Freestyle Martial Arts | Education
Freestyle Martial Arts
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25.01.2022 Justin Boylan - Co-owner Total Martial Arts Centre & FMA Director . Qualifications Defensive Tactics Instructor Spontaneous Knife Defence Instructor... Dynamic Simulation Instructor Certificate II in Security (Guarding) Certificate III in Investigative Services Certificate III in Security (Guarding) Certificate IV in Operational Safety Training Firearms Training Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessing Police approved firearms, OC Spray, batons and handcuffs instructor Tertiary: Completed a Diploma of Business Administration from the Perth Technical College in 1988. . Experience I have 30 years experience in crowd control and security. I have provided personal security for a number of media and rock stars at public appearances, record store signings and I have organized the collection of stars to and from the airport where large numbers of fans have been in attendance. I have worked for Former Vice President of the USA Al Gore, Bob Dylan, Rubin Hurricane Carter, Pink, Julian Lennon, Oasis, Cold Chisel, Jimmy Barnes, Harry Connick Junior, Human Nature and Rove McManus to name a few. I also worked in many hotels and clubs providing crowd control functions as a team member and also as a team leader. I owned and operated a registered training organisation, Security Institute (WA) for 10 years . Martial Arts Experience I started martial arts in 1980. During this time I have received the following ranks and recognitions. Freestyle Martial Arts 8th Dan Black Belt FMA Muay Thai 8th Degree Trainer Kombatan Arnis 1st Degree Black Belt FMA Arnis 4 th Dan Black Belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu second Dan Black Belt under Gene Le Bell Black Belt John Donehue Seitei Iaido Sho Dan in 2016 Shin Sei Kan Kenjutsu Sho Dan in 2021 World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Champion Coach 2005 Coached Grayson West World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Champion 2007 - Rio De Janeiro Brazil National Wrestling Championship 1990 Bronze Medallist Sydney Australia State Wrestling Champion 1989 Perth Western Australia Australian Federation of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu WA Director 2006 to 2015 Inducted into Australian Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2011 Martial Artist of the Year Inducted into World Karate Union Hall of Fame 2011 Martial Artist of the Year Inducted into World Karate Union Hall of Fame 2013 Master of the Year Appointed Director Australasian Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2016 Appointed Board Member Freestyle Martial Arts Association 2017 to present . #FMA #freestylemartialartsaustralia #freestylemartialarts #totalmartialartscentre #totalmartialarts See more
25.01.2022 Ahhh the good old days pre covid-19 training sessions learning the basics around attacker control, awareness and searching for weapons #kalahaustralia
24.01.2022 Tickets available from Front counter or contact email address on poster
24.01.2022 You can never climb a smooth mountain
22.01.2022 FMA CLUB IN FOCUS Kalamunda Kickboxing & Martial Arts Murray McKechnie (AKA Muz) is the owner and founder of Kalamunda Kickboxing and Martial Arts and has run the club hands on since its inception in 1998. He holds a current rank of Yon Dan Ho Black Belt in Freestyle Karate, an instructors Level 8 ranking in Muay Thai (5th degree singlet) and a Purple Belt in BJJ under John Donahue. Kalamunda offers a fun, unique and progressive learning experience. They train in a group... setting, with each session being personal and of high quality. Over the years, they have helped hundreds of children, adults, athletes and parents to improve their health and well-being by enhancing their strength, confidence and self-esteem through self-defence training. There is a class just right for you! Have a look around their different offers for Muay Thai Kickboxing, Freestyle Karate, Kids Karate, Junior Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Womens Fitness, Personal Training, Freestyle Arnis, and Kenjutsu. Training at Kalamunda Kickboxing and Martial Arts offers you an opportunity to increase your fitness and learn new skills along the way in a manner thats not possible at regular gyms and fitness clubs. Their friendly and energetic instructors are there to help and motivate you every step of the way. The Dojo is located at Unit 1/27 Laurence Road Walliston, Western Australia, Australia. Visit their website at and their Facebook Page: to get to know more about them. #freestylemartialartsaustralia #KKB #FMA #freestylekarate #kickboxing #karate #karateperth #kidskarate #kalamundakickboxing #muaythai #brazilianjiujtsu #kalahaustralia #BJJ #martialarts See more
