Francine Jordà Family Constellations in Newcastle, New South Wales | Education
Francine Jordà Family Constellations
Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales
Phone: +61 432 507 000
Address: 19 Queen St Newcastle, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 Warm thanks to Reva Hamilton who envisioned these words and this image combined.
24.01.2022 I feel deeply honored and excited to be a guest presenter at this rich and diverse gathering! Thank you Jonine for organizing this extraordinary event! This time the is ONLINE, with many ways to participate. For everyone, the ones new to constellations and the highly experienced. Not to be missed!!
22.01.2022 When our client is stuck in a relationship with a parent, partner, child, friend or colleague, FOOTPRINTS are an excellent tool that can be used in one on one constellations. I find them very evocative, they easily bring into the room the presence of the person they are representing. The client can connect with that person and work on their relationship. It also allows the client to take the other person's position and access more information. Sometimes the facilitator can step on that position. There are multiple ways we can use this simple tool and create mini-constellations with our client. Thank you Mark Wolynn for bringing your versatile footsteps to Australia! If you are curious and want to learn this and other ways to bring family constellations into your own practice in individual sessions, join us for our intensive 4 Day of deep self-discovery, fun hands-on exercises and practical learning! Coming soon!!! EARLY BIRD ENDS 30 SEPTEMBER 4 DAY TRAINING IN CONSTELLATION RESOURCES FOR THE INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE : 5-8 NOVEMBER 2020 NEWCASTLE HEALTH COLLECTIVE, NSW, AUSTRALIA PRICE: $750 EARLY BIRD: $650 PLACES ARE LIMITED. You can send me an email at [email protected] for more info and registration.
22.01.2022 'SOMETIMES THE SOUL HAS THE NEED TO BECOME VISIBLE.' Robin Alfred Symptoms are an invitation to look deeper into our SOUL. Like a friend who has an important message for us, a message that we did not hear before, when it was just a whisper. The symptom draws our attention to the root of our discomfort: conflicts on the emotional, relational or spiritual level, identifications with someone excluded in our family system, loyalties to our parents’ suffering. When we can look at ...our symptoms with curiosity, our attitude changes and so our relationship to them. We transition from I want to get rid of you to a more open I wonder what you want to tell me. We carefully listen and start exploring the difficult aspects of our life, the things that are still unresolved in our heart. The symptom is like a stream of light pointing towards what needs to be looked at in our history, in our past, in our present. Join us to explore how our physical and soul health are deeply connected as two aspects of the same reality: FOR PROFESSIONALS: 2 day module Family Constellations Applied to Health: OPEN TO ALL: 1 day Family Constellation workshop "Symptoms as Solutions":
22.01.2022 In our next module Constellations Applied to Health we will look at how symptoms are sometimes related to the way we are bond to our family. Registrations are now open for professionals who would like to have a more systemic approach when dealing with physical and emotional symptoms. If interested, please send me a pm or an email at [email protected]
20.01.2022 For facilitators, participants in workshops and anyone who is just curious about family constellations, Stephan Hausner shares his perspective on constellations principles. Highly recommended!
19.01.2022 "Like everyone else, parents are more real than perfect, and it is enough that they should be real... People who require perfection end up alone; they do not even have themselves because they perceive even themselves as imperfect. Ideas of perfection belong to the realm of our mental images, but not to reality, which is probably little concerned with itself or with self-improvement. The truth is that reality may be perfect in itself, just as it is at that moment, including ...our desires to change it, which are also so very real. What helps may not be very popular, but it does help. It consists of being in accord with mind, body and soul even with the pain you feel; it means accepting in your heart that things are as they are, and opening yourself up emotionally to this. Most people love their parents deeply and, when they stop shutting themselves in with their defensive arguments, reopen their hearts and experience the pain, love and tenderness for them returns. They also discover that their parents were once children and that their fragile hearts learned to protect themselves; that they also experienced their own deficiencies and sorrows. All we need to do to move closer to serenity and love, which are what make people feel fulfilled, is to accept pain in the same way as we accept other life experiences. Internal discomfort is probably not based on not being loved, but rather on the fact that we are the ones who do not love. In the end, what helps is for everyone to be in the place that corresponds to them in the chain of life, and for everyone to take strength and a vital spark from those who came before, instead of trying to find it in those who come after or in the most common of life's illusions: wealth, power or the attraction of celebrity." Joan Garriga, from the book "Where are the Coins? The Keys to the Bonds Between Children and Parents My Father's Eyes workshop: Saturday 17 October 9am-5pm OPEN TO DAUGHTERS, SONS AND FATHERS! Please note that, due to Coronavid-19, places are limited to 8. COST: $145, bookings essential. To register you can send me an email at: [email protected].
