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Foxwood Arabians in Running Stream, New South Wales, Australia | Pet service

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Foxwood Arabians

Locality: Running Stream, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 413 273 349

Address: 3 new olivers rd 2850 Running Stream, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Sparky getting ready for the Aussies

25.01.2022 Casanovas foal crop this year -just 3 of them due to the drought last year.The colt is sold-the 2 fillies are available -all Arabian ponies.

24.01.2022 Champion Palomino Stallion at the APHA summer show

23.01.2022 Isnt this just the cutest face-Foxwood Sahara (Nalla Casanova x Simeon Sahala) grey purebred filly.EOI.

23.01.2022 Nalla Casanova services available in the Breeders Sweepstake Auction-Foals are eligible for the Breeders Sweepstake classes at the National Stud Horse Show which one of his progeny won last year.

23.01.2022 Autumn mornings

23.01.2022 Welcome to the world our last foal for the season a big Buckskin colt by Nalla Casanova out of Coldstream Fantasy in White.I cant quite choose between calling him Bucks Night or Cowboy Casanova -what do you think.He should mature about 15.2hh and can be registered Arabian Stockhorse ,Buckskin and 1st cross Stockhorse so lots of classes to compete in.His full sister is East Coast Champion Arabian Stockhorse. Reasonably priced to a show home where he will excel.Due to the drought i havnt bred any of the Stockhorse mares this season so he will be the last one available until the Drought breaks.

22.01.2022 Buckskin Arabian Pony Colt (Nalla Casanova x Nawarrah Park Pink Lady)

20.01.2022 Congratulations to Olivia riding Foxwood Zambezi at the Youngstars of the Future Show today.This is his first season under saddle and he is going so kindly for ...Olivia.This was their awards-Foxwood Zambezi and Olivia 1st Novice NP Novice Derivative 13.2-14.2 Reserve Champion NP Ridden Partbred Gelding .Zambezi is a partbred Gelding by Mystica Sagali (US) See more

19.01.2022 Enjoying their first taste of rain,we only had a little ,hoping for more today,muddy but happy foals. EOI for all of this years foals due to the fires.

19.01.2022 Merry Christmas

19.01.2022 Ive finally had time to write up some results from East Coast 2020.Thanks again to the wonderful owners of Foxwood horses for looking after them and preparing them so well. Foxwood Lady Chatterley-Arabian pony 2 yr old filly Champion junior arabian pony filly 2/3 yrs R/up Supreme Junior arabian pony exhibit Friday -... Champion junior double registered buckskin Supreme Junior double registered exhibit Saturday - Champion derivative shown by youth 14 & over Top 5 youth handler Congratulations Lee anne and Tash Foxwood Aztec Gold winning Reserve Champion Riiden Arabian Stockhorse and Top Five ridden Double Registered Palomino. Olivia and Foxwood Zambezi went home with ( top fives and he behaved beautifully for his young rider with his first time indoors. See more

19.01.2022 I found an early photo of my first Partbred mare Naaman Gazelle +s ,she was a multiple Australian Champion,Twice National reserve Champion ridden partbred when there were huge classes ,she was classified a studbook stockhorse and competed in everything from open hacking ,Dressage ,Western,Trail and Costume ,she even jumped but was limited by her not very brave rider and ive changed a bit to over the years.

18.01.2022 So this is the round up of Nalla Casanovas 3rd Foal crop of 2019-he has only bred 9 foals altogether and already has produced Supreme at Sydney Royal ,Grand Champions and East Coast Champions,the oldest being 2 yrs old.This year he has produced 2 Arabian Stockhorse colts ,a Partbred Palomino colt and a Purebred filly-all lovely looking foals.

18.01.2022 Our chestnut Arabian Stockhorse is growing well by Nalla Casanova x Lin-a-zay Gold Charm.

18.01.2022 2020 Arabian pony foals by Nalla Casanova-Chestnut filly available for sale ,Buckskin colt already sold.

18.01.2022 Foxwood Golden Spark -Champion senior stallion in the DEVA show today.

17.01.2022 Congratulations to Leeann Partington and Latasha Davies with Foxwood Lady Chatterley winning the Robyn Rees award for Highpoint Arabian Pony and Foxwood Lady Dianna winning the Ruby Award to her Diamond Award in the 2 and 3 year old Arabian Pony Filly

17.01.2022 This post is slightly delayed due to the Bushfire Black Hole that i found myself in but we are starting to climb out the other side.When i was at the Classic the Bushfire was approaching and it taken this long for me to have some time to congratulate Elouise and Michelle Lando on their fantastic win with Milo.

17.01.2022 Be prepared for foal spam-Purebred filly Foxwood Sahara by Nalla Casanova from Simeon Sahala 3/4 Egyptian - all type and attitude.I love the grey goggles and the very short head,shes a very sassy little miss.Expressions of interest invited.