22.01.2022 FMA Grading 8 March 2020 - Arnis First Degree Black
21.01.2022 FMA Master Classes for Snr High Ranks Senior High Ranks these Master Classes are just for you and a great opportunity to upskill in preparation for your next grading. These classes will be held before the Honbu Grading on the 2nd May from 8.00am to 9.00am at Craigie Leisure Centre.... We will have three classes running at the same time: Arnis Solobaston Instructed with Kyoshi Steve Glew: This class is for FMA Shodan Ho preparing for their 1st Dan the focus will be on Arrnis Solobaston from the Master himself Kyoshi Steve Glew. 2nd Dan and Above Katas with Kyoshi Justin Boylan: Kyoshi Justin Boylan will demonstrate and teach Katas you need to prepare you for your next level training. Kyoshi Justin has a wealth of knowledge and if you have not trained with Justin this is an great opportunity not to be missed. Muay Thai Technical Pad Work and Sparring Techniques with Renshi Murray McKechnie: This class is for Muay Thai Students Brown Singlets and Above preparing for their gradings. Murray has years of experience and is regarded as our Muay Thai expert in FMA. Event Manager: Terrence Cook Date: 2nd May 2021 Time: 8.00am to 9.00am Venue: Craigie Leisure Centre Entry Fee: $10 #FMA #freestylemartialarts #freestylemartialartsaustralia
21.01.2022 FMA STUDENT IN FOCUS CLINT IN'T VELD From Life. Gym Clint is a dedicated student who always seeks to push, and challenge himself in every session, Clinton is well-liked and respected at the dojo and will always offer assistance on any project or task asked of him. He is a pleasure to work with and train.... Clinton in’t Veld graduated with a Master of Science (MSc) Degree with distinction from Curtin University in February this year. He also received the prestigious Curtin DBE PMI Award for achieving the highest marks. Clinton has also been accepted by Curtin University to undertake his doctoral (PhD) studies. "I wish him all the best in his future studies and know he will be recognized for his attention to detail and hardworking values" - Graham McDonnell, Director, Life Gym #FMA #freestylemartialarts #freestylemartialartsaustralia #curtinuniversity #lifegym #letsdolife #FMAstudentinfocus
20.01.2022 Honbu Grading is a milestone for many of our Students and we consider this day to be ceremonial and day to bring all Clubs together as one hence the name 'Honbu' Japanese meaning Headquarters. The grading will have a slightly delayed start due to the Master Classes running at 8.00am. We ask all students to be registered and ready for grading by 9.00am with a prompt start at 9.30am for our Official Bow In. The Honbu Gradings are a volunteer event from all FMA Clubs and we seek... support from our FMA Community to come down and assist in any way you can. If you are of a high rank we need your assistance with marking students on the day if you can please email us your details at [email protected] if you can assist us at Honbu. Event Manager: Murray McKechnie Date: 2nd May 2021 Time: 9.30am to 1.30pm Venue: Craigie Leisure Centre Entry Fee: (FMA is a Not for Profit Organisation and to assist with expenses for the day there will be an entry fee for anyone not grading) $10 per Adult $20 per Family $5 per child #FMA #freestylemartialartsaustralia #freestlyemartialarts #freestylekarate #muaythai #kickboxing #BJJ #brazilianjiujtsu #brazilianjujitsu #honbu
20.01.2022 We train to survive!
18.01.2022 FMA Instructor Development Session Feb 2020. Focus was on knife and rattan defence. Small turnout - We need to see all FMA senior instructors on the floor examining curriculum requirements!!!!