19.01.2022 "IT ALWAYS STARTS WITH ME - If I don't do my inner work, no way I can do collective trauma work... because I will not be able to feel and see, because I will be absent". Similar message as the previous Dan Cohen's video. I find Thomas Hübl teachings immensely supportive of our Systemic work. Looking forward to his next 4 month training on Collective Trauma Healing. There is still time to register:
19.01.2022 Last day to register for this amazing seminar with Jan Jacob Stam! In English and Spanish! Let's explore boredom together
19.01.2022 Feeling gratitude and joy after four days of sharing constellation resources with such a beautiful group of professionals with a big heart. Gratitude for the possibility to offer this training face to face this year, when so many of my colleagues around the world cannot. For the land on which we met, the traditional country of the Awabakal and Worimi people, and for the vibrant room at the Newcastle Health Collective. For the coherence of the group which allowed deep healing,... learning and growing. For the companionship of Kelly Devine and her subtle, warm and effective facilitation process. For the rest I enjoyed at your place, dear Christine, with this very German warmth and attention to detail of yours. Finally for the courageous participants at the open workshop who came with a very open attitude and blended beautifully with the rest of the group. I wish you all well. See more
18.01.2022 You will find my last updates in this newsletter...
16.01.2022 FREEDOM "The freedom I have in mind, which fills my heart, is the acceptance of all, just the way it is, because it is this deepest agreement which connects with everything there is. By my consenting to all, just the way it is, all is free of me to be just the way it is; and others are free to be how they are, not obstructed by me in any way. Conversely, I take the liberty to be the way I am, without allowing anyone to encroach on me, in an attempt to take my freedom. When we respect each other in this way, it may be possible that we may share a stretch of our path, until after a while each one of us goes his own way in mutual respect, independent of each other and yet in sympathy. Then we feel free to ask something of the other without encroaching on him, feel free to remain in sympathy when he asks something of us, yet respects our freedom. We both remain free in mutual sympathy. What is obstructing this freedom? Our dependence on individuals and groups to which we know ourselves deeply bound. Our family for example, our life partner and our children. With them our own freedom has got its limits, and if this is ignored, they will have to pay a high price for a freedom that we claim for ourselves, sometimes paying with their health and even their lives. Take an abortion for example. Here only we are sovereign, the other is at our mercy, is not free. The freedom I have in mind is a mutual one. In regards to our relationships, we have no a freedom of, but a freedom to. Nevertheless, there are many hidden bonds. Our bond, for example, to an early deceased or an aborted or a given away sibling, or one that is kept a secret. They make themselves known in our soul and in our body in all sorts of ways. They demand of us that we acknowledge them and take them into our hearts in a manner which brings them back into our souls and into our family. This also applies to former partners. We are freed of them in a loving way, if we keep them gratefully in our heart. With gratitude we both gain the freedom for new possibilities and tasks. In family constellations we call these bonds "entanglements". That means we are entangled with the unfinished fates of relatives, without being able to shield ourselves. In regards to them we experience ourselves not free. The question is: How to free ourselves of these entanglements appropriately to enable us to walk our path together, without intervening in each others fate, but rather live a life different to the one prescribed? How do we jointly look beyond ourselves to perceive those powers who have allocated to each of us our own life, have allotted us life which may stretch across many earlier and future ones? Is it possible to have a freedom here resting in our own hands, a freedom at the expense of many others, even at the expense of nature? The freedom which matters for our life is the one given as a gift, given with love. This freedom sets us and others free, fulfilled free." Bert Hellinger: New stories (translation from German: Max Dauskardt)
15.01.2022 A current Coronavirus story showing how our family past is alive in us, and how we can bring systemic awareness and more lightness into our everday life. Thank you for sharing this clear example of family entanglement.
