FPMT in Australia | Non-profit organisation
FPMT in Australia
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25.01.2022 https://youtu.be/lHkUKEfE8DI
24.01.2022 JOIN GESHE ZOPA SUNDAY 4TH OCTOBER Geshela continues these astounding series of profound and heart-touching teachings. Join any time. https://youtu.be/MN4Fl3IIyCg
23.01.2022 GESHE ZOPA MOVES FROM CLEAR LIGHT MIND TO ALTRUISM From cultivating the clear light spacious mind, due to meditating on emptiness, we are now moving to exchanging self with others as we develop a loving kind outlook. https://youtu.be/EmJZJ6K0zUg
23.01.2022 FPMT in Australia is excited that popular and respected FPMT teacher, Geshe Thubten Sherab, will once again teach for us on the profound topic of how to prepare for death and the bardo. The teaching will be livestreamed and interactive. See below the link on how to register for this special event.
22.01.2022 WIN NEWS REPORTS ON REJECTION OF ABBOT GESHE RAPTEN'S VISA See WIN News report by clicking on link below. To find out how to take action to protest the visa rejection go to the fpmta.org.au website and look for/geshe-raptens-visa-rejection. We encourage you to make your voice heard now! https://www.facebook.com/WINNewsBendigo/videos/276318940474988
20.01.2022 We are grateful to our patron His Holiness the Dalai Lama for his beautiful letter of support for the Big Love Festival.
20.01.2022 GESHE ZOPA'S TEACHINGS ON EMPTINESS AND SHAMATHA SUNDAY For the last few Sundays Geshe Zopa has been teaching on how to analyse and meditate on Emptiness. This will form the basis for the next topic that Geshe-la is moving on to which is the practice of Shamatha The text is a commentary by Se Chilbu Chokyi Gyaltsen on Geshe Chekawa's '7 Point Mind Training' from the anthology, 'Mind Training: the Great Collection'. https://youtu.be/6_aDI3RnPNM
20.01.2022 HEAR GESHE ZOPA'S INSIGHTS INTO TRAINING OUR MINDS Has there ever been a more relevant time to train our minds? The U.S. election; the COVID-19 pandemic across the world; the bushfires in Australia and America; in Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand, the terrible floods. Join students from around the world this Sunday as we learn to deal with samsara's suffering. https://youtu.be/a8rooD2U44g
18.01.2022 COVID-19 IN PRISON
18.01.2022 SUNDAY WE ARE PARTICULARLY FORTUNATE Join us for Geshe Zopa's Lojong series which is livestreamed on Sunday afternoon Australian, Malaysian and Chinese time - morning time in Europe. These Mind Training teachings are the highlight of the week for many of us, setting the tone for the week to come. This follows Geshe Thubten Sherab's teachings on Death and the Bardo which will be held this Sunday morning Australian time. https://youtu.be/j4l7onwD1iI
17.01.2022 MESSAGE FROM GESHE ZOPA https://www.facebook.com/363414434334/posts/10157909855159335/
16.01.2022 Jan Willis was among the earliest students of Lama Yeshe and Zopa Rinpoche, meeting them in 1969. She studied under Lama Yeshe for the last fifteen years of his... life and shared both an academic and a deep personal relationship with him. Jan will recount stories of those years and how they exemplify the teacher's infinite compassion. Register for the festival at www.compassionandwisdom.org to receive the link for the live online session. See more
16.01.2022 PLEASE SIGN OUR CHANGE. ORG PETITION TO HELP ABBOT GESHE RAPTEN STAY Highly esteemed Geshe Rapten, Abbot of Thubten Shedrup Ling monastery and teacher at Atisha Buddhist centre, Bendigo, has been advised by the Department of Immigration that his application for a visa to stay in Australia has been rejected. Find out more and sign our petition to the Acting Minister for Immigration, Alan Tudge, by visiting the link below.
15.01.2022 GESHE ZOPA LOJONG TEACHINGS TODAY (SUNDAY) 29TH Join us today on our YouTube channel. See link below. https://youtu.be/YpFxrEZ4uaM
15.01.2022 GESHE ZOPA CONTINUES HIS EMPTINESS MEDITATION PRACTICE TEACHINGS Geshe Zopa continues his teachings on learning to contemplate Emptiness and gain freedom from our afflictive emotions, thus being able to develop a spacious luminous mind. 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time Sunday 20th September https://youtu.be/PDkPYGhQRDM
14.01.2022 This week at Asia Society Asia Society New York hosts Sharon Salzberg to discuss her new book "Real Change" that explores how to foster transformation in ours...elves and in society, Asia Society Texas Center hosts an informative panel on questions about coronavirus as temperatures drop and threats of a second wave persist, and more. Details: https://asiasociety.org/online
14.01.2022 Join us for Geshe Sherab's last livestreamed Australian teaching for 2020. See below how to register for this class.