18.01.2022 Make sure you register and get your virtual seat for this. You can grab you ticket here for only $9
17.01.2022 FMA Grading 8 March 2020 - Junior Brown and Black
17.01.2022 FMA Grading 8 March 2020 - Muay Thai Senior and Junior
15.01.2022 Well done to FMA directors Murray, Graham & Phil as well as WAIMA instructor Steve for passing a killer 5 day level 1 instructors course for Kalah Israeli Combat System
15.01.2022 How to leave a LEGACY? My thoughts after Anzac Day
14.01.2022 FMA Director Justin Boylan About Justin Boylan Qualifications... Defensive Tactics Instructor Spontaneous Knife Defence Instructor Dynamic Simulation Instructor Certificate II in Security (Guarding) Certificate III in Investigative Services Certificate III in Security (Guarding) Certificate IV in Operational Safety Training Firearms Training Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessing Police approved firearms, OC Spray, batons and handcuffs instructor Tertiary: Completed a Diploma of Business Administration from the Perth Technical College in 1988. Experience I have 30 years experience in crowd control and security. I have provided personal security for a number of media and rock stars at public appearances, record store signings and I have organized the collection of stars to and from the airport where large numbers of fans have been in attendance. I have worked for Former Vice President of the USA Al Gore, Bob Dylan, Rubin Hurricane Carter, Pink, Julian Lennon, Oasis, Cold Chisel, Jimmy Barnes, Harry Connick Junior, Human Nature and Rove McManus to name a few. I also worked in many hotels and clubs providing crowd control functions as a team member and also as a team leader. I owned and operated a registered training organisation, Security Institute (WA) for 10 years. Martial Arts Experience I started martial arts in 1980. During this time I have received the following ranks and recognitions. Freestyle Martial Arts 8th Dan Black Belt FMA Muay Thai 8th Degree Trainer Kombatan Arnis 1st Degree Black Belt FMA Arnis 4 th Dan Black Belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt in 2014 under Gene Le Bell Black Belt John Donehue Seitei Iaido Sho Dan in 2016 Shin Sei Kan Kenjutsu Sho Dan in 2019 World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Champion Coach 2005 Coached Grayson West World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Champion 2007 - Rio De Janeiro Brazil National Wrestling Championship 1990 Bronze Medallist Sydney Australia State Wrestling Champion 1989 Perth Western Australia Australian Federation of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu WA Director 2006 to 2015 Inducted into Australian Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2011 Martial Artist of the Year Inducted into World Karate Union Hall of Fame 2011 Martial Artist of the Year Inducted into World Karate Union Hall of Fame 2013 Master of the Year Appointed Director Australasian Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2016 Appointed Board Member Freestyle Martial Arts Association 2017 to present
14.01.2022 FMA Board Member Opportunity Freestyle Martial Arts (FMA)is a Perth based Not for Profit organisation that is seeking to expand its existing Board membership an...d is seeking expressions of interest from suitably experienced people to complement the existing skills-based Board. Note: The Board is actively seeking to expand its DIVERSITY profile and would encourage all interested community members to apply. This is a working Board and members are expected to contribute to working groups and sub-committees outside of regular Board meetings. A leader in its field, FMA seeks to: - advance and maintain good governance, leadership and education amongst all martial arts schools and practitioners within Freestyle Martial Arts Community; - establish recognised standards including, instructor qualifications, grading processes and requirements within Freestyle Martial Arts Community; - organise tournaments and events consistent with the purpose of the Association; - communicate, affiliate or establish relationships with other organisations, associations, bodies and societies whether in Australia or outside Australia in such a way as to further the objectives of the Association; If you have suitable experience and the motivation and time to contribute to our Board then we would love to hear from you. Please follow link below for further information about this opportunity. Organisation FMA was registered as a not for profit organisation in July 2018 and has a Board comprising six (6) directors. Further information is available at: Prerequisites The term of appointment is two years with an option to renominate. All Board members are expected to have: an understanding of, and commitment to, the focus of FMA and its breadth of services to the community; the skills and ability to contribute to its strategic direction and performance monitoring; the ability to contribute to the FMA’s growth and viability through leveraging their existing networks and helping to develop new ones; highly developed communications skills and the ability to work with a range of stakeholders; and excellent understanding and experience of good practice relating to governance of organisations. Responsibilities include: Attending and making significant contributions to monthly Board meetings (minimum ten times per year) and other key FMA activities; Providing expertise in the Board’s decision making; and Ensuring that decisions reflect and enhance the organisation’s Strategic Plan, governance practices, financial position and legal obligations. Process Applications should include: A brief cover letter outlining the skills and experience the candidate brings to the Board; and A full resume detailing work history, relevant experience and qualifications, including contact details. Interviews may be conducted with short listed candidates. Applications should be sent by 5pm on Wednesday 9 December 2020 to [email protected] For queries on the positions, please contact Justin Boylan 0411 700 607, on or email as above.
