Freshwater State School | Government organisation
Freshwater State School
Phone: +61 7 4058 9222
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25.01.2022 Day 5 with the Freshie Staff - wear a xmas shirt!
25.01.2022 This term in junior choir, students have been learning about part work. They have learnt how to hold a part against another part. In our performance you will see the junior choir students singing partner songs ‘Why do I always have to stand still’ and ‘Wiggle in my feet’. They really enjoyed singing and performing the actions to these songs. The songs were written by Australian composer Katherine Ruhle.
25.01.2022 FINALISING ACCOUNTS FOR 2020 A reminder to all parents to finalise any outstanding invoices/payments for 2020. A statement will be sent out by the end of the week. Thank you all for your assistance with this matter.
25.01.2022 Congratulations to our Year 6 students who celebrated their success at our Presentation Evening last Thursday night with their family. Thank you to the Yr 6 teachers who assisted with the organization of the evening and ensured the night ran smoothly. A final thankyou Mr Tony Fuller for providing the RSC hall for our use.
24.01.2022 Merry Christmas from 1HB
24.01.2022 This Friday morning we said farewell to our year 6 senior choir students. Each student received a certificate for their commitment and participation in the senior school choir for 2020. As a tribute to these students, the senior choir have recorded a farewell song in 3-part canon to share with our school community. I wish all of our year 6 students the very best for high school in 2021.
24.01.2022 It's R U OK?Day, a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life. Today we're calling on Australians to learn what to say af...ter R U OK? so they can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. There's more to say after R U OK? Learn what to say when listening with an open mind Learn what to say when encouraging action Learn what to say when checking in Learn how to continue a conversation that could change a life. When we know what to say next we can help someone open up and find pathways to support long before they're in crisis. Learn what to say next and help us move closer to our vision of a world where we're all connected and are protected from suicide. Head to
23.01.2022 Open day for Aerial Dynamics is on Sunday the 30th of May at Freshwater SS. After the open day classes will begin on a Friday afternoon.
23.01.2022 Origami Club fun today, students made a sunflower.
23.01.2022 Freshwater Prep Enrolments 2021 - Please contact the office to book your session. 4058 9222
22.01.2022 The final staff v student Volleyball match was a close affair! Thanks to Mrs Landsberg’s super coaching, the Year 6 volleyball team who defeated Redlynch SC last week really challenged the staff! Well done to you all
22.01.2022 The Year 5 cohort have been learning all about the Australian Gold Rush in HASS this term. To culminate this unit of work, students enjoyed a visit from the volunteers of the Cairns Museum who brought with them interesting tools and items from that time period. The students enjoyed panning for ‘gold’, learning about cooking in the camps and looking at the different items prospectors carried in their swag and the importance of campfires. It was an engaging and interactive hour of learning!
22.01.2022 Thank you to all of the wonderful families who have supported the Japanese program and Origami Club this year at Freshwater SS. Good luck to the Year 6 students as they move onto high school. Mrs Fulwood is looking forward to seeing you all again next year!
22.01.2022 Welcome to the latest edition of our Schoolzine eNewsletter! Visit the link below to view your newsletter:
22.01.2022 On Tuesday, PJS received some letters from Santa. They accidentally got sent to 6NB, so they came down and delivered them to us.
21.01.2022 Music Recruitment 2021 Positions are still available for students in Years 3-5 who are interested in learning a Brass/Woodwind/String instrument in 2021. If you would like your child to be part of these instrumental music programs, please send them to collect a form from Mrs Howell this week and return to the school office by Friday 20th November. Spaces are also available in the junior and senior choral programs for 2021. Please express an interest via the following links:... JUNIOR CHOIR SENIOR CHOIR
20.01.2022 PJS have been learning some new computer skills. Students have been leaving how to log on, learning where the letters are and using the mouse.
