Freemasons Hall Cessnock | Community organisation
Freemasons Hall Cessnock
Phone: +61 422 227 668
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25.01.2022 Thank you The Advertiser Cessnock for running this positive news story. Lodge Cessnock 252 has been supporting our community since 1907. SMIB
25.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to one & All
25.01.2022 We are the home of Freemasons here in Cessnock. Would you like to know more.
23.01.2022 Who would like to win a share of $500 worth of Bunnings vouchers ?
22.01.2022 Long Live the Queen
21.01.2022 Masons use symbol to convey meaning. If you'd like to know more, message us today! #morals #ethics #Freemasonry #cessnock #huntervalley #masonic #brotherhood
21.01.2022 Raffle just drawn: congratulations to our winners 1st prize: Paul Dunn 2nd prize: Darren Oliver 3rd prize: Glenn Byrnes Bryce Gibson will be in contact tomorrow to arrange delivery of vouchers. ... A big thank you to everyone who purchased tickets, $1050 was raised. As you can see we will need as much as we can to fix the termite damage
21.01.2022 Last call for tickets, raffle drawn tonight.
20.01.2022 'Freemasons Park' at the entrance to Cessnock not only welcomes you to the region, but also stands to recognise the rich history of Freemasonry within the Coalfields. We will touch upon this more in the coming weeks.
20.01.2022 Come on down and visit us this Saturday.
20.01.2022 A brief intro to Freemasonry. Every Freemason is a member of a lodge (also known as a ‘blue lodge’ or ‘craft lodge’) which generally meets once a month in a Ma...sonic Hall. At these lodge meetings, members wear suits and what is called ‘regalia’ including an apron (with plenty of meaning behind it), while some wear special collars with jewels attached. The Master of the Lodge presides over the meeting, and some of the members hold other positions of rank think of the Master as the chairman, with others acting as deputy chairman etc. There are two aspects to any Lodge meeting. Firstly business must be taken care of just like in any organisation, so the minutes of the previous meeting are confirmed, accounts finalised and projects planned. The second aspect revolves around the ancient ritual which might include initiating candidates, raising members to higher degrees or installing a new master and his officers. All this is done in a formal ceremony that is centuries old and is designed to teach Freemasons important lessons and start them thinking about their own nature, actions and being. Apart from their monthly lodge meetings, Freemasons are deeply involved in helping other people. From its earliest days, charity has been the most visible Masonic activity, with Freemasons concerned with the care of orphans, the sick and the aged. Large sums are given to national and local charities, with Masons around the world giving away millions of dollars to various charities each day. They are also actively involved in a great deal of community volunteer work. Interested? Want to be one? Ask one. #freemason #freemasons #freemasonry #mason #australia #build #picoftheday #covid19 #masonic #masons #past #present #future #brotherhood #temple #history #photography #renovation #masonry #charity #charityevent #donate #ancient #king #symbolism
19.01.2022 Have you got a few minutes for a survey.
18.01.2022 Here is some little known facts of our convict past.
17.01.2022 Did you know once upon a time all Venues that hosted events with music had to pay a licence fee for the privilege. While preparing Freemasons Hall for its impending transformation, members of the halls oldest occupant Freemasons Cessnock - Lodge Cessnock 252 has uncovered these gems. As they say; everything old, is new again. With Apple iTunes and other streaming services charging regular fees this 70 year old correspondence offers an insight into the past in more ways then one.
14.01.2022 While we cannot enjoy holding a Bunnings BBQ’s, we have come up with the next best thing! A Bunnings Raffle. $500 worth of vouchers across the 3 great prizes. Grab your ticket today. In person cash sales can be arrange. DM our page. ...
13.01.2022 Can you help us help the Drought affected families in the Narrabri, Wee Waa, Bellata, Edgeroi, Burren etc. Things are even worse than they were last year. So if... you can drop in a Gift to ECBC prior to 7th December 2019 and help the drought affected families would be most appreciated by them. See more
13.01.2022 A message from the Governor-General to fellow veterans. In these very serious times, it is important that we all continue looking out for each other. This is i...mportant for all Australians, but I wanted to take a moment to talk directly to the veteran community. It is critically important that we all listen to the direction of the authorities particularly around social distancing. This is everyone’s responsibility. Yet it is just as important to stay connected, stay active and stay kind to each other. Reach out to people and check they are okay. "It is as simple as a phone call, message or an email to a mate or former colleague. "Above all if you need assistance yourself, reach out. Put your hand up and ask. You are not alone and now, more than ever it is important that we are there for each other, kind to each other and connected to each other." Soldier On Australia Integra Service Dogs Australia Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs Australian National Veterans Arts Museum AVCAT - Australian Veterans' Children Assistance Trust Cam's Cause Defence Force Welfare Association Everyman's Welfare Service Legacy Australia RSL National Veterans Film Festival Royal Australian Navy Australian Army Royal Australian Air Force Defence Australia
12.01.2022 Freemasons Hall Cessnock is so proud of today announcement that Cessnock Supports has been awarded $120,000 to continue the good work they started with us last year.
12.01.2022 A bit of freemasonry banter to brighten up your Sunday.
12.01.2022 Would you like to know more
11.01.2022 vinaka vaka levu to our Fijian Brothers
10.01.2022 The first 15 footballs were dropped into the Cessnock Jnr Rugby League club tonight at training. Lodge Cessnock 252 and the Freemasons of Cessnock are doing their bit to support the young men and women of Cessnock reach their sporting best.
