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Fremantlelongtable | Non-profit organisation

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25.01.2022 Woohoo!!!! See you tonight! :D

25.01.2022 Mouthwatering Exmouth Wild Prawns prepared by Peter Manifis will be one of the delicious entrees at this year's Fremantle Long Table Dinner. Thanks to Exmouth Wild Prawns for your donation and Peter Manifis for generously donating your time and exceptional cheffy skills at this fundrainsing event for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre raising funds for homelessness in partnership with The National Hotel . . .... Little Creatures Brewing Patrick Container Terminal DethridgeGroves Real Estate City of Fremantle Ferngrove & Killerby Wines Circus WA Tangelo Creative Pezzano Enterprises #opportunalegal Empyrean Education Institute Fremantle Community Bank Branch Capel Vale Wines #FremantleHeraldnewspaper Leeuwin Estate The University of Notre Dame Australia #endinghomelessness #freolongtable #stpatsfreo #longtabledinners #nationalhotelfreo #littlecreaturesfreo #circuswa See more

25.01.2022 The fabulous WASAMBA drummers are setting the stage for a fantastic night - we are ready to go so come on down!

24.01.2022 We are so excited to be bringing the Long Table Back again in 2020. Stay tuned for ticket info. The National Hotel Asciano/patrick Terminals Little Creatures Brewing Circus WA ... Fremantle Community Bank (Bendigo) DethridgeGroves Real Estate City of Fremantle St. Patrick's Community Support Centre See more

24.01.2022 The lovely crew of DethridgeGroves Real Estate have once again sponsored this years Freo Long Table. If you are looking at buying or selling please consider using DGR as they are big supporters of St. Patrick's Community Support Centre and the work they do with people who are homeless in our community. The Fremantle Long Table Dinner is a fundraiser for homelessness and is a partnership with The National Hotel and St. Patrick's Community Support Centre . . .... #dethridgegrovesrealestate #stpatsfreo #nationalhotelfreo #freolongtable #freolove #helpingthehomeless #freoevents See more

24.01.2022 Even if you dont have a seat at the Long Table tonight, you can still come down and join in the fun. Start your night with on Henry Street where the Christmas Market will kick start your festive season

22.01.2022 A reminder ahead of tonight's event: Premium ticket-holders are asked to enter the event at Market Street - Picnic ticket-holders at the Henry Street entrance. See you there! :D

22.01.2022 Chris Strang from Norfolk Hotel Fremantle will showcase his mastery of the smoker at this years Freo Long Table. Read more about Chris here A fundraiser for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel Tickets

22.01.2022 We have had a few tickets become available. Please email [email protected] Get in quick!We have had a few tickets become available. Please email [email protected] Get in quick!

21.01.2022 The tables are looking fabulous with these beautiful centrepieces. Soon to be full of people eating, drinking and helping us to help others #endinghomelessness

21.01.2022 We are getting excited - tickets go on sale next week. If you are a business owner and would like to donate to our famous Freo Long Table silent auction - raising funds for homelessness - please contact [email protected]

21.01.2022 Tickets on sale now for Fremantle Long Table Dinner. Saturday 28th November 2020 Kings Square Celebrity Chefs Premium Beverages... Raising funds for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel See more

21.01.2022 Empyrean Education Institute, long time supporters of Fremantlelongtable will once again be prepping ingredients for the gourmet meals to be served up on Saturday night. We thank you for your help and support, we couldn't do it without you! The Fremantle Long Table is a fundraiser for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel . . .... #empyreaneducationinstitute #stpatsfreo #freolongtable #nationalhotelfreo #learntochef #cheffing #thisiswa #freo #infreo #freolove #freostory #anotherdayinwa #endinghomelessness See more

20.01.2022 Rockstar chef Melissa Palinkas, of Young George and Ethos Deli + Dining Room will be joining our all star cast of chefs at this years Freo Long Table, 28th November 2020. Tickets A fundraiser for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel . .... #patrickterminals #littlecreatures #stpatsfreo #freolongtable #dethridgegrovesrealestate #cityoffremantle #CircusWA #tangelo #empyreaneducationinstitute #fremantlecommunitybankbendigobank #capelvalewines #leeuwinestatewines #opportunalegal See more

20.01.2022 Kenny McHardy from Manuka Woodfire Kitchen is one of our talented guest chefs at this year's Fremantle Long Table. You can read more about Kenny here; Tickets still available A fundraiser for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel

20.01.2022 The fifth annual #FreoLongTable, presented by The National Hotel in partnership with St. Patrick's Community Support Centre and held in Kings Square for the first time in the event's history. The event saw more than 650 people fill the cultural heart of Fremantle for a three-course feast cooked by celebrated local chefs, in support of people experiencing homelessness. Photos by Vince Cascioli.

