 12.5%. . . . Wow right? I know! . So look at your dialy nutrition structure... try to LOCK something in. Hint: the best STRUCTURE is the one you can stick to! . And if your still eating more meals per day because it "speeds up your metabolism" then get with the program this myth has been debunked years ago . . . . . . . . #easymeals #nutritionist #vegannutrition #lowcarbmeals #insulinpump #eatcleanfood #nutritioncoaching #eatcleantrainmean #slimmingworldmeals #nutritionfacts #homemademeals #balancedmeals #whole30meals #nutritionadvice #optimumnutrition #mealtime #mealsonwheels #lowcaloriemeals #nutrition See more
22.01.2022 There is a large gap between the hugely successful #results of people who push themselves to their limits and the minimal results of those who choose the easy option. It's time to change your perception of #pain! #fitness
21.01.2022 Found My Physique offers personalized #nutrition reports that can cater to your unique energy requirements, macros, meals per day, and #fitness goals! Visit for more information! #training
21.01.2022 New study finds zero difference in results for those who take "diet breaks" and those who stay consistent to their routine Diet breaks are used to give the participant as a week of maintenance calories then the diet continues. This is one of many studies that conclude that the diet break did nothing for overall results - and in fact ended up extending the total dieting period. It is worth mentioning there was a small reduction in hunger in the diet break group.... Take home message - just stick to your nutrition plan and turn it into a habit READ:
20.01.2022 WE ARE ON! SHREDin7 is back for 2021! SAVE THE DATE: 1ST MARCH! . I'm so stoked with how well SHREDin7 went in 2020 and the feedback was amazing... I've decided to reduce the barrier to entry and do a flash 3 day sale - a huge 20% discount until the 20th of Febuary! . If you are wanting to join SHREDin7, simply head to the website and pre-purchase... . You will be in good hands! . SHREDin7 includes: . Personalised nutrition Meal builder software Before / After body scans Training programs Adherence tracker Progress tracking on dashboard SHREDin7 course educational content Weekly checkins Planned exercise progression Lessons on nutrition Lessons on training Lessons on recovery How to progress beyond SHREDin7 $1000 cash prize up for grabs! . This program took several months to build and it's constantly evolving . TAG a friend or family member who may be interested in doing the program with you, we are stronger together! . Head to the website to reserve your spot (places are limited): . . Link in bio . Much love! . . #transformation #shredin7 #foundmyphysique #nutritionist #transformationcourse See more
19.01.2022 Could your body use a "de-load" week? Discover the benefits of incorporating a de-load week into your #workout routine here. #strength #training
19.01.2022 HOW ARE YOU TRACKING PROGRESS?? . You best be sure not to fall for the trap of believing your progress is tied to your daily WEIGHT changes! . Daily weight will fluctuated for a lot of different reasons, and it will also increase throughout the day... . Try this method for tracking yourself instead: . 1 - record weight 3-7 days per week, in the morning after toilet 2 - average out those numbers by adding them together and divide by total number (ie - 72.4 + 73.1 + 72.7 + 72.5 / 4 = ______) 3 - Use your weekly average weight to track your progress . It is still recommended you do a body compositions scan or photos to assess progress every 4-8 weeks, but this method works great for keeping track along the way . . . . . #weightloss #weightchange #transformation #eatingclean #eatclean #nutritionist #dietcoach #weightlosscoach #bodycomposition #fatloss #fatlosstips #healthyeating See more
18.01.2022 Have you tried our InBody 570 Body Composition Scanning Service yet? Our scans will measure #fat, #muscle, total body water, visceral fat levels, and also bone mineral concentrations! Learn more here. #bodycomposition
18.01.2022 #Kettlebells are one of the most critically misunderstood and under-utilized pieces of equipment found in any #fitness center. Discover the art & science of kettlebell training here. #strength #training
18.01.2022 #Recovery goes hand-in-hand with #training. Read our blog post "Recover Faster, Grow Stronger: 10 Proven Recovery Techniques" for essential information on proper recovery. #fitness
18.01.2022 Sculpting that perfect six-pack is a #challenge that many people struggle with overcoming. Check out our secret methods for developing amazing #abs here. #fitness
17.01.2022 Is #muscle growth your goal? Then you need to know these 9 fundamental rules of #eating. #nutrition
17.01.2022 Get your #nutrition back on track with Found My Physique! Visit for more information! #fitness #health