13.01.2022 Yesterday's FMA instructor training at Total Martial Arts Centre. Kalah instructors Steve Smith, Murray McKechnie, Phil Britten and Graham McDonnell working with the FMA instructors on the Israeli combat system. We train reality! Freestyle Martial Arts Australia is an association of martial art clubs committed to martial arts leadership and excellence.... Contact us via our website #FMA #freestylemartialartsaustralia #freestlyemartialarts #freestylekarate #muaythai #kickboxing #BJJ #brazilianjiujtsu #brazilianjujitsu #kalahaustralia #kalahsystem #idanabolnik #SelfDefense #tactical #martialarts #kalamundakickboxing #KKB #antibullying #totalmartialartscentre #totalmartialarts Total Martial Arts Centre West Coast Academy of Martial Arts Kalamunda Kickboxing and Martial Arts Life. Gym Dragon Muay Thai Rockingham Okami Martial Arts
13.01.2022 Happy Monday FMA community! We are looking for feedback and ideas for our next FMA training trip. Over the last few years we have seen the training trip take our FMA members over to Thailand to train. This year we are looking at changing things up a little and want to know what you would prefer! Please vote below on what type of trip you would attend, if there isnt an option please feel free to add one in. ... Please also let us know below your thoughts on the following options What destination would you suggest? What would your budget be? How many days would you like to be away for?
12.01.2022 Tough Times Dont Last Tough People Do
11.01.2022 FMA Graduation 8 March 2020
10.01.2022 FMA CLUB IN FOCUS Total Martial Arts Centre Kyoshi Justin Boylan and Kyoshi Steve Glew have taken the skills and experience that have made them world renowned martial artists and co-founded The Total Martial Arts Centre. The Total Martial Arts Centre has a philosophy that centres on mutual respect and in building belief and self-esteem in each of its students. Through its range of specialised and well-balanced martial arts disciplines including FMA freestyle, Arnis, Muay and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, they will help bring together the mind, body and soul so you become the person you have always wanted to be! There are classes for everyone, regardless of age or ability and each one is centred around a fun and engaging, comprehensive syllabus. Not just about high kicks and punches; regular training at The Total Martial Arts Centre will take you on journey which will improve your inner and outer strength, your mental and physical flexibility, endurance, and spirituality. The instructors take great care in finding out and understanding the needs, differences and goals of each student and shapes each class to provide high-calibre martial arts training so that everyone can achieve their goals and no-one is left feeling out of their depth. The Dojo is located at Unit 7/17 Townsend St, Malaga 6090 Perth, Western Australia. Visit their website at and their Facebook Page ( to get to know more about them. #totalmartialartscentre #totalmartialarts #freestylemartialartsaustralia #FMA #freestylekarate #kickboxing #karate #karateperth #kidskarate #muaythai #brazilianjiujtsu #kalahaustralia #BJJ #martialarts
10.01.2022 Restrictions due to Covid , but a very rewarding event none the less
10.01.2022 Due to the uncertainty of the Covid Restrictions FMA have cancelled the 2nd May Honbu Grading. Students will grade in house at their Club - please wait for notification from your Club with their plans, dates, and times for grading. We apologise for the inconvenience as we always to endeavour to ensure that Honbu Gradings are a memorable day for students grading, but unfortunately this is our of control. If you have any questions please forward to your relevant club. ... #freestylemartialartsaustralia #freestlyemartialarts #FMA