10.01.2022 Free local support group.
09.01.2022 112 years ago this week our first Worshipful Master Very Worshipful Brother Thomas Punch. A Local store keeper and community activator not only helping to establish our Masonic Lodge but also other local institutions such as the Cessnock Jockey Club and Cessnock Shire progress association amongst others. We are forever greatful for those labours of our forefathers. So Mote It Be
09.01.2022 A Friday funny for everyone care of the team at the Bread Basket Kurri Kurri
08.01.2022 Thanks Big Rat Skip Bins for all your help.
07.01.2022 We make no secret of our core values. Well done to the whole team.
07.01.2022 Lodge Cessnock was honoured to be recognised by Cessnock City Council today. This community award belongs to all masons within the Coalfields. #freemasonry #mason #cessnock #AustraliaDay #coalfields #huntervalley
07.01.2022 Looking for someone to listen. Cessnock Supports is a free mental health service
02.01.2022 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BUSHFIRE AND DROUGHT RELIEF Freemasons NSW and ACT making a difference ... Vast areas of NSW and the ACT have been devastated by the continuing depredation of drought and the sudden onrush of bushfire. As your Grand Master, I am proud to announce the leadership team of Freemasons NSW and ACT has prepared a comprehensive plan to give immediate and practical assistance to affected communities throughout our jurisdiction. The plan involves all elements of our Order and is aimed at coordinating and mobilising the resources of the Craft: Grand Lodge, its boards and committees; individual Lodges and most importantly every Mason. I want us to provide the best possible level of co-ordinated and practical assistance to those who have been left wanting and in need. Many Freemasons have already taken action and are donating material to organisations. This is to be congratulated. My request now is that we maximise our efforts by creating the one state-wide campaign. This is an opportunity to make a larger, united contribution to those who so desperately need assistance. NSW FREEMASONS' DISASTER RELIEF FUND Following discussions with the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service, Shane Fitzsimmons AFSM, our first donation of $100,000 will be made to the NSWRFS to supplement its assistance to RFS volunteers and also the widows and children of those firefighters who tragically lost their lives defending their communities. Our aim is to make further considered donations. In order to be able to do this, I ask the broader NSW and ACT Masonic community make donations to the Disaster Relief Fund so we can make further targeted donations to relieve the distress of those affected. I appeal to all Lodges, Masonic entities, individual Freemasons and the Masonic Orders and Organisations of this Jurisdiction to make significant donations. All donations are tax-deductible and can be made in the following ways: Direct Bank Transfer It is faster, simpler, takes 30 seconds and goes directly into the Disaster Relief Fund account. The BSB is 032006 and the A/c is 254876. It is essential you put your surname and initials and "bushfire appeal" in the description field. If you want to claim it as a tax deduction, pdf the transaction record to Masonicare - [email protected] and you will be sent a receipt. In less than a minute, you will have helped make a difference. Cheque Made payable to the NSW Freemasons Disaster Relief Fund and posted to Freemasons NSW & ACT, PO Box A259, Sydney South NSW 1235 By Phone (from Monday, January 6 2020) Telephone Freemasons NSW & ACT on 02 9284 2800 and provide credit card details. MASONIC ACTION SATURDAYS We have a statewide network of Masonic buildings that make an ideal donation drop off centres. In order to marshal this resource, I am asking that, from Saturday 25 January 2020, Masonic Centres open on a roster basis to receive donations of clothes, toys, food items and items of practical use that can then be distributed to those in need. These Masonic Action Saturday openings will continue to be rolled out as the campaign progresses. Centres will be asked to become central collection points and I propose to involve our Regional Grand Counsellors, DGIWs and local brethren in the selection and operation of these venues for this purpose. Think now about how you can spread the word to your local communities (especially those unaffected by these twin disasters) and encourage them to make donations that can be delivered to your local masonic centre. LODGES Local Freemasons are best placed to know their local communities. This is why I am asking local Lodges to identify individuals and families in their area who have lost loved ones, property or are otherwise affected by the combined tragedies of bushfire and drought. I encourage Lodges to use any accumulated funds to provide practical assistance to local communities. The support should be tailored to meet the personal needs of the individual. In some instances, cash grants may be appropriate to allow the recipient to purchase without embarrassment or undue intrusion items of a personal nature. In other cases, direct payments to local businesses may be the best way of ensuring needs are met. Or, it may simply be the gift of companionship, compassion and consideration. Where we can, we should be seen to be supporting the local communities in the affected areas. HOSPITAL VISITATIONS We must remember firefighters, volunteers and others who have been hospitalized as a result of this ongoing tragedy. Hospital visiting by Masons is a practical way to show we care. It also enables us to find out what assistance the Craft can render to those who have been injured and their families. Here also, a cash donation from a Lodge might be a most appropriate solution. A CONTINUING COMMITMENT There is going to be a need to provide continuing assistance. It is safe to predict the scars of this tragedy will be present next Christmas. You have my assurance that, under my leadership, our Craft will continue to action practical assistance and in this regard drought and bushfire assistance will be a standing agenda item for the future meetings of Masonicare, the Board of Management and the Executive Council. I welcome and seek submissions and suggestions for future action all of which will be given proper consideration in the future planning process. I state firmly that Masonic assistance is to be rendered to all those in need: irrespective of the creed, race or social status. Whilst we are all Brethren, all those who have suffered are our brothers and sisters. Further announcements and updates will be regularly made through my newsletter. We can and will make a difference Derek J Robson AM Grand Master
01.01.2022 Thank you for your service
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