14.01.2022 MEDICINE BUDDHA PUJA SUNDAY NIGHT WITH GESHE ZOPA https://mailchi.mp//tonight-medicine-buddha-puja-with-gesh
14.01.2022 LONG LIFE PUJA AT KOPAN FOR GESHES THIS MONDAY 9TH NOV Video is from the Geshe debate at the Guru Bhumtsok last year. FPMT Australia, on behalf of FPMT centres, is organising a Long Life Puja for Geshe Zopa, Geshe Rapten, Geshe Samten, Geshe Tsultrim, Geshe Doga and Dorje, and Geshe Tsundu at Kopan monastery this Monday November 9th. To make an offering by PayPal or bank transfer, visit www.fpmta.org.au/long-life-puja-for-australian-geshes/
13.01.2022 PRAYERS FOR BEAUTIFUL SWANS FROM GESHE ZOPA May they have an excellent rebirth into a pure realm and reach enlightenment.
13.01.2022 GESHE ZOPA TO LEAD IMI PRAYER-ATHON SATURDAY This Saturday 29 August 5.30pm-6.30pm Perth time (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html) Geshe Zopa will be leading one hour of the IMI Thangtong Gyalpo prayerathon advised by Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche. This 24 hour prayer-a-thon has been advised and recommended by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and occurs each Saturday, organised by IMI and facilitated by Chenrezig Institute. Click on this link https://www.youtube.com/c/ChenrezigInstituteAustralia
12.01.2022 SUPPORTING TIBETAN ELDERS IN EXILE https://fpmt.org//direct-support-offered-to-tibetan-elder/
12.01.2022 JOIN GESHE ZOPA SUNDAY AS HE CONTINUES HIS EMPTINESS TEACHINGS These Emptiness and the Nature of the Mind teachings have been very deep and of great relevance. Join us on Sunday as we continue with Se Chilbu Chokyi Gyaltsen's commenatry on Chekawa's '7 Point Mind Training'. Amazing. https://youtu.be/NGvwBwIfklo
11.01.2022 Another beneficial teaching from Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche https://youtu.be/06v4Nc_j6vo
09.01.2022 ANOTHER WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND TEACHINGS BY HIS HOLINESS The first day of #HisHolinesstheDalaiLama’s three-day teaching on Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo's Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva and Je Tsongkhapa's Three Principal Aspects of the Path on September 4, 2020 at the request of a group of Southeast Asians. He will also answer questions from the same group during the last 30 minutes of the session. People are requested to please follow their local social distancing rules while viewing the live webcast. See he details by clicking on the link below. We are so fortunate.
08.01.2022 STUPA IN THAME, NEPAL, REBUILT AFTER EARTHQUAKE Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Stupa Fund, has offered over US$300,000 for the rebuilding of the stupa which took two years to complete. Please take a minute to enjoy these videos which show various aspects of this incredible holy object project. Lama Zopa Rinpoche was born in the Mount Everest region of Thame, located close to Lawudo which was the home of his previous incarnation known as the Lawudo Lama. Many Kopan monks are ...also from Thame. During the earthquake of 2015, the Thame region was seriously affected. Almost all the homes in the area were damaged or completely destroyed and several people died. Only a few houses remained standing. Amidst the destruction, a large stupa was destroyed. The new stupa, which stands nearly 46 feet tall with a base measuring 54 feet across, is larger than the one which previously stood and is utilizing much of the materials from the original stupa. This magnificent stupa also features a large prayer wheel inside, pilgrims and locals can enter the stupa to spin it and create even more merit. Rebuilding this stupa was a tremendous undertaking with many obstacles and hardships along the way to completion including the utilization of helicopters to deliver supplies and mantras. Please join us in rejoicing in the effort of every person who worked on the stupa in any way, and specifically Ven. Tenpa Choden who managed the entire project.
08.01.2022 MAITRI APPEAL FOR HELP Dear friends, Thank you for being a supporter or friend of MAITRI. Without your support and prayers our work over the decades would have been impossible. This is really something to rejoice about. However, COVID-19 has struck India and Bodhgaya hard and we are asking for your help to get us through this difficult time.... The pandemic has meant a number of our generous benefactors are no longer able to give what they have in the past, while the demand for our services in Bodhgaya has increased. COVID-19 has made Bodhgaya a deserted place, full of fear and despair. So many NGOs and charities are closed and the poor don’t know where to go. Government services have always been unreliable and inconsistent and the lockdown has exacerbated their ability to respond to the crisis. MAITRI has continued to operate its hospital and animal shelter throughout the long, strict lockdown, as well as distributing food packages to villagers. However, it is clear that MAITRI’s normal programs are more important than ever. Our paramedical workers continue to go into the poorest areas and they report that the need is dire. We are desperate to find ways to meet this humanitarian tragedy. Our staff members are local people and simply bearing witness has never been the MAITRI way. We all want to help where it is most needed. I am here appealing for your financial support in this most difficult period of our 31 years, so that our dedicated life saving and life changing work can continue. Donations Donations can be made through our website http://www.maitri-bodhgaya.org/home/supporting-maitri/. There is also a short inspiring video by Marc-Andre Brunelle on our video page which beautifully captures some of the heartfelt reasons for our work. In Love and Gratitude, Adriana Ferranti Director MAITRI Charitable Trust Financial donations can be made through our website and are always needed, especially now.
