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25.01.2022 Two more days to donate to @sharethedignityaustralia #DignityDrive for August. We will do a last drop off of any donated Freebird menstrual cups Monday night. Buy a Freebird gift pack to donate both cups to Share The Dignity. Or purchase yourself a Freebird cup and we will donate one on your behalf. They have had 3,000 menstrual cups donated and would like more! It's a thing. Menstrual cups are safe, reliable and last for years. With up to 12 hours protection they're also s...uper practical and way less hassle than other period products. They're a gift that keeps on giving #endperiodpoverty #menstrualcups #periodcup #periodcare #plasticfree #zerowaste #equality
25.01.2022 Gift a Freebird to a lady you love this Christmas and give more than great period protection. . Give $5,000 lifetime savings . Give 12 hours this year not faffing in a toilet . Give 12,000 pieces less waste . Give another woman dignity with our buy one to gift one model . Give Freebird.
24.01.2022 Help us to #EndPeriodPoverty. Buy one to gift one with Freebird and help us to #sharethedignity. Because no woman should have to choose between period care and food.
23.01.2022 Luna is pretty proud to be overseeing us to package up our first dozen Freebird menstrual cups for @sharethedignityaustralia. Thanks to all our customers who have bought a #sharethedignity double gift pack so far. There plenty more time in August to #endperiodpoverty and #bringyourbestself. Still social distancing? Buy online with @hellofreebirders . We'll take care of the rest. One love.
23.01.2022 New to period cups? Freebird menstrual cups are perfect for new users. Our cups are made of soft medical-grade silicone, with no hard edges, and a handy toggle for easy positioning. Join us and make the switch to easier, cheaper and more sustainable periods. #periodcare #periodcups #menstrualcups #freebirdcups #periodpower #plasticfree #sustainableliving #positiveperiod
22.01.2022 With up to 12 hours of period protection, you can go anywhere, do anything, anytime. Climb a mountain, wear the white pantsuit, crowd surf (well not right now! but normally you could!). Freebird menstrual cups offer you 100% performance. Zero distractions.
21.01.2022 Freebird cups are 100% medical-grade silicone. Not all cups are, some are made from rubber or plastic. Everything about our cups has been researched and considered - they're softer than a lot of others but still completely reliable. And they have a handy toggle for easy positioning. From one of our customers, @zozoinstago "This is the comfiest cup I’ve found. It’s softer - making ‘the fold’ easier to achieve, and once in place it just feels like it’s moulded to my body. The s...tem is also soft, improving comfort, but the bobble on the end of the stem is genius - so much easier to get a grip for removal..." #period #menstrualcup #periodcup #periodpower #choosetoreuse #menstrualhealth #periodpositive #chemicalfree #plasticfree #sustainableliving #zerowaste
19.01.2022 And that's 2020 almost done. We are so thankful for every purchase and donation we received this past year! We created Freebird to simplify periods, sustain our planet and give to women who need a helping hand. Thank you for helping us make that possible! Happy holidays to all from us at Freebird. pssst... we're running a 15% summer discount, use 'SummerFreebird' at checkout. Pass it on.... #menstrualcup #periodcup #periods #periodcare #ecoliving #plasticfree #sustainableliving #zerowaste #socialenterprise #sustainableperiod
19.01.2022 Did you know that tampons and pads all contain plastics Freebird menstrual cups help you tackle single use plastic. Save over 12,000 pieces of disposable sanitary waste over a lifetime. Make the switch today. #waronwaste #zerowaste #plasticfreejuly2020 #carbonneutral #lifeinbalance #endperiodpoverty #sharethedignityaustralia
18.01.2022 Thanks to our customers, we have just gifted 50 Freebird menstrual cups to @sharethedignityaustralia! 50 more women are now able to manage their period with the dignity they deserve. Share the Dignity works to provide period products, essentials and gifts to women who are doing it tough or in crisis. For every Freebird cup purchased, we donate one. Or if a cup isn't for you or you already have one, you can buy a two-cup gift pack that goes directly to Share the Dignity to di...stribute to women in need. #endperiodpoverty #menstrualcups #periodcups #buyonetogiftone #periodcare #makeadifference #sharethedignity
16.01.2022 Freebird is comfortable, great for sport, leak-free, zero waste and discreet. Make the switch! Once you Freebird, you'll never go back. Outstanding 12 hour period protection. No strings attached.
15.01.2022 Thinking about buying a Freebird? Read the latest review by Rattna C.
15.01.2022 Buy one to gift one and help #endperiodpoverty. Freebird is great you for you. Great for her. Great for the planet. Make the switch
11.01.2022 Freebird menstural cups are comfortable, great for sport, leak-free, zero waste and discreet. Make the switch. Once you Freebird, you'll never go back! No more strings attached.
10.01.2022 We're thrilled to have supported the publication of Microplastics Massive Problem. It's a compelling read, and a beautiful looking book. We picked up our print version today from @aliceforrest, one half of the scientific and creative duo who researched, wrote and designed the book in collaboration with Harriet Spark of @grumpyturtlecreative. It's full of microplastic truths, and tips for how to be part of the future for our planet with way less microplastic. ... You can download a free copy of the digital version from the home page of our website (link in bio) #knowledgeispower #microplastic #sustainablesolutions #plasticfree #menstrualcups #periodcups #sustainableperiods #ecofriendly #environment #take3forthesea #reuse #nosingleuse #morepowertoyou
09.01.2022 Love this shot so much. So much power and beauty. But grit and hard work too. Have a great day ladies. Make sure you own it.
07.01.2022 Heading out to play sports today? Don't forget to Freebird! Freebird menstrual cups are great for sport. 100% performance 0% distractions. #Bringyouragamelady #covidsafeandbringingit
07.01.2022 A thank you to those who have made the switch to a Freebird cup. It can be a little daunting to change your period products but this is a change for good! For any women still on the fence... it's cheaper, easier and more reliable period care. And it's an easy step towards sustainability, so it's a win for our planet. Freebird cups are softer than many other cups but are just as reliable and will last you for years.... #freebirdcups #menstrualcups #periodcup #nosingleuseplastic #reusable #sustainable #greenisgood
06.01.2022 Freebird helps you tackle single use plastic. Save over 12,000 pieces of disposable sanitary waste over a lifetime. Make the switch today. #plasticfreejuly #zerowaste #carbonneutral #lifeinbalance #eliminateperiodpoverty
06.01.2022 Saturday morning. If you're getting ready for some sports action today ladies better get Freebirding. 100% protection 0% distraction #bringyouragamelady #covisafeandstillbringingit
05.01.2022 Change a life today. Give 5 years of zero waste, zero cost, high-performance, period protecction with a Freebird menstrual cup. #sharethedignity. They did. Will you? #zerowaste #endperiodpoverty #helpoutasister
04.01.2022 Want to help out a sister? Or two? Our community partner @sharethedignityaustralia is running a dignity drive in August to collect and distribute period products to women in need to end #periodpoverty. Buy a Freebird menstrual cup and we will donate one as usual. Or purchase a special offer Share the Dignity two-pack and we will gift two Freebird menstrual cups on your behalf. Follow link in bio. #endperiodpoverty #sharethedignity #dignitydrive #menstrualcup