20.01.2022 Looking for a new sport?
20.01.2022 Many thanks to Cairnssurfwoman Zara for sharing her amazing knowledge of all things surf lifesaving with our Year 5s today. We’re looking forward to seeing you again next year to share more with our students. Thanks Zara
20.01.2022 Merry Christmas from 2AM
20.01.2022 Today our 7 school leaders attended Leadership Showcase. It was a chance to share with some other school leadership teams our year that was. Our 7 leaders did us proud and presented all that they have achieved this year. From continuing a legacy idea from last year by beautifying the gardens at the front entrance, to our fundraising efforts for mesh signage to go along the fence by the canopy which we are in the process of completing. Including Day for Daniel, our Active Lunc...h Program culminating in our Crazy Legs Skip Off. Starting Containers for Change, and supporting Pink Stumps Day and continuing to sponsor a child - something which we have done for over 15 years now. Congratulations to the leaders and our student council. Even though this was a difficult year, the team focused on the highlights and are proud of all they achieved. Thanks to Mrs Jones and Mrs Weiss for attending. Student Council
19.01.2022 Get ready for an explosion of colour in Term 4! Our Colour Explosion Run has been rescheduled to Week 4 Friday 30th October. Please check your emails for more information.
19.01.2022 That’s a wrap for Year 3 and 4 swimming! Well done to you all. Looking forward to seeing the Year 5 and 6 students at the pool in the morning.
19.01.2022 PJS enjoyed the last week of school with their water play and picnic.
19.01.2022 We recently moved the bike racks to a position closer to Old Smithfield Road to assist with supervision before and after school. After an incident during school hours where a bike was stolen from behind the locked gates, we have moved the bike racks to their original position away from view. Heidi Marek, our Adopt-a-Cop, has recommended that students lock their bikes during the day, while on the school grounds.... It's also recommended that parents complete a Bicycle Identification Card provided by the Police Service (see link below). This form is kept in a safe place at home for future reference if required.
19.01.2022 1HB finished their NAIDOC activity. Great job students!
18.01.2022 Tuckshop Opening Hours Last Day of Term 3 Friday 18th September 2020 Open for First Lunch ONLY 10.50am 11.20am. Flexischool orders are for First Lunch at 10.50am.
18.01.2022 PRD finished off the term with a culminating activity focused on social skilling!
18.01.2022 Day 2 for our Freshie Staff
17.01.2022 Day 4 with the Freshie staff - wear a Christmas hat
17.01.2022 Just a reminder to all families that school finishes next Wednesday, 9th December.
16.01.2022 Well done to Crocs for winning the 2020 Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to Stanlee and Lily for being awarded the Spirit of Swimming. Congratulations to the students who attended and participated with lots of enthusiasm and sportsmanship. Thanks to all the teachers and teacher aides who made the day a wonderful success. Such a great way to end the term. Happy holidays everyone
16.01.2022 PKD - the finished product. Decorating their Christmas shirts!!
16.01.2022 Checking in with our wonderful staff today, asking them R U OK?
16.01.2022 LOVES REBRANDING To our valued school partners, Re: Loves buses will soon re-brand as Sunbus... We would like to inform you that all Loves buses will soon begin to take on a new look as Sunbus begins rolling out its brand across the fleet. Following the acquisition of the business last year, the buses will soon appear with the Sunbus logo on the side as the Loves brand is phased out. We anticipate this change will be small and seamless, however our drivers will take extra care to ensure students avoid any confusion about which bus to catch. The Loves website will remain active for the remainder of 2020 until a new Sunbus website is launched early next year. All school bus enquiries can be directed to Sunbus school coordinator Jenny Smethurst on 07 4035 4500 and we ask that you please check your contact information for us is up to date. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to get in contact with us. Best regards, Jenny Smethurst Schools and Charter Coordinator
15.01.2022 Merry Christmas from 1KD
15.01.2022 Have fun preparing for school in 2021 - follow the link to make a chatterbox. #earlyyearscounts
15.01.2022 Green and white day!!
15.01.2022 The staff kicked off 8 days of Christmas by wearing their fancy Christmas earrings.
15.01.2022 The Year 5’s participated in a Healthy Eats Challenge supported by Life Education. The Year 5 class who ate the most vegetables and fruit over a 4 week period won a healthy treat! 5AY came out victorious and the Freshie Tuckshop supplied them with healthy and tasty treats!
