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French Déjà Vu
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24.01.2022 Who loves to eat? Eating is an enjoyable part of life and travelling in a foreign country! Let’s learn how to name the meals of the day: - Breakfast: le petit déjeuner (luh puh-tee day-zhuh-nay)... - Lunch: le déjeuner (luh day-zhuh-nay) - Dinner: le diner (luh dee-nay) - Snack: le goûter (luh goo-tay) If you are in Canada, it is a bit different: - Breakfast = le déjeuner (luh day-zhuh-nay) - Lunch = le diner (luh dee-nay) - Dinner = le souper (luh soo-pay) - Snack = la collation (lah koh-lah-sy-ohN) Bon appétit!
23.01.2022 Did you know that there are different ways to write the same sound in French? Let’s learn the sounds oh and o. - Sound: oh... - Spelled: o, ô, au, eau - Pronounced as in English: boat, no, - French examples: le bateau (luh bah-toh) *meaning boat; au revoir (oh ruh-vwahr) *meaning good-bye; le dos (luh doh) *meaning back; l’hôtel (loh-tehl) *meaning hotel - Sound: o - Spelled: o - Pronounced as in English: not, love - French examples: la robe (lah rob) *meaning dress; le policier (luh po-lees-yay) *meaning policeman Watch for another post for learning more about pronunciation!
22.01.2022 Good to keep in mind!
12.01.2022 It's never too early to learn a second language!
09.01.2022 Masculine vs feminine Here is another tip for helping you with the French gender. - Most French words ending in ment (mahN) are masculine: apartment = l’appartement (lah-pahr-tuh-mahN); clothes = les vêtements (lay veht-mahN) *this word is often use in the plural form; medicine, medication = le médicament (luh may-dee-kah-mahN)... Exception: la jument (mare) - Most French words ending in age (ahzh) are masculine: cheese = le fromage (luh froh-mahzh); wedding, marriage = le mariage (luh mah-ryahzh); luggage, baggage = le bagage (luh bah-gahzh) Here are some exceptions (feminine words) : l’image (image), la page (page), la plage (beach), la promenade (walk, ride)
02.01.2022 Happy Birthday! It can be translated by Bon anniversaire (bohN ah-nee-vehr-sehr), Joyeux anniversaire (zhwah-yew ah-nee-vehr-sehr) or Bonne fête (bon feht) * mainly used in Canada. By the way, if you wish Bonne fête to someone in France it means Happy Saint’s Day. ... For all the French-speakers, it could also be used to wish good cheer during a special holiday like Father’s Day (Bonne fête des pères).
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