17.01.2022 Foxwood Gaultier (DP Aryan El Jamal x Foxwood Coco Chanel) purebred yearling colt with Lara Wiseman.Straight out of the paddock,no clipping ,no makeup ,look at those eys,such a pretty boy.

16.01.2022 Nalla Casanova out in the paddock talking to his mares,no bath ,no clipping,no neck sweat,just natural.People often ask why Arabian horses faces are shaved,its trying to replicate what happens naturally to a well bred horse in summer.

15.01.2022 EOI 12 yr old Partbred Arabian Palomino broodmare,can be sold in foal to Nalla Casanova.Very good doer,very typey,excellent solid coloured palomino that doesnt smutt .Foxwood Snow Crystal(nalla La Scala x Foxwood Gold Filigree).Very reasonably priced.

14.01.2022 Life is slowly returning to normal after the fire.This is the first weekend i havnt been catering for the local RFS.Now to fix fences .My little poor little Bushfire babies are shut in a yard because we have no fences but they are growing well,all by Nalla Casanova they really are a lovely crop of foals,the chestnut Arabian Stockhorse has found a home but all of the others are available.Photos from last night and you can see all of the burnt bush in the background.

14.01.2022 Foxwood Lady Chatterley in the latest Hills and Hawkesbury Equine News.

14.01.2022 More photos of the golden child and camera hog Legacy-(Nalla Casanova x Foxwood Gold Filigree),im even liking the fact hes a boy and he knows hes a boy already.Wonders over to chat to the ponies giving his mother conniptions,hes already very independent.

14.01.2022 How cute is this purebred filly Foxwood Sahara (Nalla Casanova x Simeon Sahala) ,I just love her little wrinkles around the nose ,and grey goggles around those big eyes.

14.01.2022 I finally have a fence on one paddocks and the babies are out showing off,so lots of foal spam.First up Foxwood Bucks Night ,Arabian Stockhorse colt (Nalla Casanova x Coldstream Fantasy In White) ,can be triple registered.Should mature about 15.2hh and can he move.If you like to win this one is for you.

13.01.2022 Animated Instagram and Facebook post.Send me your photos and i will make one for you

13.01.2022 She has finally arrived ,a grey purebred filly by Nalla Casanova from Simeon Sahala.Shes tiny and has the cutest short dishy head,very,very pretty and very very refined,im loving his purebred foals.A couple of phone snaps.

13.01.2022 Amazing to see Nalla Casanova 4th on the NSW leading Derivative Sires list.This is his first foal crop of 2 Derivitive Foals(yes just 2), so they are both only yearlings but they won multiple Champions at each show and Runner up supreme junior at East Coast.It will be an exciting year this year with 4 more yearlings that may be out competing at some point.4 foals by Casanova are due this year 1 purebred ,2 Arabian stockhorses and 1 partbred.Expressions of interest are invited.#arabianstudsandstallions

12.01.2022 The favourite ,cheeky as ever.Arabian pony colt by Nalla Casanova out of Nawarrah Park Pink Lady.

11.01.2022 Nalla Casanova's Arabian pony foals at 1 day old-like peas in a pod.

10.01.2022 Foxwood Crystal n Gold (Foxwood Golden Spark x Foxwood Snow Crystal) or Foxwood snow crystal ,palomino partbred mares available lease or sale

10.01.2022 He knows hes super special and so cheeky already -Foxwood Golden Legacy(Nalla Casanova x Foxwood Gold Filigree).

10.01.2022 Congratulations to Leeann and Tash on winning the Emily Rees sash for the Best Arabian Pony at the DD show 2019 with Foxwood Lady Chatterley who at only 2 yrs of age has had an incredible show career.Thank you Renee for the great photo

09.01.2022 Available due the Drought purebred mare Fairview Bint Nefertiti-broken in ,lease or sale

09.01.2022 How can you not love this sassy filly Foxwood Sahara (Nalla Casanova x Simeon Sahalaa)

09.01.2022 Next we have Miss Sassy Pants-Foxwood Sahara (Nalla Casanova x Simeon Sahala)-No clipping ,no make up just lots of TYPE.She is available and will make a lovely show filly.