16.01.2022 So much emphasis on our #health is focused on bettering our bodies physically, but what about our minds? Here are the top 10 foods for strengthening your brain health. #mentalhealth #nutrition
16.01.2022 "Do I eat before #training?" "If I eat, what do I eat?" Here are 3 important factors to consider. #nutrition #health
15.01.2022 Is your #nutrition plan working for you? Book a consultation with one of our nutritionists to learn how you can improve your existing #diet. #fitness
13.01.2022 Ready to transform your #health for the better? Our team at Found My Physique will help you achieve your #goals! Visit to learn more! #fitness
13.01.2022 Found My Physique offers an extensive range of #nutritional & #fitness training services to cater to all of our clientele. Go to to see which service best suits your needs. #gym
12.01.2022 Sometimes you need to #deload in order to reload and get stronger! Read more here. #strength #training
12.01.2022 Have you #HIIT your #workout yet today? Discover the secret fat-burning power of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) here. #fitness
12.01.2022 There is a major difference between the feeling/ energy/performance of a #healthy brain, which has been fed amazing nutrients for a sustained period compared to one that has not. Read more here. #brain #nutrition
12.01.2022 Are you familiar with the 5 hindrances to self-mastery? Discover how to #control your mind, here. #mindset #mental
11.01.2022 Accurate!? Tag a friend! . Do you ever look at your food and think: IS THIS EVEN REAL FOOD!?!? . Our bodies are not designed to ingest refined sugars and extracted oils... . STOP fueling the system that creates so much death and disease . No one is trying to market whole foods because there is minimal profit in doing so! . We can all choose to eat better foods! By doing so you can start to reclaim your health, immune system, energy levels, libido, clarity and physique! . Eat whole foods for whole body health! It may cost most, but you are worth it . #immunesupport #immune #foodsystem #consumerism #eatclean #wholefood See more
11.01.2022 Our clients are loving their #results! Check out their incredible transformations and which programs they use to get there! #fitness #weightloss
11.01.2022 #nopain, #nogain! Read our 3 Steps to changing your perception of #workout pain here. #fitness
10.01.2022 Start boosting your immunity against COVID-19 IN THIS POST: > Why do we need to boost our immune systems... > 8 lifestyle factors for boosting your immune system > 8 foods and supplements to help Read more:
09.01.2022 With our #nutrition consultations, personalized eating plans, body composition scanning, and the rest of our high-quality services, there is no one better to guide your towards your #fitness goals! Learn more here. #health
08.01.2022 Our previous and current clients are continuing to show incredible #results! Check out some of the top bodily transformations here. #fitness #weightloss
08.01.2022 Are you creating your own #eating plan? Here are some rules to follow to ensure that your plan results in solid #muscle growth! #nutrition
08.01.2022 Why can #dieting be so difficult to follow? Here's what a professional #nutritionist has to say about it. #nutrition
07.01.2022 #Fasting has become a new trend in the world of #health. Read the science behind this method here. #nutrition
07.01.2022 Did you know? A good nights #sleep contributes to your #workout performance, awareness, mood, ability to handle stress, and much more? Read our 4 steps for optimal sleep quality here. #wellness
06.01.2022 The #results speak for themselves! See all of the incredible total body #transformations of our former and current clients at today! #fitness
06.01.2022 Are you trying to get down to 7-9% body fat but haven't had #success? Here are our helpful tips. #diet #health
05.01.2022 Great changes dont happen overnight. Sometimes it take TIME. A big shoutout to this guy, it's been a pleasure watching him grow physically and mentally . Dr Priyank decided to make a change to his health and his physique. He has been doing 2x per week PT sessions with me as well as following a semi strict intermittent fasting nutrition nutrition plan . Some improvements so far:... Strength has gone up 3-4x on all major movements Lost over 6kg body fat Gained 4.2kg muscle Gained more lean body mass (organs / tissue) Improved bone minerals Improved BMR Lowered visceral fat Improved technique on all fundamental moment patterns Improved mobility Improved mindset towards health and training intensity Found an eating structure that he can stick to for life Probably the biggest improvement was learning how to deadlift properly - albeit it took 3 months to learn the propper movement pattern! You can't expect to make long term progress if your movement patterns are broken . His progress is a reminder that great changes dont happen overnight, but if you stay committed to your goal and follow a good formula, youll get there! . More results to come, keep it up Priyank! Watch this space! . I'm forever greatful that people trust me to guide them in the right direction Thanks for all the trust and support guys! . Stay strong! . . . . . #transformation #progressshot #foundmyphysique #nutritionplan #weightloss #bodyrecomp #physiquecoach #nutritionist #fatlosscoach See more
