FreeTime Newspaper Maryborough | Other
FreeTime Newspaper Maryborough
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25.01.2022 Hi Maryborough! If anyone has kids interested in journalism, photography, video editing etc that would like experience while volunteering for a new kids newspaper coming to the area please get in touch. I will have some interviews and projects to work on over the next 2 weeks and would like kids to have a go. For interviews preferably one person to take video and photographs and another to come up with questions and conduct the interview. PM me for a chat and more info or email us at [email protected]
25.01.2022 Big Day! Collected FreeTIME newspaper to distribute to our schools next week!
24.01.2022 Council will be offering school based apprenticeships and traineeships for the first time in 2021. As one of the biggest employers in the region we can offer ex...perience in a range of different work areas. We currently employ a number of trainees and apprentices across the organisation but this new school based program is all about connecting with students earlier. The students could work in a range of areas including parks, cultural services and the community environment nursery, while there may be opportunities in roles covering administration, information technology, customer service and economic development, to name just a few examples. Eight positions will be offered to current Year 10 students at the four Fraser Coast public high schools for apprenticeships and traineeships that will commence in 2021. The work that the apprentices and trainees do will be matched to a certificate qualification, while the positions also benefit Council by assisting us to provide services across the community. It is a tangible way we as Council can help young people grow and gain experience that increases their chances of gaining full-time employment when they have finished school. It’s also about keeping talented young people on the Fraser Coast and showing that there are a wide range of job opportunities available locally. Students can lodge expressions of interest with their school contacts at Aldridge State High School, Hervey Bay State High School, Maryborough State High School and Urangan State High School by 20 November 2020.
23.01.2022 Deep in a Japanese forest, a wooden xylophone plays the music of JS Bach. This is the most beautiful video. (via Touchwood SH-08C)
23.01.2022 Expression of interest now open for Kids to Farms There is an increasing disconnect between rural and urban populations, and with this brings a lack of knowl...edge of how Australia's food and fibre is produced - how it makes it from the paddock to the plate, farm to fibre or crop to cup. The Educating Kids about Agriculture: Kids to Farms project, funded by the Australian Government aims to address this disconnect and will be based on the successful AgForce School to Industry Partnership Program (SIPP) through targeted activities for primary school students in Queensland. Primary students will visit farms, agricultural businesses and primary production worksites to learn about the agricultural industry using curriculum aligned learning modules bringing together the classroom and the farm, the students and the producer. Kids to Farms will provide students and teachers with a suite of activities and experiences including on-farm or primary production worksite visits, curriculum aligned hands-on activities and pre and post visit engagement in the classroom to impart a deeper understanding of where their food and fibre comes from. The AgForce SIPP Kids to Farms model includes food and fibre ‘mini classrooms’ at major events for groups of students (including BEEF Australia and Brisbane RNA); ‘AgConnect’ days for primary students to learn about a broad range of agricultural industries and careers in one place and satellite and virtual technology or other ‘in-class’ experiences including ‘Farmer in the Classroom’. If your primary school is interested in participating in Kids to Farms, please complete the EOI in the following link:
23.01.2022 How to speak so kids listen...
20.01.2022 Following your dreams and starting a small business is hard work, it means making a lot of sacrifices and takes sweat and tears but it is all so worth it to have beautiful gestures like this to show that people believe in you and that what you are doing is good and will make a difference. Thank you to this beautiful soul, not only for the very kind donation but really for the gesture of faith and support. FreeTIME Kids Community Newspaper will eventually be funded by adverti...sing local Marybrough Businesses who not only want to promote their business but also ensure that Maryborough Kids are getting a broader world view, opportunities to contribute to society and in general just a great holistic interactive resource. Because of this I would like to contribute this donation to a monthly competition as the prize money. This is where you come in...Hit us with your ideas for a monthly kids competition that encourages positive community involvement and could win them a $10 voucher!
20.01.2022 Kids love family and the sense of belonging, pride and security it brings. Sit down with your kids this holiday and fill in your Christmas family tree to see what gaps you can fill in of your family's history together. Have a beautiful Christmas Eve Love from the FreeTIME kids community newspaper family!
16.01.2022 I got more than I bargained for while getting this video Don't watch while eating your tea
14.01.2022 Have a go at playing the Reindeer Races game with the kids created by FreeTIME Kids Community Newspaper!
14.01.2022 LUCKY THIRTEEN FOR MARYBOROUGH BMX The colours of the Maryborough BMX club will be visible throughout the BMX Queensland State Titles underway in Brisbane over ...the next few days. 1. Left to right: Justin McLeish, Jarrah Rober’t, Teya Rufus, Phoenix Rober’t, Rhys Graves, Shae Rufus, Cadell Sheppard, Wayne Blake Front: Levi Bayntun and Elijah Blake. 2. Vincent Dalecki 3. Campbell Allan 4. Maison Lefeber Images courtesy of the Maryborough BMX Club.
14.01.2022 Here is the video Sue did for FreeTIME newspaper about pollinators! Challenge yourself to learn some Butchulla words with the kids.
13.01.2022 Every Month we have an interview with someone from a different profession to give kids a better understanding of what these careers entail. It might just spark their interest
11.01.2022 Nice DIY project from a local permaculture guru!
11.01.2022 if you need chuckle, this will definitely do it!!