08.01.2022 Foxwood stud had a great weekend with horses they have sold winning at shows in 2 states. Foxwood Lady Chatterley won 2nd Best Presented 1st Junior buckskin filly under 14hh Champion junior buckskin filly... 1st Partbred Welsh filly or mare 2nd Arabian Derivative filly 1st Junior Handler 12 & under 15yrs Best Junior Handler winning the Ray Bodicott Memorial Trophy for her young owner Latasha Davies at the NSW National Buckskin show along with Foxwood Black Rose in her showring debut winning Reserve Champion for the Cole family Show team. Foxwood Count Milano had a stellar show at the Victorian Classic winning Supreme Novice,Supreme Intermediate and Supreme Ridden Horse of the show for Michelle and Elouise Lando .As always its from the great amount of work and love that the new owners put into this horses that creates their success . See more

08.01.2022 Well he was worth the wait(she has been waxed up and restless since Saturday ) welcome Foxwood Golden Legacy (Nalla Casanova xFoxwood Gold Filigree)phots at 3 hrs old,he still hasnt unscrunched yet.This will be Filigrees last foal as she is 23 and looking her age.Carrying the bloodlines of Ralvon Pilgrim and Gazal Al Shaqab he really is a stunning colt.With his long,long neck ,laid back shoulder and pretty head as well as his mothers solid gold colour he is an amazing Palomin...o colt.He can be registered either part bred Arabian or half Arabian. Filigrees foals all have amazing temperaments and she has produced 2 Little Egypt Trophy winners and multi champions (yes i was hoping for another pally filly).Prepare for lots of photos.Casanova really is producing stunning foals.3 more to go this year-1 purebred from Simeon Sahala and 2 Arabian Stockhorses. See more

08.01.2022 "What other Breed can achieve this" The next AHSA Advertisement has appeared in the July Horse Deals and everyone should let the statistics from Sydney Royal 20...19 sink in-"22 Supreme and Best of Awards"I was surprised when I put the Add together- I knew that registered Arabian Derivatives had won a lot of classes but this is incredible.These are just the "Supremes"-the highest award for each section or Breed including the Ridden which sometimes just had a "Champion" for the Highest award of the Ridden Section.This list does not include individual Champions in each section or 1st place winners of which there were many more ,which are all a great achievement ,as is qualifying and competing at Sydney Royal.Derivatives excelled in the Colored rings,ANSA,Australian Saddle Ponies,Show Hunter Galloways and Ponies ,Open Ponies,Galloways and Hacks ,Harness and Part Welsh. The Arabian has always been used to impart Quality, Soundness and Movement into all Horse breeds and is continuing to do so.These amazing horses are out there competing in Open competition and just need all of us to continue promoting their achievements. Lets flood the internet with good news stories about our wonderful Arabians and Derivatives . See more

07.01.2022 Sparkies journey to the Aussie Champs part 1

05.01.2022 I have finally had time to take some pictures of Casanovas 2nd foal this year,a big Chestnut Arabian Stockhorse colt.If he can move anything like his grandfather and half sister he will make a lovely small Hack as he should mature about 15.1hh. Available at a very reasonable price.He also needs a name -he is by Nalla Casanova out of Lin-a-zay Gold Charm-.

05.01.2022 Nalla Casanova babies-they have a look!

04.01.2022 Just too cute for words-Arabian Pony Buckskin Colt by Nalla Casanova from Nawarrah Park Pink Lady .

04.01.2022 Looking a bit like Brumbies ,the mob up on the Mountain,its the best feed ,but boy can it get cold.

04.01.2022 The Grandkids helping to beautify Foxwood Gold Queen and Purebred Mare Foxwood Sagalis Angel.

04.01.2022 Congratulations to the Foxwood horses and Nalla Cassanova progeny winning top awards at the Young Stars of the Future show.A big congratulations to Latasha Davis and Leanne Partington on winning Supreme Derivative handled by a youth,Supreme Non pro Derivative,Supreme Derivative Junior Youngstock,Champion Youth Handler, yearling Derivative Futurity Exhibit winner.Tash is rockin those handler classes and you have mouse looking so well.(look out for mini mouse who is soon to be ...weaned and joining her sister).What a show they had. Foxwood Arctic Gold won the Champion Arabian stockhorse for Kim Dickinson he is growing into such a lovely boy. Shay Riddle had a fabulous show with her studs first Quarab baby Sway Lavie SL by Nalla Casanova winning 5 champions and the sires progeny with Aratahnes Issadora who also won Reserve Champion Arabian pony weanling with Liz Hall.Well done to Margot Henry on breeding such a lovely baby and Shay for presenting them so well. Thank you to all the owners of Foxwood horses and clients who chose to breed to Nalla Cassanova on their continued succes and the hard work they put into these horses. See more

02.01.2022 Save the favourite till last-the cookie monster-Foxwood Golden Legacy-hes a bit of a special child and he knows it.

01.01.2022 Buckskin Arabian Pony Colt(Nalla Casanova x Nawarrah Park Pink Lady)

01.01.2022 Fluffy Autumn foals,weaning time very soon.

01.01.2022 Our new Halloween baby.Buckskin Arabian pony filly by Nalla Casanova from Prinley Park White Rose.EOI invited.

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