15.01.2022 Thank you to all our imperfect fathers. Thank you for passing life onto us. We hold you dearly in our heart. This video is for you. (It's in French, you can set up English subtitles). In our next constellation workshop "In my Father's Eyes" we will celebrate the man who made it possible for us to be alive today. You can check the event on my page to register or send me a pm.
15.01.2022 Oportunidad unica de participar en este seminario sobre LIDERAZGO Y POTENCIAL EN NUESTRA VIDA, FAMILIA, EMPRESA, SOCIEDAD. Jan Jacob Stam, referente mundial de la mirada sistemica en organizaciones, dirige estos dos talleres online. Gracias Joan Oliva y Noemi Viedma por acercar el trabajo de Jan Jacob a los paises de habla hispana. EN INGLES CON TRADUCCION AL ESPANOL de Veri Velazquez.
14.01.2022 "Life does not give you what you would like, but what is needed for you to evolve." BERT HELLINGER In COMING HOME TO SELF we will dedicate a module to explore relationships and how they help us to evolve, like a mirror shining a light back to us. We will look at patterns that originate in our family of origin (being a mother to my mother, now I am a mother to my partner, to my friend). We will discover how repeating the pattern makes me feel closer to my family. I feel that... I belong. Yet, if I stay loyal to the decision I took as a child, I will recreate the same type of situations (I will attract a partner, friends, that behave like children, so I can continue playing my role as a mother). Which it might work for a while, until I feel frustrated and I blame them for not being responsible enough, for behaving like a child. When I take a closer look to my mirrors in life, I realise they speak more about me than I thought. They are a wonderful opportunity for me to grow, to outgrow my patterns and become more authentic, to come closer to my Self. Jennylee Taylor, Christine Martin and I will support you and your self-discovery process with compassion, joy and tremendous respect. In a small group of women willing to be more present and connected to self. Coming Home to Self - 6 week group webinar program online - interactive and personal 3 facilitators 9 weeks 16 October: Orientation workshop Wk1 - Setting the foundations Wk2 - Self and Family of Origin Wk3 - Self and Relationships Wk4 - Self and Wellbeing Wk5 - Self and Success Wk6 - Self and Abundance Starts 16 October FULL PRICE: $1077 / payment plan available. PAY UPFRONT PRICE: by 23 September: $897 Includes: BONUS: 1 x private session with facilitator of your choice. REGISTER HERE: MORE INFO:
13.01.2022 A couple relationship is an everyday commitment to look back to our parents and softly hold them in our hearts. Loving where we come from is loving ourselves. Bit by bit.
12.01.2022 I highly recommend this beautiful course in Individual Constellations created by Tanja Meyburgh. I love Tanja's big heart and approach to constellations. Thank you for your commitment to bring different voices into your trainings and to build this fabulous online resource center for all of us to use. I deeply enjoyed being interviewed by Anel!
