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Freestone Valley Farms


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25.01.2022 ORGANIC/SPRAY FREE Fruit & Vegetable Boxes and Egg orders are now open for THURSDAY 10th September delivery... orders close SUNDAY 12PM limited number available. Get in before they sell out!!! Free delivery Warwick and Surrounds To order-

25.01.2022 SOLD OUT Bundall Farmers' Market Thankyou for everyone’s support this weekend at Toowoomba Farmers Market, Palm Beach Farmers' Market and Bundall Farmers' Market xx

25.01.2022 Orders Open DELICIOUS- FRESH - QUALITY Organic eggs , organic/spray free Fruit & Vege box & fruit bat box orders are now open for Thursday 22nd October home/work delivery. Free delivery locally Warwick and surrounds Closing Sunday at 2pm

25.01.2022 I dream it and he builds it into reality ! Muddy, rainy day no opportunity for fencing but a fun day for creatively building William a petrol station for his upcoming birthday! Wait until you see what it will turn out like ...its only the beginning. Made from recycled pallets and timber #lovebeingcreative #farmlife #freerangchildren #reuserecycle #myhusbandsabuildinggenious

24.01.2022 The duckies are cool....tickle tickle I think Wills a little excited over the new addition to our farm..Khaki Campbell ducklings #springhassprung #newadditiontothefarm #ashortwhileforduckeggs #freestonevalleyfarms #khakicampbellducklings #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround

23.01.2022 Toowoomba Farmers Market Next week we will have available bags of fresh cut, spray free/organic lucerne, mixed bag of lucerne and liver seed or straight liver seed for bird & guinea pig feed. Approx 7-8kgs $10/bag Message to preorder

23.01.2022 Just a reminder Fruit and Vege box orders are closing 2pm tomorrow for this Thursday’s (29th) delivery

23.01.2022 Toowoomba Farmers Market we will be seeing you tomorrow with our gorgeous Organic Pastured Eggs! The egg colour is amazing atm with the girls happily munching on the beautiful pasture and lucerne since the rain! *It’s Marks birthday tomorrow if you want to surprise him with a happy birthday (he never sees the social media posts )

23.01.2022 When youve got a 1000 followers

22.01.2022 Welcome to our Farm!! Little info about us #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround #freestonevalleyfarms

21.01.2022 They all came over to see hello!! Such sticky beaks!!

21.01.2022 Just a reminder that orders are closing at 2pm today for egg orders and Fruit and Vege boxes for this Thursday deliveryJust a reminder that orders are closing at 2pm today for egg orders and Fruit and Vege boxes for this Thursday delivery

21.01.2022 ORGANIC/SPRAY FREE Fruit & Vegetable Boxes and Egg orders are now open for THURSDAY 3rd September delivery... orders close SUNDAY 12PM limited number available. Get in before they sell out!!! Free delivery Warwick and Surrounds To order-

21.01.2022 We get so much great feedback from customers about our eggs at the markets... ‘these are the best eggs I have eaten’ ‘you were right we are back’ ‘I can’t buy eggs anywhere else now you have converted me!’ ‘The egg yolk and white are firm and hold together’ ‘they are so creamy.. and the egg yolk is unreal!!’ ‘They make the richest scrambled eggs!’ On Sunday at Bundall one of my lovely customers shared a delicious recipe that she used our eggs in last week and had to share, because boy does it look good!!! Thanks Lynda I’ll be making this this week!! If you end up trying this recipe too please share your pics in the comments!! Passionfruit and coconut Tart

21.01.2022 Farmer Will learning the art of broadcasting seed!! feel like the old days! Dont have the equipment.. do everything manually #cutestfarmeraround #freestonevalleyfarms #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround

21.01.2022 Happy Weekend!! Big thanks to Letitia our poultry hand for enabling us to finally get away for the weekend and enjoy some family time!! Xx Farming is 24/7 so it’s nice to get a little relaxation and change of scenery

20.01.2022 I’d like to introduce to you little Oreo! Bluebell birthed wee ours of the morning on Sunday. She’s a fantastic mum and we are all excited about the new addition to the farm

19.01.2022 Whoops I have now made the produce available for purchase for next weeks delivery!! Sorry about delay Whoops I have now made the produce available for purchase for next weeks delivery!! Sorry about delay

19.01.2022 Girls couldn’t be happier about the rain

19.01.2022 Egg and fruit and Vege delivery is on its way this morning see you all soon

18.01.2022 Calf and farm boy spam!! Just because they are both just so damn cute

18.01.2022 ORGANIC/SPRAY FREE Egg & Fruit & Veggie Box orders are now open for Thursday 17th September for home/work delivery. To secure your order jump onto our webpage Free delivery to Warwick and surrounds... #qualityproduce #freshfarmfood #organicsprayfree #bestforyourfamily See more

18.01.2022 Next our eggs are on the grading machine... this machine candles (light to check for cracks) then weighs them into their sizes. The eggs are then packed into their right size cartons, stamped and then boxed #eggproductionline #organicpasturedeggs #freestonevalleyfarms #besteggsaround #techtomakeiteasier