05.01.2022 #intermittentfasting helped me get ripped in 8 weeks! Check out my process and journey here. #fitness #nutrition
04.01.2022 BODY RECOMPOSITION AT 120KG So proud of this legend for chasing after a healthier happier version of himself! . Swipe to see body scan data . 6.8kg muscle gain... 9.1kg body fat loss 8.7% less body fat MAINTAINED WEIGHT This is more solid proof you should not trust what is happening on the scales! He lost over 9kg of body fat and gained 6.8kg of lean muscle mass! . The remaining weight difference is made up of other body tissues such as organs, bones, joints, minerals etc. . Amazing work @kinga1712 ... proud of you mate! Thanks for allowing me to help you on your journey! . Mastering your nutrition is hard work but it will be one of the most powerful and rewarding components to living a healthy happy life. . Big things are coming with Found My Physique... a new service is going to be launched soon . Jump on the email list via the website to get the hot goss when it drops! . #transformation #physique #functionalnutritionist #nutritionistperth #transformationphysique #nutritionistmumbai #transformationsunday #fatlosslifestyle #transformyourlife #transformersprime #transformationtueaday #transformations #fatlossdiary #transformationpics #browtransformation #transformacaodigital #fatlossblog #transformersthelastknight #nutritionisthekey #fatlossformen #nutritionistinthekitchen #certifiednutritionist #vegannutritionist #nutritionistinmumbai #fatlossrecipes #nutritionistmelbourne #transformforlife #nutritionistdelhi #fitnesstransformation #fatlosstips
04.01.2022 Look at these amazing meals ... some of these are from my dietary clients who are completing transformations and some are my own. . When you learn how to be flexible with your nutrition you can make so many healthy meals that line up with your #goal . The general rule is - 80% whole food / 20% soul food... . You can make amazing body composition changes just by eating the right foods in the right amounts! Get in touch if you want to learn more about getting a scienced based nutrition plan to help you achieve your goals . . . . . . #cleaneatingchallenge #deliciousbali #dietitiansofinstagram #healthydinner #healthylunch #homemadecakes #homemadejam #delicious_food #delicious #healthyhabits #cleaneatingjourney #cleaneatingdiet #deliciousfoods #nutritionist #homemadecake #cleaneatinglifestyle #healthyskin #deliciousandnutritious #homemadepizza #homemadesweets #healthymom #cleaneatingrecipes #delicacies #homemadedessert #homemadecookies #homemadeicecream #healthyeats See more
04.01.2022 Our team offers expert #nutrition, #personaltraining, and other services to help out clients reach their fitness & health goals! Visit to browse through our services! #fitness
03.01.2022 Our SHREDin7 #fitness program is a 7-week course designed to teach you how to shred fat and build #muscle! Click the link for more information! #nutrition
01.01.2022 At Found My Physique, we offer personalized #nutrition reports for our clients that cater to your unique energy requirements, macros, meals per day, and #fitness goals! Learn more here. #health
01.01.2022 How much does our diet quality influence our health compared to other factors, such as unsafe sex or pollution? The graph I attached from the The US Burden of Disease Collaborators shows the answer is clear: our diets are monumentally important for our health. Diet quality is now the number one predictor of early death and it's roughly tied with tobacco use as the number one predictor of severe health disability. Amazingly, this analysis separated diet quality from body mas...s index (BMI). You can see BMI also ranks very highly, and of course being lean and eating a healthy diet go hand in hand, so if we add BMI and diet quality together, they massively overshadow any other factor. We have enormous control over our health. If you stay lean and fit while consuming a healthy diet throughout your life, and you don't smoke, you can expect your body to hold up *dramatically* better than most people's. Original Post Credit: Menno Henselmans
01.01.2022 Our #brandnew SHREDin7, full transformation program is almost here! Stay tuned for details on this program and visit to view our various other services! #fitness #program
01.01.2022 No pain no gain, right? Check out our 3 steps for changing your perception of #pain. #fitness #fitlife
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