19.01.2022 Thank you to these two superstars, John Butler and Mama Kin who have donated their performance tonight to raise funds for homelessness. St. Pats will always be your biggest fans!

19.01.2022 Get your dance shoes on! The one and only Freo faves Oats Supply will be performing at the 2020 Fremantlelongtable For those of you wanting to rock an 80's look on the night, head down to St. Pat's Rack Community Op-Shop for some fab gear and support St. Patrick's Community Support Centre The Freo Long Table raises funds for homelessness. St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel . . .... Oats Supply Live #oatssupply #80's #80'srocks #80'srock #mulletswa #stpatsopshop #freolongtable #nationalhotelfreo #stpatsfreo See more

19.01.2022 Tomorrow 9am Tickets on sale for this year's Freo Long Table. Enjoy a fabulous night of gourmet food by Perth's best chefs, WA wines Leeuwin Estate Ferngrove & Killerby Wines Capel Vale Wines and beer from Little Creatures Brewing. Raising funds for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel Photo thanks to Roel Loopers.

19.01.2022 Oh what a night! A huge thank you to all the guests, entertainers, chefs, volunteers, market stall holders and passersby who filled Kings Square with colour, music and plenty of Christmas cheer for the 2020 #Freolongtable. Special thanks also must to our wonderful sponsors whose generosity made this event happen for the fifth year running, including The National Hotel, St. Patrick's Community Support Centre, Little Creatures Brewing, #Patricks, DethridgeGroves Real Estate, Be...ndigo Bank, City of Fremantle, University of Notre Dame, Leeuwin Estate, Capel Vale Wines, Ferngrove & Killerby Wines, Spudshed, Pezzano Enterprises, Dirty Clean Food, Exmouth Wild Prawns, Kailis' Fish Market Cafe, Bread in common, Anna Gare, Ethos Deli + Dining Room, Manuka Woodfire Kitchen, Norfolk Hotel Fremantle, Young George, PAV Events, Empyrean Education Institute, Phenomenon Creative Events, Fremantle Herald, #OpportunaLegal, Circus WA, Brandino, Alsco Australia and Tangelo Creative. See more

18.01.2022 A massive thank you to our event partners and sponsors for their support of the 2019 Fremantle Long Table Dinner. What an amazing night! National Hotel Fremantle Asciano/patrick Terminals Little Creatures Brewing... City of Fremantle DethridgeGroves Real Estate Ferngrove & Killerby Wines Leeuwin Estate Sandalford Wines Spudshed, Baldivis Empyrean Education Institute Bendigo community bank Fremantle Circus WA Tangelo Creative See more

17.01.2022 We have a few more generous supporters to thank for their donations to this years Freo Long Table. You can get involved too by bidding on one of the fabulous donated items on our charity auction Alice Ford - Artist Woolworths Hougoumont Hotel Fremantle Fitness Results - Alfred Cove... Dreske Somoff Joy Kitchen Clancy's Fish Pub Fremantle Peter Zuvela Mokoh Design Julia and Garrett Cullity Freo.Social Alti2ude - High Performance Gym Off The Wall Yoga See more

17.01.2022 Peter Manifis head chef at Kailis' Fish Market Cafe and presenter of Our State on a Plate is one of the talented line up of chefs at this year's Fremantle Long Table Dinner. A fundraiser for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with the The National Hotel

16.01.2022 Learn how to make amazing gnocci from Matteo the chef at La Sosta and raise funds for St. Pat's. Stay tuned we also have exciting Long Table Dinner news in the coming weeks.....

15.01.2022 Our volunteers Maeve and Tina are hard at work in the St Pat's kitchen preparing delicious food for picnic ticket holders at tomorrow night's Long Table Dinner! Check out the St Pat's stall at the Cliff Street end!