08.01.2022 Got an event on in Maryborough in November you would like to advertise in the FOMO guide in FreeTIME kids newspaper? Send us an email or contact us on messenger. Feel free to share this post with anyone who may benefit.
08.01.2022 Are there actually secret tunnels under Maryborough? For our final video of this series we hear stories told of yesteryear about our historic tunnels.
07.01.2022 Please watch "The Social Dilemma," on Netflix. It's very eye opening about how social media works and how it affects individuals and society from the mouths of the people who helped create, design and drive these platforms. I have tried to summarise the information below but do yourself a favour and try to watch it yourself. 1. Basically social media is designed to make money and we are the product, algorithms are constantly at work gaining information from us about our habi...ts in order to use the best tools on those platforms to keep us engaged for longer, the more time we are engaged on these platforms the more money they are making. This is why it is addictive. 2. The human brain was never designed to have so much instant feedback from so many people (our contacts on social platforms) The growth in the number of children self harming and committing suicide because they can't live up to the unrealistic filtered lives they are bombarded by "lived" on social media is terrifying when you see the statistics. 3. The amount of polarisation in society caused by social media is mind blowing and the amount of hatred/ false media being spewed into certain demographics is devastating all based on information gathered from AI and targeting people who may not necessarily do their homework and are sucked into these movements. The information age is turning into the disinformation age. The once president of one of the social media platforms says this could result in civil war. 4. Many of the developers of these platforms who have a moral dilemma will not let their children use social media. Only two industries call their patrons "users" the illegal drug industry and social media platforms. Social media is addictive because it is designed to be, it is destructive because of its intent to make money regardless of the damage it does to children, families and society at large and that is the social dilemma.
05.01.2022 Hello everyone, please find attached an explanation of your second virtual library. Please note our Sunday story "The Kissing hand" is included in this library.
04.01.2022 Anyone feeling those end of leave blues? Don’t worry, you got this Here’s a to-do list we’re recommending for members this weekend: 1. Relax, watch a movie, ...catch up with friends. 2. If you’re going to think about work, try thinking about how you can push back against workload creep in your life (see this for more: 3. Don’t forget to vote in the NAPLAN ban member ballot (closes Tuesday). Here’s how to do it: #Dontforgettovote
03.01.2022 Hi Maryborough and surrounds! The November edition is all about pollinators. It has been a hot couple of days. We all have our opinion on the fire on Fraser Island but all agree we need rain! The kids are tired, the teachers are tired, the parents are tired. It has been a HUGE year and we all look forward to a well deserved break. Remembrance day is such an important day to commemorate especially for our children who can learn so much from History and hopefully see the commu...Continue reading
03.01.2022 This is a beautiful project idea! We need this in Maryborough
02.01.2022 Perfect weather to get out your copy of FreeTIME Kids Community Newspaper to try a recipe, play a board game, read stories about local people, enter a competition or write us a story!
02.01.2022 I think it was Brene Brown who told a story about a village where all the women washed clothes together down by the river. When they all got washing machines, was a sudden outbreak of depression and no one could figure out why. It wasn't the washing machines in and of themselves. It was the absence of time spent doing things together. It was the absence of community. Friends, we’ve gotten so independent. We’re fine we tell ourselves even when in reality we’re depressed, we’re overwhelmed, we’re lonely, and we’re hurting. We’re fine, we’re just too busy right now we say when days, weeks, months, and years go by without connecting with friends. I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine. It’s so easy to say even when it’s not true. We’ve become so isolated and it’s hard to know how to get back. It’s so hard to know how to even begin to build the kind of relationships our hearts need. And I think In our current culture, it’s just not as organic as it once was. It's more work now. Because you know, we have our own washing machines. We don't depend on each other to do laundry, or cook dinner, or raise babies anymore. We don't really depend on each other for much of anything if we're being honest. In Brene Brown’s book Braving the Wilderness, she says that being lonely effects the length of our life expectancy similar to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. I don’t say that to freak anyone out, but to let you know that the longing for connection is LEGIT. I think we’ve treated friendship like a luxury for far too long; friendship isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. We don't want it. We kind of need it. Be independent. Be proud of it. But be an independent woman who realizes the value and the importance of opening the door to other good women. You can do it alone, but you don't have to. Islands are only fun for so long. There is true magic when women come together and hold hands and share ideas and share stories and struggles and endless bowls of salsa. You use your gifts, and I'll use mine, and then we'll invite that girl over there who brings a completely different set of skills to the table we are building, and we'll watch together as something miraculous unfold.~ ~Amy Weatherly art: Tamara Phillips
01.01.2022 Nature is often overlooked as a healing balm for the emotional hardships in a child’s life. Unlike television, nature does not steal time. It amplifies it. Nat...ure offers healing for a child living in a destructive family or neighborhood. Time in nature is not leisure time, it's an essential investment in our children’s health, writes the journalist Richard Louv in his book called Last Child in the Woods. If not going out to nature can potentially create emotional problems, going out can create solutions and prevent our future adults from many troubles. To those of you who want to go deeper in taking care of children, we invite you to visit our website and to take a look at the Early Childhood Education and Care course. . At Envirotech Education we offer a course for those who love these little beings. To know more, please, visit our website: Link in bio . #envirotecheducation #envirotech #education #innovative #innovation #envirotechblog #studyinaustralia #byronbay #australia #goldcoast #sustainability #environmental #children #nature #richardlouv #naturedeficitdisorder #earlychildhood See more