14.01.2022 That’s a wrap for the Prep - Year 2 swimming program and culminating activity! Many thanks to our wonderful swimming instructors Hayley, Travis and Jill from Marlin Coast Swimming and Fitness Centre- Smithfield for working so well with our junior students. Thanks also to Max and Lincoln ex Freshie students who returned for work experience this week and also our wonderful sports captains for all their assistance! Well done to everyone involved
14.01.2022 It’s all about you! Celebrate the wonder of your child and build excitement for a great start to school. Download the Wonderful me activity to undertake with your child. You might like to share with your child’s new Prep teacher too!
14.01.2022 Thank you to all the families who joined us for our Prep "Stay and Play' in Week 6. We look forward to welcoming you back in the new year for an opportunity to meet the Classroom Teacher before school commences for our Open Classroom. This is for our Prep 2021 students only.
13.01.2022 Day 8- Red and White day!!
13.01.2022 The annual Year 6 Marble Run competition took place yesterday. The students excelled in demonstrating the cutting edge of marble technology, with a new record time established for slowest continuous run - a very sticky, sweet three minutes!
12.01.2022 First race of the carnival
11.01.2022 Today is Tinsel and Holly - great job Freshie staff
11.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM MRS KNIGHT 2020 certainly changed the course for Physical Education and Sport at Freshwater State School. Congratulations to Taipans for winning the Year 3- 6 Athletics, Marlins for winning the P-2 Athletics Carnival. and Crocs for winning the 3-6 Swimming Carnival. ... Many thanks to the P and C for organising our Fun Colour Run and to the many students who raised funds for our school. Many thanks also go to - The teaching staff and teacher aides for their continued assistance and support in conducting sports trainings and implementing our sporting programs. Mrs Roxby for co-ordinating and preparing many facets of our sporting events this year. Mr Hornett for our ground linemarking and assistance with equipment. Our Sports Captains for their fabulous effort throughout the year. Your efforts and support are all very much appreciated. Wishing everyone at Freshwater SS a safe and Happy Christmas, New Year and 2021. I look forward to seeing you all again in 2021. Thanks Mrs Knight
11.01.2022 The year 1 students had Fire Educaton today. We learnt all about Fire Safety! We got to see all of the protective clothing that fire fighters need in order to enter a building on fire, or dangerous fire situation! We know never to be scared of the look or sound of a person in all of this protective gear! They are there to help us!!!!
11.01.2022 BOOKLISTS The book lists for all classes were emailed on Tuesday 17 November 2020. The book lists may also be accessed via our website
11.01.2022 Tomorrow is the Year Six End of Year Celebration at Sugarworld. Please bring * School uniform, hat and closed-in shoes * Sunscreen... * Towel * Water Bottle * Lunch (if not purchasing from cafe). Students will depart Freshwater SS via bus at 9:30am, and return at approximately 2:30pm. If permission has not yet been given for your Year 6 child to attend, please complete the Schoolzine form which was previously emailed to you, or email your class teacher for a link to the form.
11.01.2022 Last week students made a tshirt for Father's Day. This week they made elephants!
10.01.2022 Woohoo! Massive congratulations to the Year 6s for bringing the Freshwater SS v Redlynch SC Sports Challenge trophy home for the first time since 2010! Many thanks to all of our Year 6 teachers for their training and coaching of our Year 6 students who demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship along the way to winning back the trophy! Well done Freshie
10.01.2022 3TR have been exploring how found objects can communicate meaning in three dimensional works through using Playdough. This is in preparation for their upcoming Artworks this term.
10.01.2022 Last chance to check the lost property before unnamed items are taken away.
09.01.2022 Students made Christmas Trees at Origami Club today.
09.01.2022 Rewards Afternoon, Specialist winners!
08.01.2022 The Year Six Class of 2020 have enjoyed a wonderful day of celebration at Sugarworld. Our thanks to our great hosts and the teachers for making this day a reality.
