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Freightshop in Perth, Western Australia | Cargo and freight company

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Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9477 6088

Address: 1B, 13 Hugh Edwards Drive 6105 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 ~ Christmas Island ~ Theres sooo much beauty & wonderful experiences for you to enjoy on this little island paradise! Christmas Island is just full of surprises! Please Share & help spread the word that #christmasisland is still just as beautiful as it has always been... Thankyou xx

25.01.2022 We are currently experiencing internet issues. Phones and emails are down until we can resolve this issue. If you need urgent assistance, please call Drew on 0433 663 019 or Ben on 0405 202 882

25.01.2022 **Update number 2** Some good news and some bad news Good news: After my original post we discovered a data entry error which meant we had more freight than expected. This means that a diversion to Learmonth is viable, if weather conditions are not favourable tomorrow morning! Bad news: We bulked out the belly of the aircraft which has meant Cocos cargo had to be offloaded. The fairest way to do this was to offload the last consignments delivered today. 1000kg had to be left ...behind, 250kg of this was too large for the belly, customer has been notified. The remaining 750kg is small enough to fit on a passenger flight and we will aim to recover this ASAP. Thank you to the people of Cocos for your patience. **Freighter Update** Tomorrows Freighter has to depart Perth off the short runway so we have payload restrictions. We do not have enough cargo to warrant a diversion to Learmonth for additional fuel so it looks like offloads will occur. Approximately 1000kg overweight. First lodged, first uplifted with Med Food Mail and Priority gaining preference. We just cant catch a break!

25.01.2022 Its Friday... And we are finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. With the additional recovery freighter today and the Sunday services we almost have an empty warehouse! BooYah! No offence but we are so glad to see the back of your cargo! LOL It has been, without a doubt the hardest period since i started with Freightshop back in 2001. #covidsux... Overwhelmed doesn't come close to describing how we have felt. Along with frustrated, disappointed and very grateful. Grateful for your patience while we do everything we can to get through this. Thank you to our customers who have contacted us for updates and thanked us for our efforts. You remind us why we do what we do! All of my staff, especially the warehouse staff have been run ragged for the past 2 months. I must commend them for dealing with the immense pressure to be thorough and attend to all details while dealing with a multitude of problems. To be honest, we have some seriously burnt out humans. Yes, some of us have "Lost the plot" Myself included. I'll admit we haven't been perfect, something that eats away at me every day. We have never experienced anything like it, we recognise where we fall short and will certainly work towards improving our process in case something like this happens again. I bloody hope that the events 2020 don't ever repeat themselves! If it does, we will be ready! With love, from Freightshop #bigisland See more

23.01.2022 TOLL FREIGHTER - Friday 17th April Reminder - Please see below the procedure for freight collection for today's Toll service. Perishables (foods) will be taken the airport gate on the Post Office side. General freight will be taken to the usual collection side. On each side, there will be an AFP member and Co-op staff member. People collecting their items will be asked to STAY IN THEIR VEHICLES. People will be called over individually when their freight is available for collection. Please, only one member from each family to attend freight collection. Shamroks and Seed/Sprout will have their goods taken to the gate near the fuel tanker shed for collection. The Cocos Co-Op will have their goods delivered to the West Island supermarket. On behalf of all involved, we thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

23.01.2022 Hello Everyone, Eco Crab Industries Team here. Welcome to Christmas Island! Known as the Kingdom of Crabs & described by Sir David Attenborough as the Galap...agos of the Indian Ocean. This small Island is home to many amazing plants & animals, both on land & in the water. There is no doubt that they belong here One thing that does not belong here is Ocean Trash & unfortunately with tides hitting us from many angles, the beaches can become covered in it! Saturday 21st was World Cleanup Day! Our clean up went as well as could be expected. We were lucky enough to meet Ben & his navy buddies from Take 3forthesea doing their own clean and a rubbish count Thanks for the data. You guys are amazing! We were all down on the beach for at least 5 hours sifting through the #oceanwaste that has washed up. There was a clean done only 2 weeks prior by the School & already the beach is covered. One scoop in the waves filled a container with plastic pieces :( We need to stop this at the source! Cleaning as it washes up isn't enough anymore. Our Eco Crab Industries Team have come up with a way to re-purpose a lot of the #plasticwaste that we collect. We will post about this over the coming week. We need your help, Please keep doing your part to reduce your plastic use. #reduce #reuse #recycle. It's time to get involved and take action. Let's make a difference. One piece of plastic at a time. Together we can make BIG changes for our planet. See more

23.01.2022 In light of the current situation, please be kind to eachother, support eachother, everyone is suffering. Also... Send beer!

23.01.2022 Hi All, I have been receiving a lot of requests regarding Amazon Prime, i hope the below clarifies the situation? For contractual reasons, Amazon Prime are paying Aust Post sea freight rates and receiving an airfreight service. Australia Post are paying the difference. ... Australia Post asked Freightshop to lodge all Prime mail as Standby as they do not want to impact upon other cargo. This has been in place since pre COVID. Prime figures have been increasing ever since. We were getting 50-100kg of Prime per week, we are now seeing 1200-1500kg per week!!!!!!!!!!!!! Couple that with the increased passenger figures on VARA flights and the jump in excess bags, our allocations have dropped from 4000kg per flight to well under 1000kg. The perfect storm!! All Prime that we were holding prior to Friday 28th August was redirected to Zentner for the next sailing, at the request of Australia Post. I am working with Aust Post and Toll, SERCO, Virgin to come up with a plan to recover the Prime by air. We have some promising leads, so please be patient. We will get through this as we have in the past. Take care, be well.