15.01.2022 We want to say a huge thank you to The National Hotel for partnering with St. Patrick's Community Support Centre to put on the Fremantlelongtable and for your generous donations to the charity auction. You'll be able to bid on a night of accommodation at the National in one of their beautiful rooms or a function for 10 people in the gorgeous rooftop bar! . . .... #freolongtable #charityauctions #nationalhotelfremantle #stpatsfreo #endinghomelessness #freostory #thisisfreo #helpingthehomeless #circuswa See more

15.01.2022 The gorgeous family owned Pezzano Enterprises are donating fresh produce which our world class chefs will be cooking with at the Fremantlelongtable Thank you Pezzano's, it's great to have you on board this year helping St. Patrick's Community Support Centre and raising money to combat homelessness. The Fremantle Long Table Dinner is a fundraiser for St Pat's in partnership with the The National Hotel . .... . #stpatsfreo #pezzanoenterprises #nationalhotelfreo #freolongtable #thisisfreo #endinghomelessness #infreo #freolove #freolife See more

14.01.2022 Welcome to our newest sponsors of the Fremantlelongtable, The University of Notre Dame Australia, who are continuing to support social justice, equity and our local community.

13.01.2022 SOLD OUT - Fremantlelongtable has sold out again this year! Thank you everyone who bought a ticket, our amazing sponsors for their support and the fantastic chefs involved in this year's dinner See you all on the 28th of November in Kings Square! A fundraiser for homelessness. St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel. Little Creatures Brewing DethridgeGroves Real Estate City of Fremantle The University of Notre Dame Australia & Killerby Wines Circus WA Tangelo Creative Empyrean Education Institute Fremantle Community Bank Branch Capel Vale Wines Leeuwin Estate . . . . . #Stpatsfreo #nationalhotelfreo #Littlecreaturesbrewing #PatrickTerminals #Dethridgegrovesrealestate #cityoffremantle #UniversityofNotreDameAustralia #Ferngrovewines #CircusWA #TangeloCreative #empyreaneducationinstitute #Bendigobankfremantle #capelvalewines #leeuwinestatewines #opportunalegal #AnnaGare #BreadinCommon #YoungGeorge #Kailisfishmarketcafe #norfolkhotel #manukawoodfirekitchen #petermanifis #melissapalinkas #kennymchardy #chrisstrang #scottbrannigan #freolongtable #freostory #infreo #helpingthehomeless See more

13.01.2022 Exciting news! By dropping your cans at the St Pat' s Depot Return-It WA in Cockburn, you can collect a cash refund of 10c per container for yourself and an extra amount will go to help raise funds for people who are homeless or in need. If you want to donate your cash refund to St Pat's - use our scheme number C10288851 when you return your containers Where: St Pat's Depot Return-It, 12 Blackly Row, Cockburn Central, 8am to 4pm everyday.... To find out more visit for more info. Raising funds for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre

12.01.2022 Our charity auction is live, so get on and cast your bid. 100% of the proceeds of the auction go to St. Patrick's Community Support Centre homeless programmes. Thanks to these fabulous donors. Captain Cook Cruises (WA) Three Stories - Lifestyle Surf Art Char Char Restaurant + Bar... UWA Choral Society Friends St. Pat's Rack Community Op-Shop City of Fremantle See more

12.01.2022 Shout outs to these fantastic supporters of the Fremantlelongtable dinner for their awesome donations to this years auctions and raffles. Visit for some of the items up for grabs. Please support these generous donors where you can when shopping this Christmas. Rottnest Express, Rug Studio, Suburban Vibes, The Rechabite, Warrens Menswear The Fremantle Long Table Dinner is brought to you by The National Hotel and St. Patrick's Community Support ...Centre raising funds for homelessness services in Fremantle. . . . #stpatsfreo #nationalhotelfreo #freolongtable #rottnestexpress #rugstudio #suburbanvibes #therechabite #warrensmenswear #christmasinfreo #infreo #freolove #freolife #freostory #supportfreo #endinghomelessness See more

12.01.2022 "It’s a childhood dream to play in the centre of Fremantle like this, Kav Temperley rocking the stage at the 2020 #freolongtable

11.01.2022 This year's guest chefs for the Freo Long Table had a tour of St. Patrick's Community Support Centre and saw the wonderful work St Pat's does for people who are homeless in Freo and surrounds. Kitchen volunteer Joe, with St Pat's CEO Michael Piu showed chefs Anna Gare Kenny McHardy Peter Manifis and Karl Bullers of the The National Hotel around the kitchen, our on site accommodation, health clinic and range of other services.