06.01.2022 LAMA ZOPA RINPOCHE ATTENDS LONG LIFE PUJA FOR GESHES AT KOPAN Yesterday 9th November the Long Life Namgyal Tongcho puja was recited by the Kopan monks and the Namgyal Tsechog by Kopan nuns for the benefit of Geshe Zopa, Geshe Doga, Geshe Dorje, Geshe Rapten, Geshe Samten, Geshe Tsultrim and Geshe Tsundu. All the sponsors name were read out during the puja and prayers dedicated for them and all sentient beings also. Our precious Guru, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche presided. Please... see the breakdown of the donations as follows: US$1000 donation to Kopan general fund US$1000 donation to Kopan medical fund US$1000 donation to Kopan Nunnery US$500 to Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche US$1000 donation to Khensur Rinpoche Stupa US$5500 For puja ( include whole day meal, 500rs cash offering, Special Breakfast and extra tea offering for all monks and nuns.) A time to give our utmost thanks and to rejoice in the benefits of this wonderful event. Thank you to all kind sponsors.
04.01.2022 JOIN US AS WE JOURNEY THROUGH THE TOPIC OF EMPTINESS IN THE LOJONG TEACHINGS The last two Sundays have seen phenomenally clear and profound sessions on Emptiness during Geshe Zopa's teachings on Se Silbu Chokyi Gyaltsen's 'Commentary on Geshe Chekawa's 7 Point Mind Training.' Click on the link below to attend this Sunday or subscribe to FPMT Australia's YouTube channel to receive reminders. Geshe-la has been instructing us on how to meditate on emptiness.
04.01.2022 THE NEED FOR SECULAR ETHICS IN EDUCATION. Talk by His Holiness can be found here by clicking the link below.
04.01.2022 WAYS TO CELEBRATE NATIONAL DOG DAY! A National Day to celebrate all things dogs! On this day we remind ourselves to adopt dogs needing homes, save their lives and encourage your dog's enlightenment. Tell us about your pooch (post a picture and tell their story here). We encourage you to make this day a special day in all dogs' calendars, by supporting these FPMT projects below that help dogs (and other animals) and by telling us about your dog and how they are reaping the be...nefits of a Buddhist lifestyle. Enlightenment for the Dear Animals TREE OF COMPASSION operate an adoption service that saves dogs' lives in the Sydney, Australia area. You can also donate to this project. https://www.treeofcompassion.org.au/how-to-help/adopt-a-pet/ MAITRI CHARITABLE TRUST in Bodhgaya helps street dogs. (Photo below) Donations can be made at http://www.maitri-bodhgaya.org/home/animal-care/ LET US KNOW your inspiring dog stories by posting a comment and a photo of your dog. There are two Dogs of the FPMTA National Office, on the left - Annieboo (a rescue dog) and Tilley (a rescue dog - pic forthcoming). Both attend many Buddhist teachings and events and follow Lama Zopa's advice on how to help your pet have an excellent rebirth and gain enlightenment. Here can be found advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche https://fpmt.org/e/benefiting-animals-practices-and-advice/
03.01.2022 LIKE A BOAT WITHOUT A RUDDER The close Tibetan Buddhist community of Bendigo, Australia, is devastated by the recent decision to reject esteemed Abbot Geshe Rapten's visa. His monastery, the adjacent Buddhist teaching centre, and huge stupa complex have relied on Abbot Geshe Rapten as a leader, teacher and inspiring figure since 2015. Below, senior monk, Venerable Lhundrup, shares from the heart, on why such a decision is misguided and the potential effects on the community. Visit www.fpmta.org.au/geshe-raptens-visa-rejected/ for info on how you can help to fight this decision and links to the monastery, centre and great stupa complex's media releases.
02.01.2022 The latest inspiring blog from Lama Osel...
02.01.2022 THE FIVE POWERS: MIND TRAINING TEACHING WITH GESHE ZOPA Join us this Sunday for this profound teaching on practices for the time of death: the Five Powers. 'This, the master said, is a teaching that folds everything into a single [utterance of] H. As Mahayana’s transference method is... The five powers alone, their practice is vital.' From page 113 of the text. https://youtu.be/7028GYM_Jwg
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