17.01.2022 Reminiscing of the old days anyone else remember the beautiful coloured eggs we once had?? #reflectingonhowfarwehavecome #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround

17.01.2022 Off to feed the cows on his quad Farmer Will is a big help #funtoliveonafarm #farmkidlife #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround

17.01.2022 Orders Open Organic spray/free Fruit & Vege box & fruit bat box orders are now open for Thursday 15th October Closing Sunday at 2pm

17.01.2022 We only feed the best to our girls!! Quality in produces quality out!! not only the eggs but the ahem....soil #organicchookfood #freestonevalleyfarms #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround

16.01.2022 *orders are now closed* Fruit and Vege boxes are open!!!! so very sorry! thought I had re listed them online on Thursday night and I hadnt! Available to order until 2pm Sunday afternoon for Thursday 30th delivery

16.01.2022 Williams garage is nearly complete just the path and base needs to be cemented! What a clever husband I have!! What do you all think? #spoiltboy #playpetrolstation #reuserecycle #palletproject #cleverhusband

16.01.2022 FVF IS BACKGreat news Palm Beach Farmers' Markets Freestone Valley Farms will be back on board this Saturday with our hens back on the lay!! Yah!! we are flat chat and will have our tables stacked full of your favourite eggs! We have missed you all and excited to see your faces again!

15.01.2022 Ever wondered how we process eggs? This is our amazing egg washer... our eggs are mostly pretty clean but hand cleaning and sorting eggs takes a very long time and with the other farm duties and a toddler it was quite a tedious task. So along came out egg washer...The eggs are firstly checked for cracks (the lights at the start of the machine), it then washes with just water and very gentle brushes and sprays an all natural organic sanitizer made from citrus that kills bacteria on the surface long after its been washed!! Next its blow dried and collected at the end! #freestonevalleyfarms #howweprocess #techisatimesaver #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround

15.01.2022 Hallelujah Fruit and Vege Box orders are open tonight orders close Sunday 12pm! Im sure Im not the only one excited the boxes are back!! I have missed the amazing produce!! Delivery will be next Thursday 16th

14.01.2022 The best Organic/spray free Fruit & Vege boxes and local pasture raised eggs are open again to purchase for delivery on Thurday next week (12th). Orders closing this Sunday 2pm Get online and buy from our online store, limited number of boxes available so get in quick Nectarines, peaches and grapes are now in season! We saw some delicious grapes and nectarines in last weeks boxes. The white grapes are beautiful and sweet. Delivery is for Warwick and surrounds

14.01.2022 What a fantabulous day! 30 wonderful people coming together to make pasta and enjoy an afternoon lunch and wine. Stephen Simon was amazing as always. Bunnycon...nellen was a perfect location in the vegie patch out in the open. Thankyou to Freestone Valley Farms for their beautiful eggs too. Good food, beautiful wine and new friends. Thankyou also to Terri Adams-Munn - Ten Thousand Dreams, Michelle Cullen, Michael Lynn and Sonny Lynn for their help today. You made it a success

14.01.2022 When the girls came back on the lay..boy did they come back on the lay!! Check out these big beauties!! You can get your king sized eggs this morning at the Bundall Farmers' Markets

14.01.2022 ORGANIC/SPRAY FREE Fruit & Vegetable Boxes and Egg orders are now open for THURSDAY 27TH delivery... orders close SUNDAY 12PM limited number available. Get in before they sell out!!! Free delivery Warwick and Surrounds To order-

14.01.2022 This weeks delivery was epic! Glad to have the produce back in store!! Thankyou everyone for your orders Its great to have strawberries or blueberries in the boxes this week! Orders are open tonight at 7pm for delivery next Thursday. Have a great week Bec

12.01.2022 Whilst processing the eggs today Lettie and Mark moved the pigs into their new area by the trees. Its important to keep animals rotating on fresh helps prevent worms and other parasites and gives them fresh ground to root in. Ground gets fertilised by their manure its the best way to farm!! Little unfortunate that poor Helga got mistaken for Boris hahaha Im sure she wont take it personal #regenerativefarming #farmingforthefuture #organicpasturedpigs #freestonevalleyfarms

12.01.2022 Bluebell is springing let’s hope we see a calf in the week or two by my calculations she due end of next week but you just never know when they will arrive!! What do you think she’s having?? Boy or girl?? #farmlife #ourgirlisdue #boyorgirlwhatsyourguess #freestonevalleyfarms

12.01.2022 JUST A REMINDER.... Fruit & Vege Box orders are closing soon at 12pm today for Thursday 20th delivery

11.01.2022 Mark creating in the shed this weekend prompted me to try and find some photos of when we had Kinsellas furniture he was particularly talented in childrens furniture years ago!! Lucky for William he got a whole nursery, play kitchen, table and chairs that his daddy made him!! I just wanted to share and keep this photo memory here

11.01.2022 *sold out* Gorgeous bunches of Sunflowers for sale for Wednesday afternoon local delivery!! Get in quick before we sell out... while stock lasts $15/bunch of 7