10.01.2022 We are super excited by our line up of guest chefs working in collaboration with The National Hotel for Fremantlelongtable - 28th November 2020 Local Foodie Legend Anna Gare Pete Manifis Kailis' Fish Market Cafe Melissa Palinka Young George Ethos Deli + Dining Room Scott Brannigan Bread in common Coogee Common... Tickets on sale 9am, Monday 7th of September. $195 per person Raising funds for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel

10.01.2022 Huge kudos to our major event sponsor - Little Creatures Brewing. Thank you for your support of the Fremantlelongtable. Happy anniversary too, Little Creatures, 20 years providing great brews to the people of Freo! The Freo Long Table Dinner is proudly brought to you by the The National Hotel in partnership with St. Patrick's Community Support Centre. Ending homelessness in Freo. . . .... #stpatsfreo #nationalhotelfreo #littlecreatures #endinghomelessness #freolongtable #infreo #freopeople #freobusiness #freolove #freolife #freostory See more

10.01.2022 The street is looking glorious and someone is hiding in St Pats Rack on High Street.....come up to The National and watch all the action unfolding below as we fill our Long Table #nationalhotelfreo

10.01.2022 We clinked champagne glasses, we feasted like kings, we swayed to some groovy tunes and laughed with 650 of our closest friends. But most importantly, we raised $95,000 for people experiencing homelessness. A huge thank you to all who made the 2020 Freo Long Table a night to remember, especially our project partners The National Hotel and St. Patrick's Community Support Centre. See you next year!

09.01.2022 Kings Square, all lit up and buzzing with more than 650 diners at the 2020 #freolongtable

09.01.2022 What a way to close out the evening! Oats Supply got the dancefloor pumping with their rousing renditions of 80s rock classics #freolongtable #infreo #thenationalhotel #stpats #oatssupply #freostory #freolife #freolove

08.01.2022 Its going to be a great night. Weather looking alright Thank you for those who bought a ticket for tonight !

08.01.2022 STOP THE PRESS! The Freo Long Table is back in November 2020! Save the date: Saturday 28th November Tickets available soon The National Hotel ... City of Fremantle Patrick Container Terminal Little Creatures Brewing Fremantle Community Bank Branch DethridgeGroves Real Estate See more

08.01.2022 Freo Long Table in full swing, with 150 volunteers on deck, roving entertainment and a fantastic atmosphere. Come down and join in the fun - the shops, bars and restaurants are open and there is plenty of roving entertainment.

07.01.2022 We only have 50 tickets remaining for this year's Freo Long Table - 28th November 2020. Every ticket sold helps us provide meals for 20 people doing it tough. A fundraiser for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel The Freo Long Table is proudly sponsored by ... Little Creatures Brewing Patrick Container Terminal DethridgeGroves Real Estate City of Fremantle The University of Notre Dame Australia Ferngrove & Killerby Wines Circus WA Tangelo Creative Empyrean Education Institute Fremantle Community Bank Branch Capel Vale Wines Leeuwin Estate Opportuna Legal See more

07.01.2022 Get your group together - tickets are on sale Monday 7th September 9am. Freolongtable - raising funds for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel Thank you to all our event partners and sponsors; Little Creatures Brewing Patrick Terminals Fremantle... DethridgeGroves Real Estate City Of Fremantle Ferngrove & Killerby Wines Circus WA Tangelo Creative Empyrean Education Institute Fremantle Community Bank Branch Capel Vale Wines Leeuwin Estate Opportuna Legal See more

06.01.2022 We would like to welcome Ferngrove & Killerby Wines as sponsors of the 2019 Freo Long Table. Their outstanding Independence Riesling and Black Label Shiraz will be part of the dinner package for people with Premium tickets to the event. Tickets are still available at

05.01.2022 The brains behind this year’s Fremantlelongtable menu, East Fremantle boy and head chef at the National Hotel Fremantle Kestrel Urban cut his teeth in some fine Margaret River restaurants before moving to Melbourne and running various gourmet pub and hotel operations. Settling back in Fremantle, Kestrel has been raising the bar at The National Hotel introducing a new team and some amazing seasonal dishes onto the menu. Get a behind the scene's glimpse into Kestrel's kitchen in this video, filmed and produced by Ric Cairns.