09.01.2022 Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they’ve got a second - William James Freestyle Martial Arts Australia is an association of martial arts clubs committed to martial arts leadership and excellence . Contact us via our website . #FMA #freestylemartialartsaustralia #freestlyemartialarts #freestylekarate #muaythai #kickboxing #BJJ #brazilianjiujtsu #brazilianjujitsu See more
08.01.2022 FMA Grading 8 March 2020 - Shodan
08.01.2022 Cant wait to get back to training like we used to before Covid-19. Controlling the attacker and transitioning to knife defence #kalahaustralia
07.01.2022 FMA Director Steve Glew About Steve Glew Steve is currently Chief Executive Officer of a large not for profit organisation focusing on the disability and aged care sectors.... Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Former member of the State Governments Senior Executive Service having worked in senior leadership positions within the Department of Child Protection and prior to that with the Department of Education. Having over 35 years experience in the martial arts and security industries, Steve has been co-owner of the Total Martial Arts Centre in Malaga since 1995. He brings to the FMA Board a wealth of experience and knowledge related to governance, management, legislation and policy development and implementation.
07.01.2022 Well done to Kalamunda Kickboxing & Martial Arts on the KKB Anywhere program earlier this year, looks like you had some fun doing it!
05.01.2022 Good Luck to all participating in the Honbu Grading and Graduation tomorrow. #fma #freestylemartialartsaustralia #freestylemartialarts #karate #freestylekarate #muaythai #kickboxing #kidskarate #brazilianjiujtsu #BJJ #Kalah #kalahaustralia #freestylearnis
05.01.2022 The marquee is up and ready to protect all the Kalamunda Kickboxing & Martial Arts members from the elements. A big thank you @reeceseventhire for this amazing marquee #kalamundakickboxing #reeceseventhire #tenthireperth #perthhire #perthmarqueehire #perthtenthire #KKBAnywhere #kidskarate #karate #kickboxing #muaythai #martialarts #fitness
05.01.2022 Last post regarding the 100 ticket raffle on FMA site - contact Rob Stevens at TMAC for tickets. Refer earlier post on this site for further details.
04.01.2022 FMA Director Murray McKechnie About Murray McKechnie Martial Arts experience ... 5th Degree in FMA Muay Thai 2017 Probationary 4th Degree Freestyle Martial Arts 2012 Purple Belt in John Donahue Jui Jitsu 2018 Orange Singlet IDS Krav Maga Orange Belt in Kombatan Arnis Martial Arts Awards 25years long service in 2017 Professional Experience Started Kalamunda Kickboxing & Martial Arts in 1998 Certificate 3 in Motor Mechanics 1992 Cert 4 in Training and Assessing 2019 Current Employment Murray Is the owner of Kalamunda Kickboxing and Martial Arts which he started in 1998. KKB currently has over 500 students. Murray also works closely with the local schools and council mentoring local students in Martial Arts and life skills. Co owns Fight Night Promotions and has been promoting events in Perth since 2000.
04.01.2022 FMA Grading 8 March 2020 - Senior Brown and Black
04.01.2022 Are you a martial arts club owner looking to take your school to the next level? . FMA works throughout Australia to provide leadership and support to Affiliate members so they can provide exceptional service to their clients . Select the link below for more information on how FMA can help your club.... . #FMA #freestylemartialartsaustralia #freestlyemartialarts #freestylekarate #muaythai #kickboxing #BJJ #brazilianjiujtsu #brazilianjujitsu See more
04.01.2022 Simply WOW. Massive shoutout to Jake Mattock for sharing this gem in our weekly meeting. I was in tears watching this very powerful video. ... We are in the business of changing peoples lives. This statement is not taken lightly Please own this responsibility
01.01.2022 FMA Grading 8 March 2020 - Sandan
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