11.01.2022 Although Mark didnt build the cot we sourced an Australian made company and painted them to match the rest of the nursery furniture that Mark built

11.01.2022 ORDERS CLOSED - Thankyou for your orders :) Closing time has been extended until 2pm today Organic spray/free Fruit & Vege box & fruit bat box orders are now open for Thursday 8th October ... Closing Sunday at 12pm See more

11.01.2022 Welcome to our newest member of our Team Lettie!! Lettie has fit right in on our farm and is like part of the family!! She has come to our farm to work alongside Mark and I to help collect eggs and care for our animals and help get our farm ready for our market garden which is happening soon! She has a passion for feathered friends and learning all things farming whilst she studies agriculture. Shes a great asset to our farm and we are looking forward to training her in all things poultry #providingjobsinthiscrisis #teamfreestonevalleyfarms #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround

10.01.2022 Our Chickens on our Farm

10.01.2022 Reminder ordering closes at 2pm todayReminder ordering closes at 2pm today

10.01.2022 Hoping everyone has been staying cool and safe in this heat wave!! Just a little reminder especially in this heat to remember to store your eggs in Refridgeration. If you are wondering why we should refridgerate eggs? here is a link to Eggs Australia, about the importance of egg storage!!

10.01.2022 - NOW OPEN FOR ORDER - Organic/ Spray Free FRUIT & VEGE BOX orders are now openfor delivery for next Thursday 20th August. Orders close Sunday at 12pm. Order online- Delivery is FREE we deliver to Warwick, Freestone, Maryvale, Allora and Killarney. Beautiful fresh produce & value for money, prices are on the pictures.. Example of what could be in the $60 box... (Fruit & Vege change with availability and season) 1kg Dutch Cream Potatoes 1kg Brown Onions 1 x Garlic 1 x Avocado 1 x bag mushrooms 1 x 500g Roma Tomatoes 1kg Carrots 3 x corn cobs 1 x Broccoli 200g baby Spinach 2 x Zucchini 2 x Leb Qs 1kg Cav Bananas 1kg Apples Blueberries 1 X-Large dozen organic pastured eggs.

09.01.2022 Just a reminder that Fruit and Vege orders for Thursday 19th delivery closes at 2pm today a reminder that Fruit and Vege orders for Thursday 19th delivery closes at 2pm today

09.01.2022 Cousin Rory came for a visit this morning. William & Rory on the ‘dirty’ egg search for those naughty girls that lay on the ground! Best job for little ones they have so much fun! Great way to learn to handle eggs as these are discarded so if they break in the bucket it’s okay.. Williams a pro egg collector at 2 1/2yrs lol #futureeggfarmersinthemaking #alwaysfunonthefarm #teachingthemtocareforanimals #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround

08.01.2022 Our new gals have just started laying and we have some of the cutest medium eggs available again in trays! They will be at the Toowoomba Farmers Market in the morning in UB's farm helidon stall. Get in quick this cutes sell out fast!! only limited trays available!

07.01.2022 ORDERS CLOSE TODAY 2pm Orgqnic/Spray Free Fruit and Vege boxes orders are now open for Thursday 26th delivery. Free delivery to Warwick and surrounds ... To order your box jump onto our webpage

07.01.2022 Ducks are growing #ducklove #freestonevalleyfarms #pasturedfreerange #ethicalfarming

07.01.2022 UB's farm helidon has our delicious eggs in his stall today at the Toowoomba Farmers Market! He has the medium egg trays again today.. get in quick before they sell out! Choose ethically farmed. Choose pasture raised. Choose organically fed... and taste the difference!!

07.01.2022 This may not be an insta worthy photo but it was a seriously good omelette!! what are you having for breakfast this morning?

06.01.2022 Such a beautiful morning out on the farm #farmlife #freestonevalleyfarms #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround #happyhens

04.01.2022 2hrs to go until orders close2hrs to go until orders close

03.01.2022 Fruit and Vege Boxes and egg orders are now closed for Thursday delivery!! Thankyou everyone for your orders

03.01.2022 William helping out #nextgenerationfarmer #farmingforthefuture #organicpasturedpigs #freestonevalleyfarms

02.01.2022 I love spontaneous! Mark doesnt We had been planning for ducks for over a year but the purchase of the ducklings was by surprise yesterday morning...whooops sorry not sorry!! so not being prepared for the ducklings Mark still worked like a trooper and got the ducklings set up and warm environment straight away building them a lovely warm brooding box for their cage with a heat lamp! We are lucky we used to breed poultry and had equipment on hand! Nice warm happy ducklings ....they may be still a little scared of William

01.01.2022 The ducklings have arrived !! #freestonevalleyfarms #khakicampbellducklings #futureegglayers #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround

01.01.2022 Goodmorning come and get your FVF Farm Fresh Eggs this morning at the Bundall Farmers Markets on the Gold Coast at the HOTA Center from 6am - 11:30pm #organicpasturedeggs #besteggsaround #FVF #supportlocal #smallfamilyfarm #ethicalfarmingatitsfinest

01.01.2022 30min to go until orders are closing for this week30min to go until orders are closing for this week

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