11.01.2022 12 DAY FAMILY SYSTEMIC CONSTELLATIONS TRAINING with FRANCINE JORDA - NEWCASTLE Do you want to become a Family Constellation facilitator? Are you a therapist, coach, health professional, social worker or educator and want to integrate a systemic perspective into your practice?... Are you interested in your own self-growth and development looking for personal healing? Join us for this 12 day Family Systemic Constellation Training in Newcastle, NSW! Topics that we will cover: - Bert Hellinger´s orders of love - Who belongs to the system - Individual and collective consciousness - Phenomenology/ the field/ representation - Primary and secondary emotions - Interview with the client: issue, goal, facts - Constellations step by step - Therapeutic attitude - Hellinger´s orders of helping - Constellations applied to specific areas: - Parents and children - Couples and family life cycle - Health and Symptoms - Work and organizations Also following my desire that participants learn from different teachers and see diverse applications of this transformative work, my dear colleagues Gabriela Salabert, Maria Dolenc and Noemi Viedma will be guest facilitators/trainers at this in-depth Training. Gabriela will share her systemic perinatal expertise in the open workshop "The Bonds between Parents and Children". Maria will run a workshop on Relationships and Couples. Noemi will offer an online webinar on Organizational Constellations. My beautiful friends and colleagues Kelly Devine, and Christine Martin, Family Constellation facilitators and EFT practitioners, will assist us and help to create a safe space for the group. WHEN: 12-14 February 2021 19-21 March 2021 30 April-2 May 2021 28-30 May 2021 INVESTMENT: $2250 EARLY BIRD: $2100 before end of December Very few places left! Info and registrations: [email protected] 0432 507 000
10.01.2022 Fathers play an important role in our life. Thank you Diane Viola for this beautiful article. In "My Father's Eyes" constellation workshop we are going to revisit our relationship to the man who made it possible for us to be alive today. Touching the essence of our life. Connecting with the strength and the love of our father's lineage in an intimate group of 10. There are still some places available. My Father's Eyes - Family Constellation Workshop... When: Saturday 17 October Where: Newcastle Health Collective. Cost: $145 Registration: [email protected] See more
09.01.2022 Great suggestions to approach our First nations culture and wisdom. I particularly love listening to the birds, they have so much to teach me! Thank you for sharing.
08.01.2022 A great opportunity to learn about some of the most basic constellation principles, through the voice of leading international facilitators and trainers. Thank you Tanja Meyburgh for this beautiful project. Highly recommended!!!
08.01.2022 Waiting for this book to arrive...
08.01.2022 REGISTRATIONS OPEN FOR 2021! 12 DAY FAMILY SYSTEMIC CONSTELLATION TRAINING 12-14 February, 19-21 March, 30 April-2 May, 28-30 May 2021... NEWCASTLE, NSW More info: If you are interested, you can send me an email at [email protected] or give me a call on 0432 507 000. Only 10 places available.
05.01.2022 This is the constellation I was talking about in the training. I especially like the end. Thank you Dan Cohen for reminding us that we are all responsible for working on our own shadow perpetrator.
04.01.2022 My last blog on symptoms...
04.01.2022 No os perdais esta oportunidad! Explorar como las crisis afectan nuestra sociedad, nuestras empresas y organizaciones con Jan Jacob Stam, lider en trabajo sistemico. Gracias Noemi Viedma por organizar este fantastico seminario. Nos vemos en septiembre :)
04.01.2022 We are starting on the 16th of October! An amazing online opportunity to grow, heal and come home to self... for women who are ready to deep dive into their soul. With Jennylee Taylor (breathwork practitioner) Christine Martin (EFT counsellor) and Francine Jordà (family constellation facilitator). We want to support women who are craving a space to come together and discover their true self. A fantastic series of interactive online 3 hour workshops looking at who you are i...n 5 key life areas: Family, Relationships, Health, Success and Career, Abundance and Money. Register now. FULL PRICE: $1077 / payment plan available. PAY UPFRONT PRICE: by 23 September: $897 Includes: BONUS: 1 x private session with facilitator of your choice. CONTACT: Francine 0432 507 000 / [email protected] Jennylee 0422 310 998 Christine 0490 062 300 REGISTER HERE: MORE INFO: See more
02.01.2022 Love does not happen where we already love someone. Love happens when we embrace something that was difficult to include.
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