08.01.2022 Week 7/8 PBL focus: Be Responsible - Follow instructions
08.01.2022 October 10th Taiiku no Hi Sports Day in Japan October is the middle of autumn, and generally fine weather in Japan, lending itself well to school sports days, called Undookai. Undookai began in the first half of the 1800’s when foreign teachers introduced the concept as a serious, competitive day. Since then it has become mainly for fun, with events such as Tug-of-War, Three Legged Race and Caterpillar Races being popular.
08.01.2022 PRD made their own cinema. They made tickets and had popcorn. They are loving dancing and moving to Go Noodle . Well done, PRD.
07.01.2022 Congratulations to all the Prep - Year 2 students, parents, teacher aides and teachers for a wonderful start to our 2020 swimming program today at Smithfield Pool! So looking forward to seeing you all at the pool again on Thursday. From Mrs Knight
06.01.2022 Last night past and present staff and friends celebrated Linden Parson's retirement. Linden contributed so much to our school over the years and we thank her for everything she did at Freshwater SS.
05.01.2022 The Peninsula Aquathlon trials will be held on Sunday November 8 at TAS White Rock. Students born in 2009 and 2010 who are confident they can complete a 1km run then 200m swim then another 1km run are permitted to trial for the Peninsula team. The Queensland State School Championships for this event will be held in Hervey Bay in February 2021. The 2021 Peninsula Triathlon/Aquathlon information can be accessed on the following link:
05.01.2022 FYI
04.01.2022 Year 4 classes are making and testing games for Science. Can you identify the forces these games have used?
04.01.2022 Looking good 1HB!
04.01.2022 Well done to the Freshwater Year 5 and 6 girls and boys AFL teams for their effort and sportsmanship at the AFLQ School’s Cup today at Watson’s Oval. Many thanks to Mrs Buttenshaw and Mr Miranda for coaching our teams. Thanks also to the parents who assisted in transporting our students to the venue.
04.01.2022 Just like in Australia, December is a busy month for the Japanese people with many important dates to celebrate. This is a very important time of the year for the Japanese people. They see it as a time to prepare for the new year when they can start afresh. Families and friends come together to celebrate and pray for a good new year.
03.01.2022 The Year 5 cohort have been participating in a ‘Healthy Eats’ competition, run by Life Education. Each day the Year 5 students record their fruit and vegetable intake in their passport. 5BW have enjoyed eating their fruits and veggies and recording their data.
02.01.2022 Congratulations to Crocs, our swimming carnival champions for the third time in five years. 1st - CROCS - 674 2nd - Marlins - 587 3rd - Eagles - 547... 4th - Taipans - 489 See more
02.01.2022 Starting Prep in 2021: What can families do together?
02.01.2022 Cairns Regional Council recently conducted consultation on the possibility of closing Vallely St to through traffic at the Lavis Rd / Old Smithfield Road intersection to create a cul-de-sac. Mixed feedback was received, with more residents opposing the proposal. This feedback has been fully considered by Council and a trial one-way entry arrangement is proposed for Vallely Street, as shown on the attached plan. This treatment will reduce traffic movements at the Old Smithf...ield Rd / Vallely St / Lavis Rd intersection and improve safety for all road users. Works to introduce the one-way entry trial will occur during the December 2020/January 2021 school holiday period. The trial will be monitored and reviewed to determine its success after approximately three months duration. If the trial is considered successful, permanent changes would be made to Vallely Street and a similar treatment could also be considered for Le Grande St. For further information, please contact Cairns Regional Council.
02.01.2022 Well done Year 5 and 6. We’ve had a great week at the pool! Looking forward to seeing you all at the Swimming Carnival!
02.01.2022 Students made a Santa at Origami Club today.
01.01.2022 Day 3 for our Freshie Staff- wear a Christmas headband
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