05.01.2022 St. Patrick's Community Support Centre is excited to lauch our new program Doorstep Dinners - helping the most needy during the coronavirus pandemic. Check out our FB page to find out more. Doorstep Dinners

04.01.2022 We want to thank the marvellous team at Patrick Container Terminal for your continued support of the work St. Patrick's Community Support Centre does with homeless and disadvantaged people in the Fremantle region. Thank you for your sponsorship of the Fremantlelongtable. The long table is a joint partnership between St Pat's and The National Hotel. . . .... #patrickterminals #stpatsfreo #nationalhotelfremantle #endinghomelessness #fremantlelongtable #infreo #freostory #fremantlewa See more

04.01.2022 A big shout out to the generous crew at Dirty Clean Food, one of the generous donors who make the Fremantlelongtable possible. Their premium produce will be showcased by Chris Strang of Norfolk Hotel Fremantle for the main course. Fremantle Long Table raising money for homelessness. St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel . . .... #freolongtable #nationalhotelfreo #dirtycleanfood #chrisstrang #Norfolkhotelfreo #stpatsfreo #helpingthehomeless #infreo #freostory #freolife #justanotherdayinwa #longtabledinners See more

04.01.2022 Only two more sleeps till the Fremantle Long Table! While tickets are now sold out, there will be an abundance of free entertainment on offer and the whole community is invited to come down and get involved. Come and browse through our Christmas Markets, watch Circus WA performers roving around Kings Square, catch local actor and comedian Peter Rowsthorn on the microphone as our MC and hit the dance floor with 80s rock outfit Oats Supply! See you there from 4pm onwards. . . . #freolongtable #stpatsfreo #nationalhotelfreo #christmasinfreo #infreo #freolove #freolife #freostory #supportfreo #endinghomelessness

04.01.2022 Its happening! We cant wait to see you tonight at the Long Table Dinner - even if you dont have a ticket you can still come down and join in the fun, starting with the Henry Street Market.

03.01.2022 Kestral Urban from The National Hotel will be cooking up a feast at this years Freo Long table. Read about the East Freo boy here A fundraiser for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel Tickets

02.01.2022 We're just 3 days away from the Freo Long Table Dinner - and this is your LAST CHANCE to get yourself a ticket! Sales close at midnight tonight. Visit to get yours! #freolongtable #christmasinfreo

02.01.2022 Queen of the kitchen and all round lovely lady, Anna Gare is looking forward to cooking for 600 at St. Patrick's Community Support Centre fundraiser on 28th November 2020. Tickets available at A fundraiser for St. Pat's in partnership with The National Hotel

02.01.2022 Thank you to the businesses; artists; venues; organisations and individuals who helped make the 2019 Fremantle Long Table Dinner a resouding success. Special thanks to our event partner The National Hotel - and to Inception Video for this amazing video! :D :D :D

01.01.2022 Thank you to Julia and Garret Cullity for donating at stay at the gorgeous holiday home 'Trastevere' in Cowaramup. You can bid on this and more at this years Freo Long Table auction. Raising money for homelessness. Auction details coming soon... Fremantlelongtable is a fundraiser for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel . .... . #stpatsfreo #freolongtable #nationalhotelfreo #trasteverecowaramup See more

01.01.2022 We are so excited to welcome Scott Brannigan from Bread in common and Coogee Common to our team of top chefs for this years Freo Long Table Dinner. You can read more about Scott here Freo Long Table is a fundraiser for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel

01.01.2022 Tickets go on sale Monday 7th September at 9am for this year's Fremantle Long Table Dinner. When: Saturday 28th November 2020 Where: Kings Square Fremantle Celebrity Chefs, premium beverages, fabulous entertainment. Raising funds for St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel... Thanks to our wonderful sponsors Little Creatures Brewing @Patrick Terminals DethridgeGroves Real Estate City of Fremantle Ferngrove & Killerby Wines Circus WA Tangelo Creative Empyrean Education Institute Fremantle Community Bank Branch Capel Vale Wines Leeuwin Estate Opportuna Legal

01.01.2022 Our guest chefs for the Freo Long Table will be assisted by the students at Empyrean Education Institute. Thanks to the team at Empryrean for your help. A few tickets are still available. 28th November - Kings Square A fundraiser for homelessness.St. Patrick's Community Support Centre in partnership with The National Hotel .... . . #stpatsfreo #NationalHotelFreo #EmpyreanEducationInstitute #PatrickTerminals #City of Fremantle #LittleCreaturesBrewing #DethridgeGrovesRealEstate #Ferngrovewines #CircusWA #Tangelocreative #bendigobankfremantle #capelvalewines #LeeuwinEstateWines #opportunaleaga #TheUniversityofNotreDameFremantle See more

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