22.01.2022 And this is how creative people get a very important message out there. P. S. I like Boobies and I don't mind catching crabs

22.01.2022 THE HONEYMOON IS OVER Passenger figures have made a considerable jump so the unlimited space we have been enjoying on the VA Passenger flights is gone! While we still have a very good allocation, but the free for all is over. ALL Perishables must be pre booked and we will be splitting Amazon Prime to go as Standby. Then we will fill the rest of the flight with Priority then General. Please share this far and wide.... Thank you! See more

22.01.2022 Queen's Birthday closure and cut off times

21.01.2022 CI Airport exercise routine, arm day.

18.01.2022 You can send some of these products as cargo but they MUST be declared and correctly certified under IATA regulations. Failure to declare, even if it is due to ignorance can carry a 2 year jail penalty.

18.01.2022 SCRAWA Newsletter February 2020 -

18.01.2022 The staff have been overwhelmed for a long time. I figured we should unleash!

18.01.2022 Hello Everybody, July 1st is nearly upon us Just a reminder, all cargo lodged after noon today will need to be security screened before we can manifest and lodge it at the Cargo Terminal. Please ensure your suppliers are aware that ALL cargo must be delivered by noon Wednesday unless it is purely perishables or medical. From Tuesday 30th June, all Shippers Declaration submissions will now have a compulsory field requesting either an invoice or a packing list. Please famili...arise yourselves with the Shippers Declaration on our website so you can better inform your suppliers. After the last minute lodgement of a high volume of cargo for the last freighter service we had to create a list of suppliers whos cargo we will pre approve for delivery after noon Wednesday and before the final cut off of noon Thursday. Those suppliers that qualify, and their island customers will be contacted over the next 48hrs. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, this is going to be a rough transition for us all. With your help we can find the best solution.

17.01.2022 The blowholes video got so much love yesterday , we have another video to share! Taken from above, during sunset, with a huge ocean swell! For those that wo...uld want to keep covered from the salty blows, there is now an under cover area with a day bed for you to watch and enjoy mother natures spectacular show from! A few cushions, sunset drinks and snacks and its now one of the best experiences on the island (I think swimming with #whalesharks is still the #1 experience!) Christmas Island Tourism Parks Australia

14.01.2022 In need of Hand Sanitiser? Let me know and I can get you 500ml bottles - $13.50ea and it is Non - Hazardous so can travel via air. Please forward your orders to [email protected].

14.01.2022 We understand Marks relationship with Ben on a deeper level.

13.01.2022 My name is the fourth son's life saving medical I was born in the back of a Ute My age is the day after my physio appointment I enjoy it to be a better person who felt they should publicly announce this threat

13.01.2022 After the hell we endured over the last few weeks I thought I better treat my amazing staff. #tigerprawns #thaisalad #vietnamesesalad #fridayfeels #coldbeer

12.01.2022 Is it OK if we go home now?

11.01.2022 Freightshop proudly sponsor the Street Car Racing Association of WA Good SCRAWA turn out today with our very own Andrew Stevens in the lead with a mental 57.76 second lap!

11.01.2022 Visit Cocos they said, it will be worth it they said... They were right!

10.01.2022 Proper journalism right here

09.01.2022 We have never been so excited to see cargo before! Arrived today, 2 x hydraulic rams destined for Cocos! What a wonderful way to end the week. Working with Virgin to guarantee uplift on next Tuesday's VA1909. All going well next week, we should be able to load up the Freighter with Cocos cargo! Edit: big thanks to Dwayne from Toll for getting this over nighted from Brisbane

09.01.2022 Good Morning CI, we've got a couple of quick updates for the community: We are still seeing a good amount of usage on the CiFi Community Trial Hotspot service, ...which is great to see! We'd love some additional feedback from any of our regular users? How you have found the quality of the service over the last few weeks? In regards to our May launch date target, unfortunately we still suffering delays as a result of the COVID19 pandemic, we have confirmation today that some of our outstanding hardware will not arrive until later this month. Rest assured, we are working 7 days a week to make this launch happen for the community, and we will be posting more regular updates to our FB page and CI Blackboard to help keep everyone informed. Currently, we are hoping for an early June launch date - we are so close now! We are planning to do a pre-sale of the first 250 services this month, and service plans & pricing will be released at the same time. This allows us to ensure we have enough equipment and services prepared for launch day and to meet expected demand, and also give our customers the chance to secure a service without having to wait. Please stay tuned for more information on this pre-sale. Yours in high speed internet, Regards, The CiFi Team

08.01.2022 Our roads, homes and shops are now turning red as billions of baby crabs leave the ocean One dedicated local is even using a blower vac to get the babies across the road safely - take a look!

08.01.2022 A year in the making, the time is here. Check this Out!

07.01.2022 Public Holiday June 1st

07.01.2022 Ooh it's a tough one, but and for some an obvious choice. I know my opinion will be controversial but..... I can live without donuts. What about you? Which one could you ditch and why?

06.01.2022 It's a "dad joke" kind of day

06.01.2022 Labour Day 2021

05.01.2022 Very relevant...

05.01.2022 I see an ocean and i cannot draw, paint, sculpt...

04.01.2022 Important Informtion Effective July 1st 2020 there will be new security procedures for all domestic aircargo being sent from major ports across Australia. This will affect documentation requirements, flight cut off times and rates. Please use the link below to read our bulletin. If you have any queries dont hesitate to contact Freightshop

04.01.2022 Nice one Deita

03.01.2022 Please see operating times for next week and the Easter break. Due to staffing issues at the Cargo Terminal for Easter, we are forced to close off Thursdays Freighter service by noon on Tuesday the 30th March. On Monday morning we will start delivering cargo that we currently hold so please, if you are planning to lodge cargo on Monday or Tuesday morning make sure your suppliers lodge their Shippers Declarations and bookings by 8am Monday!!!

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